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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1930. 10 LATEST MOLES FROM THE CENTERS OF -- 'S'OeiETYM: Scoivcroft Home Afternoon-Te- Mn John Scowuroft, formerly Miss Constance L Fount, a bride of Nothe honored guest st vember, smart tea given Monday by Mrs. He-bSoowcroft and Miss Blanche Bcowcroft at their home on Wolcott aroma, Federal Heights. The living rooms were artistically decorated with roses in shades of crimson and the tea table was covered with handsome lace cloth centered with a mound of Talisman rosea and orchid butterfly sweet peas. Shell pink prlnoese tapers were in silver handle-sticst each and of the table. The tea and coffee urns were presided over by Mrs. Clark Whitney Mrs John Btringham, Mrs. Frank Plngree, Mrs. H. O. Sanford, of 8alt Lake, and Mrs. H. w. Dunn and Mrs. Le Hoy Pugmlre of Ogden. . Mrs. O. W. Adams, Mrs. J. M. Eecles of Ogden and Mrs. J. L. Craig assisted In the general entertaining of the guests. guest Qua hundred and twenty-fiv- e were In attendance. vh I ks a- Carlson, sj , ' - ' Masonic - Na'l, Ladles at the . Price, street. of Mrs. Agnes East First South home 1253 Young Matrons club, First Congregational church, meets at 3 p. m. with Mrs. George W. Barlow, 1873 Harvard avenue. e Balt' Lake circle Na 858. . Neighbors of Woodcraft, meets , at 8 p. m, O. O. F. haU. I Alpha Sigma Delta alumnae 7:30 p. no, chapter house. Fifth section,' Ladles Aid, Presbyterian church, First meets at 3 p. m. with Mrs. J. W. 1383 Westminster Llerley, .chapter meets at Womans auxiliary, St Pauls Episcopal church, party at 3:80 p. m. e. a Priscilla J. Rlter auxiliary. United Spanish War Veterans, card party at. p. m, Moose balL e e Section 1, Ladles Aid, First ' Presbyterian church, meets at 2p. in. at th home of Mra Burt a Atwater, 503 O Sewing circle, American fUma street. auxiliary, meets at 1:30 m. with Mrs. E--. E- - Jenkins, Hotel Utah. pgr a n, at .a prettily arranged luncheon, followed by bridge, Monday afternoon at her home on Fourth avenue. Yel- Club Entertained Japanese low chrysanthemums decked the table, and a few close friends of the hostess were bidden. For Winter Bride Mrs. W. Featherstone will entertain bridge supper Tuesday evening busier shot. at her home on South Fifth East street In imnnr of Miss Mary Ellen Mias Estelle Flnkelsteln, daughter Hyland, whose marriage to lieuten- of Mr. and Mrs. Berman Flnkelsteln. ant John 8. Knud sen will take place whose engagement to Joseph Goldthe latter part of December. Sunday stein ef Vandalia, III, Is announced. evening Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Nelson 5 ; at a entertained at a prettily arranged dinner In honor of Miss Hyland and Lieutenant Knudsen. The table held for a centerpiece a bowl of pink butterfly sweet peas and sea green cathedral candles were in sliver candlesticks. Covers were laid for eight ... Furniture FIT.Uu t f Packed: 1 Mored l Ktt Rates. Committee Named , The following women will have charge of the tickets for the turkey dinner to be given Thursday evening by Bti Mark's cathedral guild. In the guild rooms of the church: Chairman Mrs. Causten Browne, Mrs. E. A. Rogers, Mrs. Oeorge R. Sheldon, Mrs. George F. McOonagle. Mrs. Douglas R. Judd and Mrs. J. L. Craig. Reservations can be made with any member of the nommlttee, and the hours for the dinner will be from A to S t ., Silver People of today, are alive to the Importance of cleanllnees and perfect sanitary conditions. These are two of the main reasons why you should store your goods In a KIYSER FIREPROOF PRIVATE ROOM. Ladles of St. Peters guild, luncheon and bazaar at 1:30 p. m, Sunday school rooms. -- . . , , . . . Members of the MeyneU club held their regular monthly meeting recently at a breakfast at the Peter Pan. The table decorations were carried out in colors of red and green, and small Christmas trees werep laced at Intervals along the table. Tne presi- dent, Miss Lucille Collins, conducted business meeting. Miss Margaret' McGean had charge of the arrange- ments for the breakfast The members present were Miss Gertrude Sometimes But I Think No VULVA O. DARLING. heart. For three years she wore the diamond Sallys .JE ring be gave her, welting for the time when he would be able to support ber. For three years she hasnt looked at ar other man, or thought or dreamed of anyone but Larry. Now another girl, younger than aha Just a little girl In the office" Larry says, has usurped her place and will be Larry's bride next weekl Bally has never seen the girl, never wants ta Sally has grown thinner the past week. Her eyes are great, dark pools of misery. Her cheeks are so pale that the rouge lies on top of It, visibly, like two fallen rose petals. She goes e about her work as If she Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Stephens were In a trance. Sally, will spend the holidays with their who. six days ago, was children. