Show local 0 CAL can NEWS fis ovi TUESDAYS TUESDAY 6 DAILY dally J jula juia 2 M A jn iraln harris air Danield daniel larris harrns of brother martin harris of cacho cache county is in fri the city and would be pleased it if tile tho latter iatter would at olim communicate tty tey address care caw i neww news office t adu vdu tm at atit aalt it oni eni nadis nauis V ta I 1 S shop ohi on eorge corke mille savillo sh makron secand ild iid south louth 11 covered 41 tat that singe he had been there on saturday ani night someone else eise e had enter anter entered lil lii and aud ram van ransacked sacked tho the building J tho tiie midnight I 1 visitors for uch such a number ber men nummer of half bialt burned ru matches atheA and bits of j cuddle would indicate them ito travo i ihben exi eti pried the he daak baak door alq d pea ped then thep themselves selves s ti to 06 eight h calra 2011 rs of liue title hoes no oc clue itle itie to the 0 o of thu the robbery untrue ln true truc aruthor Arut A burtor nor was current on the streets last evening that jos josa jl IlC ershAw af the tha c ward who ho Is empl empi employed at the horn norn silver smelter ait sall alt lake county had falli fallen inuos ua mass of boiling metal and was burned to death ills his brother this morning ino luo assured a nav NEW reporter that this is ent entirely frely untrue no such stich accident hav lagoc 1 kershaw was fortunately I 1 able some nine days since to save asel ayel a yel yei low workman who came near fallin falling in into the molten metal metai and from this perhaps the alarming rumor liamor of last list evenin evening took its rise W wedding edding bells belis the many friends of miss agnes olsen the favorite vocalist v 0 ere ere cre iong long loog will be extending to the lady thein their heartfelt congratulations upon her marriage which is to take place we learn very shortly the happy and lucky individual who isto bo tho the possessor of such a treasure is than our young friend and brother brotheris brot herf heri moroni J Th thomas oinas of th aho ahe ward who will we doubt doub not make a husband for any woman to be proud of the marriage will take place in the logan temple and the reception C at S P neves residence aist st ward on the evening of the 2 ith dinst WI wet h extend our good wishes hnud girad vance returned froin from europe we aven avem pleased to meet this morning elder george morge atkin jr of tooele thoele who returned last evenia evening I 1 from a mission to 10 england and who called at our office in company with his father brother george atkin of tooele thoele stake who j came in last evening to meet him elder atkin returns in rather poor malth maith he alth aith which has been his condition fortne past eight or nine months ile he has his nevertheless enjoyed ills his mission r greatly and has undoubtedly been the means of doln doin doing much good having labored efficiently and industriously during lis ils Us absence lie ho left t tits its lis city on the of september isri iski and proceeded roce eded direct to liverpool where ge he received an appointment to labor in the london conference he lio remained in that field bield until released three weeks ago having acted actea most of the time as secretary of thill tin confer once nce wo we are pleased to see him home again and hope he may speedily regain his health he lie was wag accompanied an the return voyage t by elder john williams WU liams ilams of IE P alent n emleta county who proto pa cat hs southern home this morn riu kiu ilu u third district court proceed ing 10 oh 1 monday july 21 21 1884 before chi justice hunter lil son sou urt it announces that on tuesday J ji I 1 d at 10 loam n twenty nive five names from the lury Q be drawn for gaind jurors ot the september term ani ami lurty hirty six names for petit jurors horace 1 I gibbs et ct al v joseph 13 i et ct al plaintiffs lff ift albov aln ain ca fr ni r oo 00 f by const consi nt nr an ml II P 11 ap all pointed att oriu v i T 0 nor judgment judgment lini liui 1 r s mad i D and anil it tG G AV It ailway allway coin Corn company railway gny ct t alj nivy alVy vas yas Dand dabi HG 1 Q railway hallway la civay corm comm m pany et elat elai al by t plaintiffs with alth dray draw draw drau the thus motion for A a receiver people etc vs william hallet hailey robbery defendant IMn dant on piea plea ples of gi tilty fl to lope lopo year in the utah penitentiary 1 C V orr ei ef al ys vs john W yonna youna on default and report feree c ree as prayed i 1 studebaker brothers Bi others Cona pany vs george pearson judg on default as brayed prayed J A mar 1 7 C OM M avs I 1 vs 0 J hollister judg juds the remittitur tur in accordance with original judgment nf linued cook and ve v PC peter ter galligan et al judgment in with the tile stipulation filed for tor Adi adl admitted bitted for alarid nl ardd arid now how off 1 f 1 I I 1 1 1 1 tuesday july t ma J D lamb vs V west mountain mining mi iha company order to thre debost deposition rii 11 drawing of grand and petit jurors for lor the tem tea eliza va ell saxton heanu 11 1 upon the matter of von eon contempt pon tempt of I 1 dui 0 fondant fen dant in fallin falling tol to toi ully arderi ha in only partially omo omm oro pHed co art releases the 1 tempt but requires him ti W ali blinow good falth faith by bv paying g the clerk the alimony heretofore required to 11 curt rued eilf til 1881 1891 at lu a ii |