Show BY BT TELEGRAPH I 1 UNION nime LIME A 31 IE it I 1 C A N CHICAGO aj A snowstorm of great violence is raging throughout a number of f the eastern 1 I nd nearly all the western states eastok the rocky mountains in this city business of all kinds is nearly suspended snow lies lles to a great depth inthe lathe in the streets street cars drawn wn by horses are moving g only with great difficulty and in the thie freight yards in railway st station atlon the freight handlers and train employees are engaged in an attempt to clear the tracks passenger passenger aralas trains only attempting to leave at the signal sst atlon the news was rather conflicting conflict c uns ins and confused this much was authoritative however the snowstorm has come from the south it arose in the gulf of mexico vester day and has been traveling a little east of north since hince the wind is blowing with a velocity of about twenty miles per hour ane weather is especially fierce in all the lower lake regions from here to buffalo I 1 it has taken its flight to the st lavrence lawrence region in a northeasterly dir direction ebion this morning the storm had bioc i cached the northern end of lake michigan neither will it reach as far northwest nort nonn west as duluth nut out takes take 4 iu in wisconsin while snowing here and all along the lake region the storm has produced rain in the ahlo ohio valley tais being so large a storm antorin haid bald the signal officer as to include all kinds of weather in its wake while snowing fiercely in buffalo for instance it is raining at pittsburg pitt burg but a couple of hun hundred Ired miles koue ROUX south the rain extends as far south as northern mississippi ippi an actual measurement of the s snowfall now f all ail has not been possible by reason of excessive arif drifting ting but at least six aix inc iless fell between tha ba be ginning of the storm last night I 1 and 6 this morning although the temperature early this morning was live ave degrees higher by the thermometer than yesterday 1 S t erday morning it is rapidly growing grow 1 colder fidei in the northwest region especially in manitoba dakota and norl morL northern hern bern minnesota the frigid wave is spread spreading lug inq at fort geary lat night the mercury had 41 degrees below zero and at st tit vincent 38 below this excessively c ces 1 caid cald wave is moving east cast ward and may maybe lie tie upon us tonight to night 11 in titis aliis city at noon the mercury stood A above tbt storm which commenced sun sunday d mornin morning extending throughout I 1 illinois iowa nebraska michigan indiana minnesota and andt wisconsin is in some respects remarkable the thermometer in is below zero a at t certain points in this state while at tile the same time a hundred miles distant it is raining with severe thunder storms the fall of snow varies from 14 inches to three feet on the 1 lie ill level all ali railroads are more or less blockaded mck eded and in many sections all f might and passenger trains are abandoned tonight to night the fall of snow is discontinued discon tinned and the thermometer mor neter marks from zero to 1 13 below springfield 9 0 much anxiety is manifested lest some of the members member sot of the le legislature who went home to spend sunday should be blockaded on the railways by the great storm and fail fall to reach here in time for balloting for U S senator tomorrow to morrow the law requires that balloting shall take place morrow tomorrow to there are more republicans than democrats ausent and the legislature being a tie tic the chances tonight are in favor of the democrats GALVESTON CALVESTON galves CALVES ron TON tex 9 sensational and conflicting reports continue to come from carrizo springs all accounts acree asree that another sharp encounter took place between the mexicans and sheriffs posse in III which three more of the raiders were killed and a division of the raiding band driven back across the rio grande drande another fight with the marauders is expected before the border is cleared the authorities of dim ulm abitt county have been reinforced by inen and arms from adjoin adjoining hig counties A heavy posse of ranchmen ranchman ranch men are scouring the country for the other division of the raiding band BLOOMING bloomington ron TON ills 9 A man named douglass ennis spent sunday here sayin saying he was in search of a man named chou chauncey acey mccallum whom he lie would kill on sight for keeping company with a girl whom he ennis ennab had followed to this city from memphis ile he went to the neighboring town of danvers this morning bought a revolver and began drinking in th the a village age saloons with john parr a farmer and both got drunk and went to parrs house this evening ennis undertook to load his revolver parr objected and ennis shot him twice t ce parrs parr s son mame kame to his fat fathers tiers rescue and ennis aiso also shot him both will probably die jauis escaped west va 9 friday dudl was discovered to be on fire kibe kihe be building chained to the wall was junatia Juna tic he had managed to straw fr from om his bed and set it on fire when discovered he was dancing wild glee giec although the flames dangerously near him malor major and charles dorateo Hor ateo after a struggle managed to free the lunatic