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Show 1J'V,Tt.r i f 1 wn-s l&i,if3rr r - viwivf - tKj mnivM3t)VcCc,tf t.1 Jfl"1 "1 $ lake The Sait ij. A1 ?,. 1975 Tnli;e.i?U!id.J'(-t.niqr- , An Educator Earns Jackass Award Mai Rafferty Normally, would save tins little nuggrt for my annual Jackal of the Year award ceremony, at which 1 bo- By Dr 1 f!tS 'Mj,u."i,mn 8' stow u Hi- - the 234lb. mi -- - St - I- - EXTU1GU13HER f Ert-'-'r- t ORLOPS ACRYLIC CAMS BOOTH HOSE i s Our Reg. 9.97 Our Reg. !Pm 'i &TTJ S3" dry chemical lire extingu'sher. ; rs, v ' -- jt x , ,, t Ay, Erushed orlonstretch v bootie fen paiywyytA, v fjw, ' riewyipteujs'i,' in cudd'y colors r f v?,s V Vv !s - - ' - '-- . ! fit nr- j.,,.7 i ?' ,7- -i - ,f . Hi s - '''" .c ) L"'r;' 'v ,: k vN , MOP rKr 148-24- 1 9-- J $ It -- v' h . fc( 7 $ r i V4,iV? f-- , v ', 5 ' , ?, j- i7 "1 d"- - m -- v ' r ;3 . h. Mens Sizes P0R4V fez. inMB isl ItaJ 4$ - wi, ;r5J -: Vote Denial L'njusl Listen to liim "To denv the vote to the young is uniust They are likely to bo more deeply affected than anyone else by the decisions the government makes Now, by young he means 6 years old. That's what 1 said. Dr. Spook: 6 years old. And yes, I know that even in your most bizarre outpourings, Doctor, you never went that far There is, however, more. The infantophile Holt ' poses other rights for the the vi emancipated toddier: right to travel freely; the if nsht to establish his home without his parents permit;- fr,gD sior., the right to receive from the state whatever mm- f&! imal income it may guaran- c'ii tee to adults. Die right to direct and manage his own education; the right to choose his own guardian, and simply J,ivl, hi : i' Is- n?i Sport shirts in polyester, Kodel polyester cotton. Solid colors and prints Save! vV"" VVx5 J4f y .." BOVS LIU! M S3 WARHI- - &4' ITS -- H;; m gmm e Our Reg. r! t Screen-prin- 6.97 poly- ester short sleeve Hr ud tops. Colorful patterns on white or tinted background. In misses sizes. nylon taffeta with cotton flannel cuffs. Drawstring bottom. Save now! lining. Elastic Weather-wis- e fgcr 3iiiyiE CASSETTES 9IK SI LADDER Our Our Reg. 9.37 But, no Its not that sun pie. What we have here is a classic if tragie example of an educator who belle vwi every tlmm his education professors told him in college, and w ho sw allowed hook, line and sinker every screwball theory put forth by his text-- , psychology. Ho is merely lishment says, rho fluid's interests should determine the schools uimculuni. Holt goes one slip further The and says, in efleet, child's interests should deter-- ' nune everytbmg No Inhibitions No inShibboleth No. 2 hibitions should he permitted to interfere with the development of the childs ereativi- Holt extends tills to ty. include sex, solo dm uig on freeways and deciding whose home Junior wants to live 111 ,nd, of course, weve been pleaching the welfare state in public school civ ics classes ever since FDR v mted it Holt simply lot lows the main Alice-iu- premi'o to its Our Req. 11.97 PS "5 01 Wonderland completion, namely that the kids should KSDFM Salt Lake S&m 4.53 4 zksZ.ii. I "teskfesw- w Salt Lake Savs 2.49 Handy 27 step ladder with brown trim. Rubber sole and fake seal fur upper. Buy now! Women's sizes. White, 4Vj hrs. taping time Charge Save1 LJ L it1 KQPD Ogden ry. - t ; ' I; "i6V;s tivv '41;. e-- T REIOTS-COMT- i r--; Reg. 34.83 12 volt WEDGE SPEAKERS.. iv-,- J 'X Save $19 l slide editor, 4 proiecior h?s pop-u- p F3 5 projection lens Tray holds 100 slides. Y--: ., AM), Monday, Sunday, February 3 (KSL-IM- , February 10 (KQPD) Richard L. Evans, Narrator American Salute (Based on "When Johnny Comes Gould Marching Home) Symphony No. 2 in E Minor Thompson Lincoln Portrait (with spoken text derived Copland from Lincoln's letters) , Gershwin Porgy and Bess: A Symphonic Picture . I"1 'HI ''"''hYi, tLxd I It t f4 GAF 2680 remote .6 88 Pr AIR FILTER cont-o- MOTHER'S SAVinGS t "'teli - Ol Our Reg. 