Show BY TE L E gra W 11 TI f rs r J liim A lyl E R 10 A N 11 NEW yohko ex senator conk ting ling being asked lda opinion of the situation and the tho way some of the u newspapers new now rs are aro disposed to treat it said baid rhe che assault on president garfielda Garfiel db Is astounding the shot fired by the he madican madman is shot fired at all of us no language can overestimate the tho enormity of the deed there is however no occasion for public apprehension or excitement V air ar fathers foresaw even such sueh dine dire cata calamities cala calami miries rles ries and provided for them themi the constitution points out but just w list shall be done hone in just sueh such emergency the vice the dhe death of the president instant ny ly succeeds him and the tile govern i meni ment goes on as if no change had w occurred in this case the vice president is an upright boid bold and an gable fable man abundantly qualified nned fled for arthe grea great trust which providence imay anay have id ili store for him in his no harm barm will come to public intern sp he ia Is thoroughly alive c io ro asta strive ye to array hostility or distrust against him at such an hour is unspeakably wicked and no patriot whatever his big illi politics c can anything now t till ii I 1 th the shadow alo aio w ian pan paes hy by but tear ocar up th the 1 hands and of t the he X vicenre ice ico aident ile he will have the prayers of all good men and workmen men the assassination whether by c pistol or newspaper will be stamp ed out by tile the american amerlean people righteous and indignant accord cond there being no president atthe senate and BO no speaker of the rouse house the vice president ia is the thy one safeguard safe guard and reliance of the country against a great emergency the vice president must be a man who would decrease the dan danger er or at such a time ume sad sad and andi klep alep deplorable as the crime is it i to the glory and safety of our free in j that no n q madman mad mans manh i action can reach beyond the indi 7 vidual at whom he aims the gov enn ern ment belongs to the people and will go goon on peacefully even in a trial t like this grief and horror must per ij invade vade made all hearts meanwhile a ai ait i when deall dently lue luo the bead of a family sa the survivor survivors a must manfully pro rheed aed so that when the head of or gova L ern merk rails falla composure and duty c still remain to the nation and to all its citizens mourning as we do each man has his part of fortitude and firmness and the tile sense and wisdom which have jed led this people through greater greate perils will not be wanti vanti wan van ting now instead of bitterness and treasonable calumny this is a time for the american people tp tc cul tf vate peace and good will and 0 to o strengthen and brighten the link binds them together civilization will not halt balt or or stumble because ProVi providence die tip n ce haq has demanded one of baher her creatures crea orea nor because a fero eions and attro cious falsehood bag has for a time attempted to bewilder public sense dr cb chas as A teal a well known ecrert in cases of gunshot wounds and who was the first surgeon who attended abraham lincoln the night he was assassinated remain ing 0 with ith alm wlm till lill lie he died in the rn 0 orning said oid taiti symptoms BB kw which illch filch a as s usually appear jn in serious cases in peritonitis from gunshot wounds were absent in case in many fatal cases eases g which came under dr teals teala liota inflammation peritonitis had bad setin betin set bet in uby yby by the end of 48 hour hours after the ac oi ai aident pi dent tile the temperature rose fre antly to more than degre degrees fv the presence of the ball in the belly was one of the most features of bf the present case although it might lodge somewhere whre where il ane there pre ence enee would nut not excite in v flam I 1 mation of the vital organs one uil Vil kilbase case ease case base is on record in which a bullet remained fox for months jn in a amana niang heart the I 1 inflammation in gene rai ral garn Garf nods lOds ease case llad bid so far been oka oia ildi ildy in consideration of the wound dr Hamiltons Hamilton face brightened as he be tead read to biays dispatches and he cried cheerily ehe erlis ertly the president is ig better thank god godl the cry was replied to by the ladies the enal emi j nent surgeon shook hands with ir bazman and said I 1 am so glad to get this direct gewo news I 1 see he is sleeping peeping at times and ho he gets much needed rests while the condition or of the pulse p ia Is a favorable symptom sy the he ase patient tient had bad been given a ter of a grain of hyper dermie injection of morphine but before belore I 1 lef jeff the quantity was waa diminished by byi byl balf half and yet yeh bethe lie lle sleeps and his pul pui pulse browa brows grows better th this is is important and und gratifying r ing the fact that material t s fi sest aest s i is possible under this treatment shows that nature is asserting her tte rr r r w r self seif elfand and bothin eveh if nothing ia Is gained abreaction la ia is 14 probable but doctors are battling tl with the enemy another good s sign ign 1 is 4 the stoppage ot of vomiting it Is now thought proper to give