As s soon 0 on as he was outside the build lii ill be lle seized his ills chain and struck on the head fracturing his skull then started started on the run for the river just Us ashe be was jumping in sheriff Kohl and several caught him and after a struggle him back to lali jail on the way the maniac stabbed robinson in the leg bic bit dr harveys dinger finger nearly off galveston texas axas 9 A weatherford special says two 3 youn oun inon men frank A trees and frank B dorsey were seriously stabbed saturday night by a man named II 11 M martin arrived on the mid night train with six children his fattler father and mother ii law accosting trees and dorsey on the street they directed the strangers to a hotel when martin without provocation plunged a dagger in the breast of each man martin was arrested HAVRE da DE GRACE md 9 this morning five men employed in repairing a bridge over the susquehanna river were thrown down on tile tiie ice by the breaking of a scaffold tile the fall fali was 50 feeland fee fec tand the men went through the ice into the river two were reported drowned and three rescued in a precarious condition Cn creston CHESTON EsTON iowa 9 A serious accident occurred about vu en miles west of this place yesterday afternoon As a train on the tile chicago burlington and quincy railroad westward bound approached pro ached a bridge across a small stream they struck a broken rail and tilted along oil on the ties until it ran on the he bridge which went down carrying it two coaches and ard a sleeper containing from 20 to 25 23 passengers following Is a list of the killed robert brown mount pleasant iowa mrs powell new albany indiana In dlana C carroll Sau gache colorado seven n injured d huntington re hington tIng ton pa 9 annie and ella miller aed aged 17 and 13 respectively were struck by the mail expresses at mapleton sunday night ella was instantly killed and annie seriously injured but will pio plo probably pi bably babiy recover the girls giris iris were on oa their way home from frow prayer meeting green bay vis wis 9 an accident occurred on the milwaukee northwestern railroad this afternoon four miles south ol 01 this city A delayed freight train was run into ty by a snowplow snow plow smashing the caboose the accident was due to the blin biln blinding dlug diug snow storm J J annas of deeper h had ad a bleg le broken and received internal injuries lie he will probably lle ile lie die W WJ J bates publisher of the sunday burday advance of this city cry was hurt but not seriously PEORIA Ills liis 8 three boilers in the starch works of odthe the pir Fir firmenich manufacturing fac turing company exploded sunday c evening ailing the building which was by badly d y d damaged by the fire lire and I 1 is probably a total loss soane some of the boilers were thrown a distance of several blocks two men are missing iri III but it has neen been impossible yet to make search for them CHICAGO 10 the mercury fell feil ell rapidly after midnight mid night and reports from all western points indicate clear and cold coid weather in this city at 8 the tile signal reports the temperature ackelow 14 below zero at omaha 1711 17 below kansas city it 14 below st paul 23 below dubuque 26 20 below keokuk 15 below fargo 30 10 below winnipeg 32 below the worst effects of the storm appear to be southeast of chicago trains between here and louisville and cincinnati are completely blocked the morning rooming pas passenger trains east were abandoned except by one line the roads all ail expect act to send out afternoon trains alt alf all ail incoming trallis trains from the west are six to eighteen hours late trains are leaving f for or the weston tim time freight business on all the roads is practically suspended BRAZIL ind 10 A terrible accident occurred at the rolling mill at six thiry this morning the boiler exploded burying four men under the ruins of taepu the dlin furnace and kill killing 1 n two others fifteen were serious seriously ay injured 17 re alrid and burned some will die dle the four men buried under the f furnace arnace were all taken out dead gloucester II mass ilass aSS 10 A heavy g gale gaie aie ale raged here all night the portuguese briz brig juiia julia norton dragged her anchor and drifted on the rocks at fresh water cove the crew of 11 men were rescued by thelise the lifesaving life ilfe saving crew with much difficulty the vessel was als completely wrecked NEW YORK 10 freedman in the superior court today to day rendered his decision in the proceedings brought by theodore roosevelt and others against ex mayor franklin edson who was implicated with others on motion to punish the ex mayor for contempt of court in disobeying the injunction order granted by judge beach last december which restrained the ex mayor from making any nomination for fora a commissioner of public works and corporation counsel judge freedman finds ex mayor edson guilty of contempt and directs that he be confined in the county jail for 15 days and in addition pay anlue annne a nine fine of SAN FRANCISCO 10 lieutenant iverson U US S navy who arrived on the last china steamer is bearer of a letter f from r orn oin the king of korea to president arthur the contents are unknown but suppose supposed d to bean be an acknowledgment of courtesies shown the korean