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Show 18Schools and Training I DRAFTING ,.eoulo.en. & -- LI ii -1 . PaR its V complete cleaning plant for sale. Presently do- ing $950 per week bus- Could handle ,. mess. $1,500 to $2,000 per ,,' week in business. Self- service gas pumps, also. s, Reply to Box core of this newspaper. 7, THE e.o. g 21172. Box or Scent Of The West MINIM rigi t 1 - I. WE need candle makers, full or oart time. do the work in your home. make a material investment. N8ubueV4l,' ;!icTo candles you YOU 3. 587 So. Elizabeth St. .. KING'S ROW MANORS WEST WOOD Stone Fireplace $I 50 t000cot. loyury APPE.,.,ING NEW MEDITERRANEAN or unfurn bcirm., i;s 3795' woodlake Village 355-228- ' 41 WHATS LAKE PARK Icwnhouses HIDDEN LAKE Hrs. " ' 0 S Something for nothing! Impossible!, But, for very little down and terms. this well established laungro-- , mat and dry cleaning DUSitteaS Cali' -be Yours. For details call. Mike Mac or Bob' MOCERN, CREEKSIDE EAST grir COTTONWOOD Ni t. Olympus L. '262-644- 1 not Join us? Why E. 3300 So. REALTORS WILL YOUR JOB BE NEXT TO YrO? SHOULDN'T YOU STARTl 4844808: 2910 - CREEK new 2 bdrm. M3 E. 4500 South, dishwasher. cond., apts., air luxury utils. included exc. elec., near free- put.. oar. 2 cars. ansdooetxgrdiyes 6Vi146.'!' SOLAR ARMS APTS. OUR OWN ,InS,11;4kE,S-S,N.t.....- -, .. tdrm., $110, Garden apt., carpets, turn. or unfurn. ' car- Large WHILE STILL carport and disp., 27th East drapes, disci., dishwasher, Pets. drapes, IS THE ANSWER. range hood all aools., retrig., aid 40rh So. No pets, nO children. No Investment Required Full or part time Men or Women! cond., heated swim. pool, rec. rm.,' Retirement Plan Which Ignores Age end Length of Service Write at once for details. . OPPORTUNITY -P.O. Box 2224 ... -:,.. Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 BEAUTIFUL mountain recreational lam, heavily wooded, adiCiinina Marl forest. Presently beina sold in suedivicied tracts $wo of .4600 Per acre. Comparapie value to SI,Odll per acre. Will whoiesale cnoice e tract at 5200 our acre S,0,000 casts) to provide develoo-- 1 m ere cacetel. Acreage purchased may remain in our sales program to be sold at 5049 to 5a00 per acre it in care (di desired. elite Box - - GARDEN LUXURY laundry facils.. Patio, covered pkoi,l outside storage, plenty of built-iSUZY-- Q storage space. Lovely decor., beaut.1 landscaping. 644 S. Elth East new throughout, HIGHLAND TERRACE APT. all Parking, gas. $139. 1941 S. 13th East SPRING MEADOWS Offers the ultimate in Quiet secluded living with all the convenience of a modern apt. complex. Boone of the first and have your choice of carpet coLor and view from apartments! Allutilities paid except lights. .1115 covered CELESTA VU -Aix La - r Chapel le NORTHWOOD rd "".'"'"'"!" or. , 'L, - 'TOWNHOUSE - It It APTS. . ' ki '. :, - street - - 0,,,, - f - real- - - - - - - - - feci. - It Eos 41 East Meets the 13111 (where Van 2 51NM5"' Club Nouse Laundry Facilities Swimming Pooi HOLIDAY Dec. COUPON SPECIAL-- 191. This Pon is --- --- I kolll I Towards lease on a deluxe apartment. i4 t Towards lease on a apartment. 3067 West 3500 South 298-919- I 3 WOODLAKE )1(. Week 04VILLAGE ()Musa f . Telephone 278-045- . 3 A DISTINCTIVE RES;DENCE FOR DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE Millstream Gart1n WHAT'S Hk)PENINGM? Its ALL happening HERE AND NOW at the most talked about apartment c,,griplex in the valley. Want to be a part of the VIP Group? Then you will. want to reside at WOODLAKE VILLAGE acres of beautiful, quiet, secluded living.you wouldn't expect to find in the heart of the Metropolitan area of Salt Lake minutes away from all major ski areas, shopping units with malls, etc. Luxurious, spacious All luxury facilities available. All utilities paid except .electricity. No lease required. Pets accepted with a security deposit. Adult residence. Single and out of state residents welcome. Drive out NOW seeing is Apartments in BOUNTIFt'L fomi.hed unturnitimd immi ''''- SdariltnkePrtlacseo. For appointment, per month, studio type Close to temple grounds and Ideal for church employees, temple wsrkers. Comfortable Quiet. Kimoall Apts., 150 oven refrigerator Dishwasher and disposal Air conditioning and pool Covered parking and storage Shag carpet, drapes Central laundry facilities Individual patios I Completely secluded Trost-fre- e believing. 4050 South 3rd East Available Soon "'THE TIGER'S LAIR" 10 minuies from S.L.C. Unbelievably Unique Wth,h,obAxkscJ do4c7bwn Botntifd 611 South Main. horomeaftwitZ CtoallshTaurees.trobsuilne, MAmaLleE. - 2 100M BSMT apt., 1 adult clean', utits. ante. tights, car spacer 323,2 Stanton Ave. (535 So.) , 1 or z cAREER oiris to share a t . se50, '. . 688 No.1 NEW colored aPPI's furniture, carport. patio, storage, laundry, Beautiful grounds. Adults, no pets. 22 262- - 1292, 5, I lfliltittS1415 loom r, , refined lady to snare nice home on East Bench with other lady, Kit. I NEAR U. AND TOWN priv . , New $167.50. luxury 1.tdrin., airi cond., excel. layout, shag carpet, NEAR 1.1. bath, kitchen tlieliitieSo terrace. 