Show BY TELEGRAPH PM PEB AMM AMERICAN RICAN wang washington WANa ton Tox 22 there is a 8 very pretty row between the members of the house comm commeree commerce erbe committee and representative van voorhees of new york which may lead to a scene when the subject is brought before the house van voorhees hees heos ig is charged with having struck from the bill to regulate immigration that passed the house under suspension sus penion of rules certain amendments agreed to by the committee and which it wag was supposed were contained in the bills the Comm committees commit itten ittes mma tea thib thia morning decided to ask the house to recall the bill from the senate and a resolution for that purpose was adopted van hees being the author autho of tb the e bill was displeased s that the committee should have C changed h ged it at all guiteau will be hung one week from tomorrow to morrow and is keenly active to the horror of the fate that Is in store for him this morning rev bev dr hicks mr reed beed dr 0 M beard of new york an and d miss chevaillier of boston secretary of the national society for the protection of insane called upon the assassin guiteau knew know thit this lady was to present to the president th tho petition of medical men asking that the sen Een sentence tence be suspended until a scientific examination of the astas nsf ast as sins aln bins sins s condition could be made the pi prisoner r oner was glad to see his v visitors s I 1 tors but he appeared nervous and excited and finally urged the darty arty to go to the president at once dr godding of the government insane asylum joined the party when they left the J jalland ailand alland proceeded to the white house the party was presented to the president t by dr beard and dr godding and in addition to the j tiong letters were mad from dr godding dr T thomas homas fisher dr D mcfarland dr W I 1 F brown dr wm J morton morion dr hammond dr and dr clark dark beij bell of now york the jatter argued that from a legal standpoint there wab wag no defence of the mc assassin on the ground of insanity the president listened listen ed patiently to all that was enid eald but gave no ground for encouragement to the petition petitioners ers eus and undue simply imply sald said the matter would be referred to the attorney genera general senator miller from the committee on eublio lands reported back favorat favorably I 1 the bill recently introduced by sen ben senator or Chi chilcott leott the bill pro vides videa that section 2225 of the revised statutes be amended so that when a protest or objection shall be mada made to any proceeding in the chapter in the general land office the party or parties objecting in case they fall to sustain the protestor ob jestian Jec tian shall be liable to the application for patent on his guarantees for all coats or expenses incurred because of such protest or objection colone colonel thompson general superintendent in of the railway mall mail eer vice was waa in kansas city yesterday in consultation with representatives of the pacific railway with reference to the establishing of a fast mail train between new york and ban san francisco it is proposed to make the run from now new york to ban san francisco in five days instead of seven senator grover will wili move an amendment to the river and harbor bill directing the secretary of war to expend the money appropriated by the act of march 3 1879 for the construction of a harbor of refuge at port oxford and appropriating the further sum of for the same purpose the announcement is made here that subscriptions in aid of the sufferers by the cyclone in iowa will be distributed if sent to walter P phillips secretary of the bed bod cross Asso association elation SAN 22 at the democratic socratic mo cratic convention before the seventh ballot a motion was made to adjourn the chain chair declared it lost fon fur ten ton minutes the utmost confusion prevailed in an endeavor to override the decision quiet wab waa finally restored and on the seventh ballot hearst received igl igi stoneman johnson 52 taylor 9 92 band and berry 17 adjourned till 9 welock tomor to mor row row CHICAGO 2 22 11 4 A special from k new now york says the government employees employ eis eps epa heres here encouraged by tle the civil reform As ocla ocia tion and tax collector robertson Ko bertson are not making any response to the tho call of the republican congressional committe committo e for contribution to the campaign fund collector robertson tuon teon has laia formed his hla employee employees i by a proc procla procia mation motion rahlie I 1 am heie here no man shall be distri hEed or in any way in with for nn inn payment of political it seems to be uncertain whether collector robertson Eo bertson bertron will be here very ioner loner but while he remains in the Collect collectors orys onys chair the custom house employees will probably pro baby be emboldened quietly to drop all appeals from the campaign committees into the waste basket meanwhile Mean the half breeds aro are becoming more and und more disgusted owing to their inability to secure any of tho the fedil federal ral rai offices in the state neither from washington nor albany do they derive any comfort the president is appointing to office the most outspoken and bitterest