Show there is a habit growing among our people of putting on wraps and making other preparations to rush out while the last song is being sung at meeting and while the closing scene is being enacted at the theatre at tho opera house last friday evening the play ended by the performers arranging themselves about tho organ and singing the doxology now wo we do not wish to be understood as complaining because the strains of the doxology were lost upon the audience because this instance was v as no exception some people either through the urgent necessity ot of fresh air or else a desire to be seen as they go out make it a P point to rush out of the opera house while the play Is yet unfinished thereby not no only disturbing the performers but also the balance of the audience which desire to see the finish of the play this ethis is a most annoying practice to well bred people and those guilty of doing it exhibit a deplorable con aldon of ill breeding and should by y all means reform r it IE not tor for their own sakes in consideration for the feelings of others politeness costs nothing and yet it is one of the greatest factors in the making of a successful carper but there are solas people who have woefully neglected this part of their idu du catlon cation repent while it is yet time |