736 E. 1st South. parkinci. piace, ed. $14.1. DE SOTO STREET basement apt., te enrance h eat Behind Capitol. 880, 3163n526Ri.verside PrnlitAmSAwNprektrvotreaitesroo. wr.I s9s, 1 berm., washino fad., cart utils. pd. Near downtown. No pets. 454 So. 5th East. AND PETS WELCOME. 2 bdrms., w.w. carpet, ct,nm., bsmt., ing garage. fee charoed. RECS Rental Agency $25 WEEK $90 Month and UP 1 OR 2 OR 3 DOUBLE BEDS MT. VIEW MOTEL KITCHENS. TV 2241 E. 2Ist South 2 Wm., RENT OR BUY IWO Mobile Home, 1 child, 1140, includes space and water. No calls after 8 p.m. PAD. Uti Is. paid, cotn-o- p laundry, w.w. carpet, off street orko. fee charged. RECS Rental Agency PAID. I bdrm., w.w. carpet, laundry, fncd. yard, cnildren OK. Fee charged. RECS Rental Agency OCCUPANCY 337 East Cottle Creek Road 1 Inolohtsp.etsNeaNro 664 4 4 4 Featuring: pumplike EAR II clean, Quiet, kit. and laun. facits. 3434000 or 437.7222. towels. St3 mo. comoleselvfuntistied, linens, maid service. SLEEPING rri,,, gentleman, $12.50JI ovt. entrance and orkno., 2664697. NEAR U. Clm, ouieh out- - ant., Pkg.. men, V uo wk. 963 E. 2nd South. - 1 HOTIR"LS SPEC. &MNIS $18.50-$5- MOMS .R-5- WK. UPI 0 Ideal foe PRIV. quest rooms. prof. and office peoole; Center of City. Maid serv. clean. quiet. Teo 24-shone with switchboard. coffee shoo, lounge, refrig., air cond. in every room. Newhouse Hotel, 4ffs So. Main. WINTER rates $22.50 oer wit. and up. Sleeping 4'00MS with TV, some kitchens. Scotty's,. Motel, .754 West North Temple. S25 WEEK S90 Month and Up 1 OR 2 OR 3 DOUBLE BEDS MT. VIEW MOTEL. KITCHENS. TV 2241 21st South E. NICE quiet studio apts. 895 mo. . Council Crest Apts. 706 East 3rd 50.1 BEAUT., warm, sleeping rros., 324.50 1 hdrm.,1 and uo wkly. Tv, ricito, maid serv., SOCHOICE LOCATION. w.w. carpet, shwr., extra stor., fee kitchenettes avail. Se Rancho Motel, 640 W, North- Temple. chimed. 3644361. RECS Rental Aqency AIRPORT Motel renting rooms tr0 NEW BROADMODR 938 East 3rd' week. month, 2255 W. No. Temp S o. BROADWAY 11 Quiet, comt new S rm. 2 bdrm. Air' S15445 mg. 222 W. 3rd South. cond. Carpeting. BEAUTIFUL warm apts., $3250 NEW GRAND HOTEL per wk. TV, radio, maid sent. Close location, In Se Rancho Motel, 640 W. North Downtown weekly and monthly rates. No. 7 East lth So, Temple. Nr: 'Univac, Litton,j LARCiE 2 bdrm. apt., close to town,1 CASABLANCA suitable up to 4 persons, S200, also TV, maid service. 1750 W. N. Tem.' bachelor apt.. 865475, 136 So- - 3rd East, TRUCKER Air cond. hotel. close 670 draped,1 In. S3 nay, $12.50 wk.. $49.50 mo1 carpeted, t. prkg. Kids O. Utils. pd. Sparks Motel, S. 2nd W. Rental Agency. Homelocaters, fee charged. KITCHENS or Sleibina rooms wittil TV for 1 or 3. Reasonable $120, 1620 PARK ST. rate. 5214150. call evenings. weeklif: aur cond., carpets, drapes, &cols.. Nelson, ROOMS with form. din. rm., prkg. 24 WITH BOARD small yd., child and Pets Ok, t Lillis. 8120, Rental i pd. Azency. Homelocaters, fee charsied. fLr nice retire. MANAGER needed. rent reduced, ROOM AND BOARD leveblv cosv tinge S1104120. Carpets, drams . gentleman.welcome. References. 115B disc.. carport. e50 Cornell, call 'brat, Smokers mo. Call to share with ROOM and board. MALE RO;.)MMATE towels., other man. Call. after lv P.m. alinens, maid service turn., 3 meal day, 6 ,days wk., oh. wkays. -1 r-LINFURN. hdrm. apt., utils. Pd., ' 870.,first and last ma. rent req., 30 re $754. MO., close to town. Lrg. studio apt., laund. fad'. on premises. Oakwood Apts. $77 So. 500 East. SSC, new carpets and paint. 3 MS. Adults. Needs living rm. set, 376 No. 2nd !MATURE 2 NOUSIMPING ; ROOMS 25 S15 L- --;) rarram W. LDS lona girl needs a girl to bdrm. apt. tJ rl LFAsE new home in Sandy, 3 bdrms.. 2 baths. taint rm.. 2 &eel.. NEWLY DECORATED. single oas log. natio, dbl. oar., coMoletely unit, completely furnished. All bdrm.I draped, carpeted, and turn., includ. and utils turn. washer. dryer and freezer. 1300 per, ZOZY APT. . close to town,' me., adults only no pets, reg. ref.. Single person. $60. 664 So. Westi first and last trio.. $150 cleaning and darnaoe deposit in advance. Temple, 2774534. avail. Dec. I$ , 2 3 rm., utils. exc. Its., adult aril BE IN L.A. FOR no pets, 420 East 6th So.., 1$75, ROSE PARADE LDS .wants to trade .oCean '3 BORM. home. fenced yard, Wel view family home in Palisades. loc. So. East Place. Cal. for hom in S.L.C. from 1246-7- 2 to 2134544S3 $130. SANDY area, 2 bdrth. Pacific Cal. Palisades, tile floors. Per 2 WITH apartments OPTION. 3 bdrMS- - Wm. carpet laundry hook. month. 5214377. FMALE roommate wanted. Diane, Pets OK. Fee prkg., childeen and charged. att. 3 Pm. or RECS Rental AceOCY 3544261, 13 ROOMS, $80. 2052 Sycamore Lane, 8 D R M!. carpets. fireplace. fenced for drapes. kids. yd. "85 FURN. Basement. All utils. exc. hookups, $lag. Call Jim, Rental Agency. Homelocat. lights. LDS oirls need girl roommate fo: ers. fee charged. share 3 bdrm. aut., 484.0500. SPECIAL. Ww. carpet, lattroSrl hook-waalio. LDS GIRL needs I or 2 roommates." fncd. Yard, off street mkt:L. pets Call after 5, 3597255. OK. Fee charged. rms.. U. 2 AOOTICY NIL kitchen, RECS Rental very kg. 3644361. bath, for 34. 