89.88 fia C0l,4t.clatn jxixicsu 8LBraOJECTS'''v.. PLAYER Mondays at 8 :00 p.m. 101.9 on Your Dial (In Stereo) AM); Monday, Sunday, February 2 (KSL-FM- , February 3 (KQPD) Toiiy Spivakovbky, Violinist 1312 Overture Solenelle Fohaikovbky Concerto for Violin and Orchestra Stravinsky Suite from The Firebird Stravinsky Symphonic Poem, Pines of Rome Respighi -- ff. s i RACK: TOE ;'f at 6 : 30 p.m. 1160 on Your Dial FEBRUARY PERFORMANCES Xfr yS Sundays at 12 Noon 100.3 on Your Dial (Stereo) Sundays KSL-A- AM); Monday, Sunday, February 15 (KSL-FFebruary 17 (KQPD) Joan Sutherland, Soprano Richard Bonynge, Guest Conductor Handel Overture to Berenice A1 tuo seno fortunato from Orfeo and Euridice Haydn Moart Symphony No. 40 ir G Minor, K. 550 Verdi Overture to La Fora del Fall Operetta Airs Kind du kannst tanen from Die gesthiedene 1 rau Schlafcoupe Lied from Die gesthiedene I rau Heute Naeht from Die bpanisehe Nachtigall Dollarprinzessms Aria from Die Dollarprlnzesnn Heute Koennet einer sem Glueck bti nnr machen from Madams Pompadour" Und der Himmel haengt voller G eigen lrom Der hebe Agustin Vchi Ah, forsfe lui from l Traviata" Mad same from "Lucia di Lanurermoor Donizetti , - Rinas De-nin- o OFF REG. Reg. 2.68 For most U.S. cars. ' BREATHER y PRIGS! H .J X- Great Vdlenltne s Day gift lor Mothers and - mothers ELEMENT 99c assorted ' Grand- ' '7 u. V 4 ., " - 4t Vour choree of btrthsionea and ring styles Buy now! V 1 x ; :4i v . vYo , 4 'frrz'c. -'- I, s -r ar xA a1 Jil t id HI ,X f-- CY - - Sung fry Mint Sutht rknd Presented As A Public Service by t'4 p ? A l VBsttviUX. r Jf i X' vy - i If i f 2 t it f 1 w? (." - X id r r , , T" 5 H i. -- s k tie -r -- J?y J V r, X - 't e k'' ? f ' 4t 4l' S. - Juvr p -- . i L 4 i U ME3li - 4r tJ ' vstiiaX . - . Ive been subconsciously afraid foi years that some poor devil would stray ovg the brink and actually believe ev cry w ord of what passes for educational philosophy 111 this country. Believing even a small pari ot this phantas-rf4- l magoncai foUy is virtually guaranteed to make the eyes cross, the stomach turn and the braui spin like a helicop--I- ; ter rotor. ,as antl lckaday . It s finally happened. (Copyright' ABIUVANEL Director and Conductor 2 . get their weekly allowance' from Big Brother in W ashing-to- n instead of from dear old Dad Musical IK. i 111 UTAH SYMPHONY f? Vi . amyed and systematic fatuity to Its logical conclusion Thus, the education estab- tan y mg OF THE liii BOOTS Rg. 2.53 the ' MEMORABLE PERFORMANCES c tSii AFTER v. of Three Stooges ri retec IEP grettahle passing theres an books in behavioristic seems W? t&zsvn " yUm - educator named John Holt lecturv.g around the country who is telling all and ., undry all on this Save purpose sponge pf that children should I1 per mop. Sturdy Save now1 C,:Xn3i nutted to (a vote m local, i- and national elections, state 1 a ifS'Yy tb) work ui regular trades and rfV'4 I V' ' occupations, (e) drive thcLr Vf it, Ks ! own ears and (d) conduct 'f t?VV thou- - own private sex lives. 1 v- pause to assure you that VWI a tills is not repeal not a drollery or a iury put-op-s-d by your kindly columnist. If it is all this is a flim-flaHolts and, after reading Ins vlev's: with sincere if somewhat stupefied attention, Im ,.inclined to think hes really serious. 0 stretch orion hose in the brightest fashion colors Buy now and save 1 v, A J . 12 1 months how-A , Knee-h- i nylon preceding - 'Jr collective leg. Either he's trying for instant limelight and a fast buck or hes attempting to fill a national no. I for belly laughs and pratfalls created by the r reader, ever, has just sent m a wire service clipping with a Boston dateline which rates a column all its very own Sava . $ V- during the c 78-88- &. in American b education ik SPONGE I gr 234-i- b biggest blockhead .J L., H r I e ensiles more, all eguaiy idiotic When 1 first perused thik fantasy, 1 said to myself' This guy is pulhng our MOUNTAIN FUEL i o' Wr |