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Show I 'I in , Salt Uike Mnuliv 1 ilisnwe 2. February Food queries: Hot Spiced Tomato Juices an apres ski treat! Bernik Luke Lifestyle Food Editor Italian sea tablespoon son.ng ham hock or small piece of nhs or pork, if desired By J' St husMTs, hot (ioggt!- - o ns VI When vcm come to the end ot a perfect day on tne slopes, theres nothing liKe a roaring and lots of nreplace tun. my-- arming food S-- 4 V, Wvllf f SSS' and fcjfelv browned .&Pit,i enthusiasts crosscountry Italian sausage, hot or mild, to your taste !J v &' " buck the chilhng Minds with n.iry a giumhlo But as the d. ... - 1. r?.o 9- , shadow s lengthen on the mo ,! Beautiful snow m the world, the Best of the skiers are leady to warm themselves Hon: the Sues up And nothing does it hetu--r ill. in mugs of piping Hot Spice d Tomato Juice accord ir.it o th ski happy David C Barton family Duse Dawna and their cnildrcn Brxk, Jill I mri and Krnt head for the mils evY chance they get to hi to the ir hcai eonU nt is i i tj y w f-- ' f t J5 H , - 2- i rM Tv At "ii- V1 - V.- - )ur 9 3 v rjf"' 'as, : s 1 ; JO tX :' r i - ! f - 4 lit: JkJPr ui g vw,r' ; , v- i 4 ii- - !v T; -- f ts "Dave and 1 have w ,&: aik "Ihrnugh the years we e enjoyed skiing together and have made it a family affan each weekend to head for one of the ski areas," Dawna said as she filled mugs with steaming Hot Spiced Tomato Juice The Barton clan had just returned from a day of skiing. "Of coarse we come home and happily exhausted starving I have found if I give ev eryone a mug of Hot Spiced Tomato Juice, it keeps them satisfied while Fm preparing dinner " Clever homemaker, Mrs. David C. Barton, sent her excellent recipe in answer to a request made by St. George Header along with o' her good cooks Mrs. Amanda K. B Tischner; Lehi Reader; Mrs. I. S. Turner; Mrs John Voyt; Mrs. Ilenry W. Thornton; Mrs. Bryant L. Brady, Vernal, Mrs. Alton Zundcl, Monticello: Mrs. Keith Kendall; Mrs. Fran Gregory; Mrs. Tina W. Jackson; Mrs Marge Porter; Mrs. K. D Sorenson; Brigham City Reader; Mrs. Henry W. Davis and Salt Lake Reader. Thanks to one and all! Hot Spiced Tomato Juice (Mrs David C. Barton) 1 cups tomato juice f tablespoons brown sugar t 2 1 hole cloves sticks cinnamon slic es lemon w Combine all ingredients in heavy kettle Heat to boiling Reduce temperature and simmer for five minutes Strain ar,d serve in mugs Senes four to five Hot Tomato Zip A Kendall) iMrs. Keith i 10 ounces tomato soup 4 Calls f a! a ov taih. Time for an apres ski warmer-uppe- r as the Itaitons share mugs of Hot Spiced Tomato David. Dawna. Kent. I, inn and JiU. 1 'ts ounces eachi tomato juice soup cans water cup lemon juice 2 tablespoons sugar tablespoons Worcestershire sauce Place all ingredients m large kettle and heat to near boiling Stir well. Pour into large tureen and garnish w ith parsley Ladle into mugs Serves 25 Hot Spiced Tomato Juice (Mrs. J. S. Turtterl S quarts tomato juice 2 die ed green pepper diced onion teaspoon celery salt 1 1 1 up- shire sauce 1 2 teaspoon ground oregano allspice berries .1 1 In (Mrs. Afton Zundcl) 1 - - whole cloves tablespoons lemon juice large kettle combine er Mar-chan- t; 2 Worcester- tablespoon 1 Add celery salt, pepper, Tabasco and Worcestershire place allspire berm cloves ries, spice bag to be remov ed before serving Simmer for 15 minutes Remove from heat. Stir in lemon juice Serve piping hot Serves 12 Hot Tomato Drink. 2 teaspoon pepper teaspoon Tabasco tionali appetites, serve your hungry crew some savory Italian Spaghetti. It will really speak their language delicious! Mrs. Linda Clark requested recipes for this favorite filler-uppand good cooks Mrs. Betty Smith, Gieuwood; Mrs. E. L. Hansen; Mrs. Elaine Burbieri; Mrs. Karol Beard. Midvale; Mrs. Tom Kendall. Mrs. W. D. Ellis; Mrs. Collin Rector; Mrs. Nancy Mrs. Peter Donnolly; Mrs. Shirley Wilson and Salt Lake Reader sent some dandies. Thanks much! Spaghetti Sauce 1 quart tomato juice cans (104 ounces eachi consomme or bouillon cans water prepared teaspoon mustard 4 (Mrs. Betty Smith) "My aunt married a man from Sicily and this was the cup brown sugar teaspoon sauce recipe he preferred. 