2 BDRM. older home with firePlace. in neighborhood. 520 Redonoo 2 BDRM. APT., covered carPort,, Ave.Quiet (520 East 2010 So.) $IALS Dios southeast loc., $150, olds. Call Mr. Peck East Bench. Near U. Large t Near Cara. 5I55 bdrm.. all utils. paid. Gar. No NO smokers or oets. IDol. smokers. no pets. 'NEED girls to share luxury apt. BORM. MOBILE HOME, $125. S.40 per month. Call incl. utlis.. Air cond., own yd., no smokers. Granger area. 29941426. ,, CLEAN, small, ground 1$47 lady, near Sears. LDS males want roommate to share UNARMS 5 bdrm. house near U. MUM Iglu Mot., women, all utils. turn., 667 East 1st So., aft 4 p.m., Illoalmomommsro,,,mmilemr..i ... room $195 LRG. 6 has house, CLOSE TO TOWN- -3 rooms nicen stove, retria... fireplace, laundry furnished. 1251st Ave. hookwol, some carpet and drapes. apt., utils. bd., 840 1st. ouiet Suoar House area, deposit reouired. No Deis. Ave. . BARGAIN 2 tirMs., to T other girls. Rose Park. ccahrircitt'enla.uannlirloeh?C's IcDuKp.s' wriowe., F1'eag. ;BACHELOR apt.util. ad.. 255 East' chortled. . 24th So., RECS Rental Adency 364461. STUDIO APT., 535, Naar U. !SUGAR HOUSE area, 2 bdrms., neat earCe:s, stove, retrig.,' drapes, ay. 14odrrn. SI05 new w.r..' erythigg. No pets or children, 1 yr, LARG Icase.'SI65 mo. 4664719, 1753 Wind. carpet. oar.. nice area. 4844143. oar St. BACH. UNIT .1250- - beau?. view. Cottonwood area, near Mall. 2 bath. brick. First' rrIcKlern 3 LDS girls need roommate, fireol., carpets, drapes, built.lns. Ave. area, 39.9690 aft. 5:30. ' ' garage, Setim pool;'. 1 sm, child. welcome. 381 South 3rd East. F180 Lease. 373 North 7th West. 3 $105 EXOUISITE air cond. 50 So. 5th. birm.', 2 bath, all carpeted, carport. East. No drinkers, smokers, nets. Refer. $90 mo. Lovely. lame 2 SOrm. 'lc ences definitely reouired. 3634666. CU! I$I5. SmOeino,- drinkino. Aduits. Ilevel home with kg, DELUXE- 2 EdrmS7. 8170. scats. no eat;no area in kachen. Lease avail. students. 434 2nd Ave. 3644883. until June 30, 1973. 7211 So. 298d East. Call aoent 3 rms., $75, clean, nicely turn., utils. euc. Its., 1 adult onlY, atAms. um I down, full sorinklers , lease fenced, 5NE bdrm. bsmt. apt.. all utils. incl.! in east side. close reouired, Call No 4469783, smoking. ---- -1 BDRM. apt., kind slre bed. utils.1 2 bath bdrm 3 HOLLDAY, iovely paid. washer, cce., $125. WI!. rm., 'carpets,' Near U. NO dele. gar., 1956 Wagstaff (462$ 50.2 15140, DELUXE, smokers or pets. S250 month. So. Temole, studio. ave- 3 DORM., 112 baths. a;r cond., dial'. nues. no smokers. carport. retrla, and stove turn., 1 bcirm. area, SIKI, 2665679 Or apt., near U. col. only, $100, Murray WaShrArrOr 41L' Whirlpool LOVE APPLIANCES From 81.77 292-158- 0 11:00-7:0- daily 0 CREEKSIDE KIDS I I 1 Victoria House golf parks, .,,,,, UM' Live close to the finest schools in Utah, the finest - LOVE IS GREAT FOR -3- rs tt DELUXE il carp, lsts, opoomtne,' 4800 South Oust ck' the Exptesswoy) By the peopie who ,reoteci Three Foun'oirs. 850 Apartments NEW --- --- . g145 1 bdrm.. carpet. Nicely furnished, 2 Pckm. Convenient laundry rm. carport storage clop or, e t , toe 2nd A ,,,e .. location. Close to town. ,,,,.7, '2 working girls to share new aoi. Carpeted, washer, dryer in Granger NEWLY DECORATED area. 296,1061 Call att. 4 p.m. $72.50 and upi-rm- . apt., all utils -- rr to 11111.MMI - living 6 p.m. o' it 41 onit an7, $195 $175 2 .... Luxury Apts. ASPEN VILLAGE Open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 pm -- Cort-- r doity hoT 10 , lusol'thoiNellwod (1, 11"ek ONPN APTS. r 4t E 1 bdrms., plus a study, townhouse apartments, and apts. WII,IDSOR are now available. Unbelievable storage space with modern electric 837 East lth South total elm, comp!. felchens. SeParate dining area, fire- N ew Townhouse A.pt. 18, carpeted and air cond., Place, 2 balconies, carpets and throughout. Beautiful apartlNo facils. laund. pets, married cole.. drapes in plush units. caroeted ments. Please call or stop by for shag, disnwasher, disposal. dounie Pref. 3554508. 2220 acct. and information. Conversation door, i East 4800 South. TRACY APIS oit with fireplace. private fenced walk-iwaroropel patio, Ilt2 pains, 2 bd.m. apt., carpets, drapes, NEW DELUXE TOWNHOUSE. 678 closets eenMore storage titan you' ve 1NEW area. 5140 ifICI. Utils. East Capitol Blvd.. 4 bdrrns.. Ito. cove. ed Jois weer. ever fem. rm., conversation pit with except .6117.1 lights. 