opponents of the half breeds and it is found that in gov corneals Corn Cor neils nells elPs brief record of appointments be he has nominated for office only one solitary half breed A private telegram received here from new now york states the board of directors of the illinois central rail road met there yesterday and reelected tho old officers C ackerman ekerman 11 president the officers of f the chicago st est louis new orleans road recently eased leased the illinois central in perpetuity it remains as before for the present da DANVILLE III ill 22 allie mills aged ased 14 mary ogile aged 17 and mary jones aged 12 committed suicide yesterday morning by taking ars arv arsenic enie enle allie ailie mills gave a her reason that her father lived with a shameless woman miss bliss orile oriles s reason was that she was an orphan and mry jones took the drug because the others MI did MILWAUKEE 22 2 tho the erecting shops of the chicago milwaukee st paul railroads were burned loss partially insured five cars care were burned eagleville eville conn 22 29 claaton burg knitting companas Comp anys works were burnek burned loss two children were badly burned NEW YORK 22 the situation of the freight handlers strike is practically unchanged at the now jersey central depot on the he piers cf north river about 80 90 men are at work and business Is progressing favorably in comparison com parlon with other places freight i rapidly accumulating on the dock and bulkheads of all the depots BOSTON 22 two german elpe go to american stations to observe the transit of venus in do cember observations are to be taken at stratford conn aiken south carolina by babai bahal blanco and print printa abenes CALDWELL CA liDWELL KB 22 city mar shai george brown was shot and instantly killed here while trying to arrest two turbulent cowboys the murderers escaped toward the indian territory they ero were ere pursued b a posse passe of citizens DES les MOINES la in 23 another terr ble rain and wind storm passed over iowa this afternoon the recently desolated town of malcom Pow bow co exposed to the elements through the damaged and roofless buildings was exposed to a ciless pitiless storm for three hours that damaged the goods rescued from saturdays storm to an enormous efte extent nt at Pleasant pleasantville ville marion co the residence of P lyon was badly twisted and props placed against it on each side were driven through the wall it is thought the damage north and east of here is even more severe dubuque u aque 23 word avord is received tro fro from inde independence indence through passengers ers erb on t the a train of great damage done to buildings nearly all the business house houses are unroofed wires all down tho the depot of the burli burll burlington U g cedar rapids RR Is a wreck the blow came before the circus performance began bo so there was no loss of life many horses were wale killed by the flying timbers and two men names unknown BOSTON 22 21 tho the ship calders cal kers struck for an advance of wages jersey city 22 the strike of the longshoremen and freight handlers continues A gang of drunken roughs boughs attempted to prevent a number of new hands bands from unloading a barge of sugar but the police scattered the gang new york 22 the striking freight handlers held a largo meeting tonight to night the ranks of the t k strikers are largely reinforced today to day t k strikers are largely reinforced today to day the men will parade tomorrow tomorrows to morrows morrow and they say eay will be in line an ain address has been issued by the merchants to tho the railroad managers calliea attention to the injury to the trado trade of the city by the controversy 23 tivo hubbell hiblot 11 chairman of the ee re jublle publican congressional cod Coc gressional committee Commit tte addressed tho foll foil wing letter to geo V N m curtis HOUSE OF representatives washington june sir 1 I understand a circular sign ed by you has been sent seat t i a large lurge number of persi persil m employed in the service of the united states advising them to refrain frim complying with the request of the republican congressional committee for contribution trib ution to its campaign funds in this circular you state elate that in the opinion of the counsel as members of the republican congressional committee are officers of the united states government all persons mak to such committee will render themselves liable under section 6 of the united states statutes batt Satt ites if it be a it law that the person paying become thereby liable to a peu penalty alty I 1 being a member of congress and treasurer who r calved payment am aleo flable I 1 am willing to met anet you on this question anywhere or at any time and to unite with you in requesting the president to ask risk an opinion of the attorney general if you desire any other action in any tribunal tribu nl which can give immediate consideration of the point I 1 will join you in testing the soundness ii of the circular and I 1 invite you to this mode of settlement as both more manly and anra m re ho honorable notable than your attempt to confuse contuse the action or or alarm tho the minds ef the employed emp loyes referred to the an is mis stated in the tho circular and the alarm you seek to create Is without ta tolerance e rance in