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stesuch a phens and Mr. and Mrs. Willard cheery, efficient secreStephens, In northern California. tary transformed into By HAS broken Miss Virginia McHug, Miss Edythe Brown, Miss Madeline Flood, Miss Nora Boyle, Miss Lucille Collins, Miss Dorothy Davis. Miss Margaret McGean, Miss Margaret Johnson, Miss Agnes Bowen, Miss Valentine Gorlluski. Miss Ella Boyle, Miss Anna GUI Is, Miss Mary Jane Falk, Miss Goldie Hewlltt, Miss Josephine Cunningham, Miss Florence Ban non, Miss Mae Henderson and Miss Benedicts May bee. delightful, Mrs. a dull, colorless, s . Tea Saltair lodge No. 494, L. A. to B. of R. T, election of officers at 7 p. m., K. F. hall. Are HeartSreakers Cruel? Sometimes I Think Yes super-sensiti- almost stupid worker. The others In office the try to cheer A. H. Psrsone will spend A. U. W. win hold their monthly Christmas with her daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hyde, liver fellowship tea at the home of Mrs. John M. Boutwell, Branaford and family In Phoenix, Arts, son-in-la- her. Make wisecracks about marriage, about apartments, Thursday, between the the number of fish there hours of 3 and A:30 p. m. Assisting Emigration camp, Daughtesr of the are still In the sea. But hostesses will be Mrs. Scott Groo, Mrs. Utah Pioneers, will meet Wednesday m. on with Mrs. Orleen Stohl M. J. Bronson, Miss Dorothy Hamil- st 3 p. Sally only smiles crookC. P. street to East Thirteenth Mrs. ton and Miss Clarissa EUla. Tables edly, or pretends not will Flandro lessen a aom et 1 m t and the give will be arranged for bridge for those hear, or musical program will follow. dashes suddenly out of dealring to play. a e the room to return fifteen or twenty minutes Miss Boody Donoher. daughter of Alumnae of Gamma Blgma sorority 11. A. will meet Wednesday at the sorority Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Donoher. has as later with reddened eyes and a terrible her guest Mrs. Ralph Page of San house at 8:30 ep. em. obrlous in the Co. Francisco, Royal Neighbors of America will e e strained cords of her give a card party at the home of Mrs. ell Lu Mr. Mrs. of Gustave wits forehead and and tense litWert rad Saetb gtraeS Los Angeles have motored to Salt Hattie Brown, A73 Pugsley avenue, tle throat. Headed Sait Lake City, Utah Lake for a short visit with Mrs. H, O Wednesday evening. straight for a nervous Phone Wasatch JZ er STSS McMillan and Mrs, Charles Lavene Home breakdown, thats where of the Missionary society . . Smith. Sally Is. And after that First M. E. church will meet Wedneswho knows? While the day at 3 p. m. with Mrs. Roy Erickr, happy son, 1338 Emerson avenue. his bride In his new with e thinks home, perhaps Ladles of the Lions club wm meet once In a while of Sally Friday at 1 p. m. with Mrs. U W. -almost the he girl 8meltaer, 1318 Yale avenue. Mrs. C. married, before he met H. Chapman will be assisting hostess. : 38 HOSTH BUTS. APT. ; this younger cutlet Cruel? What do YOU call him?? e . aren't as cruel as one might think at But sometimes heart-breake- rs University Social Notes even to HEALTH are ESSENTIAL TO OROWTH-essen- tlal They first elected the members of Newly Trotters club were honored guests at strange as it seems. It was discovered a short time ago that an Injeca banquet Sunday from 6 to p, m. tion of malaria germs Into the blood of a certain type of Insane person, at the Cactus club. The banquet fol will CURE him of that Insanity! A disease to fight a disease! Why not? lowed Initiation rites. The guests to cure dependence and credulityand to proAlso, why not heart-bre- ak were seated at a horseshoe-shspe- d human mote the srowth of DOUBT? The first sign of intelligence Isin any individwas decorated with a la the presence of doubt In his mind. Life isnt hard; It the table which takes humans. miniature