434 1023 in REPUTABLE Windsor St., firm, specializing view of city. caroets.l Wept., new ventures, seeks developing drapes. dbl. oar.. kit. built-in- s. 33481 IDEAL LOCATION -mo., ONE associate Only to head inter- . and prestigious versatile New large 2 wstinia, apt., With snag 31.RO 8DR MS.. kids and vets Ok We in Utah. Potential? carpets, draPes, colored appl., air Stove : refrio.. new carpets and operation cond. 298 - 3006 Or feel he should become a friiilion drapes. Covered prka. Very reas. at Must be promoter-mindetore! IS THIS WHAT YOU ARE Rental 5200. Agency. and with judgment good positive, LOOKING FOR? Homelocaters, fee charged. business investment BRAND NEW background. Ave. loc., 2 !Arms., eleya- DELUXE APT. 6175-- 1st e d r o a m. f u I I 7.500. Initial oetails, call Mr. An-- 1 tor, snag carpets, covered parking 5145- -N e w 229 B ST. with laundry hook:up, .derson cotlect (206)621-252applianced for not, and more. 12 Bdrm., air cond., Wept.. balconies, air conditionino. covered parking. '.WORLD-FAMOU- S Choice Bountiful location. No pets. THE BRIGADOON APTS. tANG closets, appl., storage carrion, or eyes. 1059 East fitit SO. CAR BEAUTY SHOPS Caroetin new 2 bdrms., carpets, drapes, air cond., i apt. AVAILABLE IN UTAH AND IDAHO. drapes, disposal, dishwasher, patio. covered parking, i rm. NO COMPETITION. WE FURNISH air cond. Utility Caroort, and Range, refrig., carpets, drapes, Washer-drye- r EVERYTHING TO START YOU IN hookup. $155. WEI. turn. in this compact YOUR OWN BUSINESS. FOR IN-- 1 area. HOLLADAY IN clean Sugarhouse apt. Very or FORMATION PHONL or 4864217 and attractive. PETS ACCEPTED 2 bedrooms, studio, fur-- att. 6 Pim. In $130 shag carpet. taunt WING AUTO nished or unfurnished. adults onit or 153 rm.. Pierponl. INC. waSnw.w. l PLATING, snag carpets, no pets, swimming pool. air condi- f represent a group which wishes to tioned, rec. room. Pretty courts, ins tea, provided. Priv. drive., Ok. ' $135. Kids Orkg. covered 1600 South 2270 carE. , NEAR U., lovely Shag diversify current operations by at-Rental Agency. Hornelocat- - pet, colored air apple., balcony, .ou isition. 5200,000 cash and financ- cond. No children or pets, 8155. See over $1,000,000 can be PARK ers, tee charoed. mg mett or one or 12 call Acts. for rent, Riverton area, Since diversification is desired. Mgr. It 3 bedroom. arrtments.. S,20,..t.9 . 6115. Rent 6?5; one '.. a If 2 DOLLARS. E utilities except liohts I hdrms., cia.,7;41,3-1-aa'7.0i,s. l ag. 5;;;A''''''''bu-Ss'iness , arrldi $155. includes carCarpets. drapes, air cone., taundry at Karts Cafe in Riverton or call ww. carpet. laundry hook-upwish to retaIn coniml, with rm. rec. and large pool. hookups. port, children OK. fee charged. 32243391' 2662874. 2 Box lust to care, Two children strati reply area. , salarv, Rental playing RECS Agency cri this Paper. Please include busi-- : okay. NO pets. See manaoer, 610 N. $163NEWS attarctive good 2 ioc. cress statement. bdrms. 1 bath, carpeted. 1 13DROA. apt., clean, close to stores, Redwood, or call draped, gas Ica fireol., carport. trans., off street parking. $110 mo. SERVICEMASTER. world leader in Lincoln 1786 Lane. Dec. 16, Avail. BEAVER CIRCLE APTS. 1PrOfessional cleaning systems for 486- 1321, of- offices inslitutions and tomes. BRAND NEW apartments, 2 beim., Cot., apt., lots 5147, New cters a gualified man in this arh6 1 a built-InLaipets, 3, ,,, $ .,$. Washerd'rver : ho'c'er-uOf closet storage, secluded. No chit- - drains, air, hook-up'Me ooDortunity to manacle a buSH conditioning. ' nest of his own. Training plus man-- Playground . Two children ott. No drel or Pets. 1878 E. lIrd South. child, no pets. remind and marketing assistance will! NICELY turn. I ()drift apt. No pets, Pets. 6 months lease required. See 278,724 telt) build a Profitable business 2 Bdrms., shag 3. Rose Park no children. $79. Downtown. 154 So. the man who really wants to work Manager, 7096 W. 34th South, No. range, retro., washer 2nd East. New Ctitton Apts. carpets, i and grew. Write o.o. box 15694,1 Call welcome. dryer hookups, children For rent, 2 bdrm. duplex, carpeted. VILLA 5,25 plus cleaning epos.apt.,355.9779. street. air cond. ' quiet i stove, built-i- n :'..r FARMINGTON, House. 4664595. 3570 So. 3rd East disposal drapes, carpet, retro., MM.,lBeautiful spacious 3 bedrooms, 3 and laundry Wits., S130. No pets. Sugar MARKETEX REPRESENT Nol REALLY Nice extra lac 2 bdrm. rcORP. in yOur home area. or all gas utilities, Carport,. Close in. near bus, 1 child Ok. ne income. baths, good very .investment, storage, pool, air conclitionino. also Or bsmt. bp. with aa- - Pets, call flees. needed throughout south and two bedroom units, SI75, I.O. Chil- Cozy. central Utah Contact t)erees King' dren welcome; Parents accepted. rage. 5125. Htils. turn. Couoles, no .,."--KIsize bdrm., tile bath, UM.b, Clubs drinkers. 8464, Want', Country smokers, lovelY rms.. stove. fireolace, area. FROST-TOcafe, I retrio. drapes, new carpet. ISDRM. $160- -2 choice loc. on '47,ii;w" ay 7o", annual Duplex, bsmt., car-- 1 lir 1 BORM,.. carpets, stew& re- bross income over S130,000, annual and carport, $110 gar. pet, drapes, Pet income over S20,000, business fence d yard, ciderly couple pre- - trio., carport. storage. Adults. 359-- 1 TERRACE 5446. and eouio. for Only $20.000. Calll ferred. 633 East 3rd So. rMas Rambo. 