Show northwestern STATES MISSION ELDERS enders not nut THE WORK besses BESSEa president joseph F smith has received an inter sting letter trem frem elder wm M palmer president ot of the northwestern states mission warren county indiana june he had bad received late reports from all parts ot of the field mos mob most t of which were favorable fielda he had ad two a week previous besides four othena others who had been added in indiana a short abort while belore before five had also lately been baptized in the minnesota conference brother palmer had recently preached at bismark Bi illinois rueie a spirit of autive active investigation vesti vesil gation haa bad la in consequence sequence been awakened among the people tople lu in some boma par parts to of the mission persecution was wab quite fierce in the northwest of indiana elders M W pratt and E B nebo ker had been assaulted and pelted belted with eggs and other mis missiles the stain made by the le ie uel rei 1 tuse tube being etui still on their clothing at the date of brother palmers halmers pair pai mers nebs letter in the southern part of the state eiders elders it W farnsworth barnsworth barns barna worth and andew JW coons had been treated in the same bame villainous manner but bult were still laboring with good prospects of euc huc cess lu in southern minnesota elder L jacobson Jaco baon had met with a rough experience per peri lence ence he called at ata nta a hoube boube and asked whether he be could te ie accommodated with lodging A couple of men who discovered what he was commenced to abuse him ona ong of them became so enraged as to strike him brother jacobson Jaco baon took hold of him to prevent him doing him bodily injury when the other cameto came to the assistance of biscom hib bib companion panion nand naud and the two assaulted and gave him a terrible beating elders pratt and durfee were on the point at date of the letter of returning to the place where the former was pelted belted as many people were inquiring at this besson of the year not much labor could be done except on ont Bund Sund syb ayio owing to the shortness ol of the evenings but brother palmer requested that five more elders be sent to indiana in time to reach there by the beginning of september when the labor be becomes conits more general at the time of writing he was well in head health th and hopeful in spirit |