horse parade promenading uals It emulous IN It, the childshly weak and stupdly the center.. Tiny horseshoes were JolUlke a broken heart to WAKE THEM CPI They suddenly agood used as place cams, and favors of discover tost for the first time In their lives they ere free, gloriously, DISTINCTIVE MODELS miniature horses were presented to jubilantly unattached. Living begins to take on a new interest through NO DUPLICATES the guests. Miss Margaret Duggan, the broken heart They begin to see lovellnesee and wisdom and friendpresident, welcomed the new mem liness where they never knew It existed before when they were all -ben and introduced the toastmls tress. wrapped up in love tor the worthless "heart-breake- r. BALE TEEMS CASH NO EXCHANGES Miss Nora Btewart. Toasts were rers aren't cruel, any more than the stumbling nd fall sponded to by Miss Emily Clawson, your baby feet gave you when you were Just learning to walk were cruel who gave Bridle." Miss Blanche Undoubtedly you were furious st the floor for coming up and hitting you, Everett gave Saddle" and Miss Annie but that didnt alter the fact that if you hadnt NEEDED the leseon, you Ross gave "Tall." Musical numbers wouldn't have gotten It! And yet who can tell what great numbers of were given during the dinner by women have gone through Ilfs crushed, stunned, tortured with shrieking hearts? members of the organization. The nerves because a man they trusted turned away orand committee in charge of the arrange- Hearts utterly devoid of deceit Cruel Is too shrewdness, calculgton. ments included Miss Helen Taggart, ir,iid an adjective to describe such a man. Beastly Is more like It I . . , chairman. Miss Blanche Everett and know a still better one, but the editor wouldnt print it Miss Iola Heislet, (Copyright 1930. McNaught Syndicate. Inal a Th manufacturer permits us to extend this RmsAitU club Boors formal The dancing given Saturday at the party will beinn. The committee seBlack Kettle SERVICE COAL CO. lected to arrange the details includes Oerald Smith, chairman. David -M SOUTH FOURTH WEST f and William Murdock. . Kq::r Answer Whats theMiniature. Corner e e .of the O. A. R, meets at 3 p. m. .. FASHION FOR THE FEMININE WORLD J A Library in ' Radiant chapter Na 13, 0. E. of officers at 7:30 S, election p. m, Masonic temple. Section 3. Ladles' Aid society. Presbyterian church, First meets at 3 p. m. with Mrs. Vina L, Ferguson, 804 Sixth avenue. temple. Reynolds circle Section 3, Woman's society, Immanuel Baptist c h u r e n, meets with Mrs. Earl Allgood, 343 West Sixth North street. Ladles auxiliary,-Un- i ted Commercial Travelers, meets st m. with Mrs. R. 8, Wright, Ip. 173 E street. . Seeker Literary club, open meeting at 3 p. m.. convention Newhouae hotel, a Lybla temple Na 33, Daughters of the Nile, meets et 8:30 a. m, , . Mr and Mrs. Herman FtnkeMein announce the engagement of their daughter, Estelle, UT Joseph Oold-steisott of Mrs. Pauline Rosenberg -of Vandalia, 111. , e . - Mrs. Lawrence Fox entertained STCHilCH . i ,r Interesting Announcement . Winter Luncheon guests. a Mrs. er we - J. L. Chartrand entertained at beautifully appointed tea Sunday afternoon between the hours of 4 and S o'clock at her home on East Sixth South street, honoring Miss Mary Pymm, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm D. Pymm, whose marrlege to James Pearson Chartrand takes place the Utter part of December. I The home was decorated with chrysanthemums in .a- - variety of shades, and flowers in the golden yet low and bronze hues formed an attractive centerpiece for the tea table, where Mrs. Pjrnm and Mrs. D. L. Wells presided. 'Mrs. Louise Eakin end Mrs. L. O. Matthews were in charge of the dining room. Assisting in serving were Miss Edith Pymm, Miss Emma Eakin, Miss Maud Scott, Mrs. & M. Charon and Mrs. WUford 1 History-touri- st a s e 1 1 e n. Ladies Literary club, meets at 10:30 a.m., clubhouse. Drsrae- music section meets et 3:30 p. m clubhouse.. . December Bride. Honor Guest at Tea Fete Honors Young Matron at i Events of the Day ,A. Robin Hoods Adventures furniture. - The crews mwz tableti and benches are the only furniture NAVAL TREATIES. What effect did the Washington treaty have upon the building of United States cruisers? 2. What were the first "treaty cruisers built? 