298.5461. Luxury Apts. from S135 I Bdrm. bsmt. aPt. across from srpd. ll 487-361- 8 Ism So. Main lwBwORc;De EAIN,5e95aor $illsOo.w3rithd ley Fair Mall. S125, obis. a 2994659. early mornings or East. own.! W W OUtSTANDING opportunity for eves. for apot. Avail. Dec. O. and trailer' ,erdrivers. 1 Tractor LOVELY older studio apt. $75, shag your place in the sun required. year renewable lease carpets, new decor. 3rd East. no DELUXE DUPLEX LEISURE VILLAGE pets. 3554336. starting January i, 1973. 10,000 plusw.w. rarmt throughout. 7 bedroom. miles Per month hauling in NorthNew western U. S. and Canada. Call hdrm. and 2 bdrms. with frolc. Nice are& 5128. 557 Demo Dr., THREE FOUNTAINS EAST 'Personnel Dero., toll free at Laundry, rec. rm., pool. Dishwash.' carpets, drapes, view. cond.. lease, sun air air er. shower, cond., disposal, , SUGAR HOUSE decks, ample stoiage, $115 and 2 IC& bcirms. , new carpets, drapes. IMPORT-MAI- L ORDER 380 East 3360 South 2 Efdrm.. sharo, disco.. covered pool, air cond., no mark Cheney. pool. new Items from direct Dnigife pets, oso.2kss gift -European Manufacturer. Sampies & $130. ROSE PARK. 2 bdrms., cot.. S100. 1 bdrm., carpet, drapes. util. available. Contact Sr. Car- $160 a month, Brand newt drapes, range., refrig., career!, sto- - room. 68 Midvale . W. Wasatch. -- Catalogs los Bornay, Travetodoe Tues. & 2 baths, carpets, drapes, located in rage. or 278.7452. small children, no pets. East Layton. 20 min. from S.L.C. We a. Dec . 7 4. 1 adults only, bdrm. $128. NEWA, 20 Mill. 5, from H.A.F.B. NEEDED 6 good honest aoults to 117 rm., (rg. no pets, 3405 71. 2n0 East ton. Supervise Denote in celiyery of ad., Lay f ireplace, retrig. and range, Pm one ,Ibedrooms, new carpets, drapes and bdrm., exc. verlisina ma;erial. from couple, no pets. 221 N Street , 1 bdrm. apt., no pets , to three times weekly. Very good' paint. In Granger area. $130 Mo. tails. no children, range. refrig.. heat, or Pikula 3884965 Income potential. small investment Cil Nuttall sib& Reliable Courier Ser. ATTRACTIVE clean 1 bdrm.. air gar., $110 mo. 1' etria., APT. Small vd., gars range, shao DORM. Cond., 1 2 carpet, NEWLY yiee. bdrrn. bsmt. apt.. dec. - SERVISOFT OF SALT LAKE prkg.. 5115, 277.1583. Sl23. Oils. incl., no children, retrig., stove. Call bet. 10 a.m. and or Pets. East Millcreek. S185 AND UP. No pets. 1 to 3 2 P.m. Or aft. 5 p.m., - 267,1205. fa for sa le. Co. is long established ;a ars. National ly 2.78.6376 Mlle, 5 p .m . -bdrm. Twit. DUPLEX. yi a t e r conditioning. -bdrms., some furniture, heat indef. $133 well run. Present Peaks Dr. ( 6850 So. ) 276 1st Ave. Deluxe 1 bedroom available. PrincipalS, managernent no BORM. Pool, ca,ozt, ON moll 487.1611. drapes. phis. MC, pl., only. Real nice. carpeted. S100. 2263 Lake 3 or pets. $120. for( I children, pats, 267 6th Ave. Call GUEST RANCH St. No. 4. 46.2853. amt. restaurant, bar, motet, 5165.NEW, 00nd attractive nuntino:l ragescar and fish,no end. Unftun. 1 bdrrn. apt., Mils. pd., 570.1 (..$0105VEmlY0 .1 bd;mts or IraFtrt. ops ,,,Iii 1r .. 2 bdrms.. carpeted. ..,,,m. 1.6,0ex t4. first rent reg.. 39549c7: ii5d iast 1T1P Crem., Col DOC o. 'via.. Carr, imiance- 72 724316 pioche, idd Iiii.S941. 1766 Lincoln Lane. 2664362. Ni $14i, nevf 2.15Jrm., carpet, sn. CL EA- 1 bd rrn , refr ig., stove. 1 ISDR61., lower Ayes, carpet ,s SANDY BUTOR WANTE 0 or drapes, must see to anoreciate, $125 drapes, refute, refrig. :: Ave. only, Couples An excellent product to ,rour4 outl aopt. phone to S135, 3594055. NEW 2 bdrm. $150. Near U. 1397 ',your food or frozen food line. 1 bdrm., $110; 2! mcciand, ir2,2e5s, Near BOUNTIFUL New 7 bchm. Carpeting, further information write this town, no dogs, 2 children Mc, Rel. bdrm., $125. No smokers, pets.' :paper. box no. 7,51. 5149. NEW. 2 iadrm.. carpets. drapes. Deposit. I req. NAKERY FOR RENT. 7 Lee., rotat- 1 bdrm. older apt., air conditioner. 1 child OK. U. New 1 and 2 bdrms., LOVELY jc,C1. ovens, COOk ,I.. mach., comp& NEAR St05.S110. Snag carpet, new decor., BOUNTIFUL, 2 bdrm., manY extras. laund. cond. a;r wholesale porch. for refreg. equipped no smoke or nets. 2924789. oPeration.1 facii. From $129. .571.9512, 3rd E., no pets, 3554336, Northeast corner 7th wall to wall 2 BORA!). apt., carpeted, carport, Contact Mr. Pace, 364.5621. bdrrn. 4 Plex, near town. $105, delvve Ly0, Wits. Its., except storage, 150 Wentworth, 487.3759. ample strg., shag, BOUNTIFUL DRVE-IN- , greal loc., Couples only, no Pets. 785 Herbert 2024 LetMourne Ave. 487.5053. $90- -1 Ave. (1040 So.). 266.2037. Bdrm., new paint, fireplace, ,owner refiring, S53,495. 79541771. 2 heat. 266 No. 400 W. 511.3924. fiee borms., GRANGER area, - r".00K INC., REALTORS, ;LOVELY ace- -. working col. only, no,S113 Pefs.ItIEW op 2 carpeted, 1430 built.,ns, Isdrms., S174. appis., 1397 drtniters. refrig., smokers, Hudson( 1 children O.K. 299.5,776. SHELTER . Ave. incilist.5. wash-drS135 ;CLOSE classifi cationi.CLOSE It TO under 2 ad Nentrm., Simons' hookup. bdrms., See 16.7 and stove refrig.. heat 582.6220. clean, 48 (Farms and Acreage). Adults, 3605 So. 9th E. apt. 5. . ry 278,784i. call after 3 P.m. Available: 1 HUNTER S83, bdrm., Cart:Sets, S100.IRD., New apt., 1789 Osage bsmt. apt., close to U, ell range, retrig., will turnish. 