Show essex county aisa alsa f kov nov 8 lb 73 editors D I 1 r e t news I 1 left salem a few days ago ha ing spent a fortnight 1 ta bearc searching bing hing records etc and 01 quite in collecting C ger material while in salem I 1 visited 01 ti Athe and library of odthe the Es fa 1 institute both alting in the theE 0 1 building and was courteously ca ducted through the establish med mEg I 1 by the institute secretary geor al whipple L icea sq the athenaeum athen Athe eum library cons cone lats about 2 oooo volumes and thai that the essex institute of a number the thu building by these libraries ia is called liall hall and was waa erected by a le legs left by maiden plummer PJ ummer for that purpose 18 aw adli a fine brick structure i earning learning Jj that ruy business vh ing irp that of a genealogist genealogists mr whippy stated that the libraries con taille works nud aud material that would bt valuable to me ine to refer to and uy me we to become a erd the insaf Institute buteas as membership would entitle me to all the privileges of either libraty and bredito pre ent my name atthe at the tho next meeting was accordingly on monday bionday evening october duly daly elected a corresponding member and on OIL payment of tiie the usual fee received my bertl certificate ficare next day the essex eases institute includes among its members a largo large number of literary and professional gentlemen several historians and und genealogist and many gentlemen of wealth learning and literary tastes the special object of its ita organization was to collect interesting historical mate material rial and relf rell relics 9 genealogical materials etc particularly such aa as pertains to essex county it publishes a periodical devoted to the history of the county and genealogies Alog lesot lesof of its inhabitants etc ete it also arranges courses of lectures on various topics con concerts and similar entertainments all of a high order of merit immediately in the rear of plum mer hall stands the first church built by religious a society 0 C abety in new england it li a small frame structure ure ire 21 by 17 leet feet in size with a i smail small gallery across the end appo site the pulpit crude in design primitive in con Bt ruction this little building carries the beholder back to the hallowed scenes of early puritan life and hardships hardship when poverty and humility instead of the present pride and extravagance prevailed in sew kew england the institute pur purn chased the building as a relic and remove removed dIt it to its present location it now contains a great many other relics relies in the shape of articles of furniture etc having a historical in terest which tho th institute has collected roger boger williams and other noted early puritan ministers have preached in it while lyhtle in boston and salem I 1 came in contact with many gentlemen of the better class some of them representatives of the higher circles of society but scarcely one of them seemed in the least desirous of learning anything about mormonism Mormon iam lam 11 though I 1 have been treated with uniform courtesy by au IJ A haughty indifference tore to religion characterizes one class clasa and in unswerving adherence to creeds is manifested by th the eib errest rest of the veople people I 1 have met jo that there is not much enczur kement gement for missionary enterprise gnong laong ong them the political cau can canvass vass just closed by tha the election ele eie clion ol 01 talbot for governor and the defeat of butler has been one of the most exciting and bitter ever witnessed in the detate on the evening g of november ard 3rd two days before the election dennis kearney addressed a large concourse of people on the boston common after haranguing them for about an hour he read an angry preamble ble bie and then the following resolutions that we the tho workingmen ol 01 representing the great majority of LLO ILO people determined to prote protect cr liberty ann ana the rights OT at ant iw wade wady knee deep in b eod do organize ourselves into aa an army of the people fur annual protection and defence what that any manufacturer capitalist tall stor or minion of the money it tempts to influence big bis bhoge mier lnier him butler culler ilian ilien be suspended by tha tho neak neat until be he la is dead that the hoar hour has haa come when extreme mea surre must i 0 resorted that as the majority 9 the voters of or ine inu sue bute are known to baa bri in favor of the election aa the tha frend of the people gen butler if our ce ca naw we the working meu of beaton and ot of the massachusetts knowing that be he can only be dere dete detested billac by unlawful neana beana shail shall than then 1 the rea red flag of 0 re Yo lution kili kill and destroy the millions of apitai capital and free the people irum an fn m tyranny U the fathers did in hta 1771 that we vre i or ow ong org organus antra fato lato a police furce lo 10 protect the ballot box boz aw aud the rights of our fellow men and thao that we itna ready on elec election tiou day to 10 take the la lue lne e of any man ba he united stac stat a 0 r or other corg who attempts to bar fotr voters 0 from the rights of suffrage thal that as we the tho workingmen trela irela ure ire la the majority meshall we shall bhail gur eur candidate despite attempted b by y me our enemies emlea en though the tho run wita blood hood and h br III II 11 itself boll over and for the support rt of this declaration a firm re reliance on the protection vt t diglae providence we mutually p edge to heh beh tach ich other our lives livest our and our honor bonor kearney spoke nearly an br hour upon them these resolutions but there thera was BO no alku argument no recommendation but lire fire and laur murder der and coining but denunciation IM lad insane instigation of pus passions lons ions coupled ith ath vanity and boasting uhe ahe reader can eully cully construct for himself a report ct tho the ipuh by imagining the most blasphemous drda kords orda aad possible to a man indu wath a full vocabulary mingled with de of capital and employers a and d yim tim rabid th feasts of the kuite alte and the tha bullet when it came to the adoption of the reso mons kear kearney called on all to vote by hancy hanky hands N near neau ear the stand most of or the a handa haada went up ut f urther further back bauk not balt balf aden kaentie be was waa satisfied hands hadda handa down ho bu isea flaa now holdup hold up your you c night right whilo while I 1 war swam you yon in as each edca man a as committee of oto enforce the resolutions 11 1 I solemnly y warf 11 L repeat it laster latter arter me 11 1 I solemnly swear K 1 I solemnly wear swear responded thoo thoe who had bad not ought ke kearney ney was as roias solas lar tar too far and refused musj t to be sworn it lu fri sri rov for r comparatively few were craty enough to take the oarb before almighty tod od detoro detore defore oe toro foro almighty GA ofaf 7 trat tt at on te t e coming election imy day 1 abat on th coming lecul lecil oo a day GI wl will wiil 11 risk my itse lue lne ine 1 11 l will risk my ure ute to perpetuate he be freedom of the ballot box to perpetuate the freedom ot of the ballot box then ihen rhen he fu further arther arous aroused sed them to abide by their and put d down the thieving vampires and blo bio aloit it od ed capitalists who w were ere ero oppressing them think of such auch proceedings and sentiments heartily c concurred in by hundreds of people on boston common in the heart of the modern athen athon in fact there ia Is every indication that the cry of dull times now BO so universal will cease and that thai in the language of elder gider orson H ade tie cie times tames timea will shortly be about as lively as they can well be made very respectfully 13 P F cummings JK jit commercial st boston mass |