Show epen eben mio hi a T 1 j T i 1 1 iff 10 the tho following fojto ving vang revenue bill bilawa wat wal bay fay y laws dawes to th the el house today to d day ay ayn ayr r relt ape beit enacted ahat 69 aid and ald after ter the date datel of the passage of this act there shall ba levied and ind collected on all distilled spirits on oil which the tax prescribed by law shall not havo bavo been beell paid and W whether said spirits shall tb then 0 D be in irr the als ois distillery tillery ar bonded warehouse h or not a V tax of 01 one ono dollar adz on each proff proof gallon or wide gallon golon when below proof thetas to be paid by the distiller owner or jedy jety pe son kon having possession thereof before removal from troba the distillery of or bonded seand so much oase le of the revision vis tf the statutes of ot the united un fa a states as is inconsistent herr herp herewith with is hereby repealed provided thau that in addition to a tax of 70 cents PP gallon imposed bythe by the ladnow existing asting thero there shail shall lle lie levied anc ant and collected it a tam tax of fifteen cents bei being ngone one half the jn creasa of t the tax under this act art on each and e every very proof gallon or wino wine gallon when below proof of domestic distilled spirits manufactured and placed in a bonded warehouse prior to the tho da day when this act shall take taue efrece and hnit held heid in ill a bonded warehouse so at that time and oil all such spirit spirits held heid by y d distilleries asti lie ries rles reec rectifiers or dealers having in their possession or under their control distilled spirits or stamped packages and any person who shall sell transfer or otherwise dispose of any y of such distilled distill dd spirits spirit after afler ull nil this is act shall take ef er feet until a a additional addition dl stamp to be especially printed for this p purpose rl by the commissioner nal nai re revenue revertie ventie denoting the payment of the additional tax of fifteen cc cents pet gallon herein i imposed 1 s purchased a and nd atta attached defied to the packages containing the tho s same iti stich such manner asi agthe the tho commissioner of internal reven ao no shall prescribe shall bo be subject to tp add and abali pay paya a it penalty of one dollar for each and annd every esery gallon so removed and spirits iso i so xe moved removed ashall be bd forfeited to the united states st ite aud alid provided further that on all ali bra didy ridy gin gln rum and ind all nil compounds aud and preparations in which distilled spirits Is a component part of the chifen value embracing all forms of d estil rit import ed from hrom foreign countries on which the duty as died fied in fri the tho royl revised i sed statutes is two dollars hollars per gallop tho the duty hereafter to be levied collected aund paid shall ba b sno ido 1 A ter proof proof gallon 1 I 1 section 2 provided section of the revised sia statutes tutA bo bb and the same samo Js f hereby d by striking out the tile words twenty cents per pound 1 and inserting in lieu thereof tho the words twenty four cents per pound provided that the the in increased er ea eed sed provided for A hall shall not hot apply fd to bacco tobacco on which the tax under the existing law shall have been paid when this act takes eta effect I 1 section 3 that ao 0 of section as tak tax on friction matcher lucifer 1 matches or other articles imalain iu part of woodald woo dand I 1 and used nor for ilk lik like ilke purposes be and tho the gamo game 13 hereby repeal led d to take effect oil on and after tile the dakof nis aly M section ay iy thal lon jon all mn molasses lasse ast lauk tank bittern bottem arup dar nar cane cans ac idala melado do ay of and wid on sugars according D dutch standard in color imported d from foreign countries th there ere zall zali shail shall be levied levid collected wild ared arid paita did sid in midi addi ulan tion to the duties i now imposed in schedule eche dule aule G section 2594 of the revised statutes an amount equal to top P 25 5 percent ei cent of said said sald duties dulles as levied lovied upon the thel several grades therein designated U t 1 I C th the tho president hag nomina momina nominated ted ex senator john 11 thayer of We nebraska brash brast d io fa be ve govan gover bof WV aw coming in place of governor camptell ii iTell