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Show Weather Forecast - r Local Metal Prices VTAH: Tuesday Mid Wednesday generally fair: warmer wnt portion T arid ay. Monday's Temperatures: Mai. M, Min. WYOMING: Tuesday and Wednesday orally fair: slighUy colder rut Taesday. NEVADA: Fair Tuesday and Wednesday rising temperature. IDAHO: Fair Tuesday; Wednesday cloudy (Deullrd Report on Pag It.) titl Coop per SALT LAKE CITY, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1930, It or SPEED URGED Believe OF DAM FUND Not-- S. L. MURDER Full Page Ripley in TMPTrpi?c Greater Sunday Tribune" llars Available When Interior Bill Passes, CONTRACT SET FOR FEBRUARY Diversion Tunnels and Power Plant First to Be Considered. By HARRY J. BROWN, Tribune Correspondent. WASHINGTON, Deo. 8. As soon as the interior department appropriation bill, introduced in the house today, becomes a dollars law, fifteen million more will beoome immediately available for construction of Hoover dam and other works incident to the Colorado river development at Black or Boulder canyon. If this appropriation is made promptly, Reel Mead mation Commissioner told the appropriations com mittee he believed it would be possible to let contracts for the construction of the ' dam, the diversion tunrels and the power plant about February 15. Ho Zina Chief of Police as-lch- jr Declares - gang-berg- th JURY Ar- - Chief Determined to Find Murderer. Well put the lid on Salt Lake and clamp It down tight, Chief Burbidge said. "We are going to make this town too hot for gangsters and racketeers. I am determined Ur find this murderer if I have to arrest every suspected racketeer and booze trafficker In Salt Lake." The chief said the murder had been planned for days before it was executed. The e.ntire detective force Is working on the case. Woman Last Seen Re- Early Saturday. The last seen of the Dayle woman waa when she took a taxi from a down-tow- n garage to a restaurant early Saturday. 8he was thought to have taken a train for Butte, Mont., but later police abandoned this theory, working on the hypothesis that she Is either In hiding In Salt Lake or Ogden. Butte authorities searched all from lthout suc HOUSE BUDGET The heavy expenditure will be lor Long Life Ends . Ullo FIVE CENTS " Senator King Seeks Jl Reconsideration of Shipbuilding Plans. WAY SUGGESTED TO LIFT DEFICIT oN WOMAN Still Administration Attacks Proposed Direct Federal Aid. Pearl O' Lough I in Gets Life Sentence for Slaying Stepdaughter. DENVER, Colo., Dec. 8 (). A dis- By HERBERT LITTLE. WASHINGTON, Deo. 8 (UP). Various senate Democrat today denounced the ad- trict court Jury tonight named Pearl Sam Frank, jewelry auctioneer. as the slayer of her murdered In a downtown ho- - OLoughlln Leona. stepdaughter, Thl ' J ,SrUy ! tl! The woman, who sat mn through ten prtiuwfta Sait' days of her trial with hardly a show of emotion, received the verdict and walked from the room to the prison- u ers ministration program bucket" dock unassisted. Judge Henley A. Calvert received the verdict from the Jury foreman, F. E. Tousley, Intoned the finding of the 12 men and pronounced a sentence of life imprisonment The Jury was out 1 hour and 36 minutes before it rapped on the door to indicate It had reached a decision. Judge Calvert gave John M Keating, chief counsel for Mrs. OXough-ll30 days In which to file a motion for a new trial. Should that be denied, Keating said he would take an appeal to the state supreme court Mrs. OXoughlla Arrested pany. She disappeared almost without a trace All clues as to her whereabouts so far have proved fruit- less. places;! Sdeath guilt 1 Strangler Slays, Robs Wealthy Coast Widow 22 PAGES .We Senate Democrats Flay Republican Relief Plan; Demand Tax on Wealthy m WAK Believe it or not although Robert Ripley has for years beeni presenting front three to six of the most weird, unusual and amai-- 1 in the Salt Lake Tribune, h has not, ing FACT8 every week-da- y yet exhausted his tremendous supply. Further than that, he ls going to draw more for readers of the Slt Lake Tribune a com plete page of his astounding truths every week. The full page of Ripleys Believe It or Not" is going to be Just one of the very many new features which will greet readers of the enlarged Sunday edition of the Salt Lake Tribune upon its first appearance next Sunday. In addition, there will be twenty-tw- o rollicking comics in twelve great colored pages. There will be an extended magazine section, which, in addition to a colored cover of the ever popular Bettys Office Romance" and a page of womens fashions in color, will contain also fiction and fact, While authorities of ten states pressed the search for Jean Dayle, science, medicine and interesting illustrated news features. Ripley is already familiar