48, 485 - WO . Bntfl. arid SLC or will build to su,t.illet5Rm. Orange Dr. l Uti15, Pd , 1.85 per mo. 484.9174. 582.7488. BDRAA. aot., Sugar House area, 1 &grin. Clean, nety Carpet, 1 Mock bdm., stove, $115 me. pleas, ca l, asa7981, "COIN Laundrv, oorg Mc., excel. in. sks. Large nice to Temple, Come. low rent. Li9.9252. retrig, drapes, 4072 Highland O- r- S115, 2 bdrm. bsmt., vt,ls. pd. clean, apt. 3. 't 426 Nava i0 Street (1330 West.). VENDING MACHINES 570. 1046 S. Sth East. 266.2517. I euRm., carpeted, fireot, sewing bus. 29541154 Best part-tim2 .ttskilc.ar?!ts,.rta.tin. Large 72 bcirm. SoMe utlis. 644 Con wast side beeu'VI rm., Irg. Ilv. rm., ayes., aft 5,20,1LRG. nle after 5 weekdav5 cord St. LAKE PINES Oroer, NOUN 486-840- 9 487-121- FJ 0013 BRAND NEW AT THE AIX LA CHAPELLE 3,c1 EXTRA nice 1,4101., ar.vi. carpets, to town, Close disposal, ' etc.; -- --, - APIS AIRE male 3ACHELOR. Elderly nelohbor wanted. Heat, kit. 230 So, East. 3 RMS. bath and storage. Utils,, semi remodeled,. p5mt., paid. $ all. 4TH SOUTH, 5TH EAST UNITS FROM $180 S. 3rd East MO. Cl end and Main. System IMMEDIATE 195 BdrM. fUrri. apts.. close to U and Foothill Village. designed for sin- Mooney Real gles. From S130. Estate, $213790. eau. JO Season's Best. I Apartment Community 1 apts. st The e -$- Victoria House FO')thill $65475-54- APolvert 12-- 4 ELY smoking. ,It 262-191- 0 3975 S. 9TH EAST bdrrn., carpets, drapes, Reserve one now and choose your covered parking, security and CARPET facilities, utils.1 APPLIANCES system, laundry close in, , COLOR. Its. Excellent, except RENTAL DISCOUNT highrise. $165 month. Adults. We MP accept Seq. pets. Call No. 8 Hillside Ave. (236 N. Main). I Sunday 1 built-in- P 10-- 6, eves. older 2 bdrm. a ot., S120. new Oecor.. 3rd East. s3h5n33c6a.roet, LC 24:kirm. sot., postair., EXCEPT RIVERTON, no yrd., utils. od., $130 Per mO. of ALSO Si Ss to srpokers, CPLE. only, and drink. sot newly decor.. SO ONE BEDROOM WITH emeast bSnt. ioc. SI00 mo. SIOS. Carpets. LOFT, CONVERSATION SUGARHOUSE area drapes no ctiildten or eels. 21114 PIT, DELUXE FURNISHED-- lake St.. 2 LDS girls need 2 girls to snarl $220 MO. CALL 363-402- 4 $45 mO. plus FOR SHOW- vtilS OR 262-453- 2 Apt., adults, no smoking ING. or drinking, no children or ors. ezicuelotst, ig 570 East 5600 South ASPEN HILLS " 4 4t share to re 41 WILLOWS APARTMENT VILLAGE The Brittany I is tit THE POOMS, COV- New aDplian. INCLUDED ITIES LIGHT BEN 4E NINE APIS U'. 41 For the fineSt in living. Close to shopping and churches and the all nnw FASHION PEACE MALL. New 2 Bdrms. $160 I at Lake Pines something else. Life 4t Fireplace Apartments 41 &S;Peatt cc,easn.e:v:014.2 ERED CARPORTS, ALL UTIL- 41 41 Pool Clubhouse Security Guard STORAGE . unique apartment community. Telephone for an appointment or visit us today. 2 Bedrooms WW1 hill 41 41 I. rm.. leriebdr., Pla Ce. patio, tils bath, dorhnp k4h. en. Lights and heat tuk nished. Adults only. NO smoking or drink . 1432 DOW1.1c4 nO pets. ton Ave. Atter 6 p. m. weekdays. Park St. SHAG CARPETS, Male roommate nr. town. apt. DRAPERY, GAS FIREPLACE, S Your holidays will be hopper at thc West's I jt .. COMPLETE KITCHEN, apartments rent from $150.00 to $23.5.00, according toovailability. I cd TRACY Now the opponunity you've been waiting for can be yours f Christmas on apartment at Lake Pines. I and 2 bedrooms, unfurnished. lake Pines WILLOWS 8 'Maf 12LITIONTS GOVERNOR'S SQUARE ON CAPITOL HILL S. 5th E. 424 CENTER STREET S85CLEAN. quiet. all carpeted, k small FURNEW Ik1r4,11;,,, ALL DELUXE, adults. parcr4 0. NISHED, ONE BEDROOM, !Lovely redecorated studio aut. Oi7o1 at Lake Pines: it THE FROM $160 APTS. 40 S. 9th East, !ji eth East. MURRAY HEIGHTS rit CAR WASHES Sa. Christmas TOWERS LUXURY Lemans RUUD Immediate occuParlor. 2 brim., totM electric, fully inchcar d. dis4washer4Isposal, vidual wa9her4ryer hookup, air cond.. cad 2554035. 4041 S. 1600 WEST Nearing Completion LIVE IN HAPPENING???? It's ALL w i. E.arisilIrTg:laniTi-Mant deen-ihhappening HERE AND NOW at TO RETIRED PEOPLE access fcen1 the most talked-abou- t drapes, car, balcony SECLUDED and private in apartment 6. YOU call 467.4557 or 4864306. rm. the Water, living retrig. Me heart of Bountiful at 30S Provo. 82541175, Ogden. bills ell laid bvl complex in the valley. Why not FOR LESS Wes7 Center Street. 88 new trndirg.. taIntrileatt acils., all ape!.. units with over 900 give YOURSELF a CHRISTMAS Beautiful new pot. with MOTEL dist). and range, h000. Beauti- Ina ft. sq. featuring tut landscaping. lir. U. Good secur- - PRESENT that will lost all year thick shag caroets, draoes, color In Panouitch, 92 units. largest swim- a. call carpets throughout, air cond., aoolt, itv. ina isoot, Owner wishes to trade for a permanent residency at long a.; mart mag''ng drapes, home & income property. MONTEREY APTS. built-ins- , washer-drye- r hook- WOODIAla VILLAGE. Drive out Marie um, aisoosaI, air cond.. otc ., 1155 East 2nd South NOW, Seeing is believing. Select COTTONWOOD CREEv iSTATES place, Irg. 3x8 storage, 6 or 46-840- 9 . nc- the view and apartment of your of parking, immediate InGranoer. Has coin laundry MOW 309 EAST 4500 SOUTH lies. Great income. Call now Ken cupancy. Open daily 9 a.m. - and choice while they are still $165 UP own New inyely A-to 4 p.m. Call canoe, refriq., dishwasher, . 