Show BY TELEGRAPH ten TEB V UKIO TM T M A AMERICAN 14 E R I 1 C A N washington WASHING ton TOx 21 dr worcester of massachusetts who refused when upon the stand for the defense to answer the hypothetical question guestion proposed by scoville Bc oville te testified stifled that I 1 in n his opinion the prisoner was a sane man guiteau sharply how much do you expect to get for that opinion sir air I 1 suppose that will be worth to you that is the way corkhill is running but I 1 dont think it willbe will be worth a snap to a j ury not a snap sir air after recess dr worcester again stand when guiteau insisted upon being heard and with some impetuosity said bald I 1 want it distinctly understood that on the rd of july I 1 gave col corkhill and his reporter in a two hours interview my views on this whole subject the inspiration the political poU poh situation and au all causes that impelled me on the president sid ald ant and this man corkhill des troyed his notes no tes tea so I 1 could not use nse them upon this trial it is a burning shame for him to come in here now and say I 1 never said anything about the inspiration until three weeks after the shooting dr worcester then turned to judge cox ani baid raid r tf th the court please I 1 understand I 1 appear here as an expert summoned by the government to testify just as I 1 bell beli believed eved impartially in tb this Is case colonel Cork corkhill bill undertook to explain that the witness had been remaining in the city wholly against his will when he was interrupted by scoville Bc oville who with evident anger protested against the action of counsel for the prosecution in attempting to fortify this witness with the jury in advance of his evidence ashar A sharp colloquy ensued between counsello counsel ln by Gul gui guiteau tead who shouted oh let him alone hes heb not worth noticing hes working for hta hia 5 0 0 resuming cross examination scoville asked when and where did you get your title of doctor answer I 1 got my title of doctor from howard univ in ISM J T began my course of study in 1863 witness was questioned at great length in regard to his medical practice books he had read ready patients he had treated and opportunities he had enjoyed for investigating the subject of insanity he was asked how he came to the opinion in sa lem that the prisoner was insane and why he had written scovill scoville such was wag his belief he replied erom prom statements I 1 had seen that he was actuated when he shot the president by an insane delusion and that an uncontrollable impulse under which he acted was the out cut outgrowth growth of that insane delusion I 1 wrote you thinking I 1 might t be of service to an insane man witness had changed his opinion as to the insanity of the prisoner because he no longer believed it to be the true ue statement upon which he had based his opinion before coming to washington 10 Gul gui guiteau impatiently dont you understand scoville that has modified his viem view LY ghiata gf eata iata the use of wasting time onam onam ket let him go scoville was about to resume the examination when guiteau struck the table violently and called out make the matter short it is simply a matter of fact for the jury to determine whether my free afo aff agency eney ency was destroyed or not I 1 claim it was and I 1 wont have you compromise my life as you are do doing by your blunder bus way of examining exa examining minin witnesses I 1 tn esses 11 turn turning n g toward ula the jury ua ry guiteau added dep deprecatingly re ca scoville is a perfect idiot in this matter and between him and Cork corkhill bill shave I 1 have a pretty hard bard time general laughter I 1 am a good natured man laughing but I 1 cant stand abuse and when im buzzed I 1 want to talk right back mr scoville who had heretofore borne everything with apparent equanimity seemed to feel keenly the last evidence of heartless ingratitude his voice trembled and for a iiii minute nute he was unable to go on even the Es prisoner i goner realized the injustice of his conduct and hastened to apologize saying you are doing very well scoville to the best of your ability e several times afterward afterwards ss during the examination of dr worcester by scoville at one time in evident anger and again with a sarcastic smile 1 I I 1 your honor if I 1 was indicted for manslaughter I 1 would be hung for murder if scoville should defend me i mrs scoville reached over to speak to Gul gui guiteau when he snarled at her you keep your mouth shut you are as big a fool as your husband you are a crank on tills business if you badall stayed in chicago it would have been far better for my case these relatives elo ale a nuisance I 1 would be better of if I 1 have any I 1 woul i haye plenty of friends if this pack of relatives were out of the way mrs scoville Bc oville whispered some expostulating reply when whon ho he turned again angrily and shouted sli bli you arean are an unmitigated nuisance in this case all the way through then changing quickly from anger to mirth he be added with a laugh your a queer lot you villes 11 adjourned the secretary of state and the secretary of the navy had a conference this afternoon as to the best method to be pursued in reference to the steamer geannette and agreed hat that 11 the only thing to be