Show gar car H I 1 lb K FA cry for pitchers fitchers irbe like it because lecause it la 18 dweitt ancee w mothers iilo like Ca cassorla cas Caa storla torla beear becar use tse it etves elvea to ghe the elk ell iid ild a becan leean it IS morphine or mineral nil uil in I 1 nature natu resl ress a remedy tor the f foo it sues eures ivine ivind celle the raising curd and diarrhoea adlaw air all and util whua thus the child bas lia health and the mother obtains rest ala alm bleas iia EL ant etc choba h V elud keil Kell abla ablo i 4 eow GOV y V NOTICE FOR publication xa aso ISO TT LAND LIND sia sla saia baia LAKE ngwe T alle antt IT T february 1881 monce ronce IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT nali luy duy the following 1 named settler has filed notice of his bis intention 40 a MS ut make fl nal final proof in support ot his claim and secure final entry thereof and that wd paid proof will be lie made uwe be bem toua tora the register keg Kei ister lster or Receiver of Df the U isi S land otilee atsatt at salt sait lake city UT IT on saturday the rrth erth day ot of march 1880 IBM ate vi robert Palm paim palmer ralmer er homestead entry the g s halt half ot N IV quarter and lots 3 and 4 sec see 2 T 3 g R I 1 IV and he names the fol owing witnesses ito prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot of eam gam tracts vi viz janlee james C Q bro brown of sandy salt lake CO U V T and william wardle wardie Wil william billiani liani aylett aylett and andrew Shul shui sens senj all ail of V west t jordan salt lake co U CT T keil NEIL CHAS ewas W staw STAY stayner NEn XEn wat attorn attorney y fok for cia Cla claimant ang ant NOTICED probate 0 j bt st george georgie e Washid plou cogut cort cohl T january 20 1880 i notice Is hereby given oven that li JohnM macfarlane Macfar laLe lane probate judge in and for wa wahington hington brunty utah territory have i oa on he khe third day of january Januar yr issa ISSO made cash cabb imir v at the U land office at saig sail lake city usty ety IT T of the jio alo ing described d grida ands situated insala tn seid counts county for lud kud add aad IQ lu of the and inhabit anu nuts pt of the town of valley vailey to vit wit ra rel t hilfor hait half of I 1 the u beast quarter of sec see tion 15 bno ana sno the quarter of it of ToWn hip bip 59 39 south of hange kange 16 vest west of falt fait lace basw base ana ano acres and arid each and try T ry person ferson borasso orasso or company of persons or oe corpora loru tori laming to 10 ba be thu the rIghtful owner of occupant or occupants 0 or to be euli futi milled to the occupancy or pos pot Benion 0 of f such euch rands lands or to any lot block bare bate OT or parcel darcel thereof li ii required require 4 IB IH persons person or by agent dr or attorney aitor bitor 10 sign and deliver to the clerk of the aja gio rebate to court of washington county utah ter tor atory tory a statement in writing containing an accurate description of thy iha pa reel of or land claimed within I 1 alx lx r montha ria ris from rom the tho date data of the first publication of this notice and that ail all persons sailing falling to sign and ana dolver driver said statement within the time lerein herein ana to 10 mowa towa aw ball be far fer ever eth ett barred ibe the right night of waling wal mal ing or recovering such land landt or any or escate the nein seln tinor or la in any part a r sharo share thereof in any court of law or equity JOHN M macfarlane P probate abate judge of was ashi ashl hinten nion county ism utah 0 tah tab territory CHICAGO P northwestern NORTH WESTERN aa K A I 1 ar X VV A V the great trunk line from the chicago and gle lie aass nall it la Is the oldest shortest most erect con ven fent tent comfortable and in every respect the best alne you gan pan take it itis ia the tho greatest and abd grandest baliv cauway sy organization in the united states it owns owna or controls oon con trola troia over 2100 MILES of RAILWAY howel HOTEL varn VARS are run mione alone I 1 by it Is brouse through between COUNCIL blufus CRId CHICAGO AGOl no other road rubs runa pullman hotel card cari or any other for form of hotel cars cart through between the missouri river hivey and chicaro chicago af IL I 1 EAST FA F A els eli hould bould bear bar in mind