2birms., ,,,,,0,;,,k & available. CAFE BARBER Skop, TAVERN. They ore going fast and cond. many new air 2bdrrn. diso., fireplace, On Main Street, a reai ClOino busi-- i A' apt.- - for $15060. Fully carpeteci FASTI EAST! FAST! other extras. All utils. paid except iness. Cafe & barber shoo is leased wit.. shad. gas fireplace. air WO, elec. privacy. Near ShOPOwners are operatino tavern. Call! 4050 SOUTH 3RD EAST See arid Ireewav. waft' system, security balcony, Ping centers Beth 4675023. Pause facil, carport and oas barbe- mqr., No. 18, RAMADA , cue grill. 1 wk. free rent. See at 2850 S. Blair St. or call 4852785. Nol 363 Ea. 33rd So. REALTOR Pets or sinoles. NEAR SHOPPING Every convenience. 1 and 2 tscirm. I oats. 1$150- lease with option to buy. APARTMENT VILLAGE , STANSBURY APTS. Old condominium on Capitol Hill 12 .,i . blocks north of Temple). 950 SO ft.. Lake's Salt Finest B'e competitive! Install a car wash and range, drapes, carpeting nrwct We have automa' brush mi.11. ., dip., washer. dryer, car- Apartment Community drivc through, and roll Over washingi UNFURNISHED parking space. port and extra equip. Financing or leas no is aim!. PLUSH DRAPES. AIR Adults Only, nO smokers or drink- - LUXURY TWO and THREE 1' 295.',"'"' COND.. CARPETS, today, or 2951151e5.793C.all POOL & REC. AREA. CAR-- , era, no pets. Call Jan, RUE Anna 3644650. Aniewierden Realty, BEDROOMS PORTS & STORAGE. Luxurious aots. from S129. UTILITIESI PAID EXCEPT Comfortable with 726 80. 9t11 East, living complete t ;ir 262-925- 1 fireplaces, i selfcleaning appliances IRVING HEIGHTS 212 interiors, plush baths, and washe-dryer hook ups. CANYON Condominium CREST 925 EAST 4500 SOUTH LUXURY APTS. SociM center with large 0001, sauBUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Aots. has a one bedroom unit vail1963 So. 12th East nas, therapy peel, exercise room able for lease. 10 Rental units, cafe and nice familv 1 billierets, and PlortY room. INTERWEST CORPORATION liberal financing. Call M. II0Me Now avail. apt. No children 875 ,Otinner Way, SLC, il.. Duke 1061 EAST 4800 SOUTH DIrothy Carieson lock. Close to i or pets. Security Helen Hooper center. ON 13TH E. TO 4800 SOUTHI DRIVE shoppiliz 355 SHERMAN AVE. i,.. THEN RIGHT TO 1061 EAST (1330 So.) Outstanding new apartment designed) SILVER MAPLE ESTATES Pr:, $150- - 2 bdrms., carpeting, youg total comfort this winter ' 262-660- 6 appliances, ao- Fireplace in each apartment, Children Welcome laundry hookup, carport and stor12 the create electric and kitchen, 2554679. BDRM. individual age. townhouse, ,,,, REALTORS clubhouse around! We will even pay: wasPer-drye- r hookuo. No gets. Rent RENTAL DISCOUNTS S124, KING SIZE APT. ' bdrm., shag, your electric bill. Does that move, 5,190 includes all utilities, except VEST VALLEY w-MAIN carpet, newly decorated, main you? Adults only please. You mu ! lights. air cod, gar.. OLDER tADY to aporeciate. this see ti, 3720 So. 720 East Suoar House Holladay PREFERRED. no Pets or smokers, 3 462 S. 7th East newer bido., 160 South 13th East or 262-924FROM $155 262-404- 1 AN atmosphere of Quiet and privacy 3 in Eastside location is this clean. Now 3 Rms., carpeted, newly decor., no available all new - and or modern 3 bdrm. homey apt. with HUNT AND SKI IN WYO. townhouse and oarden am, Uniau.l g.6ts, 616 SO. 3rd East. Irg. deck, air tend. and spacious in design and decor. Featuring oas b000rtunity to own sporting goods grounds. Close to bus and all shoo- log fireplace vinyl and wood coy Western wear near Store Jack. ,.and Ping facilities. tixtra cafoort avail. CHATEAU DeVILLE erings, beamed ceilings, eouinoed eon Hole on Hviy 89. ImOressive more $175. For details, call, with Hotpoint built-in- s including .new building and popular clothing 4664313. dishwasher. Caroetino and draped AVENUES line. Will sell inventory. buildino thr000hout. Complete recreational and land. Contact Bob Aaams, facilities incl. swimmino pool. ten- 1858 SOUTH 2ND EAST 107 B STREET nis courts. sauna, weight, billards 1 NEW. lovely Exceptionally nice new 3 bedroogilPRACTICALLY and party rooms. Private Patio and ARMS REALTORS aDartment now available. 2 tire- - bdrm. apt., opt., drapes, colored carport. paid exceot lights. 3324 So. State range and retrig, tile shower and Rental discount offered due tol places, 2 baths. 2 balconies. 'bath, Itundry facil., carport and PLEASE PHONE const. inconvenience. ' ,-. P storacie. 5117.50. -- 8... -- L vi.1 BRAND NEW BIRCH ESTATES SUNSET i $125 MO. unit. 246.2772. NEW. NEAR FREEWAY drabes Stone tirepiace. Carpets, a.m. to 6 p.m.. Man.