done at present was to telegraph the united states minister at st petersburg to request the russian government to furnish all assistance in their power pecuniary and otherwise towards tri Eri bringing bringing nging the survivors to a place of communication so that they might be enabled to reach home the question of sending the steamer bodger rodgers Sf now in winter quarters at st lawrence in search of the missing crew of the steamer jeanatte jeanm Jeanw tte tle was discussed at the navy department and the conclusion reached that such an expedition would be impracticable until spring the following was sent this afternoon department of state washington december to ho bioff ffman inan charge at st petersburg burg sir the president desires you to make provision for the immediate relief and return of the officers and men of the Jeannet jeannette fe cable promptly the amount of credit you require and it will be provided by the secretary of the navy and myself also cable how steps can be taken by this government for the recovery of the crew of the missing boat signed secretary the secretary ot of the interior has rendered a decision of great importance to parties interested in mining properties in the case of the mineral e Af fiance affiance against the city of deadwood in this case ease the secretary has decided that patents should issue on all mineral entries made prior to location of townsite and that patent for town sites should issue s on all lands included in location except that covered by prior entries referred to patents to be without reservation class and issued to mineral lode patents within the borders of town sites this decision is applicable to townsite entries on placer mining lands on the ish of january the kingdom of hawaii enters the universal postal union and under that date all correspondence addressed to the sandwich mands islands will be subject to the rate of postage provide in the universal postal union convention namely letters five cents per half ounce and on newspapers printed matter and samples of merchandize merchandise dize one cent per two ounces newspapers and periodicals to regular subscribers Ibers bers cannot after the above date be mailed to the sandwich islands at pound rates but must be prepaid by stamps as above NEW YORK 21 the central and south american telegraph company is pushing the construction of its land lines and laying its submarine cables as rapidly as wires can be shipped the steamer international will begin laying cable from vera cruz along long the central american coast while the dacia will payout bayout pay out cable from callao northward the steamship retrieve ren eve is accompanying the expedition as surveying ship communication will soon bo be etab dished between this city and vera cruz panama venezuela peru chili and other south american states by direct wire the temes times says one of the most formidable lobbies ever known ft washington is laying plans for opening the indian territory it was this combination by don cameron which made kelfer keifer speaker of the th eHouse house for the secretary of the interior chaffee chalice would be the choice of the entire band of monopolists CHICAGO 1 21 I the tho engine and tender of the train of the chicago northwestern railway train ran into th tho north branch of chicago niver river awhile while the com corn banys bridge was open for a tug to pass through the engineer had one of his legs cut ot off the fireman escaped by swimming and the conductor of the train is under the wreck drowned the pay car struck the closing bridge and at last accounts was wedged in there partly on the bridge and partly on the track BOSTON 21 now new york aud and boston capitalists have nearly completed arrangements for a new road between boston ond and new york distance miles the cost is for which funds are provided the name of the com company any auy is shenew the new york boston inland railroad co they will run the express in four hours and freight in eight hours the names of the in corp orators is a secret NEWARK 21 james graves a crank aged 60 shot dead this evening in the public street eddle eddie boden aged 13 when graves was taken to thA the tation station house he said eaid he guessed the boy would not bother him again and offered to plead guilty to murder in the second degree 1 three years ago graves was arrested for threatening the life of bodens father SANTA FE VEI 21 wm win craford special agent of the department departments 1 of justice and a brave soldier during the war ivas iras was fatally shot in albuquerque on sunday by mistake washington 22 guiteau came into court this morning a apparently under some strong excitement col charles charlca beed reed took a seat by his side and whispered something to him Gul gui guiteau striking the table violently began to expostulate saying 1 91 I won wont it do anything of the kind at thib point scoville whispered ome some expostulation when guiteau angrily said to him I 1 wont have you compromising my case by your foolish questions you must get off my case if you cant stop compromising it A whispered consultation between the three mentioned seemed to result in pacifying the prisoner who looked up with a smile and said I 1 wa going to make a speech but I 1 have changed by mind and guess I 1 wont do it nethen he