Show BY TELEGRAPH AMERICAN washington 25 the examination of pitkin was continued by cox calling your attention to the conversations you had pending the time of tho the presidential election or thereabouts please state to iho the committee what conversation if any bod yeu recall as having with judge Lev Issee one ot the electors in regard fegard to any supposed offers made to bribe him and state fully what occurred occur ree reO 0 A about three or four days prior to the assemblage of the electoral committee Lev luv issee entered my office under considerable excite ment and said he wished to have a private interview said he expected some overtures were to be made to him by somebody in the demo democratic dratie dratle interests I 1 do not recall whether I 1 asked him who they thay were or not at all events he salti said to me this 1 I am running a great deal of hazard I 1 am liable to serious misconception as to my motives and I 1 levant some one in whom I 1 can confide confides and who will stand sponsor for mo me in case any misrepresentation should ensue I 1 advised him to go allea ahead dand and appear to listen to these overture overtures sand band I 1 think I 1 impressed upon him the importance of going behind to the principals of the agents who might ond off uffer offer er any bribes I 1 think it was at the last interview on this subject that he told me that he had a meeting with one of these gentlemen and ana that he met with his companion a third gentleman and that a distinct proffer had been made as I 1 now recollect of this was at the last interview he said he had made an appointment atsuchi an hour which had almost approached then and he wanted to stay with me in my office I 1 went outside and told the usher to allow no one in the office and to report me out the door was locked and he remained there until shortly before the assembling of the electoral college I 1 telegraphed by my private wire to the state house that judge Lev issee was here and would be there in a short time I 1 think I 1 sent him down in my own cab I 1 am not sure about that furthermore I 1 know nothing Q do you know of the borrowing of a certain by the peo pie pid p in mow low row rew ore Oie ann aia arn aun ablah fiu fir finally tally was paid by a note on the union national bank of chicago A no sir air all the know about were 2000 or sent down there by Z chandler in the latter part of january and the greater part was spent in sustaining the metropolitan police force at the state house Q at the time you had bad the con with anderson A nde raon here in july and he showed you certain papers dilyou did you advise him to put those papers in the custody of gen butler butier A I 1 may pos possibly have said that Q W what hat was your object tn in I 1 advising him A well I 1 have conferred with general butler regarding political matters for fur many years and he hb has been a warm friend of mine and I 1 thought it was a matter he be ought to know about I 1 had no personal p rhonal object in doing so Q did you have any interviews with any members of the returning board during the count A yes sir air I 1 met governor wells on the street and inquired about the con of atT attains affairs airs and be said some thing like this thia it is all right and the same bame day I 1 addressed a telegram to senator west communicating ni what wells had said I 1 think that was the thib only time I 1 had conversation with a member of the returning board Q do you know whether the members of the returning board required any assurances of a reward to enable them to go on with the count A nothing to my knowledge Q do you know what papers were brought here in the spring of 1877 in relation to the proceedings of the returning board A there were papers brought here by emile emlie honore candidate for secretary of state on the packard ticket an do you know where those papers arenow are now A no sir air after mr Ho honorea nores return to louisiana he reported to me what ho he had dalend then I 1 asked howe to get french the sergeant at st armb arms of tho the senate to take charge of the papers to keep the knott committee from getting them and afterwards I 1 understood unde thay gorode anro do posited in the senate committee room on patents Q what objection had you to allowing these papers to be brought before the house houte committee A well it was rather a partisan battle and I 1 preferred to have the papers before batore my political friends Q what became of the original paper drawn up by anderson and sworn to by him blut before Wool fly A list november when I 1 got home I 1 looked through a large accumulation of papers I 1 had and finally dually found it and sent bent it by mail eucles enclosed ed in a notes nute note to senator conkling witness was here shown several letters by D A weber and identified them as being in his handwriting hand writing Q have you called on sena senator tor conkling for that document since you have been here this time A yes bir sir ane next morning after I 1 got herel here called on him and we went together to the committee room and search was made but it could not be found Q did you take a copy of that pa papel rapel at A no sir air 4 Q do you recollect ib it well enough to recall what it was A no sir air I 1 recollect it stated there was intimidation in