Show lal ILL AND OTHER MATTERS 1 I wednesdays DAILY JULY 6 I 1 formation i wanted informs In forma tia ils 1 b wanted of william gilbert a te e of kentucky formerly a solin solm the mexican war and who is toed to be living at present in territory he would now be aln a ain in the neighborhood of 60 of age any information him will be thankfully re dat at this office 1121 tsal work the throat in ela eia belh demms eions to singing sin ging is the th e title titie ti tle tie valuable raa rao adie aole complete and instruct ism berles es of articles on the throat Iti ging by dr whitfield ward published on fine paper and homely comely illustrated and can be tit lit it D 0 calders caldera music ware war eat aaa the low price of w singer should purchase a nd old study its contents thor I 1 broken A young man ri manuel D smith of parent I 1 at present residing with mr as am jenkins of the ath ward of aty had hideg his leg broken yester yeater in oming while riding a horse borse giving several reveral others up from 4 at ure urt kouth south Bouth of the city the ya Vs were nearing the corral athey th e ey made a e a sudden turn to th the driver who being an ex dider rider d er suddenly wheeled gorso to intercept triem tiem tes tua ses iia instant the animal i its balance slipped 3 to the ground with mr bleg sieg g leg underneath the limb lured between the knee and he E received prompt atten cd ad is getting along favorably arted fraud A man named anderson from salina pt t this office yesterday and anted as follows some time in salina posted up i around that town that Y jere wanted to work in salina balina w a at the rate of 2 per day ifa number responded to the a went into the canyon ahey hey were informed by employer that they only be paid per being placed at a hey thought it wiser to suban lose their labor and jour ill ipen ses by resenting the and accordingly went to t r reduced wages when the ame n me for heir their return home applied pl P led for their time checks ived them after certain ta had been deducted for ra f chich ich they had drawn from re e in the canyon they then h he time checks to salina til ill them cashed here they train 4 c charred charged for the goods ri ad received in the canyon cost was as withheld from the fille ithe cheeks checks checks cheeks the above is the iee lee ice of mr air anderson andersons a state aich we publish at his re pitting ittig other er names until we amore more bore of the affair which if swerves arves official investigation rn other body found the ay we e published ablis hed an item to ith W ra wt that athe the body of the older r 1 tw two cooper boys drowned in rian man river Biver on the dinst iten ieta na found floating on the water ana ans fet pet tits since then tb en the northe tor for the other has been kept intervals later vals vais mr cooper being by arlous various persons from lume liine the search was pro meas emas far lar down the river as vin TIM egares about 7 miles be f I 1 white bridge all ali was in levai for no trace of the ref could be found it was deter ito to at start art out to morrow morn 11 A general search by the r id and others and go down the river bank all the way to the lake in the meantime the father started out this morning to go down tc to the river to watch he had bad reached lorenzo pettits Pet tits when a boy about 14 years of age came to the house with the welcome tidings that the body had been found last night lodged in the stream about two miles below winegars Wilie Wine gars garls by some men crossing the river on their return from work the news was carried to the sixth ward store at first from which place the boy was dispatched to Pet itts to inform mr air cooper the father after getting a coffin immediately started off for vinegars winegars Wine gars calling at this office on the way to inform us of the discovery the other body was so much len and disfigured that it wv was unrecognizable even to the parents parent who could but suppose it to be their elder son from the stature the body found last night is certain to be even in a more advanced stage of f decomposition it is designed to place the remains in the commin coffin and convey them thern aton at once ceto to the cemetery mr cooper desires to express his heartfelt thanks to all who nave have in anyway any way assisted him in his labors to find his lost boys or have manifested sympathy for himself and family in their heavy affliction since mr coopers visit we have learned that the body was discovered by thomas winegar in a very decomposed condition and was taken care of by him until the arrival of the father with the commin coffin the burial took place today to day as expected the name of the deceased was thomas FROM THURSDAYS DAILY JULY 7 both twins dead last evening we published a birth notice of twin boys born yesterday morning to the wl wie wio e of elder carl C asmussen and that one of them died two hours afterward ter ward while the mother and the surviving babe were progressing finely were we regret gretto to chronicle the