Show iby iby dby TELEGRAPH P ia 1 1 axx UMON U uxa AMERICAN wasul washl washington NaToN 2 rear admiral Ba benjamin njamin F sands bands retired retired is ia dead signal service reports for the pacific were resumed today to day the tha Pre president has made the following appointments appoint munte mente col hala burd U 6 quartermaster general to succeed general Ingal ingalls lp le retired tired wm win J gallbraith associate jm jus tice of the supreme court of mon moo tana saml sammi J kirkwo d of iowa B dutcher Dutch ety efy of new yorks york and wand anthony GlI kemon keson of bew new york commissioners to examine 45 imalea or oi railroad and heleg telegraph raph line constructed by the oregon call fornia fornis railroad rail Bail road company south irom irum the city of roseburg bos ros eburg ore oregon goti morgan D fialty receive er eror of Publio public moneys moness at lewiston lewis ton idaho the annual report of the chief of ibe kibe mali maii division divi bion hion of the pt pension of innee the thu receipt during the of 0 applications for an inure ke hee oven over the pre cloua aar jear of thou thousand sanu letters were from congressmen De Decre decree crem aa of the public debt during june blus bius lor lur contracts for the oon con c n rbt mst Bt ruction of new navai naval cruisers were opened at the havy bavy demartt departs t int nt to elay day clay john jonn cocu was wms the lowral lowest abi f bl der tor lor nil ull tour v vve cicela mis mib rhe lie wd bids ifor ifon une lue chicago ay bos boa t ton aton ue no atlantic harld and tuu titu we utie ule uie ratch fatCh boa mat thu the ibe s will be awarded to lim him rhene were only oni i four tour for each ach e ves el gen uen rt his thi ihl mor moring morius hig nig befurt t the rid hid commett relative to 10 elu ehu aunt of tite tiie eatn work of BArUe ir robbins coupin z the new york pots vols tollice i hill wa was called upun to produce product certa n ibe ube committee adi to july 5 ath th the decru decre secretary tary eary of iha tha treasury hab bbb decided to continue the tem of featt ning carb cars employed in n the transportation of imbur ed mer 1 chan ohan chandise dibe dime with lead luaa heals eeals he has haa awarded award yd the contract tor lor cupply supplying inn thom them thein for the present fiscal year ihu ibb anus unus sem bem will wui cost coat about 3 per 1000 la a 01 50 50 per loo loe TW thu Pi resident left for new york he hab has signed the Commit stuns or of the tour four newly up ap of internal reve i nue and issued letters lettera of dezinna demi deml gna gun t tion to tue the collectors retained under i t the recant recent consolidation inuring tho thi aseal ascal year just ended vilee lilea kalea hea has benn betin a net increase in the est cst established bil blushed bli shed of 1639 compared wilh the previous meal year preston Pre blon bion acang director of the mint boya hays that ruder the act which authorized the coinage col coi of trade dollare dollar thence chwe were coined for depositors po of silver bullion at the mints and charges imposed for coin age at a ra rate to not to exceed the actual cost to the government of the man by act any owner bli sil silver veit veir bullion could have the 8 me coined into trade dollars they therefore not isbutt or paid out by the government in payment of obligations or exchanged for or other money the government has endeavored deavo red to keep the trade dollar in its lawful proper ch channel channell annell anuell and from ignorance of the law relative to this coin parties have taken them in or binary business transactions tram action when hen they could have lawfully refuted refused JP preston reston bays there is no remedy un less congress legislates legi simes almes upon the matter mater hits hid idea would bo be to call cali all the trade dollars in end and redeem them congress fixing the rate UL ui which they would be redeemed fertey city city 2 juhn hallard ex president tand taud chief wrecker of the mechanics and laborera Laborers 13 bank ink is lse ise to 18 months in the state prison which judgment was ar af firmed the swerin sheriff took tools him im fra mediately to nashville a A jury la is not se cured in the trial of oz ex purer burer polk the case Is called again for r tomorrow to morrow new haven 2 Dag daggett getts owner hot hof sot s of the horie hore e boston anston who raced the animal against the catamaran from new york to stony creek ninety nicety mile mlle la is arrested chargar with cruelty to animals bradford 2 tiie tile coroner his inquest to dayon the b adlea dieson of thome those killed in trie trio accident anthe on the pit eburg railroad yes yea berday bruor ra orning ning five t were examined the tt AIM supported bup Pup ported potted the aary t M mrs mccurdy that the train men vero vere sleep bleed bleep at the ti time me of the accident the inquest was then adjourned until tomorrow morrow to john collins collina of limestone new york one of the tho dieato diesto died today making the seventh death david ford brakeman brake man mau is also in a precarious condition it ja is thought the others will recover cover ie NEW yobu 2 wm H Se beaman besman amai aMal ged 4 eh and tand killed bis his bisier fanny aged 28 and then killed himself at neck neek I 1 westchester