law your counsel either misunderstands or perverts it disdaining to hide behind any cover I 1 1 challenge chIl chii enge euge you to the necessary nry steps to t the determination mi nation of the degree degreed i if f re onal which la Is attached to this fact and the corrects sa a of 5 our circular which I 1 distinctly deny rt respectfully yours IT J A HUBBELL chairman rep congressional committee the commissioner of indian af fairs will to day send a cation to the secretary of tho the in tenor with regard to the matter matten of enlisting Indi indiana annas as borleis Bod sod leib leis in hi he army in which he will nd that the war department be re quested if it enlists indians as asp asi soi pol fol f ol diers not to enlist gilst them than for a short or er arm of B service e r v e 6 tuan than four y yearb years ears or for such a length of time as white men are enlisted As the delegation in Gulte guite aus auls bo be ha ba f were leaving president arthur yesterday he anid amid I 1 appreciate the motives of the movers in this mat ter and that they deserve mgt hig praise for your efforts whether I 1 can col coi neido neldo with your views or not JERSEY CITY 23 the jersey city police commissioners tonight to night authorized chief murphy io 0 o use the entire force fonce as he may way se s e fit to prevent violence on the part of til the striking longshoremen and freight handlers this strike is assuming assuming g a most serious aspect A large body of strikers visited the tho docks at the new york ii ke he erie fe western railway company where ital lans had been employed the past two days no violence was offered the italian but the he appearance oi 0 the strikers scared seared them eo so that they quit work and rushed ou on board the boat and were taken to castle garden the strikers thel theli persuaded a number of men on the ral road yards 10 quit wort ao that the cars cannot bo be brought to tile the docks serious trouble la is es ex pecked NYs NY 23 the italia labo laborers of the west shore buffa railroad near here who deman wages due and an increase of 1 pay y headed by their le lehder leader ider and inte roze nore ter frauke frauk cava have taken ros pos possession ies session of the tools chained a loco locomotive mon mop find and threatened the life of contractor shully or anyone who interferes ter feres until their demands are granted they lest leat and drove away several irish laborers sheriff churchill with a posse aw a corn coin company of militia aro are here to inake arrests and clear the road albany 23 this afternoon the italian railroad I 1 laborers went on ou a strike led by a man said to have been a banale in I 1 n italy the men eng engred ged in a riot and tried to a train off th the e trace they defied the sheriff and posse the assi assistance of the militia ia is asked cila ClIa CHICAGO CAGO 23 3 the brick brlek makere strike has en ed the men having secured the advance asked for mu M u ers era claim the men acted n bad faith taking advantage of fu I 1 yards varda and heavy contracts conti acts to de mand maud alila an RA advance though they h a agreed nt to do BO so when the recent rie raie r rai rii ie e was waa allowed fifteen humored men employed at the jollet joliet ill iii iron and steel roll ug ng nilla wre re out of work by the f hutting down of the mills on account of dull times 23 A fort stanton special ays aya mys the bl mes Mee calero escalero indians indiana have broken out the indian police killed some prisoners who tried to escape from fort union monte zela the war chief is 18 on the agents side and ard ia Is fighting the other in dims dins the agent was fired on and wounded twice rhe fhe indians indiana billed killed much stock troops aie are going to the spot immediately ST stlouis bouis LOUIS 23 ohey owen I 1 receiving teller of the third national MA to nal nai bank of this city was arrested to nigh on in a cha ge of embezzling of the funds of the bank very little is known of tho the affair at thib thin writing but it is said owens operations extended over a period of several severe years and have been very carefully care full fuli v concealed thomas tutt president of the bank thinks the actual embezzlement will amount to about shout but this cannot be definitely ascertained until the books are examined mr owen L avs he be thinks some can be accounted for eight hundred dollars was found upon owena person the kank bank bank will not be embarrassed by the embezzlement of its own which Is mw nw believed belie belle bel bei levei level vei vel to exceed 1 it ia Is baid paid he has bee beet speculating in options and mines the sureties sur bur ettes on the tellers rollers bond are good for and owen hns has some bome property eo so the bank will lose iose ose only a small email sum bum own coi cow corfe fe ses ees that his defalcations extended over two years jears y ears earb N NEW nw w york 23 maid maiz lard ladd and express ha has the following washington special ex senator dorsey bays says that for the past three months h has had some soma of the best beat lawyers in new now york to enter suits against a iamo lamo number of newspapers some bome for crimin criminal nl and others for libel in civil suits buith he paid damages amounting altogether to over will be asked in his case ease alone and says |