L sustenance and it isial soa victory away the pain from the legs and feet reet I 1 s all call fhe the crisis past when the president gets entirely well an abscess will form where the bullet is pho phe the rho trouble will be jye over oven when that is pat pait laymen may show as good sense and J judgment W ment in ili forming an opinion from afifi ano bulletin as a it medical man alcy sicy S news of the shooting of tiie tile tiie president was waa broken to hn mother till thia this forenoon she had bad been geen so ao much overcome by the accident which resulted in the dea death efthos thos gartl Garti garneld eld eid hud and mrs arnold that the family had bad kept from her the intelligence of the ant in tended as aliina tion but this morning slid she felt relt better anti and spoke of attending mrs arnolds funeral which took place at bedford today to day in announcing her intention she remarked last lag t saturday Satur dav thorna thomas was burled buried today curnelia cornelia I 1 wonder who it will bu ll 11 mr mria i tro woride at whose house 1 mrs garfield wag wa then sent gent for mrs nir 1 larrabee another aau eh ter ten when tile the latter nr ar rived mrs irs ire irich red if bhe she ehe wab was going to mrs arnolds ft funeral mrs L larrabee a iralee replied that she guessed not she blie could not as ai something had happened so the slat ers erg thought it bet be t not to go what lia ila happened queried mrs gurfield garfield 9 N a hav hearil ilear that james is hurt burt 39 said mra mrs Tiar larrabee nabee how howl J by the icar car asked the mother no vo he be was an as assassin 1 bul hut was not killed replied the daughter the lord help me exclaimed mrs garfield mrs larrabee r assured her mother that the latest reports were favora favorable blei biel and showed the president was resting quietly and in a fair way to recover when did you hear of thi this queried mrs garfield yesterday noon but we thought best not to tell you the news was dotso not 30 fa th as to day was tile the reply you were very thoughtful I 1 aidi am glad you vou didiot did not tell me li I 1 though hought wm something ething had find iia iya happened ag abl ail I 1 had bad noticed your manners were peculiar toward me during yesterday she hore wre up under the intelligence with sueh such fortitude that she wa was shown n the tiie dispatcher received from maior major I 1 swain secretary judth jud wyid and harry harry hurry garfield garni Garfi eio eid which had read as follows washington A 0 july ad mrk mrs F eliza tiza liza war Gar garfied didd fidd som soli ofia thank god he lives tha morning and the doctors are very hopeful he ile has bell been perfectly himself all we the time signed barrea A GARFIELD she read the dispatch calmly and said how could any be BO so cold eold hearted as to want to kill m my bab in general conver pation she wondered what is coming next and inquired what will probably be do done no with the assassin and on some one saying sayin 9 i hang nhang him are answered ans were 1 ile lle he tie de serves it she does doeg not contemplate go gong rong ap to wahington washington unless onless sent fent for it being bring remarked to her that the news kiews con cop tinned to grow gio favorable she fadd n ld ocl ori 1 I am glad giad to hear it but I 1 am hoping against fate iteen iq terrible T tah his hig afternoon she fine die th the d following did dispatch patch to her tier grandson harry JI 1 garfield jtb the b i news was broken to ne twig this morning arnd arid me very vers much since receiving your telegram teles ram I 1 feel very munh much more hopeful tell jai james ps I 1 hear ilear lie he is cheerful and I 1 am glad of it tell him to keep in rood good spirits pirl piri ts arid and accept the love and sympathy bf tuf mother sisters and cousins I 1 ELIZA GARFIELD I 1 4 tle ble the vie fol fo lloVina lonine d ispa cab was h to th tile a secretary of state today to 0 day by Yosl yoal Yo shido ildo japanese inister Tn in washington tokio july duly 1831 do zd japanese p 1 agnesd at minister iniste int ini washington The ditch announcing theat theau tempt upon khalife of the president caused caused profound sorrow and you are hereby instructed to convey in the the tha name of his ilia majesty to the government of the united states the deepest al LYm sympathy pathy and hope that his rel ret covery will bo speedy make immediate and full report regarding tile the sad event i signed yeso YENO acting minister of foreign affairs gniew yo ic ka an til a times jiin es wahington ington gives a graak lie ile account of the breakage of tiye the piston imp 61 alie e train oil on which mrs garfield went to washington Vas hington by which it appears 1 she had a very narrow escape irom from a wreck although she was ignorant of or it the train was going at terrific speed and could not be led toh tok two miles after the break was ira 9 dis J Is covered A new engine and sone come delay were necessitate necessitated it wita wa A a miracle thau that all escaped death washington 5 t everything around the white house is more favorable and cheerful the president even is cheery and talks talka freely freily when aked asked abut ab ut liow ilow low he feels lie says buys you keep heart I 1 have bave not ot yet lot loi mine the wound has hns began to af adhere