to nearly 200,000 readers In the ih- - wanted in connection with the of 8m Frailk' Jewelry auctioneer, area through the 8alt Lake Tribune. He is probably of PoUc Joseph E- Burbidge te the most unusual man In newspaper work. Because of his Monday declared war on gangland. one more been called a he facts Ume liar has than any founding This murder," he said, must be man in the world but always proves his assertions. He has laid at the door of the underworld. countries and has even gone to Hell Nor-Th- e traveled in sixty-seve- n department is going to h way) for the many facts that he tells. When he says that Lind- - mike Salt Lake too hot to hold man to make a nonstop flight across, sters. was the the Atlantic, he stands ready to prove it, just as he does when Frank was found strangled and he tells the story of the grandmother, the man with 'beaten to death in a hotel room Sat-54- 8 sons and 340 daughters, the trees that eat men and the wo- urday morning. Shortly afterward It was discovered that Jean Dayle man with 63 husbands. had checked out of the Fairmont (Continued on Page Two. Column Two hotel. She was known to have spent considerable time In Franks comsixty-seven- FlkiiTi ON GANGLAND Ttcelve Pages of Comics Enlarged Magazine tion Added ISetcs Features Aicait Headers. Do- Fifteen Million Lead Silver VOL. 122, NO. 55. ON APPROVAL 10.9$c n, Companionate Marriage Advocate Denies DisFive Days After Murder. orderly Conduct. Icons was struck over the head Iron, then thrown, unovn- xlotis. Into Berkeley lake, the night of October 14. Leo OLoughlln, a city detective. Mrs. OLoughUna husband. was taken to a hospital two days later, allegedly suffering from ground glass administered In his food. Mrs. OLoughlln waa arrested October 19, two days after the body of the girl was found In the lake by a w 1th a tire Jfrom ft S. Ricartl . Famed Padre Of Rains Dies At Age of 80 moderate relief a a drop in the and demanded expen- diture of a billion dollars or more and higher income taxes on rich people to meet the increased government deficit. Senator David L Walsh, Democrat,. Massachusetts, took the lead by introducing: a bill week for, all for a five-da- y governmental employees, and calling on the Democratic party to accept the hxandate of the November election" by proposing and fighting for an ambitions program of its own. Senator T. H. Canway, Democrat, NEW YORK, Dec. 8 (41 Bishop Arkansas, and others proposed par William T. Manning of the Episcopal ment In cash of aoldier bonus certidiocese of New York was subpoenaed ficates to put two or three billions late today as a witness for former In circulation, and Senator Royal 8. Judge Ben Lindsey of Denver, who 8AN FRANCISCO, Dec. 8 (47. New York, Copeland, Democrat, yesterday was ejected from the bishcavated. About twelve million Is to Strangled In a fierce struggle, Mrs blamed Secretary Mellon for getting ops church the Cathedral of 8t oe used on the four tunnels, their Rosetta Baker, wealthy Weather Priest for the account books of the government John the Divine. Frank Oloughlln, broth passer-b- y. actress, was killed today In her total cost being estimated at The bishop merely bowed as a proc- - er of Leo. also was in their present condition through too arrested and Is Bated It will take 11 months to apartment. Her elderly Chinese ess server handed him the subpoena. now awaiting trial lot the fame mur Forecasting rapid payment of the war debt. waa Lew with servant. Fook, drive the tunnels and next years charged Another administration attack on The service took place in the rectory der. This trial wae requested by both New Appropriation had after he murder the reported Spoil. appropriation will-pay for finishing the proposed direct federal relief .tftfi ev adjoining the cathedral where Lind- Leo and Frank,' In order to clear led to and her crime them. potlcr fused ft?r .Basin sey, in the presence of 3500 morning Frank from suspicion. This charge tonight from Secretary of AgriculIn addition, $810,000 Is to be used youthful friends from the stage. ture Hyde, opposing tht senate plan worshippers yesterday, shouted his probably will be dismissed, the state to servant turned the which coffer SAN T) In Suspicion the dams, Dec, i JOSE, Father Ca.1.. of authorizing loans to farmers for demands for a chance to reply to said.