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Show The Tfumderbird Monday December 5, IS 8 Paqe 3 Education funds sought by Laura Wearing The proposal by Utahs educational reform committee to raise taxes to help provide $150 million more for Utahs educational system received overwhelming support by more than 1,000 people who attended a special town meeting at SUSC Wednesday. The crowd, joined by a panel including Gov. Scott M. Matheson, discussed the educational reform steering committee report titled Education in Utah, A Call to Action, which outlines the problems the state's educational system is facing and gives possible solutions. Matheson called the meeting, which drew one of the largest crowds in the history of southern Utah, to hear the opinion of the public. He said that without the support of the public it will be impossible to change the minds of the legislators and they will keep pushing for reform of the present system. Funds from the tax increase will provide the educational system with finances for educational quality for the rapidly increasing growth in schools, improve the quality of instruction, increase productivity by effective use of facilities, provide learners with diverse needs and increase public readiness to invest their money and concern in the educational system. The educational reform issue is vital to the future of the quality of education according to the majority of the panelists participating in the meeting. SUSC President Gerald R. Sherratt says he has been able to maintain quality productivity for an underfunded college whose student body has increased 21 without an percent in the past two years increase in funding. He added that SUSC has lost a lot of qualified professors because salaries are the lowest of all eight institutions in Dixie College President Alton Wade said that the deterioration in education is due to ratio, a 200 or the increase in student-teache- r e 300 percent increase in faculty, faculty members holding down more than one job, and the lack of adequate and equipment. In order to prevent this deterioration in educational productivity the reform issue has career ladder for established a the promotion of performance, with an increase in responsiblity and pay. The growth rate, however, cannot be prevented since Utah has the second highest birth rate in the United States. This problem of incoming students can only be solved by increased educational funds. Conversely, Sen. Ivan Matheson said that before increasing the states taxes, educators should look at reforming and cutting back the present system. The comment drew the question of how much more the present system can be reformed without taking the next step to help the future of Utahs educational system. The governor stated that $150 million is not enough to alleviate all the financial educational problems, since it is impossible to catch up all at once on the economic problems which have arisen over the past five years. However, the funds will allow for student body growth, new expansion and provide a 6 percent salary increase. i; j four-lev- individuals involved, and still protect the rights of other students. He reported that until SUSC campus security may final judgments are passed and have solved the mailbox vandalism problem, reports disciplinary action is taken, the Chief of Security Kent Hoyt. suspects names will not be Three suspects, who were released. The suspects still have the right to appeal any decision believed to be connected with the vandalizing of several post we make, said Church. office boxes, were questioned by According to Postmaster Delos Dalton, no other campus security last week. vandalism or theft occurrences The acts of vandalism, in which suspects have allegedly have been reported since broken into student boxes, campus security took over the taken mail and left it in garbage case. One individual was seen cans, have been occurring opening mail and throwing it repeatedly throughout fall away, Dalton said, but there is no way to prove that it quarter. As of now the suspects are wasnt his own mail. Both Hoyt and Dalton not being charged with theft, attribute the halt in vandal Hoyt said, We dont have action partly to the publicity it proof that anything was taken. received. I think it is a They are being charged with deterrent temporarily, Dalton meddling with the post office boxes. said. I know the problem would be worse if it hadnt At present, no arrests have been made. Hoyt said, We are gotten the attention from the press and campus security. turning the suspects over to the dean of students for disciplinary Anytime you make people aware of a problem, Hoyt said, action. it helps to control it. Dean of Students Sterling Chqrch: said he believes the Hoyt believes there may be egisodaitCt b? a malicious act of others who are involved .with vandafijjnU-Cnothe vandalism reoccurrences. a theft attempt. But there is still no evidence I.iim not sure what action will be said. I wont that money has been taker,. knot until all of the facts are If the meddling continues, the considered. Church said his main concern investigation will be resumed is to protect the rights of the immediately, Hoyt said. by Lanai Greenhalgh t he-sai- . 'Jt' part-tim- Three suspects questioned take-n,3fi- r Utah. . A uA, 1 Gov. Scott Matheson (top left), President Gerald R. Sherratt (top right), Regent Frank Petty (bottom left) and education steering committee member Anna Marie Dunlap (bottom right) participated in a discussion of educational reform and funding last week at SUSC. Labels can hinder by Lorraine Kessel self-estee- m speechless with another scarf and saying, Our familes put labels on us by overprotecting us to the point of rendering us helpless in making our own decisions. This is one of the most harmful fallacies of family life, and the killer of is created by your security in the fact that you make the world a better place because you are here. You must accept the fact that you are you and you own yourself, no one Adams explained that children become else can or ever will. on parents, grow hostile and move dependent Ramona S. Adams, associate dean of students at away from the patent instead of toward them. the University of Utah, presented Building Realizing this, we must move away from at the Perspectives on Health series and become like children overprotection Wednesday. once again. To be spontaneous is to spontaneous After earning her bachelors degree in sociology respond to what you feel is the eternal sense of the from the University of California at Berkeley, world." Adams received a masters of social work and a doctorate in counseling psychology from the U. of According to Adams we must disregard our U. She is the of the book Letting Go. parents mistakes and work hard to find selfAdams lecture continued, We must free esteem. We achieve this by following four ourselves from labels that others place on us, and precise steps. make our own. Only then can we begin to love First, make accurate records of your strengths. ourselves and find true Second, recognize that support from parents, as well as peers, is normal. Next, choose Adams demonstrated labels by taking a strong volunteer from the audience, binding her with people to provide support Finally, recognize the ropes, placing a scarf around her eyes, gagging her need to accept compliments and admiration. Self-estee- - SEC name contest ends today There is still time to submit names for the Special Events Center contest, said Michael D. Richards, assistant to the president. Today is the final day for anyone who would like to submit their ideas. Richards said that na'mes will be accepted at the presidents offict or .. . Over the telephone. What we a.e looking for is a name that will capture the full essence oEthec building,- Richards term to describe the whole explained, an umh-ell- a - " facility:! At this time - - names have been submitted; however, several have been rejected because they include names of individuals. According to 107. Richards, the SEC will only be named after an individual if they donate a very substantial amount of money for the building. There have been some humorous names submitred, Richards continued. The following are some of the names that have been received thus far: Centrum, Bristlecone Color Country Arena, Pavilion, The Southern Utah Arts and Events Center, Thunderbird j Roost, "Dine Bi Ghan, (House Of The People); and Bristlecone Haven. The Institutional Council will select the winning entry and reward the submitter with $200. |