Show BY TELEGRAPH ner nen WESTERN WESTEEN UNION TELEGRAPH line like A ai 31 E it I 1 C A iff JACKSON mich 24 A large and disastrous fire broke out this morning at 6 5 in a cigar store and destroyed the union hotel block union hall theatre waldron curtis dru drug store jackson savings bank H H hase case and C K elliott groceries TO ceries cerles anal antl N 11 eckler saloon ghe the loss by the fire and water v ater will vill exceed partially covered by insurance several everal lives are reported lost but as yet only one b body 0 d that of charles cornell a crippled T soldier has been recovered tour your others are injured so that they will vill die john prior and mrs banks val waiters walters vai and an unknown colored man james hernes of cleveland in attempting tem ting to jump from a third story window struck the telegraph wires and he was whirled around in such manner as to strike his head and shoulders should ers erg on son the pavement all were injured and will probably die charles kimball of kalamazoo also received a bad scalp wound in jumping off the balcony his injuries are not fatal st paul 24 this afternoon a disastrous fire occurred here A large four story warehouse at the corner of pine and prince streets burned the suf I 1 lurer frers sare are most burford barwell co dealers in agricultural implements a branch of the main house at rock rockland land ills the st paul harvester works brand aco stoves and the storeroom of bledden Gl edden agri wholesale gr grocers insurance most burford barwell harwell co carried a stock of insured for galveston 21 mews rees henrietta special central hotel shields newspaper office and five of the principal business hi auses were dest destroyed roved by fire to nigh loss toss and insurance unknown san francisco 24 04 tho the steamer assalito au plying ledeen between here and san Quentin caught fire at the latter place this evening and in a short time burned to the waters edge the origin is unknown in an employee carried aboard a short time previously in a helpless state of intoxication into lation is supposed to towe be cremated the tile north pacific coast railroad rall rali road company were the owners it cost insurance small troy N yv 31 24 early this morning morning burglars effected an entrance to h E marks sons jewelry store first gaining entrance to an insurance office next door the safe door was forced from its it hinges the contents taken include diamonds gold watches cash jewelry etc the estimated value of which is between and this is said to be the most expert job performed in this city in eighteen years no clue galveston 24 21 mews mems decatur special there was a desperate fight between a band of horse thieves and a constables posse near greenwood this morning dr W F smith one of the posse osse was shot through the bowels nying dying it is thought a number of others were wounded but how seriously is unknown two horses belonging to the posse were killed one thief was shot in the breast but escaped people are out en masse pursuing the outlaws milwaukee 21 11 peter connelly aged ga 5 years was killed tonight to night while in a drunken quarrel with gis Ris his wife she threw a wooden bucket at ills his head which caused him to fall down stairs and break his neck mrs connelly was arrested philadelphia 24 A special to the press ress from mount carmeil carmell carmel says andrew knepple I 1 epple eppie and mrs Kles kisk were arrested suspected of polso poisoning ning the husband of the latter toronto ont 25 an explosion occurred in the bank of commerce this morning caused by a messenger named shaw entering enteria en terin ga a vault in which gas fas was escaping with a lamp the windows were shattered and the building otherwise damaged shaw and clerks at the desk were injured but none thought seriously london 25 A boiler in the steamer Koo tsai from kong kong to maco exploded killing eight europeans and nine natives winnipeg Winne peg 24 early on saturday morning 20 policemen under colonel Hor horschler started for a cabin 13 miles north of Au apella river where yellow band of 75 braves was holding sway when within two rods of their destination the indians came swarming and flourishing guns and refused to allow the police polac to enter the colonel commenced quarreling with the chief but yellow calf aalf distinctly refused to give up any men or stolen provisions saying he be never would surrender without a struggle the policemen then formed in line but tile the last had not taken position when suddenly the doors and windows of the cabin were thrown open and the openings fairly filled with rifles 0 owing wing to the great reat odds and the indians having protection in tile the cabin col coi horschler Hor after a short talk with hii yellow calf withdrew to a farm house for the night the people are considerably excited acdan and an uneasy feeling prevails DENVER desver 25 23 george V fryer one of colorados iest best best known mining men from whom the celebrated fryer 1111 lili hill at leadville derives its name die dle died d here this morning from an overdose overdose 