Show BAFFLE THE TAX TA gati inners residents on an irish island enjoy immunity froni from taxation tto tho difficulty oi of raps li 12 a number ot if islands lying os off the coall of donegal ireland was discussed at a recent rac meeting racketing eting of tho the donegal c county council it was stated that rates had net been paid in tory island for the I 1 last st 2 20 years and that within the past few years the islanders of gole InIsher cr and others had bad followed 1 tho the example of their tory brethren and developed a conscientious objection to 10 rate collectors it was impossible to get boatmen to t tabe 1 1 41 out collectors to serve demand rates or mase malie collections collodi ons and even su summons almons servers ser who had summonses for the islanders were refused a passage on one occasion the collector eli a boat and succeeded in teaching reaching the first island before his hia mission na ivas discovered the boatman then refused to take tahe him back to the n finland rin land and it was only after much promising and pleading that bs be was allowed loved al to re on enter the boat A councilman said that short of the islanders when they came to the mainland and stripping their clothes oft off them he dl not see how they were to be made fiade to ta pay |