Show PERSO PERSONS iss INS wishing C any information about land matters should address T C bailey land agent salt lae city who can generally eave save settlers set sett iera tleTa the expense of a trip to the land office information free stamp w 20 TAKE NOTICE I 1 4 LENZ 13 N SALVE I 1 red reduced to 25 ets eta per par box I 1 I 1 price per dozen iv boxes i A houe HOME production jon rov G W bRO cheron solo agent salt lake city utah opposite kimball block post office box GOLD afi an worker enn make 12 a day me costly outfit free address za uz a co Augi aufata Au jata staf stal maine aft GOLD PLATED 3 1 fop gop ftp atuk milk the th k kw W wor war lorli V of watch getch arf y U to awu Add address reci A c co C Cb lenco icart EUROPE 1 P PANACEA A IN A 0 E A I 1 sold sola by druggists and C cooperative 0 stores price 50 cents per this has haa been known and used for over thirty years yeats with the most remarkable beneficial results rep uita ulta thousands of testimonials from ali all nil all classes bear witness to its ita value as a childre childrens nys medicine it Is purely vegetable and sets as a tonic restoring the appetite and assisting nature in throwing oil disease the panacea should be used in all caseb cases of childrens complaints let it ft be the first thing resorted to abd and almost instant relief will be experienced full directions on caen ouen ca 4 boe 0 yie BBB A JM T bave have the I 1 arrest I 1 iaea leaa fal and best selling telling ir stationery package in the tho wild id it con eon contains talus 18 sheets ot paper raper a IS loper pencil pencils penholder Pen holders bolders golden pen pea and a piece ot of valuable jewelry complete sampie sample pa hage tage with elegant goi gol stone bleeve buttons set gold plated studs stude engraved engg EDff raved gold plated rn ring W an and d a ladled fashionable fany e r rin pin ws 4 d r pa aid 25 cent cents 8 6 5 ages with assorted jewelry V AN CHAIN FREE WITH event EVERT sao 50 MOUTH OF or bools YOU buy BUY guy extraordinary inducements lo 10 agent J CO cog 2 lot ay nor sew toralf Q 5 fo enn inn kon 20 per day at hoine boine samples su IU OU worth 35 free address STINSON co Port portland landi landl maine A boubel SHO nguu gunbar dar bar or front fron tac a p I 1 tion lion locks ici Is WW GU U TT U n HT ranted g enuine twist barrels und and abool shooter or no aale sale with flask pouch alid aia a wad catter cutter tor for SM 15 can be sent COD with privilege to examine besore before paying senda send w stamp stama ton son klub cl lacea large larse P P A SON M main maln aln ain street cint cincinnati cin nati tt 0 wa f tn 75 a week to amenta sio filo nop mop SUJ 55 to LU 0 U free P 0 yick yiek yer augustat augusta maine dnn CRR a week in your tour own tima town v and 5 outfit sree iree ad ross rosa U lial HAL lat IETT I fc co portland maine L PIKE sed syd I 1 UT 1 jr U N mo 12 ON 14 V W has INCREASED ITS SALES and popularity tillit till it ia Is now s h S PLOW aw U ad fw L AH ahi 1 B BUY UY NO OTHER wilf will last fon for years no blacksmiths blacksmith bills to pay it la Is the only guaranteed CHILLED PLOW made 1 it is tho draft of any plow flow made t sey say eat anve have your storo order one they aro ara warr warranted utia to do the belt beit work addless a 0 HOWARD S E B ea R E E 3 ar 1 1 bain main wagon depot sait salt lake city cily I 1 ma F 0 R T art ANT a ep a 13 ITY agent haslag just returned from an extended busine a trip east emst and having made arrangements with oue one of the oldest and most reli adle aole houses inthe la the new england states I 1 am now pre pie prepared pared to buy in quantities from one pound and upwards THIS spill wa CLIP or AG kim lim W for which I 1 will pay the tho wig Vig highest liest market trice in CASH iam ram also aiso nipping wool on commission and would respectful respectfully lr ask the tho roe toe abw W to me a ig I 1 house in tho the C X rm 2 WOOL sool SACK sacks and TWINE to tie fleeces Tl ecea furnished on alao the mst quality ot of SHEEP SHEARS kept constantly on oa hand and tor for sale H 13 clawson covner uain uala ani sni south tempie temple streeta SALT laue LAKE CITY S U aa rig fig U MAIL i I 1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED A runn OF V which ARE aru NOW AS EVEE THE STANDARD wagon wagan Par pur purchasers chasers are