3. What are the general characteristics of these cruisers? A What are their general (Ilmen 1. VIL THE SHOOTING MATCH. Queen Eleanor ordered that the greenwood men bo given quarters in the palace. Then aha went to the ig and said: Are you sure that the best archers in England are In your service? I am certalnl he replied. "Who slons? A Was welding used to any great t? oould match Tepus, Clifton and extent In their construction? 6. How was Aluminum used In "They are good marksmen," said the queen, but I have found men these ships? ' 7. What metal paint wss used? Whom I will match agslnst them! I wager you that my men will A What reduction of our navy is win. and I will make the wager 300 the result of the London treaty? of my fineat deer and 300 kegs of 9. What does this mean in actual numbers and tonnage? beer.1 Will you promise that the men I 10. What famous American have chosen will have no harm done does this affect? to them, either before or after the ANSWERS. match? They shall havo 40 days of safety 1. It brought Into being the new after the match Is over. type of American ten thousand ton "Then you are welcome, Robin cruisers sometimes called the treaty Hood cried Queen Eleanor, turning cruisers. toward the outlaw chief who stood 3. The U. & S. Salt Lake City and near by. You and your comrades the U. 8. 6. Pensacola, designed In are welcome to the snooting match. 1928. Is this Robin Hood? asked King 3. They provided for a battery of Henry. "I was told he had been slain ten eight-inc- h guns and In the north country. h four .25 --caliber A.A. gun bold Is Indeed the Robin Hood,, It a speed of 32.5 knots: airplane equiparcher who has escaped all who were ment of four planes and twa catasent against him. pults. The king scowled, but ordered that 4. Length over all. 886 feet 6 the shooting match should begin. Inches; length on waterline, 570 feet; First the 800 archers of the king breadth molded at water line, 63 feet; were tested, and the three with the breadth extreme, 63 feet three inches. leading screes were chosen to stand A Welding was used to a greater gainst the men from Sherwood for. extent than in other built to est. As had been expected, the king's date. It was used in allships places where champions were Tepus, Clifton and local strength, rather than general Gilbert. structural strength, wss Involved, and of set Oil-ber- I y j made of wood. 7. Aluminum paint, because of 1U adopted preservative qualities, was through-out generally as a priming coatuaed thead ship and finishing coat In certain places- 8. The London treaty provided for all the dlsiiosal of fifty per cent ofone-thiour destroyers, and more than re- rd of our submarine tonnage, a te duction In the number of and armored cruisers. 9. Three battleships, two armored cruisers, 140.000 tons of destroyers and more than 30,000 tons of submarines. Florida, 10. The dreednaughte, be Utah and Wyoming must eitherwar destroyed or rendered unfit for disservice. The Wyoming will be mantled and transformed Into a dreud-naugh- training ship. The Florida will ba broken up and sold for Junk. The Utah will be dismantled and put into target fog use as a the gunners of the fleet. radio-controll- ed 1930, King Features Syndicate, Inc.) (Copyright, five-inc- Targets were up st s distance z.c.M.r. for the attachment of fittings. and each man fired three 8. Aluminum alloys were used for arrows. The score of the kings arch- all partitions in living, stateroom and ers was very high, but It was beaten office space. It was also utilized for by Robin Hood, Will Scarlet and Litrich tle John. They were given prises, but Robin Hood said: Let my prize be given to Gilbert, who was matched against me." Scarlet and Little John likewise From Colds Where gave their prizes to their defeated rivals. That night there was much You Want feasting, but Robin Hood received a message, The lion roars," and this meant, The king is angry." Tomorrow The Pursuit. (Copyright. 1930, Publishers Syndicate.) Couchs from colds that hang on call for super kelp. Dont take the chance vrith That anything less than Creomuisloo. combines seven major helps in one. See lsbeL It does the utmost for such cough, But arise people use it for milder eooghs use it to be safe. It costs n Members of the Granite High little more than lesser helps based on School Girls Athletic association are a single factor. But it costs nothing if preparing for their annual doll par it fails to bring yon prompt relief. Your ty In the gymnasium December 18. k. Is It not worth Gor Miss Valentine Unski, physical druggist guarintees-for a troueducation Instructor, has conducted 81 A to hire supreme help this party for several years. Admis- ble that breeds danger? sion is one doll, and the proceeds are presented to underprivileged Difficmit Coughs children at Christmas. A competitive stunt by each class Is a feature Cold of the party. 