Show HOMES read ENTRIES U 8 LAND OFFICE SALT baice LAKE CITY J may ma aud 1819 11 emzi editors kors kots deseret mews news 1 v please publish ih the tho follo following whig information for the benefit of the people of this thia territory full fall instructions have been received by this office in relation to additional homestead entries within railroad and autri entries es under the tho march ad 1879 may now be m made q de inthis land district where an entry of 80 acres acrea has been made under the laws heretofore in force an additional entry of 80 acres may now be made without payment of further fee or commissions but for an original entry of acres under the eald said act the fee and commis aiona are by law nixed fixed at atS 2200 2200 an additional entry requires new forms but no blanks blanus yet been furnished to this office further information will be given on application jig JNO B NEIL Ee register Reg beg gister lster ister |