-Fr- i. us E. MOO S., Murray and Private carport Weekends throughout. Will acceot small baby or mature landscaped patio. Wits. paid except teen. 2o.?4463, lights, just 2 blocks from freeway exit. av 41 41 41 la 41 4720 S. between State and Main DOWNTOWN AVENUE LOC.. 1 and 2 Ixtrm. apts. with outside porch. Washer, dryer avail. Beaut. view ot eve. tor 4' valley. Rees.. appt. 299-385- 6 (No $120, 1620 Pork St. 2 2 bdrrn., air cond.. CarpetS, draDeS, the 1st to evict? these ONLY bdrrn. apts. Carpets. Or6C45, raerig., Neison, 328447,1, stove, washer4rver dishwasher, form, BDRA4.. crots, drapes, Comoletelv apt., incl, hookvo, 222 air cond., carisn't and L St. king $it4 utils,, aas, extra priid. Great location at 32'26 466,3978. bed ,snd mattress. the show- - with So. Unt East. Rent includes heat, dinette set, range, refrin. rm., w.w. carpets. draise$, tub, ill tablet $170 to 3185. Misr. apt. 4 or call 1378 Roberta Street, APt. 8. waaher, tiVifle rm. set lir. lamps, brick gar. kluitt 8150. 2 BrIrms., cartvt, drapes, 01P1 .1 and on,y. For mat, call Mr. Chatmlan, 1384 So. 10th E., or 4844134. 2533 Green S. Be and townhouse and Thdrrn. townhouse and gar- - NEW 2.bdrin, Re. with enclosed oarcoes. den ants. Massive stone tireOlaCe flatt frioerators. and darbaoe rare Wood livino rm., 1a danelind, disposal incoded. Carpeted, draped to lAttzithosutro ecuoar4ents ainndo. drrsipsehs and air conditioned. Access sviimminia Poo!, 4wndry facilities washer. Private party room. Con- - and Rent: area for olav chilktren. location. venient $teD ma. 3440 S. 5th East Office open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. doily NEW LUXURIOUS API. WALK TERRIFIC LOCATION . TO TOWN. Save gas & r.2rking costs. traffic nerves Pent two eiCerrili;rgua !ilzrtm.ile:rr OCTtl.bdrktiAf BRAND Pets) From S160.00 BOUNTIFUL NOW RENTING PARKER PALACE APTS. 1 CHILDREN WELCOME or 3597209. 1497 S. Main NEW Just North of SKAGGS THRIFTY ACRES TWO BEDROOMS FROM $155 Dishwashers. Elevator. Fre. Places. underoround Parkino. SAGEBRUSH 20 CANDLES 2. LUXURY BRAND NEW Downtown fice Temple. Bldg.. Features: Kind size bed. Gas fire- places. Total air cond.. separate en- trance to outside, Frost Free 2 door 14 ft. ref. & range, shag carpet &I .JraDes, Disposal, Dining area, i Launory & oft street parking. Al investment, good STONE FIREPLACE From $150 : NaMMN TWIN PINE APTS. We AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY s Arm-Meat- I ACRES BEALITtFUL. GARDENS 20Untarnished Apartmenh 21Furnished OEM. FRANCHE GARDEN APTS. VISIT Our dispIay model 3390 S. 400 W., GRANGER Saturday, December 9, 1972 20.4Jnfentslie4 Apertmenh VILLA ! BROOKWOOD ELIZABETH real estate promction. Excellent I turns. 1s7.3914, NEED iestorDoctors-o- r prof. men. Good investment with pood future. Hesith Club. Write Box E 8 in care of this paper. WESTINGHOUSE LIGHT BULB, DISTRIBUTORSHIP. excel. part.' time wino business, must sacrifice. 0377716. or sell trade. NEED investorrbactors- - or prof. men. God investment with (food future. health Club. Write Box E 8 in care of this paper. ESTABLISHED local pet store tor ie LorlTheorr ss totroer: gia:rei; a Worrr ti c.: "up LAUNDRO-M- i- ltr--- ANNOUNCING INVESTORS LOOK ,Chance to loin CrOUD on sJorttermI re- NEW ORIGINAL yrasi ma,n hionwav. 3 'DD Guft'acSitaW Mar- - silke teitt;1,WLittae Bportmenh 20Unfurnished Apartments 1 NG BUSINESS for sa le. es- 10..shed 17 yrs. in same loc.. presses to 11)(72 in letter press and pH. P MD --- --1 QPRITYMIS NEARL-.- rr'Pri?t'oPTen ket. Ashton. loart.o. i 3 ARd!Ac;rii, ig.,ANIDotyPAegRuKi EVE. RESIDENT CSSES Approved Veteran Traiiino TEDiNICAL ENG. !NSTITUTE rA9 S. west Ternole -. ly paymtptS. Dist. offiCe. P- D. Box 1061. Murray. DAY 10Unturnished Apartments 20linturnislied Apartmenh120Untumished 19Bu3iness Opportunities loves people Single people. Married people. Young people. Swinging people. Whatever your lifestyle, you will find quite a few courses and the new Fashion Place people just like yourself. POOLS - And people love Victoria House., Because of the luxury style of living. Tennis courts, Pools, Club House. Security, and the prestige and convenience of a downtown location. We have 2 and 3 bedroom furnished and unfurnished apartments from AIR CONDMONING CREEKS AND $140 PLAYGROUNDS MAKES ENJOYABLE LIVING FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Ruts 12-- 6 Sunday 14 262-644- 1 I j SQUARE1 1 - - 0 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. - dr.1 - 731 So. 3rd East 521-379- I - , I CREEKS WE sr0-BLSE- VICTORIA.1) - 550 East 5300 South Then South to 495 Creekside Circle Satril Buy, Rent or Sell With a Classified! area EAST Holla)ay WO, A Dorms., 2 ban's, carreted, drapes, tamiiv rtn bsmt., painted, newly ' . carport. SPACIOUS home on guiel so. east street. Eleoant new dracei I and thru-ou- t. No caroetind $275, pets, 1908 So. 18trt East. s175 MO., .3 hdrrn. home so. east , loc.. elec. laundry car. tro in cd yd., No Pets, e- - retrio.'327.4ery3, GRANGER, 3 bdrrn.,, bsrnt., Reese Realty, 2e6.1001. 1,174 i AEL AL An a At AL 1.00C A4g Aqt. JP,0040.404,AL,,te, .01,1, |