Show MX M 3 in this city feb jtb of typhoid pneumonia ANN MARIA wife of bar Dar barnabas nabas ii adams aged 21 yeara 10 it months and 10 day in Spring springville ville tille im dec soth oth 1874 of inai inflammation am 1 of the bowels henny HENRY THOMAS STREET bocea deceased sed was born in stockwell near hear i london migrated to utah in 1861 wa a youn young X man of exemplary condee and was respected by bi all alt who knew him of him it could be trul said ho he had bad not a living enemy to his latest moment moments ho he manifested unflinching faith in tho the gospel ot of the redeemer precious in the sight ot of the lord Is the tho death of his saints his ilia was a life without blemish and his reward will be the crown of the tho faithful cost millennial star picaso please copy in monroe city sevier cou ty IT T jan 1875 of 0 scar sear latina CAR CAROLINE OLIrE daughter of albert and em emm emia emu ia clayton aged 1 I year 7 months and 16 cass cays in south cottonwood athala at hair half past ast 10 am amy ami feb JOHN MAXFIELD d T I 1 years 10 months and 11 days deceased was born in re england emigrated emigrate a to prince edward island in 1819 there he embraced the gospel in 1613 emigrated lo 10 utah in 1851 moved to a farm farla in couth routh cottonwood and there lived u up to tho the time of his bis death in the midst of a elarge large circle ot of friend raised a large samily family was a member of the hugu priests lived and died a saim salm Bes sed ed are aro the dead which die the anibe in the lord com A at t st charles charlesp bear near lalee laide valley onelda county idaho jan 27 1875 of d dropsy on the brain MARVIN D di son of marvin A and amanda J allred ailred aged 3 2 months and 12 days at spring city olty feb 4 ot of scarlet teven fever SARAH EDNA infant daughter daughten of william S and hannah barney agod aged 3 2 jears years 2 months and 7 days |