fact that the other little one expired several hours afterward leaving the parents bereft of both their newly acquired treasures the mother is getting along favorably we trust her improvement will be rapid and we deeply condole with the family in this dual loss pratt family reunion ren Een nion some time ago we announced the fact that a movement was in contemplation for a grand family reunion of the descendants and connections of apostles parley and orson orso n pratt we are pleased to note that active steps are being taken toward its accomplishment elders parley P Mi Ml laudo lando and lorus pratt the fo former r a bon son of the late apostle P P pratt and the others the sons of apostle orson pratt are the committee on invitations which are b being issued to the relatives of ansot auson n william parley P orson and nelson pratt to attend the reunion which will be held in this city on the day following the close of the next semiannual semi annual Conference in the ward assembly rooms roams at 10 in the morning the pro gramme for the entertainment will consist of speeches essays song q music dancing etc and each on one invited is requested tW to bring all ail I 1 items as far as possible pertaining to his family records corda re we have no doubt that the reunion will vill be a grand and enjoyable affair it 19 is is 19 a I 1 commendable project and we wish it every possible success FROM FRIDA FRIDAYS DAILY dally JULY 8 obsequies the funeral services over the remains of the little son of or brother T B lewig lewis who died of whooping cough last tuesday morning were held yesterday afternoon at the family residence this death made the third in the family since april we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved parents the board of examination of salt lake county will meet with applicants who desire the appointment as the ensuing year on saturday july in the district schoolhouse at 10 a ni m and from theotim the alim ber of applicants will select eight the amount apportioned this county T B LEWIS lewiss county superintendent the immigrants the c company 0 of or saints now on the tho way TO to this city is one of the largest that has hab cros crossed sed theocian the ocean for a longtime the following telegram was received at this morning new york july 7 7 ISSI editor deseret news seven hundred and seventy five saints landed at castle gardens this afternoon all well leave for the west to morrow at 1 p pm in hamuel SAMUEL elthey EL TiEy we have since learned that peter romer bomer one of the company is detained at new york by sickness broken arm the ogden herald of or thursday has the following yesterday morning mr R burt a resident on the road from here to riverdale verdale Ri was wab putting up some buildings assisted by a son while r the latter was han dinga heavy rafter i to his h Is father the strong wind wi nd prevailing at the time blew the timber out of his hand it unfortunately happened to fall on all a little six y yean year ear old boy of mr burts who was playing lc lose close by the wood broke the lads ad right forearm and dr john driver was at once called for this gentleman set the injured limb anci and attended to the case other otherwise wige so that the patient is resting well by this time and is in a fair way to speedy recovery FROM SATURDAYS DAILY ju JULY ly 9 the immigrants the following tel tei telegram telegram eFram was received at 3 pm today NEW voni YORK july 9 1881 president john raylor taylors bishop boskelly and company left jersey city yesterday at 4 several joined the company in new york all well JAS H HART trenton topics E ya H writes from trenton a new settlement in cache valley on the inal dry arming farming is a success si this year grain will soon be ane are and promises are fair for a good crop more settlers are wanted plenty of good land and an abundance of water in bear river an office has recently been opened therland there and trenton grenton will henceforth be heard from occasionally sudden death A sudden death occurred on thursday in iq the family of bishop peterson of the second ward his son a bright healthy little fellow who had attended the mornin mornings c s fast meeting with liis ills father while playing with some other children suddenly rolled over and expired inan in an instant arben dr benedict was summoned but was unable to account for the extraordinary occurrence the child seemed to be in perfect health it was a sad blow and the bereaved parents are the objects of much sympathy hennefer K notes otes hennefer had bad a quiet but pleasant celebration of the the declaration was read by master wm ure and an oration was delivered by james ure the health of the is generally good sunday and day schools are in good running order promises are flattering for a heavy harvest potatoes have been hurt some by frost water la is troublesome 3 from the weber falling eo so fast WG W 0 brewer sends the above items under date of the ath dinst album of salt lake city mr air james dwyer the popular bookseller has on hand band at ills