1 medium onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, put through garlic press or chopped Worcestershire Dash of garlic salt Dash of onion salt Dash of celery salt Combine all blending well. minutes fine 1 ingredients, Simmer 2n Serve piping 2 hot 1 2 Submit a picture In'fore wedding The great me rease in the number of weddings in our area makes it ixissible for The Tribune to publish only the engagement or wedding photograph, but not Doth To assure publication, photographs tor use with wedding announcements in The Tribune should be m the office ot the Lifestyle Dept , Room 212. Tribune Bldg at ! j': d y of jst one week the wedding ceremony The ?8 charge for wedding photographs is to cover reproduction costs. Because of the volume of photographs handled, The Tribune can assume no responsibility for pu times subilutted. Golden wedding and birthday announcements are charged for space used at the rate of approximately t! per inch They should be submit-teto classified advertising tablespoon onve oil cans 18 ounces each) tomato paste can (28 ounces) tomatoes tablespoons sugar or to taste Salt and pepper Parsley flakes (about 1 tablespoon) Ann being requested by Mrs. Wynne Bnng to boiling and reduce heat dimmer a least three Burs Add meatoalls and cook an additional hour, stirring often Serve over hot cooked spaghetti Top with Parmesan ( heeo1 Meatballs i gg, beaten 4 cup grated cheese 1 teaspoon parsley flakes Salt and pepjjer 2 slues dry bread put in bunder to make tine bread crumbs Bread? asks Mrs. William Whiting. Mrs. Robert Rvram, Garland, is n questing tasty recipes for preparing leftover roasts. She also would like change-oi-paerecipes for raw egc table and tinit salads. i Recipes tor Pizza Snack Rolls ale mi the w mi list being requested bv Mrs. June Zachreson. Send recipes and requests to Bonnie Lake. The 1(1. to be used hi this Salt Igike Tribune, ZIP column next week. pound lean ground beef Beat egg and add grated hecse, parsley flakes and ,a!t and pepper to taste Put bread slices through slender to make fine crumbs, 'id enough milk to make Hoist. Mix in ground beef 3!end well and lightly make nto meatballs. Brown m hot ilive oil and add to sauce Simmer one hour, stirring often. Serve over hot cooked spaghetti. Top with Parmesan cheese Pull a little switeheroo on your accents and let a bit of enhance your nearty wintertime meal. Let the crustiest French Bread this side of Par-ee- " 'pell mighty fine eating when the winter winds blow. Mrs. Janice F. Drake requested recipes for French Bread and Mrs. Dorothy Wims sent a dandy we felt we must share with you. Thanks much, Dorothy! Crusty French Bread "par-le-vo- o (Mrs. Dorothy Wims) 14 cups warm water 1 package active dry yeat 14 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon soft shor tening 1 tablespoon sugar 14 cups sifted flour, about Cornstarch Glaze American Fork. Ephraim Reader, Mrs. Keva B. Larsen, is requesting recipes for Pickled Eggs. She also would like recipes for Fudge made with butter. "Does anyone have a recipe for Salt Rising Walnh, Agency Corp Measure water into large bowl Add yeast and stir rnUl dissolved. Add salt, shortening and sugar Stir in 2 cups of the flour Boat well. Add remaining flour to make a moderately stiff dough. Turn out on lightly floured surface and knead eight to 10 minutes or until dough is springy and does not stick to board Butterscotch h Sauce ( 1 Mrs. Melba G. Birred cup brown pxi ked t up suiar, I well granulated sugar rated milk 4 tip butter 2 labli pjoiis ioi u syrup 4 Uuspx'nsali t aspoon v aiiilla 1 cup evapoteted nuik In a .sain epati uer medium heat, combine the brown sugar granulated sugar, z. tup evaporated milk, butter, com syrup and salt. Cook , lhi'-minutes, cool slightly Stir m vanilla and . cup,, evaporated milk Blend well Serve over ice cream Cornstarch (daze teaspoon cornstarch