the parish but I 1 do not remember whether it stated it was by democrats or republicans public ans albert 0 hale was next called and said be he resided in washington living within a few doors of the bouse where mrs jenks stopped while she was in washington last imbt winter and had a coli coti conversation with her about the so called sher man marletter letter ietter Q pise plse please state what she said about it the question was objected to by hiscock Hisco cb claiming there was no leal legal gal gai evidence showing that secretary sherman ever wrote the so called sherman letter and mcmahon stated that he believed be he did write the letter from the testimony as already given butler did not think there was the slightest inference that could be legally or logically drawn that sherman wrote the so called herman sherman ti letter the chairman c said he differed from the republican members of the tho committee in BO so far ss as they ibey deemed it an important point in the invests aton as to whether secretary nerman herman berman wrote the letter or nr not t for it was proposed prop to be eh shown that secretary sherman had bad used lva iau deew to bring about certain results and this thib lexter letter w only one of a series of actions tending to that end arid after further discussion the witness was excused 1 and the committee adjourned until wednesday at a cabinet meeting to today day the omission in the enrollment ot of the sundry appropriation bill of an I 1 Im important part of what related to hot was a prominent subject act of discussion the secretary of the interior at the request of the president sends a communication to the late commissioner 61 of hot Springs asking them to comple teas far as may be the work commenced and report what measures me asuras may appear necessary 0 protect t the a rights of all parties upon said reservation as well aa ag the interests of the united state and trusting that congress at its next will adopt such legislation as may be necessary necea sary to confirm the acts done by them new YORK 25 mba JL brooklyn eagle prints a story whereof the following js a digest williamson william kin pilly died here in isas 1838 leaving property valued at to the children of his brother having baving none himself no heirs being found the property went to the state A few ago the state hall albany was visited by judge cooney of san san tan francisco who informed the state trea treasurer burer and attorney general that be he represented a son of the long lost lest brother and that in his behalf he laid claim to the fund As is well known th the eState state always yields posse possession ision when a veritable heir appears and if the tho relationship of the californian to the deceased is established he will undoubtedly be awarded the property the matter 1 is now in the hands of a law firm who are industriously engaged iu in preparing the necessary proofs since this heir turned up another heir has put in a claim mary alary kin kia nilly of brooklyn claims to be the only child of the mis missing biag brother OSWEGO NY V 25 john jobu finn james rhea hattie randa panda and mary welch of oswego were drowned to day days at point lake ontario they belonged dt johns church excursion party which left here this tuo mornine ming i i f vt 25 the tho vermont novelty company manufactory for children childrens carriages and toys was burned to toni bt loss insurance 30 one hundred and twenty nive live men are thrown out of employment NEW ORLEANS 25 congressman acklin left for washington ton this evening te to ascertain the source of the recent slanders which have been refuted by the ladys brother fur for her by acklin and nd his friends and by telegram tele giam from from gen rosser philadelphia 25 wool is ar riving freely and ind is in fair demand prices are easy empy colorado fine and medium 19 25 coarse for carpets 16 3 17 extra and merino p pulled 35 6 a 3 37 7 no I 1 and L pulled 30 35 texas flue aud and medium 2 az 25 coarse 15 17 california niue and medium 22 25 coarse IS 18 21 t ST tit PAUL minn 9 25 the pioneer press today to day publishes publia bes hes crop reports bome some forty points iu in minnesota and wisconsin the general tenor is 18 that in this st state t e wheat is in fine condition with largely increased acreage and promised yield over last year A destructive fire jn in Fair eair boult minn blinn early this morning burned the principle part of the city eily comprising nearly all the buildings on main and elm streets Bt between tecona and third streets the loss will probably exceed BOSTON ia 6 heury henry A parr who arrived irom from st johns john N B yesterday has baa been arrested on a charge of murder on board the steamer Cheba chesapeake peake from new now york for portland december ath 1863 parr was one of the 17 passengers who took possession of th the a chesapeake in the name of the confederacy shooting the second engineer and throwing the body overboard NEW YORK 26 the steamship montana from liverpool bro brought fall hal yesterday to this port mor r mons on their way to salt lake lako jackson superintendent of castle garden says saya be he has computed the number of mormons Mor mons who have arrived at castie castle garden since 1855 at the heralds new orleans special says congressman acklin thinks the