Show BY mia wim aen AMERICAN ve MANs MANSION lon rox 26 7 am dr reyburn says this morning that no material change in the con dialon of the president has occurred during the night he observes no dl di of strength norin crease in the frequency of pulse which this morning is about an am int ine increased greased discharge of pus from the parotid swelling took place dur d iring the night executive mansion mansions a in the president slept most of the night awakening at intervals of an hour on first awakening there wasas was wes as there has been for several nights past some mental confusion which disappeared when he was ully arou abou aroused aed sed occasionally nally he be muttered in his sleep these symptoms mave llave abated this morning as on previous days his temperature is above the normal and pulse a little more frequent than yesterday morn worn ang pulse temperature respiration tze ue 17 signed binned by physicians ans executive ninn Alan mansion sion slon 1040 a in secretary kirkwood came out of the cabinet room a few moments since and and in reply to said rhe the situation is considered by many as flees hopeful than it 16 wag wai was wab last night at midnight t and by others as more so attorney general me mcveagh aag pronounced it as efti extremely emely cri crl critical ti Is and when asked this mo morning ing how long he thought t this is suspense would continue replied god only knows postmaster general james ames and secretary hunt lele leie to thurlow weed that a gleam of hope at 10 am a m comes from the surgeons his symptoms brono are no worse and improvement is mot alot impossible dr bliss came out of the surgeons room about a an and telegraphed to his wife that dhe president was a little better belter than cast night NEW york 25 W pinny kid glove elove love manufacturer here died two 5 wife to hla ilia friend and associate julius loe wey way for assistance in mana managing glog her fortune of loo ODO julius look took hold at once and now turns up absconder to tile amount of 16 at least he is somewhere jn in europe law j yera a and detectives after him are ate the heralds washington special ivl ill teays I 1 1 an official of the jail Is authority aut ant t no r ity for the following statement the day before yesterday guiteau asken warden crocker to have llave the ceil cell he ho guiteau now occupies be made more secure from any attempt against his life what he desired even demanded was that iron shields or shutters should be put u t up at his window and doors w with th bolts upon the inside guiteau add dd ed jed that he believed most of the jail officials and army officers surrounding the jail were his friends and he did aid inot not fear any attack upon hib hie life rby eby by them but owing to the position i othis of his hib cell persons on the outside had ampie ample opportunity if they were so 0 o inclined to bre at him through his window which looks out upon the street he seems seema to have got an of the tha pre 41 dents critical condIt condition ion IOD and is fearful ful that his life will be taken by shooting at him through thi this window he also asked mohave to have a piece apiece of manilla rope about 10 feet long and a quarter or of an inch thick adding at the same time you need not think I 1 want to commit suicide suicides for I 1 have no idea of taking amy auy muy own life I 1 merely want it to protect myself the same official says during the past two weeks guiteau has tried very hard to impress his keepers that he ia Is bradu ally becoming insane at 4 dr reyburn report ed d that there had been no material change in the patients condition and that there w as no indication in the bulletin of any immediately alarming emergencies after 7 however rumors began to be heard beard of an unfavorable c in the ca case and later in the evening were confirmed by Bl blaines alnes aines telegram to lowell ho no information could be obtained directly from the surgeons aur gur geons who remained either in their own consultation room rooms or in the president s chamber but it was ascertained indirectly that the unfavorable change had its origin in the parotid gland which was waa beginning to exert an active and alarming influence upon the patients pati enta general condition t 10 boynton said he be was discouraged the president was taking nourishment enough but it did n not 0 and could not do him much g good 00 d while the parotid inflammation con tinned and aud while his bis blood remain ed in its present condition upon being asked if the effect of blood poisoning would not soon disappears disappear he be replied yes yes yea but I 1 fear not soon enough I 1 am afraid that the tiie president will not have strength enough to pull through I 1 dont like to admit even to myself that he cannot recover but there bas baa been a change for the worse and while I 1 dont entirely give up hopesy hope is much weakened you dont anticipate an immediate end no I 1 dont think he will die suddenly all the members of the cabinet were at the executive 1 mansion n tonight many of them with their wives they went home however before 11 and the mansion was closed for the night ST STY LOUIS 26 republicans lex ingon mo the omnibus which was conveying passengers from the wabash railroad to the lexin lexington glon about eight this evening was entered