embassy while visiting this country TRENTON NJ N J 10 the ice in the Delaw delaware are arc moved about six I 1 and blocked f from rom the river view cemetery to morris island the gorge is forty feet high and fair street is flooded boats are in use for travel the pennsylvania railroad is threatened creek is swo ollen and in danger f from arim backwater much dama damage a has been done and more is apprehended N ew brun Brur brunswick swick N J 10 the ice in the karlton kariton river was broken up last night by the flood caused by heavy rain the banks othe of the river were a submerged manufacturing establishments lish ments and dwellings along the banks are flooded chester pa 10 heavy rains melting the snow raised chester cilester creek to an unusual height last night and caused considerable damage from lentil lenal tc to the delaware river mer a distance ol 01 eight miles the damage is extensive to manufacturing establishments dwell ing houses bouses railroad and county bridges but no loss of life is reported philadelphia pa 10 the ice has not moved in the delaware river kiver above the city and although the water is up to the top tup of the wharves in some P places aces there has heen been een no destruction of if property in the schuylkill river ulver the ice is moving off without causing damage da adamae mae burlington 7 iowa 1 10 the night was intensely cold he here r western blizzard the worst forbears for years the tile thermometer indicated 22 below zero this ni orning morning now ten below no mail has arrived during the tile past 24 hours trains due last night are tire stuck fast III in snow drifts at galesburg E eastbound a 8 t trains are blockaded in drifts near Huni nuni estone another victim of the creston cres ton disaster died last night mis mrs 11 day of burlington making seven in all the remaining 24 will probably recover 10 luthe the brandywine began to rise ribe last night and early this thi q morning swept away ai aa iron span oi the new baltimore philadelphia railroad bridge loss tiie the water is very high and more danger is threatened the tue philadelphia wilmington baltimore railroad bridges over tile the christiana river are in danger but trains are still running houses for miles along the br brandywine a are arc flooded CHICAGO 10 chicago seems to have llave been the centre of the snow area and for a distance of about sixty miles in every direction it has fallen to a great depth and is drifting badly most of it was very moist when attell lt It tell lell which makes make it very heavy and as hard bard to handle almost as sand nai hai having ing since been frozen hard and ground almost to powder by drifting the level character of the country I 1 in n every direction and its freedom froin from forests facilitate its carriage by the wind and lodgment wherever a railroad cut furnishes a place for it to drop into in consequence of this and of the extremely low temperature which has prevailed all day it has put most of the railroads in worse vorse condition if that were possible os sible sibie than they were it it is next to impossible for men to work and about as difficult to keep steam up in the engin engines s from every direction reports come otan ot engines dead and hide bide tracked suburban trains in every direction are moving slowly and mady many persons fearing to risk a night in tile elie he cars remain in the city cattle at the stock maids are suffering intensely from fro nithe the cold coid the sheds being unprotected by roofs many stock trains are snowed in in on various roads and as the mercury goes down the hopes of shippers and consignees consig nees go down correspondingly despondingly ly the dealers assert that unless sp speedily cattily released most of the tile cooped lip ap cattle will perish entailing a loss which cannot now be estimated twelve cars ciers of stock were brought to the yard today to day by eight locomotives as bon don double ble bie headers W were ere started out with trains of cattle for the london and liverpool markets but after going a short distance it was found to be impossible to make any headway and they were returned to the yards railroad men report snowbanks fifteen to eighteen feet in basht along the southwestern w roads thirty four cars of stock on tile the chicago milwaukee and st paul came in with twenty one engines cars of sheep a few miles mile out on the chiea chlea chicago burlington and quincy were fou found H od frozen to death CHICAGO io joe howard alias who was arrested by the pinker tons ons in philadelphia on saturday and held leid to await a requisition from the Governer Soverne rot of day is wanted for or robbing the first national rational bank of coldwater of worth of diamonds and d a considerable surn sum of money in 1883 he was assisted by eddie eddle quinn a chicago sneak thief and two others the robbery was done durin during banking hours while the cashier was wits in the bank the robbers stood off the sheriff and his assistants with revolvers and escaped howard is one of the most daring bank robbers in the country and was wak was concerned inline edithe coolly gerpe grated robberies at waterford NY barrie vt kensington and the catholic savings bank of philadelphia and the bank of wilmington t 0 n del lie he belongs to a good new york yo r k family X 10 |