his establishment a supply of elegant album containing fine views of the principal al streets and buildings of salt me lake nake city the rh front picture is of the city looking southeast south east with the wasatch Moun mountains taina in the background then follow successively east temple street temple block with tabernacle and unfinished temple the assembly hall design of salt lake temple ziona operative cooperative co mercantile institution deseret bank building walker house continental Contin cn hotel city hall hail dist church saint faulls faupel episcopal chapel residence of the late president brigham young include including ing lion house partially the church Of offices beehive house and the eagle date gate the gardo house mayor littles bittles Litt iea lea residence st marks school presbyterian church and great salt lake at the black rock bathing resort at the back of the book ia is a series of short shott articles descriptive of each of the foregoing collection they are a cluster of rems kern very valuable and convenient to tourist advell as veli veil well vell as 03 to local residents hevery every house should have one of these albums the work was done in munich by a german geiman ais at passed through here some time ago and whom mr dwyer em to prepare this nine fine series of views county central committee pursuant to the call heretofore published a meeting of the peoples peopled central committee for salt lake county was held at iamon noon told today to day a y t in the council house th the meeting e tang was called to order by the chairman ho i john sharp and the roll was wa called by the Secer tary theodore mckean esq quorum present it was moved and carried that the S salt alt ait I 1 nake lake ake county convention be held heid at the county court house on saturday july 23 1881 at 11 am a m on motion it was decided that primary meetings be held heid in the several county pre precinct cincu cincO on monday evening the dinst at 8 p ma m for the purpose of electing dele delegate a t e s to attend the county convention it vasi wag also decided that the basis of representation in the several precincts should be the same as last year the act relating to the apportionment tion ment of legislative representation passed at dt the last session of the legislature associated salt lake county with tooele thoele and davis counties in the nomination of councillors councilors Counci lors to the legislature and with davis davi and morgan for the nomination of representatives accordingly C lya a motion was made and carried that davis county be respectful respectfully invited to send rend five delegates an and tooele thoele countr five live delegates t to meet 3 32 delegates from salt lake county in a council district convention ven vent tion iop lop to be held field july 23 at 12 m kf L t toilie rot fot the fhe i purpose of putting in nomination four councillors councilors Counci lors to the legislative assembly A motion was wag niso ilso made that a representative district convention composed of 39 delegates be called to meet at the court house on the same game day at 1230 pm and that davis county be respectfully invited to send five delegates and morgan county two delegates to meet with 32 delegates from salt lake county to place in nomination six representatives to the legislative gla sla tivo tive assembly this motion was carrie carrle dafter which the meeting sine die for the benefit of our reader sand as a reminder rem ader to the officers of theo several counties we append the first two sections of the law passed by the legislature of isso 1890 in relation to legisla legislative tile apportionment sec see 1 be it enacted by the governor and legislative assembly of the territory of utah that at the general election in the year eighteen hundred and eighty one 1881 and biennially thereafter cache and rich counties shall elect one bone councilor to the legislative assel assembly ably box elder and weber counties one wasatch uin uintah tah summit and mor gan counties countless one salt lake davis and tooele thoele counties four utah and juab counties two sanpete San pete sevier and emery beaver iron iran and plute counties one washington kane and san ban juan coi cal counties antles one sec see 2 at the general election in the year eighteen hundred and eight yone 1881 and biennially thereafter cache and rich Count counties les ios shall elect two representative to the legislative L assembly box elder one weber county two wasatch and uintah counties bi one ae county one morgan salt lake lahe and dvis davis counties six too ele county one utah and juab counties four sanpete San Sau pete sevier and emery counties two Millard Coun conn ty one betiger and plute Count counties leb les one ido lio leonand iron nand and san juan counties one washington and kane katle counties tierone ties sone one As will bo be seen above it was in accordance with this apportion apportionment me nt which supersedes super sedes that of the for former mer law that action was taken at meeting |