scandal story was concocted by republicans ef of hia bia district eue vue iheson dun sun saya says of the prize at the end ul of the thirteenth round kelly declared the fight in favor of amid loud cheers from the yA Ua fernian fought well and pluckily but be he was plainly weaker than the new yorker as well as over matched in weight and endurance gorham blake of boston who made a it fortune in the california ha has lately bought a tract of land in georgia after prospecting it for gold and paid cash ca sh for it il the property is undeveloped but bul blake proposes to work it on an extensive scale it has been re reported ported that several sales of georgia gold properties have lately taken place and the fields are said to be thronged thron ged with prospectors the Wasti ington bigton special says ex governor hendricks who is in washington t peaks speaks in unfavorable terms of the potter c committee and its proceedings proceeding d hendricks predicts grants nomination in ISSO 1880 ane iti mabunga bunes washington special gayb says isaac cohn cohu leader of one brauch branch of the laboring mens organizations of this city and who was uns A as instrumental in getting up the meetings recently held at the capitol has announced that working men from baltimore philadelphia and new york will be here in a few days he does not inot t hay ay tay what is the object of their coming washington 25 mrs jenks was waa before the potter committe committee again today to day and said eaid she may have letters from senator kellogg rel Kel legg not yet submitted to the committee but declines to produce them without the consent of that gent gentle gentie lenan lenaD nan uan which that gentleman gave through judge the senator added that be was desirous of having any and all the correspondence between himself and arid hire mrs jenks laid before the committee mrs jenks then said eaid the letters were in new orleans and she would produce them as boon soon as possible it is expected a package of derson letters have not yet been received in reply to questions witness ald aid paid she dieta debated ted the sherman letter to another party and wished the eom corn to distinctly ailder aLLder understand stand she herself did not write wite it i art Q who was the person to whom you dictated the letter lettel A mr chairman I 1 must decline to tell that it would not be honorable it was a person prominent in louisiana local politics I 1 saw him probably six months ago he may be dead now for what I 1 know he was a kind of republican the first draft of the letter was too elaborate for witnesses taste but the econe draft suited better read bead a letter to witness during their conversation purporting to be from her bar husband which referred to the sherman Sher shen naan letter the letter was very affectionate and cuntala ed much poetry and he be being very fond of poetry reading was greatly enjoyed e 14 oyed by him cross examined by cox cos witness did not show either draft to weber left him to infer the letter was genuine never mentioned the fact of the first draft to any one until in this room witness asked Mo mcmahon Mahon with an air of haughtiness if there were any more lame blind or halt expected as witnesses in her case if so he had bad better go out on the highway and bring them in McI mei mcmahon labon you know mrs benks there are none so blind as those that will not see mrs jenks was informed that two letters awaited her in the house post and bhe she was released to read them A U G haley was recalled testified that ha he had bad several conversations in january and february the last with mrs jenks regarding the sherman bherman letter letters and it came out in conversation that she was in washington in behalf of governor packard for collector that she had approached secretary sherman about the matter that she knew know the whereabouts of the bherman sherman letter and had been offered 9 2000 for forit it witness advised her the let ter was at ic least ast worth to secretary sherman and he be witness proposed that bhe she she bhe made him her agent to place the letter where it would do the most good mrs jenks gave witness to understand that she would visit vleit louisiana and bring the letter with her in return HARTFORD econn conn 26 new and particular information as to th the furter furber charre charge of conspiracy against furter porter wiggin el at arl the indicted ex officers of the charter oak nife lifo insurance co was filed today to day and the parties rearrested and their bonds continued the tho case roes goes over till august aan SAN FRANCISCO 26 A silver city dispatch bays says an indian camp comprising a large number of squaws squads papooses oses and old indians recently discovered by some stock mens men about 25 miles from camp ayon lyon belong to the hostiles hosti ho stiles ies les but have uen len been left there for safe keeping until the battle is finished the volunteers will probably go out and rout them if major egberts force dees not A boise city dispatch says the force under col bernard in the recent ficht including scouts numbered about men the number of indians is unknown one of general howards scouts arrived here yesterday yesterdays from bonanza city in lemhi leahi county he reports that on Thu thursday last the mail carrier between salmon |