by four heavily armed and masked men who robbed the passengers five in number of all their money watches ind nd other valuables and then escaped A posse of men has gone in pursuit of the uhe robbers JACKSON miss bliss 25 the republicans today to day rati ratified fleu flea the greenback nomination and agreed on a fusion ticket ben king for governor J B governor J K shellman colot edy eds for secretary of state W H bynam treasurer A F wimberly auditor W F kiz fitzgerald attorney general W B house superintendent of education there will be a joint mass meeting tonight to night presided over bytho by jno R lynch colored washington 26 dr hamilton says the physicians have a gleam of hope this comes cornea the fact that the swollen gland is suppurate ing through the ear A few days ago dr df hamilton said that by lancing the gland it was thought the danger of suppuration through the throat could be avoided it is presumed this ear suppuration is re carded as hopeful because the gland has not suppurated in the throat it is reducing nausea and strangulation at bliss told a reporter the condition of the president in the afternoon was very critical you may say alarming if you choose it Is as bad as any time before but not entirely hopeless hop elees eleas he continues to take food about as yesterday and en emata has been resumed the system seems to bear them well and whisky can be given that way better than through the mouth the parotid gland is about the same in order not to disturb him we did not remove the poultices this noon I 1 do not think there is much danger now from acute blood poisoning through pus in the gland he is more likely to die of exhaustion ha it is a question of endurance there was waa very little delirium today to day mrs garfield was with him i all the time but noticed it only once and then only to a trifling extent his mind is decidedly clearer than last night he talks a little more rationally tio nally and knows what is going on around him his mental condition is due to tile anaemic condition of the brain which is not properly nourished it is the effect of exhaustion A clearer mind Is a favorable symptom his pulse is not higher now BOW than at noon which was the highest of the day the character of the pulse is 13 improved and that is more important than the rate of it mrs garfield fully appreciates his condition she has not shown the slightest weakness if he dies it will probably be only from exhaustion dr woodward upon being asked at 11 whether there was any reason today to day for increased hope hopes replied there is certainly no reason for less hope pus is being drained quite freely from the inflamed gland giand land laud through the ear ces its li there any danger that the pus will find its way down the throat 1 I think not nothing bat but mucous has been fou found nd in the throat yet s what do you hope most for to day awe we hope the incision made in the face and draining through the ear will take the pus pua from froin the gland dr Reyburn dust Just before the appearance pe arance of the evening bulletin ald aid said in his judgment the patient bad not lost any ground since the middle of the afternoon it was feared he bald said at one time today to day that thit the whole of the parotid gland would slough off in a suppurating aasa and if this should occur the shock oc to the patients pati enta system would imort certainly be fatal later in the afternoon the gland was more reassuring and gave ground for the hope bope that suppuration would be confined within limits the doctor said sald he could not yet bring himself to believe the president would die although be he appreciated fully the gravity of the situation the vitality of the patient ilas lias been very low and it was questionable whether he be could hold bold out much longer against the depressing ep influence of the tiie sup sud sun pupating pu rating gland nevertheless if they could tide him over two or three days and get the glandular complication under control he would still stand a fair chance of recovery pm at this hour dr hamilton thinks the president is better 8 pm the noon bulletin rather alarmed than relieved the intense anxiety which prevails at the executive mansion the discharge of pus rus from the inflamed parotid gland through the ear which was reg regarded ard this morning as a favorable change and one likely to afford relief lle ilet 1 does not thus far answer the expectations the symptoms of the patient continue urgent and alarm ing and he seems to be gradually sinking blaine at 10 tonight to night sent the following to lowell while the president has made no gain today to day bib bis lo 10 a of ground has been less in judgment of his physicians than was feared last night in this fact there is slight feeling of encouragement or at least a ray of hope adverse symptoms are still manifest andare favorable in indication of swallowing and digestion liquid food continues to be administered two are three times during the day he has asked for nourishment and talked intelligently and voluntary throughout the day his mind has been less affected than yesterday the expected relief to the parotid swelling from the discharge through the ear has haa not been realized the situation is of great gravity and danger BOSTON 26 the deaf mutes who are greatly interested