teaspoon cold water 4 cup boiling water 1 e Mix cornstarch witn told water. Combine woth the boil mg water and cook unti smooth. Use as directec above for Place in greased bowl and brush top with melted shortening. Cover with a cloth and let rise m warm place until doubled m bulk, about one Every one's favorite meal topper is a scoop of rich ice cream topped with yummy Butterscotch Sauce. Delihour cious! Punch dough down and let Mrs. Airginia II. Malm rise again until almost dourequested recipes for this bled, about 30 minutes. tasty topping and fancy Punch dough down and turn cooks Mrs. Meiba G. Birred, onto lightly floured board n American Fork; Mrs. Divide into two equal porII. Burgin, Centerville; diamonds ec fCSW&h cemw tions Roil each half into an iblong, about 8x10 inches. Roil up very tightly, sealing aids well and tapering them resemble o commercial French bread Place loaves on greased baking sheet. with Cornstarch Glaze and let nse, uncovered, about 14 hours Brush again with Comtarch Glaze. With a sharp knife, make Vi inch deep slashes in dough at intervals. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes Brush again with Cornstarch Glaze. If desired, sprinkle loaves with sesame seed or poppy seed and return to oven. Bake about 30 minutes or until golden brown. B,-u- t ne? join ns in cekbrating the openingof ElainePowers 275th salon in McKeesport, PA. 141 S Main 4 5i Introducing the LrtV cost ef bsing: (rand Opening 'special No J to the first MS to call. I iilimited v isils l) am to l) pul per month ( iKD4t t )nr . . . n t r n uni J jh n ( nmpktc nt ct, i it pmxram. Wmlll. Iasuiiii at si art o( Prtvntm We re Nuniher ()ne-tb- c w oi Id's hugest fisa.e control svstem. And wev e got the fi; guies to prove i( thousands of satisfied losers. Call for vnur free figure armlvsis now during introductory days At all Elaine Bowers Salons i.t this area Wy ncetb 1 fned i pnet any My cm afford WW ( al If yrm are a drvs. )4 you cn lie u size 10 m 16 you ('un lie a ize 12 m 1H you cun lie iizr 14 hi 2U 14 in you taut fie 22 , yuu urn hi cue 16 in If fur any reavvfi you fail to thrxe rmuitM, Powur gise you 6 month free! EIhss Powers Figure Salons -- C0ML41! U 0 U UiJci tne feeling historic. Hand decorated gia'-- ctnrnneys, antique brass accents, mellow fruit wood fm.h and wro iqht iron me the elements used in this one of 2001 difftmnt bright classic design chandelier It's TV mtt rpretu;iOn is IHH new h' Mum. In P i p m. Nwlurtin m. I 3! is at City Elt-u- P o days W d.ivv 51 tUv m vb 252-545- shrtprd wih chjrjcteriat c dash to from the nm nf wirter Raou linen one Dutton bidder nvith patrh pockets Cot yu Sab Lake 22b0 So Mam St. OreT 1b91 So btatt, St A a y ithe skirt SSfe CO Maltkirg pants availab $2b 00 (in nafur i or L!rX Con terTjplf CiUtcn pjrr Dv 3onme Ca h n V34 00 GREAT CM2B 3939 Highland Drive & SUGAR MOUSE 2130 5. mil fast 5-87- 04 Foothill Village S42 00 ftOftf sdu 2787 VI. 3508 Ss-.-l- h fx ?i 4C m 257-724- 3 hiwe ill I p m, MURRAY H0LLADAY 5656 S. 900 Ect 1 jst dyt J6 day s ide Z 4 cup undiluted eiaoo S-- Newspaper , Lver-Smoot- e d deuarlment, the .bread 3r -- ad O. Timmerman, Mrs. Janef Larsen, PJckfield. Mrs. RatJA Thorueison; Ivi.s. II. G. ter; Mrs. Russel! Timothy. ' Ogden; Mrs F. G. Jackson; Louise Pcr-- I end Salt Lake Render seat some dandies. Thanks sweeties! hoping yen ith recipes for wanted list Milk with a dollop of sour cream on top To .atisfj hefty wintertime tomato juice, green pepper and onion. Simmer 30 minutes Either blend vegetables and return to juice or strain and remove as desired. w Brown onion and garlic m hot ohve oil until soft Add tomato paste with 4 cans of watei ipaste cans). Add tomatoes Puree if desired. Add seasonings and pork and sausage, browmed 1 Ccins Mrs. MarJean Edge!, cooks will supply her Sourdough Biscuits. good non-cruNm- 1 loved to ski and have made it i point to teach the children nmo-- t as soon as they could REQUESTS UUUWU 's.'nivixCi Mrs. Roland Pemberton Mrs. Leah Tiny, Centerville; Mrs. Grant Faroe; MrO |