Show protection OF SHEEP sheep need protecting from the cold storms incident to this season of the year A fleece of wool after it has become saturated with water is s a cold blanket for the animal to wears wear and it takes a long along time to dry it it requires considerable increased animal heat beat to keep the animal comfortable as long aa as the fleece is wet and this increased heat must come of an increased burning up of food or flesh in the animal to produce it an amount of food which would be sunni sufficient clent to keep a sheep with a dry fleece in a thrifty condition would scarcely be sufficient to enable one with a wet fleece to hold its owns own besides the sheep with a wet fleece is liable to take cold and injure its health it does not pay to allow sheep to become vv wet et it is in a poor use of food to allow it to be used to dry water out of sheep fleeces it is much like libe throwing it away lewiston journal |