Show THE CORRECT VIEW an lehard hard times like the present it is popular to economize by reducing expenditures tures to the lowest possible point no wiser plan could be adopted by people of limited or scanty means but the reverse is the case with reference to those who have plenty in times of stagnation they should be more than thau usually liberal in their expenditures they should spend money freely on improvements prove ments and other substantial directions ions using every possin possible poss lole iole le exertion to create employment ilard hard times present the very best nest opportunity for manifesting the love of ot the wealthy man for his f fellows and so do they serve to sho w y up the heartlessness of ids tile the cold calculating selfish moneygrubber we cannot but admire in this connection tion the policy pursued by in preston who is const antl anti considering in the present scarcity of lab iab labor or what improvement can be made the thele leading ding object not being in regard r to the intrinsic value of what is done but as furnishing work for some person who Islan is unemployed employed the disposition manifested ba by tiie the bishop iu in his official capacity cali call can be profitably emulated by our wealthier citizens in a private sphere no one in a position to do good in this substantial form should allow his uis hand to be stayed by an indifferent or sel sei tish fish sentiment strictly eleemosynary charities are good and commendable in their way and the givers will in nowise lose their reward when the tte gifts are arc tendered with an unalloyed motive but bu t they t h ey are most properly proper ly applied to cases where peo people pie wie are unable to perform any species of ia labor bor bon the broadest philanthropy Is in pro providing providen the means by which mhd poor can be placed in a position to maintain themselves on the products of their own exertions this kind of benevol benevolence enge ende enables the recipients to maintain a spirit of independence in giving iving it an adequate return for what is received by them keeps alive in them the s spirit of industry and as every kind of labor is educational retains them in a progressive path and enables them to occupy situation ther the in which every intelligent being should stand of a useful member of society to some extent the present times when there is more than the usual number of unemployed 9 people present anex an excellent chance for tae exercise of some som solid practical philanthropy |