then busied himself opening his matl mail remarking n 9 this is the first time I 1 have open opened ed my mail myself for sonae sometime time dr theodore diamond of auburn N Y who had been summoned for the defence and retained by the prosecution was called to the stand witness believed judging by jy evidence he had 11 listened a toned to including that of he rhe prisoner himself auti from tbt thu appearance and conduct of the prisoner that he is a sane man the hypothetical ques eions put to dr wooster yesterday were then read to the witness and lie he replied 1 I 1 should say he was sane scoville Bc oville asked how old a physician ought to be before he could distinguish between a sane and insane man the dr said he himself was not yet old enough to so distinguish guiteau broke in with a compliment to the witness and called the attention of the audience to the fact that he was letting scoville Bc oville talk today 1 I opened my mail this thia mornin morning 9 aj holding up 20 or more letters it pretty good mail riall too and only one crank letter in the whole lot all from high toned people too Th they eyare are beginning to think hetter better of me outside high toned ladles are sending for my autograph they think pm im a big man bilt bult I 1 dont care a snap whether pm im a big man or a little one the prisoner bulled himself reading his letters and soon broke out acain again saying ac well yell I 1 did d id not notice this before ladieu and gentlemen I 1 have just a letter from dr he says bays he received letters con granulating him on his testimony ana only two threatening odes on es A pretty retty good showing I 1 think when ee he came here for nothing and get a cent while these fellows are handsomely paid by government heres er from mr beatty judge cox well that will do prisoner weave not time to listen to the read reading iti g of your correspondence tence 03 0 guiteau all ail ali errall right sir air y NEW YORK 22 the mornin morning papers almost without exception call attention to the dissatisfaction which exists with the make up of keifert a committees the discontent seems chiefly to be in the west though new yorkers feel that they have been len left out in th te e cold washington 22 the Secie tary of received the follo following wink today dispatched from the charge dAff dAf hirs fairs of the united states at bt st petersburg to ns washington BC DC general ignatieff Ignati efT of the russian government hns hag ordered active search for tile the second cutter of the J re ean annette nette expedition and will furnish all funds necessary from st petersburg for subsequent needs I 1 will draw on you I 1 have a long iong telegram from bl melville elville and understand that the same went through last night to the navy department will communicate with melville through Ignat ignatieff lenn leff as regards possible measures to find the second cutter signed HOFFMAN paris dec 21 to hon frederick Freling huysen secretary washington immediately upon receipt of the first news from the st petersburg correspondent about the jeannette cannette J can ean nette saying that roubles coubles was wanted I 1 transferred that sum by telegraph through to general ignat ignatieff leff at st reters petera burg with a request to draw on me for any further sums required for the succor and comfort ot of captain delong and his party I 1 have today received the following telegram from gen Ignat Ignatie ienn leff fl have hastened to communicate to your correspondent news newa received from and have given orders to the governor to take most energetic measures for the rescue of the shipwrecked crew together with authority to andert undertake ak e all necessary expense for which I 1 have promised to reimburse him signed you will see by this that everything possible is being done by the russian government to secure the ealeta and speedy return of capt captain aln alu delong and his men if you or the secretary of the navy have any suggestions I 1 shall do my utmost to act upon them I 1 intend to send a special correspondent to meet the party on its way here and as it will be some days before he starts perhaps you or the secretary of the navy might wish to take taky addan tage of the opportunity and bend fiend dispatches or forward messages from relatives and friends of the party my aly correspondent at st sti petersburg telegraphs me that the distance by wagon to the point where the crew are is miles requiring for a single traveler provided with paper papier ufa at least a month 1 I also learn from st petersburg burg that the emperor bas haa personally given orders all necessary clothing pro provi visions aiona money and transportation shall be put at the service of the J jeannette ean nette party which gives full assurance that everything possible will be done dont for their al nii aid I and comfort signed JAMES BF bennett department of state washington dec 22 90 james paris the telegram with news of df 5 your our generous provision received before receipt I 1 had bent sent the following cable to hoffman hodman then follows the telegram already published signed FRELING HUYSEN secretary the following telegram was sent by Secre secretary lary tary blaine to minister foster st petersburg on the of may last ask the russian government to direct that vessels of her |