invited invite ato ito to caland call and examine my stock of P 1 OF OV AEL KINDS AND PRICES P RICE i M i iu I 1 la 11 1 CI H t n THU dhu i ar AMO THE s im lew e south bend chilled plo pio plows W S I 1 tite SHE aesa nes BES CT IN utise WORLD wor i AND tiie tile THE OLD rel KEt reliable lABLE cardee CARDED olty CITY ity STY CLIPPER ar PLOWS I 1 0 i buckeye urain grain drills A fall and pom Pam complete piete stoe stor aj of ig corll corn cider hiilis dani Fani alg P aig F I 1 brills norse morse bainy borics nay uny kilisek 9 ana and very vry description of erm arm Xa machinery chinery i i at greatly reduced reduce d 1 prices T i ADDRESS 1 gmo meo OEO O EO A MO J io WE V M I 1 9 i i SALT LAKE urah UFAH half a block south of theatre 1 1 1111 a T ya t ewa f 10 0 L 9 I 1 2 L 94 ully 1 Y ual ail AND if people are getting I 1 acquainted and thoe who are not ought to be with the wonderful merits ats I 1 cf 0 that grgat great american 11 remedy the thel t ff I 1 er y i MESIC ME MEXICAN M SIC A T S T eust dust an 9 J limme 0 U ti roM eom anun Asun BEAST 1 0 al 11 S L this liniment verr terr very naturally originated in america where slature pryl des dea icher in her hen labora tabora tory such sach burp wurp surprising alsing ortha forthe orthe maladies na ladles ladies ot of her children ua it same tame has been for 5 years until now lt 1 cl re s ahe habl tame taUe globe the mexican mastan g U n ament yrja a matchless remedy fop tap all external ailments aliments orman of or man and beast beasl 1 f 1 G to fetock owners aad and ermers it Is invaluable A ingle single bottig onn sa save tave a human life uce or restores tha tho usefulness of an excellent horse ox or cow com ac cheep P it cures root foot rot 9 hoo akl aki all ail grub crew screw worm shoulder rot mange the bit bites and ting sor and insects anci anil every such drawback to grock breeding and bush bukh life it cures cares eveny every external troubie trouble of df horsed such as lameness scratches sprains founder wind gall dall hing ring bone etc etc tho the mexican mustang Mo stana stans Is the quickest cure in the world ton tor accidents occurring in the family in tho the ab absence c of a physician sach h aa as bums scalds sprains cuts etc and for tor rhama and st inness stiffness cu engendered eldered en dered by hure cure exposure particularly valuable to miners I 1 it Is the cheapest remedy in tho world sor tor for it penetrates the muscle to the bone and a single appl appi application leation Is generally sufficient to cure mexican mustang rA ulment is put up in ln lothree three gires sizes 0 of bott hott bottles fis lis the tho larger ones being P vivi aulet e ere I 1 J LI J t 1 1 I 10 J x V A J THE ORIGINAL URY dm GENUINE vibrator threshers pae thre va 44 MOUNTED COUNTED HORSE POWERS and steam thresher nade vado enty enly by NICHOL S SHEPARD na canar ur mien HE gaim time T ane 4 J 19 19 7 brolle r t lm 1 ur ud d beyond alt all 11 II torb tork reee revo teci ind for gaila nyal I 1 RAIN alt all wily nog not to the 8 of groja A j 0 ur o atou done by the theu hr ther wu aulita lita when he owe one co excil oa to CM lle B na T I 1 it U Th reshina ax i T TIIE ylie A it I 1 t isme 14 th t L ft be md by ii lin bin gr grin groin in st ZO by 17 0 ulc PEC TolvIne inside the seano NO aind fr arm irm duter cuter Lili ip bl all uch such och urbo nten and od rib rim irmas auld ting iii atto atio Is to tco ot eil kinds and bd C awe antni wet t er or dry Dri lumix at as biart hadad as bobaj only enly n IV roy tor HOT soe l irald 16 lik GIAS onina G ins ima tir only huo boo thresher flax clor 01 ol ftc d L a or to caunza h 9 taun taua grilla td sed seed man MAR VENOUS for ot pa parts L Y rl 0 baff ku I 1 than 1 shu D bm liu th bul but ull ua lalu la asad J uel oel SO noo or r our of rang lour FOUR F 1 luk luc t from bix hix t to twell bom bol U ad two itei ties a nol nom power to mutch power ehre Thre she a specialty STEAM it ocial ale sla Sein arg lim eair acia gela fa acx un steam thres thresher en 0 oun ila iia RIBS dius witla witia V 10 we bixl ixl to layrd my any cief kaak sno or W und udd ranall ei elegant decant IK F 1 n or feLon a tarts 0 3 I 1 et 0 oll olt call on oar our dearen deafen F FOR fon thaw than salary to sell seil uro duin expenses n S eop cop ix 1 orth erth 3 A defant AN T 6 CO C 0 co uror efna esna |