in the president on account of his former interest in them send him today to day a message of sympathy vice vlee president arthur was seen feen at his home today to day noon he has only received official bulletins bulletin sin in regard to the presidents condition he has not been summoned nor has bo he received any intimation to be in readiness to go to the capital should he receive such a me message he would go at once he refused to state what he thought of the president presidents condition or its relation to the vice dent warren me mea 26 the building of watson burrell wa cols powder manufactory exploded destroying ing a ton of fine powder samuel monk was blown feet and killed loss SAN sax 26 charles charies M E E I 1 mclane died suddenly at indian diggins placer county night before last washington 27 executive mat Mai mansion blon bion sjon am the president slept from half an hour to an houn hour more at times throughout the night he continues to retain the liquid food administered by the mouth and stimulating en emata nevertheless his pulse has leen iwen more frequent since inid midnight night and he be is evidently feebler this morning than he was yesterday pulse temperature pe pera grature ture 87 4 resTi respiration ration 22 20 signed blass barnes wood woodward ward reyburn and hamilton H ilton liton executive mansion 27 6 am the physicians cannot yet be seen to obtain any direct information from the sick room nothing has been reported by the attendants there since 4 am to indicate any ahyun un usual change since then executive mansion 7 am amin in formation received from the physicians this morning ia Is to the effect that the situation is about the fame or perhaps less encouraging than at a late hour last night the frequency of his pulse at this hour has not been ascertained but it is noticed to be lees firm duce once during durling the night about am it was waa noticed to ran mange range go pulsations per minute executive mansion oa 00 am dr reports that ohp presidents strength up to this hour hoir has not perceptibly failed since the morning examination atlon he heinlin cr n 1 in ues aes to take food about as well veil as hereto heretofore forey fores and the frequency of his pulse has not increased he has just been sponged off and he was more comfortable executive mansion 11 am the condition if of the president has not changed much ince since the early part of the morning but continues very critical all the members s of the cabinet still here chicago noon tha rima time correspondent in washington has given up bend send sending ing bulletins as he la is assured assured by dr that the president is not likely to die today to day executive manson 1230 pm members of the cabinet are all here but no decisive change has taken place in the presidents condition attorney general mac mae iveagh authorizes the statement that vice preal dent arthur has not been telegraphed for and that no decision to send bend for him has yet been arrived at dr bliss said to a reporter of the associated press at noon b his bis is belief is that the president cannot recover he thinks however that death will not occur immediately and he may linger several days executive mansion p ni there has been no improve improvement mentin in the presidents condition since the last lust bulletin he continues to retain the liquid food administered b by y mouth as well as en emata at atthe the morning dressing the parotid swelling appeared about the same as yesterday and no material change was observed in the wound since bince morning the temperature has risen about one degree and the pulse has haa fluctuated somewhat at present the pulse is temperature respiration respirations 22 bliss barnes woodward reyburn hamilton after resting easily through the night the president became worse about 4 am and has been growing feebler since at one time this morning his bis pulse was up to though when the bulletin was issued at it was but since then it has remained said eald at 10 there had been no material change since the issuing of the bulletin but that the president wa was very feeble and the hopes entertained yesterday of relief through the sup De pe ration of the inflamed gland were less bright today to day the fact Is the president has been dying since 4 this morning dr power pastor of the christian church has been at the white house all morning and will not leave until the end the members of the cabinet are all at the whitehouse white house and in consultation sulta sul bul tation tion tiou in the cabinet room the subject of the conference is the advisability vis visibility ability of sending for vice presa dent arthur at once it was under stood last night that they agreed that this should not be done un the opinion of the physicians death was at hand band now they discuss whether the time lias has not arrived already great excitement prevails on the streets and reports of the presidents death are circulated hourly thadd to add to the excitement alarming rumors are in circulation regarding organized bodies of men in neighboring cities who are banded together to come here and lynch Gul gui guiteau it is said the guards at the jail are in sympathy with them and only await a favorable opportunity to themselves to murder guiteau gen sherman in conjunction wit with K the |