appointed tan b secretary of state the Se seriate sennate idAlo aias lias lias ilas confirmed t the nomination of john M Th ayeras hs coverer gover Cover mr of wyoming ST LOUIS louls 10 C chestor 4 Hardin hardina Har diny gj a larntz lawyer or of thi th eitt elte elty eity died aled lidiett adre to day iday 1 tho merchant exe Ext haime halme today adopted a memorial t to oco con nr gress ress for the establishment of r a ura branch bra abt th e house 0 o f representatives representative si i at abb jaff P elty city it 7 adopted a concurrent resolution to 0 the same effect 1 A sie vie me tox 10 A bi bill ill lii for t the e abolition of or tw capital pital punishment nv was as defeated inthe house to dayi and the measure is dead icile 10 lo 10 the tho pre lif lil denus dents s tAr Kansa creates rea tosi fesi i considerable excitement 11 herri anil aull busin essis esais greatly depres res sed aed by bythe t unsettled bt af aff hiis lairs I 1 t 11 A uree bror brolie out about midnight an fn tho store of al keokuk ral tal 1 destroying the store marti with avith its entire contents the tho rik rig were in danger anu abu bp to tw two i tho not tinder under t control fou lou i i rho tho washington cial says that the joint republican Ms has completed th the political bill ahiah hagreen has been in in courso of preparation somo some time the tho points of odthe the Ull uli which will be house areas as follows enactment of the fourth of the tho ac K act which allows to suspend the evrit of habeas corpus corbus in certain cases and gives him full nuli power to use me thet thel army to suppress disorder and maintain peace second the appointment of deputy united united states marshals and supervisors of election with full power to conduct elections count gount ballots supervise returns and add arrest persons who attempt voters or to up unlawfully laWfully interfere the conduct of elections fourth to provide for a full and fair registration of legal voters and to irae inae make wake it unlawful J for any of the reconstructed states t to or impose an excessive poll tax tai or to require the payment of such tax as for voting J 11 abany at any con coD congressional gressional elect election loii wa ditth t I 1 i declaring the iho exhibition be ar use jbf deadly weapons on days of registration or election for purposes of intimidation pr violence n a erini crim crimi i jodl anno anne or br im imprisonment atthe af the discretion of the corr the tho bill it is said saidi xe rived th the unanimous vote voto of the joiet committee mlee mine I 1 1 ahe the 1 ha iol lol n I 1 0 1 t pa pacific ai fi 0 P arjo RR it jO C 0 y yesterday e 3 through its president sydney submitted submit tedo to the secretary of or fhe treasury a formal proposition to compromise all tho tah eiting exiting differences nees between betseen n the company pany pans and aud the government the proposition is i prefaced with an expression of profound legret regret by tho the directors s nt aft T tho the 0 eg existing stin StID difficulty between n the government and the company and the wili pf af the to do everything ly ia in their theli power tc to reimburse the government ag far as til they y cari can and a as ape speedily edily as may be ev ove ry dollar advanced from til the n national 1 ol 01 trea treasury siiri the company alo asa express 1 keen heen sense of thedis the disadvantage advantage tt ahey gy ill lii inbur eur bogli in popular esteem and by ry being ui their great gnat denef bene 1 ictor tiie tile the general government desire desiro to establish ebli relations of m mutual trust and conaw confidence nab as will best beat secure he I 1 demands of the government and at the same time promote the pros of the company the proposition is as follows tho tho the union pacific company proposes to pay into i the treasury of the united sta states te per annum on each girst first dakof july suly beg beginning gitig with and ta continue continuo nue nub ellb alib payment for twenty years slid and th thereafter r on each first day dayi of bf july the payment shall shail bo tro and money so paid shag shap sh hil ill ber bev 1 held by the see sec secretary of the trea sury as is a linking f nato U the credit of the union pacific company Y t to 9 bei jye specially devoted t 0 the extinction flonoi of the mortgage the interest thereon to be reckoned at six 6 0 per cenat per