300 yards, PUMPKIN PIE For Goughs Treat Your Family Today Super Help Real American Pie, a crisp, flaky crust, generously filled with golden pumpkin. The kind that makes you wish for more. Please Place Your Order Early. High School Girls Plan Doll Party Z. C. M. I. BAKERY CRE031ULSI0X for Wasatch 475 from self-contr- ol FIrc?rc:fS!:r29 heart-breake- CLARA M. CLAWSON t ATT S C 1A MCE , i Heart-breake- - YOU ARE LUCE VI At ID GO ARE VEl; INTRODUCTORY GALE PINEAPPLE TARTS Wfe a hdirn timed El-Ua- on 3 7heron T)tesslB$3d8eSd A " Tau, national engineering society, entertained at a rush party recently at the Kappa Sigma chapter house on Thirteenth East street W. J. Cope and Dr. T. O. Adams were honored guests of the evening. Light refreshments were served late in the . feifeSfi O cans, cooked and ready to feed Bscosdsd Uodlnj TO A CUSTOM! Hitzio Pearls Free w,l35Bh Close with the maanfactotwe permits cm to extend this ofisr for two dan men. If yon did not get your assortment ' and yoor strand of fUTZLB PEARLS, (both for 98c) com In todejk I1 Eoat 2 m This Money Savlaj Opportunity Mail Orders, vn. IS Extra Ti:o.iriTc:i mm i;o. 7 C0RNEE 70URTH SOUTH AND MAIN STREETS Wasatch 920 Salt L&ka City 1 Pea $6.00 WM. WILD. MaiUftr Fhon Wsistcb MN Superior Service Qaallty Coal Engineers Slate Tax Discussions by vlarino-n-e Alell CAT Fay Cask sad Save Furnace Lump ....S8.7S Domestic Lump ....S8.2S Stove Lump $8.25 Special Domestlo ,.57.65 Nut 57.00 evening. e Beta chapter of PI Omicron society will hold Its regular meeting Wednesday at 7 p. m. Hotel Utah. and , LIMIT TWO SETS , i Theta Senator Oeorge H. Ryan and A. C. Rees, secretary of the Utah Taxpayers' association, will be the principal speakers at a meeting of the Utah section of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Thursday at 7 p m. State Apply Resinol tothat at the Newbouse hotel The subject will be Constitutional Tax Amendments, Their General Effect and Especially Their Effect on Mining Taxation.' The discussion, following the principal speeches, will he led by Blair Richardson. Robert Wallace, chairman of the gectlon, will preslda. SKELETON AND ARROW FOUND. SPRINO GROVE. Minn. (UP) The skeleton of an Indian brave, buried where he fell In battle with a flint-tipparrow In his back, was excavated near here by tiro Luther college lows, student ed A Tormenting Eruption healing ointment that stop Itching, relieves Irritation, end clears sway most skin trouble quickly end et small cost. fra. 4rl RmiaoL flltlnioN,M4s In the hustle and bostle of holiday times new recipes are always welcome. And new recipe for which the Ingredients are easy to bay well, theyre n joy, of coarse! And that's the kind this one U, which calls for DOLE 1 Crushed Pineapple sweet, juicy Hawaiian Pineapple that makes your month water to look at it. Its easy to bay, because James D, Dole has made it so' for your convenience. Since nature gives different it accordingly, grades to pineapple. Dole grade-mark-s lie stamps the name DOLE and beneath that name a number J, or 2 , or 3 right In the top of the canto let you know exactly what grade youre getting. So buy yOur holiday pineapple by the DOLE grade mark system! Bay all year pineapple that way, whether its Sliced, Crashed or Tidbits. HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE COMPANY HAWAII Oflom SIS Mat IM, Sss Fnactn- - Ho-lsl- a, Drain the syrup bom aV& cups DOLE X Crushed Pineapple and to it add Vi cup sugar, 3 tablespoons flour and a few grains salt mixed together. Add lemon juice and cook until thick, stirring constantly. Cod, add crushed pineapple. Fill previously baked tart shells with this mixture and garnish the tops with whipped cream and tiny red skinless grapes or maraschino cherries. Makes! 6 tarts. I w COUTUTM wrifl Si CKADB-tUK- S.aMW Ta Ctamamtmfi LUttm Baj't baa yy, mmU mmptm. 39 mjThat STORY -.Slmgdam tiftn", far jw UAWAiun nnsArnx courAirr.Daf4.n-iSIS Marhot Straat, 3m frattcUea. CoUf, t noma AAAn CilMNSSSSMSfS' 41 |