county yesterday leali ida it la believed he was dueane fanny fandy geaman graman whose father and mother are dead resl resi resides deff deEf with the family of W L L U fernis hern s a respectable Q quaker laker lauer related to the mes mea mans mana her brother wiiliam Wit liam llam who wms war a frequent visitor at the had bad it appears app alii bars barb been engaged to marry a young lady of anis city dhe heaning hearing that insanity ha I 1 de it iteld eif elf in the a str at r of her be trotted trot ned nud d broe brol a her engage ment wrt wit with h tam tom yeung seaman arrived at the house hoube unexpectedly yesterday inu enu Int vered feied by a window and made his way to the sleep hig room of his victim the report ot of two piet piot d J shots disturbed tho the household and ahn was entered the felss lifeless ll feiss boalts f f the oster and bro bra ther were covered discovered dla dis littie little rock rouk 2 J T brown jr late united states mar islar hal of the eastern district of Ar arkansas kanias was ojay on two counts lor for forgery and perjury in vouchers 0 hili a deputy fetal imprison ment five years AV at and tle tie fleno nea york 2 mrs mra grover of this thid cly cis city was waa fatally by bys bym playing play ang with a toy calnon cannon in the erect irett pa 2 the coony county alms rouse laundry and only ex opted burned 0 o day all the in reates were saved Inci including konle houie in tnt ine huek ane aue ome of whom removal ode one woman as badly burned ier I 1 er clothing taking tire tiro proui flying bratko loss lobs zoo toO insurance the insane were weri this evening removed to lu the state asylum bull and the biek blek brought to the hopt at al here tents were procured at the will bu be ere erf erected eted near the ruins for haupers paupers pau pers twelve or of the insane very violent escaped the guards in are port jarvis jarvia N ya 2 at 4 today to day the thermometer registered nearly degree i in the shade at bait halt pi st 4 a heavy wind and rain rlyn storm struck the village from the ibe what and did much damage to trees fences and small email buildings at ai hancock the erie freight houe was totally tott jy demolished the catholic church blown fist flat to the ground mid wid other houegs damaged the tele are binghamton N Y 2 aa AL ter terrific riffe storm of wini wind and nud rain visited this section thia this afternoon many fage fa 1 age ge trees were uprooted houses unroofed and blown biown down the catholic church and other largo buildings are damaged badly bailly the storm was wide pread and destructive gener aljy aily Williams williamstown town massa mass 2 A tornado nado swept through Willi williamston aniston valley at 4 this afternoon and wrecked the new college gymnasium iv where here the liurni dinner was eaten on wednesday had the dinner leen today to day a hundred must have been injured liila nas t the college about many barns and trees were blown down milwaukee 2 A severe fevere storm a wept swept over ozaukee county at 6 this in morning orning demolishing buildings at Nece edah dah fond du lac belgium fredonia oakfield oak Oab field laua lana bertlue princeton pori port washington dartford ripon new new cameell Ca esell mayi may vidde brownsville Browns ville Kawash tim and antl a dozen oher ober towns in belgium and Fi eldonia frredonia edonia alone over buildings were ware blown flat at oakfield oak nield field u nine ine miles rulles bouth routh of fond du lc hardly a chimney Js Is left standing long iong cerwins barn and art press s were wro demollE hed und end the loss losa in tile tiie whole ja is ed at sig 16 roo 00 the storm was about 21 2 mile wide at port washing ton three men named hollande hollander 1 bouie voule aid aud ald french were wery drowned ahe I 1 he schooner ganges off port rort washington lost all ner her meveral leveral other vesella were berlow damaged at necedah a brid bridge geover over oter tho the lan xAn rivers river rival wag war damaged to the extent of loo WOO wi i ih ek abarre pa 2 the cov co in ing g tun and baltimore mine inive are with water vater over ovoy 2 i deep lu in the former lormer the s sp p qi the rieban lidnin 4 theD eia bla an H hudson dall dali isil lall niki moal caved it tk atter alier thu the track truck had bad tien fica down oua ona another houte house is in imminent danger the inflow of water is check checked eJ it will take six weeks to pump the water from the mines new new now york 2 the pilot boat re that the new cunard steamer auriana from liverpool june for this port broke her connection rod and burst buret her cylinder on sundry july at pm off oss montauk point no one was injured six dix tugs will wili ill be dispatched to tow her lu in tu port new york yorks 2 shortly before 6 this morning a violent storm broke over the city sweeping through the streeta streets with buch euca strength that walking became almost impossible while clouds of dust filled the air an un flAshed unfinished three story house houte in ann street waa blown down the front wall of the brick theatre owned by harry miner aliner in the course of construction also fell the workmen escaped injury by toy baving abandoned the duil nuil building dins ding when the storm broke at 1311 saville a train on ohe tho long island leland railroad struck a beer