annum lawful money payable ddn semi annii annil ally ah and the ace accruing ruin interest each hait half year to he be carried to ti tho account of the linking fund G to the credit of theu thou the U pac co and this annual payment by the company shall be continued without delay or default until the amount to the credit of the company in the hands hindi of the secretary af the treasury rv shall coequal bo equal to the full amount of the government mortgage reckoned at simple interest to the same date the rho dho dhe government lien now existing is to be retained as security for the discharge of moheb t this is obligation obligation 1 is to be cancelled when th tha sinking fund thus cie cle cre ere eted shall equal rual the mort mortgage gake gaie of the government reckoned at simple simpie 0 hit interest erest enest at which time said sinking slinking 1 fund shall shail be transferred to and d shall jestin in the united states and this payment lent dent shall be in full fuli discharge of all obligations due from froni the bom com company priny tb the government 3 I 1 1 l T the tuition secretary is asked if thebo position meets ineeta his approval y glay to lay lap 1 it before pi and 1 I their li on it 1 the death was reported recently at shreveport in louisiana 1 of dr adhn johnh johnr U gibson pr private I 1 vate secretary arv L I 1 af governor genry geary in la california und and subsequently in pennsylvania to washington 11 john roach boach has senj sent a memorial to congress in behalf of himself and american wor Vor workmen knien employed in shipbuilding against the cancellation of the paci eael pacific fie fic mail mall lai il subsidy for ohp japan and china service he ito says saya that if bribery or borrup corruption tion has beevor can proved Its it should bould ed if possible but that cancelling this contract puni punishes sheA no guilty 1 persons but punishes the Innocent 1 at the request and instigation of tile tilo t tho the guilty and injures great national interests fsr for insufficient rea kioris fioria 1 ai AL amendment adopted in hi committee of thew the whole hole bole cancelling this contract ct has been unanimously adopted by the house A separate vote was vas demanded on the amendment agreed ta t by the committee of the whole allow allowing the free transmission of seeds and aali iiii documents from the agrical agricultural eu department and it was rejected yeas 93 nays F FOREIGN 0 R E I 1 C N lob LONDON da at 8 spanish dispatches do not confirm the report of tho the capture of estella by the tho alphon fists the carlista Car lists claim that they have recovered the ground they lost in and that general loma has hwa been compelled to fa abandon lagoze and Gustar lm and is hemmed in at jaan an sebastian and that the Alfonsis Alfon bista sista ts lost 1200 killed in recent enga engagements e ts MONTREAL 2 8 the Grand Trunk railway RA liway allway has hns reduced the wages of its employed emp loyes loyds 10 per cent today to day days and this 1 o s m the conductors refused to go ito to work save at the old rates rates rater thore there re twenty lobig trains lying in the yard here waiting walting for fok hands to iun run i hun un them no freight trains left either elther way today toddy to day the train trail men mcm at Brocks ville also aiso struck wl mid fc there bre are no trains from anere VIENNA 8 arch dure duke johann savator salvator of tuscany an hn officer of tho Aust australi Au strain raif ralf i 1 arm arnay arcay 3 r has been arderi ed to tobe be arrested for foi having 9 in natt nail n ait att ail a f pamphlet on military 1 reorganize tion violently attacked germany 3 and declared tila tiia war ira r betge between n austila austria la and germany ia is impend ind ing y madrid 0 9 general gener iford joftes hai hag been appointed coin coln commander manderine mander in ine lne I 1 chief of the tho north 9 the military op erat enat orations ions lons of the in the north have been momentarily suspended the troops are fortifying themselves in the positions i which they occupied in their advance addan ce LONDON 9 the ten too of this city claim ta tol hanein hav 0 in n f formation or mation matlon that the thor Car carlitta lItts have f won a great victory over th x the latter losing seven I 1 thousand in killed and wounded i and that carlos has issued a congratulatory address to his bis troops |