- putting must be built before the dam foun- because he kept his right hand In his food for themselves, as well as for Bishop Mannings pulpit excoriation Trial of Mrs. OLoughlln opened Jerbms Sixtu RLcard, known a the dation can be excavated, and the re- pocket while he was listening of-toof his views on companionate mar November 38. Judge their livestock and seed needs. The " died Calvert a ruled of Padre the Rains, When be tonight Red Cross la police questioning others. mainder of the appropriation will riage. confession Mrs. OLoughlln was said prepared to take care 8ant Clara, In, of cases of used for stripping the canyon walls; fleers jerked his hand from his he added, termArraigned today. Lindsey pleaded to have made had been obtained un- at thg University of suffering, of loose rock, spillways and outlet! pocket. It revealed a long flesh not guilty and his case was continued der duress and therefore Was not ad- firmary after a long Hines. He was ing such apropoeal a "dole. inA In of wound. the found skin will to was strip old. and $500,000 go 80 years works, pay caused by Senator Charles L McNary, Repubuntil Friday. The technical charge missible before the Jury. Death disordered bedroom where Mrs. Bak- to rest. heart .trouble. is disorderly conduct. lican, Oregon, as chairman of the agOut of the total appropriated for er was killed fitted perfectly Into the wmmltuTin taking The last absolution of the church riculture committee brought up the Policeman William F. Hays, one Woman fade to Take Boulder dam, $50,000 may be used cut. officers said, Fither was of administered In the clothesmen Own who Stand Defense. by rescued plain Joneph $60,000,000 farm loan biU $35,000,000 'new approprl-lor investigations looking to devel- - A heel tom from a shoe, and but- - house today, made no i A over the amount requested by AgriLindsey from a crowd of angry Defense counsel attempted to place M. Oorgen shortly before his death. offto ersMcmdav tons irri-Mrs. had 1 Baker which for Bastn Lake utilization the 8alt ripped atlons opment of a plan for the Father Rtcard was famous for his culture Secretary Hyde and it will f m parishioners who struck and kicked Mrs. OLoughltn on the stand, not uns killer In from clothes her her be but Dr. river. Mead, project, of the upper reappropriated of weather forecasting by probably be taken up tomorrow for Ail were him and threw him out or the ca- der and without privilege of the discovery fore the appropriations committee, gle for life, completed the Identifies-- , the unexpended balance of $250.000 boolted thedral when he attempted to speak stateoath, to her. The re- means of sun spots. He had been passage. Senator James E. Watson. atPllce headquarters, "holri at for completing work cm the Echo said that the fifty thousand appro- - tion. officers said. the Sunday morning service, ap- quest was based on an old connected with Sana Clara univer- Republican, Indiana, administration English Despite this evidence. Lew as floor leader, announced he favored the priated last session had not beeni maintained witness. peared sity for nearly 60 years complaining were arreswu nnm u court but u, law, the law iuUN: ruled this did recto work on the start vear aoo -i he was innocent. spent and he did not think It would the larger bill and would work for it. 354 South West Temple street: He was unable to understand why not apply In Colorado. Mrs. 26, in Stadent Whteh OLoughh., Maryland be spent during the coming fiscal Terrible Bc,Unc Roberts. 24, 264 South West Magistrate August Dreyer granted a lln did rot take the stand in her own "'Mary 2rrvItw!1(Unlt bu-Expect Passage ef l After Coming Freon France. year. It seemed unwise for his defense. i Temple street: Rae Marks. 27. 143, continuance Public Work Measure. reau to go ahead and map out a Given woman, W was He born and Pialslans, Drome. c'om'The state contended collection of - 133 ob- Insurance 1850, and eduprogram for the development of the! Mrs. Baker ashad been terribly mlssloner Mead House leaders announced they exWest Ruth Dixon, 35, shout at the bishop," money was the motive of France, January 21,school expressed the belief 152 West Broadway; strangled. the high upper river without regard to the beaten, as well Its did what he st Turin, pected to bring up for passage tomorand jected Lillian plain Goode, Broadway; the and offered as evidence a cated at murder, views of the states, he said, so the Three rings, valued at $9000, which that construction work on the see I case don't Wilrow the and cant go plot Involving the stepdaughter, the Italy, the $110,000,000 special public the Jesuit Novitiate at West Broadway; Peggy why unit would be begun some time 28, 337 " Denver conference was called to try friends said Mrs. Baker had not been works appropriation asked by the son, 23, and Shirley Stanley, 23. 128 'A on husband and the husband's father, Monaco, to map out a cooperative scheme at able to remove from her fingers In during the next fiscal year; that Is, West First South Arthur Garfield United for ScanHelen After the Hays, Statea coming attorney street; Dennis O'Loughlln. president. Party splits, despite tbe after July 1. The Hyrum unit, he Hie states are now years, were missing. investigation. he was a etudent at Woodstock col harmony cooperation plan, widened lon, 21, and Teddy Travis. 