Show 1 GEOLOGIC CHANGES jeffersonville JEFFER SONVILLE I E tazewell county virginia august ath 1881 1831 editor deseret the appalachian mountain bys term tern extending from georgia to canada is of itself one of the great guides to the geologist in reading the pat past history of the globe in the province ce of theoretical geology the student t may here find those proofs of or the shrinking of the earths crust which is well shown in the folded bent and crumpled rocks cropping out by the rivers and roadsides A birds view of this mount mountain tem torn would show a number of ridges extending in a direction generally parallel with tho coast with smaller transverse ridges knobs and hills lying between in clusters isolated or by intervening irregular valleys these larger ridges represent the main wrinkles and the lesser intervening hills the small wrinkles of the earths crust which seems to have been so wrinkled bythe by the shrinkage of the interior foundation after the rocks which are chiefly of aqueous ou formation were deposited in parallel strata in riding over the country the ira tra traveler veler velor sees the rocks on one side pf af a hill inclined at n dip of 40 to 85 to the western horizon and on the other at a nearly corresponding correspond Dg angle to the eastern by erosion of the hill bill tops the rocks may he ve entirely disconnected but the smaller folds or wrinkles are in many places intact and show the conformation pr the larger occasionally may be seen a peculiar result of this folding known as a fault that is a place where a great fissure must have formed nearly in the centre of the fold and one part of the fold or wrinkle has fallen failen down again bringing the top strata of the fallen follen side against the lower strata of the part remaining up thus bringing in immediate juxtaposition rocks of very dl different fre ire rent ages and character in some local ties where the eruption or shrinkage of the earths earthy crust has been of such a force as to break through rocks feet in thickness across large areas areal of con country the very soil and character of the country has been determined by the erosion and disintegration of these rocks thus where tile the larger vallies vallie sare are situated situa ted the later tertiary and alluvial deposits not having been disturbed the soil is fertile while in the more hilly wily sec Fec tiong the country is 18 rocky rockey and thle s the student who wili will I 1 take a doz dozen en sheets of tissue paper of different colors and F soak oak soak them in water and place th them em upon a smooth surface can by applying lateral pressure by means meang of a rule or straight edge cage wrinkle this paper into ridges and hollows quite like the crust of the earth is wrinkled into mounts mountain kins vins and vales abrading Abradi pg the highest highes t wrinkles would disca descos discos tho ing sheets and tho the ato mat mal pris mba TON F ppl appl v awer 1 W 10 IN ft ri int decomposed rocks which form much of the soils bolls of tile the hill sides aud valleys the sheet that has hag suffered the most wear giving the prevailing color to the debris now tow let iet kletthe the student draw these sheets from opposite edges edees with sufficient clent force and the ridges and hollows will disappear leaving a surface flat and smooth except where tb the e eroded parts have been which will now be the hollows and the debris the higher parts if the theory be correct that the shrinkage of the earths crust crast produced d the mountains and vales the simp simple simpie I 1 e e experiment shown above would give an idea of the plan by which the creator can readily bring this predation pr edition to pass regarding the surface of the earth every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill shall be made low jow etc isaiah al x 4 any internal force that would stretch the crust of the earth to its former size would of course level the hills and ilio mountains un and raise the valleys without destroying the surface with its towns and ci cities ties and forests and meadows and the larger watercourses water courses of the land As A this prediction admits of r only a literal fulfillment fulfilment may m ay not the stretching out of the earths eartha surface instead of the leveling of the mountains and hills into the valleys be the probable way of making the earth an arable undulating plain plains with its watersheds and rivers and forests and prairies all made ful for the abebe of the saints of the lord his second choice hester exclaimed aunt susan ceasing her rocking and knitting and sitting bitting upright do you know what your husband will do when you are dead what do you me mean ah was the startled reply he will marry the sweetest tempered girl he can nind find 11 oh auntie aunt leyl hester began dont interrupt me until I 1 have finished said aunt susan leaning back hack and taking up her knitting she may not be as pretty as jou you are but she will be good natured she may mry not be as good a housekeeper as you are in f act fact I 1 thin think khot hot bot but she will be good natured she may not even love him as y oil do but she will good natured why auntie 11 that all continued aunt susan every day you live you are making your husband more and more in love with that good natured woman who may take your place some day after mr and mrs harrison left you the other night the only remark he made about about them was She is a sweet woman oh auntie il F that nil all ll 11 composedly con edn tinned aunt susan ito iab today to day dav your husband was half way across the kitchen floor bringing you tw tl first ripe peaches and all you did was to look on and eay say ITI itilene there lere will just eee lee your tracks oil on the clean floor I 1 wont have my floor all tracked up some men would have thrown the peaches out of the window today to day you screwed up your face nace when he kissed you because his big must mustache adhe was damp and said 1 I never want you to kiss me again when he empties anything you tell him not to spill it when he lifts anything you tell him him not to brealy it from morning until night your sharp voice is heard complaining and faultfinding fault finding and last winter when you were so sick you scolded him about his allowing the pump to freeze and took no notice when he said gaid 1 I was so anxious about you edid not think of the pump but auntie 11 hearken child the strongest and most intelligent of them all care more for a womans comans tender tenderness nead than for anything ele else eie lu in the world and without this the cleverest aa and most perfect housekeeper ia is sure to lose her husbands af affection in time there may ber beba a few more men like your will wili as gentle as loving aa as chivalrous as forgetful of self and so satisfied with loving that their affection will die a long struggling death but in most cases it takes but a few of fretfulness and fault finding to turn a huband husband love into irritated indifference aut nut but nut auntie 11 yes belll you are not dead yet and that sweet tempered woman has not been found BO so you have time to become so serene and sweet that your husband can never imagine that there is a better tempered woman in existence eava lorye eave arnd for W t |