there and thedois the there thern rols roIs Is no rio arv enouf excitement has abated and fewer feuer people are about the gates lincoln james and rockwell called at 9 15 nin lin coin rea t aloud the bulletin and the listeners countenances lit bt u I 1 as they shook hands warmly war anly at mrs garfield sent mollie a reassuring mes wes message sage gage and spoke hopefully of covery recovery rf arthur buffer much grief and anxiety ai to tila the case receives few talks little and last night shed tears in relating I 1 his I 1 I 1 s interview with mrs gar Oar garneld garfield neld and said a fatal termination would be the greatest calamity ca lanil that could happen to the country it Is 14 enough to convince everybody of tile the fully of party parly strife tie tle rile cabinet scout ane idea of political poli lical elli cill sig big significance ance to thu thud crime chicago 5 specials t say fray ay yr day was the gloomiest gloo hottest da of df the year A at t nou noon the presidents president increased aed eed rapidly 1 but the sur geo beoni a s said sald it was only natural as ane heat beat ilea liea t of the day had bad ed also the torrid pun cun did at last lash go down but it left tile ky sky aEe afe a teething ething furna furnace cd at 7 it was 50 deg the heat fleat seemed to advance as ag the evening progressed messed wes Oes sed ged on tills this account the evenings eyen even ings change la fil the patient was wal wa for the worse mean the tiie sufferer was required to kest teat altogether on oa mis his wis right sl not move in order that tha liver amigh not be pre presed sed eed against the ab doman wall ghis constrained pesi tion lion during the dav day with the intense heat beat made the president towards evening very restless and ft was vas thought possible this was the principle cause of the more able abie symptoms aich were apparent at sundown amid aflfe all ali fhe terrible er su pense it is cotil noticeable eabie eahie that the calmest two persons there are the president derit delit and his bis noble wife lat last night for a moment blaine the strongest in wui of or all mem lers bers of the caig cabinet get tet and the one who has lias been beeh put to 6 th the severest tests in t his this struggle for a single moment momen at it the presidents bedside gave way to his feelings the president kindly chided him and said raly my caly dear fellow it is not time for that yec yet the same bame wonderful fortitude has hns continued to tar be exhibited through out today loday lo to today day executive mansion washington july 5 mrs 8 S R ldson edson who hah hat been in close attendance upon the rick sick room the hight night til this s moment left lift i the mansion to visit her home she states stales that tho the pre friis filis passed sed as corn coin comfortable a night agh t as could be expect expected eil of a ibid man in such a critical condition adine to messages have yet arrived from any any ca binet officers nor have llave any dis did patt patched lied from the white house rouse with tidings to them speed ie ec rotary lincoln specially y requested information re ie 0 the d deula deuis condition at ab ati ear early ly nour hour washington 5 col crump aruin wio who is is constantly beside aho the he president wai wal waiting hilin him says he ag a great at d deal deai eal and that thal the he paio palo pain I 1 is s incessant f nees sant saut the is restless s and feverish and frequent ly aks asks to be moved from one side of the bed to toi the other and to have bale his liis position changed change he frequent ly expresses a slight flight moan from froin the khe ruti sull bring ering ing he i is care cate careful ful fui p 9 give sl hyps heps of bulner ang when any ot 61 hl liis ilis family ramify are pre present pent doctor blis bliss said about 11 ol clock thau that it is impossible fo to tell just when the crisis begins or br where it ends ands the Preside president ut may continue in about the present condl condi ildi lidl for some days knowledge of the course of the ball is so fo it 19 19 not known precisely where the in lq judie sare are aro and therefore the thie ejects cannot be calculated with any certainty dr bliss blis is much gratified at the signs of improvement and says the condition is more hopeful now than before the president enjoyed the It longest ingest sal sql sleep ee lascol last night f ghi he lie his h s yet had he slept from 10 SO until after mid nigh t affer after wat that he lie had frequent short naps until daylight left the tife president last night and retired tc her lied room forshter fursh forsh for sleep tep altti assurances that he chevas was wag doing I 1 well weil V ell eil and anti slie she should be called if there was wai any change chainge for the worse she slept well eil ell all night and visited the president early this m i wn when she site entered the pre identa room mrs mat matvi macveagh NI vagli informed her lie he had continued tino t ti to improve an antl anti everything wis f mrs garfield has faid mid frum crum the tile dirst first that he was not going to die dle washington vas hington 5 colonel rock wood who spent last night with the president went home homo this thier morning e rest As ai ha passed out of or the white house homo his face showed hopes hones hodes high |