21, 127 hi the former Judge, said he would raise studies Mrs. Baker was the widow of Dr. explained, Is estimated to cost man the making their Independent sufa later Field a that with also Marie question South West in the house, where Democratic became He First Maryland. street; lege, cost! the reservoir alone and when they are ready for further Clarence Park Baker. teacher of philosophy end ethics at members of the agriculture committee provocation has the right to Wit ficient out A Chinese servant recently was $670,000. CoMtructlonhas teS.dE conference. Porter Preston, In charge in and church would subspeak In a minority report protested against Santa Clara. of the Yakima Irrigation project, discharged after 14 years In her em- layed by failure to get an agreement. poena Bishop Manning to show there When he expounded his theory of $30,000,000 for farm loans approved will take charge of these lnvestiga-- t ploy because he complained of her such as Is required by law, with Irriwas sufficient provocation In the . eun weather forecasting by spots, by the majority. ions. He formerly was stationed at keeping company with young men, gation districts embracing the land bishop's attack on Lindseys characfriends contributed fundi which aided This amount, while $5,000,000 above owners under recomthis reunit. In river. was Colorado He said. friends the widows Yuma and knows the ter contained In his sermon. in construction of the university ob- Hyde's request, la only one-ha- lf of when other servants mending continuance of last year's Representative Taylor of Colorado, employed Lindsey admitted the possibility of the amount proposed by the senate servatory. appropriations Dr. Mead submitted who was an enthusiastic advocate of proved unsatisfactory. a slander suit against Bishop ManThe principle formulated by Father Republicans and Democrats. In tbe n servant to the committee a statement In bill. Is disclosed Police said the Chinese the ning. Rtcard was that when a eun spot minority report, which he referred to these irrigation Representative by the hearings as being apprehen- may have killed his mistress In a district contracts reached s point three days from the James Aswell, Democrat, Alabama, guaranteeing resive that Arizona, not being In the frenzied rage from brooding over his rim sun western Woman s storm ap- said the amount was too small, and Novelist of Chamber of Commerce of the construction cost Colorado river compact, may, by previous discharge, or from narcotics, payment would create Infinite confusion and peared on the Paclfio coast. A prooff the or, they said, robbery may have been over a period of thirty to forty Attacks Judge grab prior appropriation, nounced more unrest by making it Impossible disturbance follows, Father Hear of Delegates water allocated acre-feon of (Continued Pure the Three motive. ) 7,500,000 PALO ALTO, Cal, Dec. 8 P) Rtcard said, although rain or anow to consider all worthy applications for (Column Five ) to the upper basin. Dr. Mead, how- Two Sister Kathleen Norris, novelist, today loans in agricultural communities. may not result. Trade Damage. ever, thought the compact and the strongly criticised Ben B. Lindsey, Republicans made no reply to tbe Convinced After Steadying legislation by congress assure the S arrive Her. companionate marriage advocate, In sizzling Democratic attacks, leu than Six Sun upper basin states their full share of The slain woman Is survived by a Spot conbefore a Parent-TeachYears. talk half a dozen of them being present PORTLAND, Ore , Dec, 8 (47. An ihe water. He had no Information two sisters, Mrs A. B. Groves of 8t gress and characterized the former appeal for modification of antitrust Father Rlcard first became inter- during most of it. The senate then ns to when the upper basin states Louis and Mrs. Maud Christ of Los as Denver "not to be fit In 1890 ested about OTV Judge was laws and turned to consideration of the made before the eighth astronomy w ould be ready to cooperate aettve-l- v Angeles. iower( to speak In any American western divisional a year Jones maternity aid meeting of the devoted a great deal of his time to the with the reclamation service In Her business manager placed Mrs. city. United States Chamber of Commerce subject. He began to study tun spots bill, drawing heated states' rights opworking out a comprehensive plan Bakers own estate at $250,000. He s. Lindsey, she said, would make mar- today by Herbert R. MacMillan, pres- In 1900 and after six years' study waa position from Senator Millard E. Special to Thu Tribune and said she had planned to go to Sacrafor development of the Irrigation riva matter of sex alone. Instead ident of the California