0 of f morphine administered by his own hand two years ago he was worth half a million his extravagance and liberality to friends caused his financial ruin washington 25 the secretary of state received redd rede ived a cablegram this morn ing from minister Min lSter ister foster madrid announcing noun 0 cing eing the tho death by suicide at atal atai aln ain cante spain 91 of james jamos K R partridge residing there on account of his health partridge was in the united states diplomatic plo matic service many years at brazil and other south american countries his last being at lima NEW ORLEANS 26 at shreveport the river is the highest since 49 and is still rising the steamers are bringing in stock and people from the submerged plantations eor for eora fora a hundred miles above and below the whole country is re reported 0 fit ed underwater under water and great dam ae aste is being bein T done philadelphia F 26 the cont contractor for build building ing the tho souris and rock rocky I 1 mountain railway states that the work will be rapidly pushed as soon as spring opens the he road will vill run from winnipeg nohh noAh northwesterly westerly trough battle ford to a point beyond E edmonton dna dra onton in all about 1050 miles T the he comp company a ny has been reorganized an and d a land g grant ran of acres per mile has as been 0 obtained b from the them government the bond of ahe the company amounting to have been placed LINCOLN ill lii 26 last thursday a detective delivered a satchel aud and valice to the turnkey of the county jail the satchel is declared to be that of the murdered girl zura burns while the valise is said to contain her gossamer and hat the authorities now assert that they positively have evidence M which will convict the murderers of the girl 26 broadview Broad view 25 contrary to expectation yellow calet calf the rebellious indian chief gave himself up to the police this afternoon together with four fou r of his braves they tiley started for regina this evening to be tried bythe by the courts everything is quiet tonight to night the trouble is probably over for the present HOT SPRINGS Ark 26 the examination of the assassins was concluded yesterday judge wood committed A doran D V pruitt john clisson and harry loudin louding without ball bail ed howel was di discharged seli seil a r g ed and frank fa flynn elynn 41 nn placed laced under bond ao 00 for 0 the murder of his brother john flynn for the assault on hall for the assault on hargrave and 2500 for assault on oa craig win wm flynn robt pruitt and lucius each counsel for the prisoners committed without bail gave crave notice of application to be made maue to the supreme court for akrit a writ of habeas corpus on saturday the thep ther prisoners were taken to the prison at little rock on wednesday for safe keeping the decision meets with the general favor of all the citizens READING pa 27 notices are posted in nine hat factories Tact ries rles employing hands announcing a reduction of wages of 12 per cent the reasons given are competition and duty autv on wool wooi the weimer machine works at lebanon employing foo hands have reduced wages from 8 to 12 per cent MONTREAL 27 A bridge on the grand trunk railway gave way yesterday while a freight train was passing over it precipitating eleven cars loaded with general merchandise into grand river seven ol 01 them were smashed into splinters SAN FRANCISCO 27 an agreement was signed last night between john L sullivan and G 31 robinson for a four round knock out robinson is the champion heavy weight of the olympic club NEW YORK 27 at the inquest I 1 today in the case of salmi morse miss blackburn actress testified that at an early hour on sunday morning last morse accompanied her home from fro in the cosmopolitan theatre while there McGe veney business manager of that theatre came in they were the bitterest of enemies with an oath mc beveney struck morse and called him an old rascal morse fell but got up and went out followed by McGe veney they had come to blows in her house before six hours later McGe MeGe veney called at her house and he appeared disordered and excited in the afternoon McGe veney called again gain when she reproached him and he left NEW YORK 27 the steamboat glen island of transportation co was run into and sunk early this morning off robbins reef by the cunard steamer st eamer Ce phalonia engineer charles feltz and henry green deck hand were drowned the rest of the crew were picked up by a tuc tue the body of feitz feltz was recovered the Ce phalonia was not damaged further investigation has disclosed the fact that the sunken vessel was a tug named glendale owned by captain foote valued at jus jul FOREIGN one ORE LONDON 26 an explosion at the victoria railway station shattered the windows of the metropolitan underground railroad CO 60 yards distant and the fronts of houses honses some distance in other directions were badly damaged the victoria refreshment room was wrecked and a clock eight feet high was blown from the wall and thrown six yards away the streets in the nel nei