wagon demolishing the wagon killing the ahe forced and patrick coy ie leand and peter kruck prof S P of boston B R L of buffalo win haber shaw of bew mow ew ira benson of Bilt baltimore imore R ogden doremus of new york and jj 0 C holden of new york all prominent chemists today to day to testify in the investigation vesti gation os ca to alleged adul adulteration tera of lard by fowler bros chicago 2 mr benely stated elated that mcgeoch macgeoch authorizes him to make an oner of fifty cents on the be dollar payable in ten day and would undertake to rafee raibe in i addition to what is in the receivers erlb erle hancs hanus for that purpose purio ee provided all he tho creditors would sign an agreement accepting it as a a settlement in fulland would withdraw all suite hhite attachments and injunctions fona lona so that he might realize on hla hid property so tied up I 1 be creditors in general express themselves glad of tha the tb opportunity port unity to settle on that basis though one or two members opposed showing favor to persons persona whom winom they tiey thi y termed outsiders the proposition however was finally accepted and a committee appointed to P signatures to the terms of settlement mr beasly states as the of a thorough examina tion that mcgeoch had not sufficient ly close with other capitalists to make them liable as part ners nere NEW NL new w york a A sun special I 1 gayb says the town of Cromwell conn was destroyed by a cyclone yesterday and 14 lives lost the associated press frees have asked for parti cu lar lars but thus far nothing hils has been received the story la Is generally discredited wilnes barre ezrre pa 8 3 the bollei of the steamboat susquehanna owned by the plymouth navigation cos co blew up here thib thia morning rhe The boat was torn to pieces no pa esen eben gers gerb on board kleven beven of the crew were injured several fatally 3 the daily mews news ew little bittle rock special bays says A fight night an creek indian territory last night at sst which over pawnees v with ith drawn revolvers and anivea took part two indians indiana were killed and othera others wounded MONTELLO wib WIS S the granite bhatt shaft which la Is to mark the spot where custer ouster and the seven companies of the seventh united states cavalry laid down their lives was shipped to montana yesterday the monument consists of a cube cuba of montello monte lo 10 granite four feet square resting on a bae ba e of the same baune material it is inscribed with letters letter names of the slain petersburg va vaa 3 about mid night last lat light a difficulty occurred I 1 in blanford BI anford between bowen barney jones nid and woodson dunn jones accused woodton VVo odron and his br ther of having induced his hib son bon wife and laughter to follow them intimating intimate ind ing that improper motives were I 1 indulged in a their action words ensued when jones junes euzed an old army lat lot loaded tiled witti with bird shot tind fired i at woodson dunn the charge en embring his bis right groin passing through the body baking a wound two inches in diameter dunn donn cau not recover F FOREIGN OR E JV 2 one hundred and twenty state aided a dej ded emigrants emigrant sem em barked on tha tho allan alan live steamer austria Austri aut at toyne county rick rich t day for the me united states of them from froin gain olin and banio unions w TW th fl b ari art at munich on te bunday the tho ameri amerl can caa exhibit la Is good the landscape especially there are many fin tin floe a works in black and white advises advices from tamatane Tama tave dated june tate state that previous to the bombardment of the town most of the foreign residents took refuge in ships in the harbor the french inhabitants were ordered to leave the citadel when the bombardment commenced the reported death of count de rh ham ambord chambord bord is regarded as prenia premature ture the union of paris says the condition of the count la Is grave yet all hope of his bis recovery la Is not abandoned A special epenial from paria parla states the compte de da paris started for frohs dorff to which place yesterday the Orlean oriean let iet council decided he be should go with the duc due de nemours and other participators participatory in the elaborated fusion visit of 1873 it Is believed the government has decided to ex pel pei ham ft am france every member of the orleans family if the compte de paris makel makei ony political disturb ance anoe has written a letter defending the clays class of emigrants he forwarded to america he states the work of the society of which he be is head Is virtually finished for tor dortho the tho season he could place over 60 50 families in the united states and canada he further states blates he has many applications from american employers for foreign laborers west Brom bromwich 2 the ameri rifle team practiced here this morning and made rood good scores at atthe tle the short ranges in the afternoon attern don con they shot shots a competition match with 16 crack shots of the midland club five shots each at goo and 1000 yards prizes were offered those making the best aggregate the weather at the ecart start was most favorable on the american bide side sergeant paulding paule Pault lin dolan dylan and van deussen at yards made 25 each the |