Show ELECTION IN OGDEN 10 1 k pe se 04 OGDEN CITY utah january 1883 1885 editor deseret nees news the matters which have mostly exercised the people of the junction cit city for lot some time past have been those concerning the forthcoming MUNICIPAL ELECTION the number ol 01 the peoples party and that of ot the liberals is considered so nearly equal that the iatter latter have hase been cc in in high glee and are sanguine that oh n the oth they will carry the election anat and take possession of the city covern govern government ment they claim that the peoples eis els party have on the registered list 0 of f voters only 50 in excess of the liberals there are many slips twixt cup and lips and as frequent without host amon among them hence from roni f recent events I 1 a am M sanguine that the people will rally round their STANDARD BEARERS BEAKERS angwill and will vote solid for their own ticket composed of the friends of the great majority of the citizens of this in municipality there has been some little soreness and discontent with afew of the jle Ile peoples oples party but now I 1 believe all wounds are healed the grievances are reconciled and union now now prevails on the dinst the primaries were held at which delegates were appointed who today to day oay met at the rE PEOPLES oPLES orles convention in the county court house and nominated a ticket to be voted f for fon or by the peoples party following are the names of the delegates elected to the convention lewis shurtliff imn lff C F middleton middletown Middle middie tonN N C flygare B C critchelow job pingree Plu piu gree I 1 joseph earr parr henry woods john cin Fin finchock cock coce 1 0 stephens W G child C C richards joseph hall thos doxey jos A west john john ellis john mbrown ang JI J gwilliam GwilI Iam lam fred folger TJ stevens ES E statford geow geo WL larkins arkins john frack fiack ham W earley parley al M poulter jos Harrop harlop S H Riggin botham S Q G crowley H H tracy trace D eccles W parr farr john stoddard B white H H goddard J T johnson Johnso jos parry P arry J H nelson and ten alternates the convention was called to order shortly after ten a in and was or organized anizel by electing C F middleton chairman jas taylor secretary and Jo jos sHall shail hall hali chaplain it was decided that voting should BE BY BALLOT S W shurtliff thos D dee and john rort rolt were appointed a com on 4 C C richards and job pingree were appointed tellers after a few preliminary remarks from the chairman the roll was called nearl nearly y aalthe all ali the delegates answered to their names and the absentees were supplied by alternates the nomina comina alons were then proceeded with and resulted in the follo following rE PEOPLES oPLEs PARTY TICKET david jr peery aldermen angus T wright robert david eccles thomas D dee counselors william driver john ben E rich alfred falker john A boyle recorder thomas J stevens treasurer 11 S young Ass sessor and collector Z ballentyne city marshal Thomas ThomasH 11 Ballau Ballantyne e although there were quite a number of nominations there was no clash clashing ng nor confusion nor the exhibition of any arlmon acrimonious lous ious feelings all ali bowed to the decision declared by the ballots and announced by the chairman the only diversion was in the contest between alfred falker and jos harrop for counselor on the first ba ballott ilott llott the result was balker 20 harrop 19 one scattering anthe on the rhe second ballott the result was talker falker 19 20 90 one scattering on the third ballott it was falker 2 harrop 18 one scat scattering terrin falker was thus nominated by a sma small smail tf majority the nominations being fill dished the votes were made unanimous and tie the in closed as it opened in PEACE reace which augurs well for the success of the peoples party at the ensuing election I 1 believe the ticket will give general good satisfaction as checan didato arca are all well and favora savorn favorably bly bio known here aroot arlof long iong residence and have the best interests and permanent welfare of the community at heart which they will labor to promote the good sense of the thie people will teach them that ic ir is far better to be ruled by their friends than ruined by their enemies to this latter alternative the they y are not yet prepared to submit yet they fully realize that their safety depends upon watchfulness promptitude tu de dell gence and of action WEBER |