neighborhood were completely strewn with hii broken glass A large force of police olice and fire brigade quickly reached the he spot and extinguished the fire saving n the depot the debris is left untouched 0 o till tul the arrival of colonel magendie chief inspector of explosions who will make a thorough gli xii examination I 1 of the explosion detectives are working in lively enquiring into the mauter matter all ali three h hypotheses gas gunpowder and dynamite are advanced and discussed dynamite being the favorit favorite e theory colonel Ma magendie gendle who has critically ex examinee ehg ruins th thinks aks the slon sion due not riot to gas ga SL but to some powerful compound T the C e report is current that a parcel left in the cloak room was intended for use against the house of parliament tonight to nl night ht and that it c exploded accidentally the theory thit trat that the explosion was caused by dynamite gains f urther further confirmation from the fact that the greatest damage was done laterally only two persons r sons are injured and they slightly sligh slightly ity tTy the officials of the railway discredit the idea that the explosion was the result of private malice as the cost of the material would deter a discharged servant from thus retaliating the loss by the explosion p 1 oslon is estimated at shakim ag the condition of affairs here is critical the turks in command of the nubians who refused to go to have resigned the transport was to transport them is sinking london 26 the steamer servia from liverpool for new york was passed miles west of fastnet apparently disabled A later steamer reports P orts seeing her moving alon aion along allright albright ali ail right paris 26 advices advises from madagascar madagascar state that fever is rif rife e among th french at tamatane Tama TaWa tave tate khartoum 20 the city is tranquil the market is f fuli fuji of arabs daily who freely bring in produce the prices of which have fallen one half since gordons arrival CAIRO 20 26 general graham telegraphs general stevenson that preparations for his advance are completed he has altered all the positions of his troops the right wing is now rest resting nr on tile the lake behind the lse ise hussars hussary made a toda today to da day y towards teb and found the enemy in force on the heights and at the entrance of the defile general graham has been reinforced by eiger maguire guns gung worked by naval navai gunners it is expected e t ed that a batt battle battie lewill will take place on friday ld ay and the point of attack be three miles to the northeast of the british minister under tinder sanction of the home government has instructed general graham before engaging the rebels to summon osman digma t to 0 release all soldiers and all the survivors of desiring to return to egypt and if he refuses to liberate them to give him battle forthwith LONDON 27 according accordia to mail accounts of baker pashas defeat alfea t fifteen austrians Aust rians four german and four swiss officers were killed ST petersburg 27 W H 11 hunt united states minister died the morning at A cablegram received by the secretary of state from st petersburg announcing noun cing the death of minister hunt says he aled died from dropsy supe rind need by chronic inflammation of the liver london 27 the steamer thetis buttion purchased fethe for the greely relief expedition has set sail for america shakim 27 the captain of the egyptian Egypt lan ian steamer Daman hour refused to obey orders to proceed with his vessel to whereupon admiral hewitt arrested the captain and placed his lieutenant in charge of the vessel london 27 the chief inspector of explosives asserts that there is now no doubt that the explosion at victoria station was caused by nitro glycerine khartoum 27 A man who left for el obied ten days ago arrived this morning he reports that the garrisons ef cf el fasher darra master and fosa eoga are still surrounded while the garrisons of Oms hangar and thas chasi have surrendered ile he says that there has been no fighting at Bahr gazelle ile he saw t three englishmen men at el who were captured at Kash gili ill lii they were treated well missionaries were not molested el malid mahdi has only a garrison at el the arabs have gone to their villages but are under promise to assemble in case of war merchants are passing freely between here and don donola dongola ap ola oia 7 the beach presents a lively ap appearance t ea rance blue jackets up to their nee necks s in water are landing stores and carr carrying yi I 1 ng soldiers ashore through the surf the gordon highlanders High landers and irish Fu fusiliers Fusi liers are advancing to occupy the fort erected iby tiby baker pasha they waded barelegged barele 11 d through the morasses which lie between the harbor and the main la land the distance to the fort is about f four r miles it was billt february ad to protect the guns while crossing the morasses the rebels regard with exultation the landin landing of the forces they are convinced vinced that allah has sent all ail as a prey for them |