OU Ac Gas as- convinced that by noting their posiDemocrat. Maryland. letter the PRICE. - mento tomorrow to settle the estate Rudolph Marcen, 21. a riage power possobUlties of the upper of temtried the and and trusted tion he could forecast weather with nomination of William N. Doak to be sociation. driver employed In the mine of the' cr: he anticipated that they would 0( her brother, Dr. F. J. Bethel, who ; perate thing that lasts on until mid. MacMillan said current gasoline considerable accuracy. secretary of labor wu taken up and , Liberty Fuel company at La tuda, was dle life." hardly be ready within the next 18 left her approximately $300,000. He was s member of astronomical confirmed. wars m a were m 10:30 Hank Deal instantly killed about LUsagreement examples of ruinous price months. In societies The house took up the second of was his crushed Mexico when head Belgium, France. competition, and held the antitrust Monday the annual appropriation bUls, the and the United States. laws responsible. between the roof of the mine and Brings End loaded coal car. It Is high time for those Interetaed (Continued on Pt Throo.) In the Industries and business and Marcen was driving from a front (Column One.) Parley. general welfare of this country to bumper of the car, which was being mobilize their forces for concerted pulled by a horse, and, according to Only 15 Days mine officials, was traveling at a action to bring about the needed NEW YORK. Dec. 8 Pi- -A Until usual a modification 8 At rate of our antitrust laws. than Dec Md Mrs rP) greater ANNAPOLIS, point "billion of! . dollar templated D merger" low he Golds Munroe Morrison Burdick The speaker did not advocate reunusually WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 (47. A New four York banks was called raised up above the top of the car Nixon Kenyon, large conference of members of n Arizona daughter of Mr and peal of the antitrust laws, but urged His legs Mrs. James Munroe of Annapolis, amendments to "safeguard the pub COPENHAGEN. Denmark, Dec. 8 PARIS, Dec. 8 (Pi. A newcomer In off tonight, when representatives of and his skull was crushed delegation, headed by Representative was to take her fifth naval officer lie and at the same time permit (47. King Christian wm seriously Douglas, with Secretary Wtlbut and leading French political roles, Senator the Manufacturers Trust company al" were broken, officials stated. surIs was Marcen husband today at Elizabethtown, N. business and Industry to operate at cut about (lie face today as he reunmarried and other officials of the interior depart- Plere Laval, noted lawyer, worked the Public National Bank As Trust. vivwi by a brother, Martin, who Y in her marriage to Commander' a reasonable profit. Modification, turned, shortly after midnight, to ment, over water rights In the upper feverishly here tonight to construct the Bank United of company, him States at his C. Gill. .worked scheduled he said, would enable producers to Fredensborg from last night's opera with Charles this and for Latuda, Gila river valley, a government where an older hand toIs All who of until Martin four make 8r the husbands.! and former Marcen, was International her trade father, Trust postponed agreement whereby In Copenhagen. company had failed. afternoon, like Commander GUI, were officers of wasteful overproduction morrow Jn might be 8hortly after leaving Copenhagen announced they had been unable to''ePorte,l.to J Uvln8 Invited today by President the the navy and graduates of the class eliminated. the royal automobile smashed Into a body was to form a cabinet, after the agree upon details and final terms. 1907 E. at Price. at the naval academy. of He said capital retreated and In- small car of sedan type driven by j. nynn funeral parlors efforts of Senator Louis Barthou had Public of women. The small car was crumthe two progress was proposed! hesitant before the presdustry failed. Laval was meeting with diffiWILL ROGERS SAYS: ent antitrust laws, and the entire na- pled. His majesty, bleeding badly had gone so far as to merger encountered to those culties similar BEVERLY MILLS, Calif. Dec. TWENTY-EIGHT- H $10 Tricjcle, $3 tion suffered In consequence. from the face, stopped to see that his veteran colleague, The veto the statements that the board BierrlM, 910; sidewalk bicycle. 110. cost g. We all have what we refer to by Government operation of any busi- neither of the women wai badly Inof the radical socialist party against (rectors of the consolidated 922 90 ntw; Flexible FUcr sJed, $3 45; saw. ever we bank as the saddest sight ness that can be conducted by private jured and then hurried to hli castle. doll bucfitSi 93. automobiles. 9? 50. Read Inclusion cf any member of the right Well, mine is this: A cheering sec'GlfU lor Children (under Oilt But In the new combination w s renewed would be strengthened by the addienterprise usually results In .failure, on First CUcsUisd Fats), ftioos of several of tion officials tion. all organized to cheer, and New other Paul Shoup, president of the Southas In Barthous case, apparently York banks. The list Included then nothing comes to cheer over. and, Morern Pacific and vice president of the Laval to A Prize for Christmas! timer N. Buckner, chairman of the It aint ao bad for an individual was the stltfest obstacle for United 8tates chamber of commerce, Tickle tbe family ytnk witb this lle to have yonr favorite lose and not negotiate on his way to the premier- New York Trust company; Walter WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 (47 loud speakers for radios and . told the 192$ Chevrolet sedan. $ nearly meeting. new tire fie, heater, seat covers: tiphol be able to holler. You (eel bad, ship. E. Frew chairman of the Com ExWhatever else we do, Shoup said, years ago today Oliver1 graphs had not been Infringed by new Car naa had and Uke ftnUh stery Laval, however, a close friend of change Bank Trust company; George Wendell Holmes became an associate the hut vou kinder can keep your Rola company of Oakland, Cal., "let us not consult any panacea. Let exceptional care. $190 buys HI 94$ land Miller Brothers of Wilmington, u not expect the government to do grief to yourself. But when vou Aristide Brland, famous foreign min- W. Davison, president of Central Justice of the supreme court down, terms on bal) See Autos Want . Ad Column are sent somewhere en masse for ister and former Premier Tardleu, Hanover Bank 8i Trust company, 4$ He celebrated the anniversary by Del we Dec. $ UP). cannot do ourselves" something WASHINGTON, and appeared tonight to have better and Park A. Rowley, president of the delivering, without notes, one of two nothing else only to holler, said It was of the greatest President Hoover today addea his Shoup Lost! False Teeth had chances Is success Barthou whv what that than of then you can't, Manhattan company smd vice chair-- 1 decisions handed down by the.court Importance the government keep out name to the roll of the old guard of A mounted told brldto let. lost vou would call organized grief, blinds for duck hunting alpng the of man of the Bank of Manhattan Trust Carrying his 90 years well, Jus-jbusiness. Many governments have the city of New York. Monday Owner ofrera reward for tts Is so promiscuKIN. STRICKEN wretchedness VISITS return Take o peek in Lost and Found tice Holmes was congratulated by Potomac river . business In past years and in company. jour Hoover had been elected an Column. entered Mr. ous; you are even dressed and No Other reason was given in to-- 1 his colleagues before the session be- - The court refused to review three almost every Instance the result has honorary member of the famous vet-- 1 WILMINGD N, Del., Dec. 8 47 seated, just to draw attention to EsteUe Taylor, motion picture actress nights statement for the failure tojgan, but otherwise the day passed mlnob cases, consented to pass upon been failure, hr said. Old-Tieran battalion. The roll book, with Music Box your wretchedness. Brothers,. it nd wife of Jack Dempsey, arrived reach an agreement other than that unmarked ( the merits of five and dismissed sev- - Bpokane and Sacramento appar- - the names of every president since Wanted! On that Plays metal dte nr . must be Yours, banks held that thV patent en appeals for want of jurisdiction, ently were leading contenders for the James Monroe written upon it. was crlmoer jwcords Read Wanted7 to Buy. here today and went to the bedside representatives of the four The opiulon WILL. Want Ad Column No. 37, A recess was announced from De-o- n 1931 chamber session. The meeting brought to the White House by a de- of of her grandfather, C.C. Barrett, who, were unable to effect a satisfactory of ' the Lectophonc corKiratton J Is I cember 15 to January 5. settlement ol details. Jersey City, N. J , critically ill place will be selected tomorrow. tf! in full uniform. diversion tunnels the four di- through which the river will beconerted while the dam Is under struction, and for the coffer dams, which must be put in before the foundation of the dam proper can be ex50-fo- ot GROUP ALLOTS PROJECT FUND . Notd on Sun ntlvloe strug-IgaU- cross-exami- ( nZr tloStnaon at Hy-ru- m to Jempand ALTERED TRUST f STATUTE URGED 1 Swlng-Johnso- the et BILLION DOLLAR MERGER FAILS er MINE ROOF Tyd-lng- n Navys Sweetheart Marries Another Water Discussion NEW MAN TRIES Meets With Delay TO CONSTRUCT PARIS CABINET Collision Hurts Denmarks King , -- Dou-merg- Brhe. St'JUSTICE ENDS YEAR IN SUPREME COURT Adds Name To Old Guard Roll Hoover phono-Twenty-ei- of cone-shap- ed 4 |