that this Is the th BEST ROUTE toCH to CHICAGO ICACO AND ALL EAST Paaren rera Kera by thia this route hav har choice of FIVE DIFFERENT routes and the stivan taffe of eight daily linea lines balac pala la rae lac cara can from frota CHICAGO to r philadelphia AND keg reg sew HEW YORK and amb D milea milem POINT 81 insist that the ticket agent sells bella you ti mcketa by the northwestern north western road ex ext amine amino tour your tickets Tl cota ceta and refuse to buy H q ahey hey they h her d do 0 not t read over this thia road 1 I anzi ants seii eel them and check usual musi ohwn thab by this line eli eni ili eastern boina bw ria via tills thu rout route to all isif coupon ticket offices of sll sil 11 all western railroads Rall rail roada tl new now office no lis broadway boston office no 6 state street omaha Off offices icea sill fill 61 jtb street and IT P F depot depol san francisco office 2 new now montgomery street council biu diu bluffs afa ticket omee office at U PP vr Tran aror lr amt and at chicago A north norths getem western hallway depot chicago ticket 62 02 clark street under sherman hue HOUGG IS casel madison street kanzie senile street depot corner and canal wells wells street derot depot ar nor well weil and kenzi kensi streeta streets for rates or information DO gai Wai hable habie crom from your home ti ants ent apply to goal maar tr IL t lul ti w t if SEMIAN R UAL 1 I I 1 I 1 i 11 jr SALL el vi lii ili J AT T djs ful j r r ih i H fi i vy I 1 it k t to ti rii f 4 t y ff K I 1 ji 0 nt I 1 W I 1 nel nei i f 0 o 1 I 1 f ha fr Y i n tv TG to U room foa 1 J J jiin il J t 1 j 1 t il r i I 1 I 1 t S F r lil mu a cr tk i f I 1 lf r eor FOR 1 t V 10 lo J J i iiii 1 t fuji luji 1 l 0 f 1 1 S r r 0 10 allelo fe T OOL J j 40 gd 40 rf 4 1 1 Y i 1 WE wn WILL wiil SELL SELI OUR alixes bof I 1 ir W i r Y i HIST E c R D p lri iri 8 hl fin 1 l fl 0 u 1 iiii ni IH ii th guju boo f i F jei jel i ji ir yi ir 10 f AT aes L W WILL ERSS ht h t r 1 41 11 S ELDREDGE supt aa I 1 f v 6 i I 1 i 7 1 i i i u r ou kunf 1 I v c i i n 1 v elt clr CIT C IT 1 45 IS 45 years refo lefo roi rei the dubue T CE dr 0 M mo c L LANES A 11 S LIVER PILLS L arm are not recommended as a all alt alethe tha ilik flik that thab flesh flash Is 6 heir helu ir to but in affect affections foni ioni 0 we khe liver and in 16 all alyous complaints dyspepsia and 1 sick headache or disease or of that character they stand without a rival ACUE AGUE AND FEVER i ko be used preparatory tov too to or annec after raking taking quinine asa As a simple purgative they are ape unequalled unequal led bewak OF imitations the SU genuine are never bugar sugar coated i each box has a red wax seal oa on the lid iid ledwith with uhe vba assion malanes Mc LANES I ivel PILI pill PILL each wrapper bears the sig sis signatures of C mclane and FLEMING BROS bror 1 SS CW insist laist la upon having t the fhe be genuine gnu guu enuine enu ine inc mr C LIVER PILLS PILL prepared by BROS pittsburg pa ibo the market being full of imitations of tho ayik name Alc bic yane Janc spelled differently but I 1 bame samo aigid d wiy aly takk tran C accents per ack ek tp U 00 0 will prove provi H or forfeit rrell im W 4 outfit free E R 0 07 UP flaten ft N Y sault r A I 1 mil MID kimyo j 1 blocks south or R ard ar ww new prepared to manufacture JH AU 1 kindt of i engines milers boilers grist mii mills s salt mills etc of ill ALL KINDS mw IN lili ISBN i BUSS portable engines saw mills MR MADE TO 0 ordee ORDER tv brink brine on cast iron and brass rass and alid get tho the cash R B MARG prest P secretary E alifi 66 in your ayin omro town T tena r duo dou POO and 5 outfit free H HAL L larra co portland port PoTt lend land hi alne rr r r i I it DENTISTRY I 1 make TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMING 3 my friends and the public generally of salt lake laka city and that 1 J haye aye ate returned and anda am int fully tully prepared to per perform torman forman all ail operations inthe lathe dental line teeth made filled and extracted I 1 in the most approved manner office next door bouth south of SL S P teas del dol dels delb le hours from 9 M to 5 p m DIL DR A B dunford 1 1 1 r 1 I i ap c DONT amt rat FORGET S I 1 p luin loin 1 1 iga ta tl 0 TK U VIAT fp i i 11 l 1 l bif bil 1 i i i f 0 I 1 f I 1 ara W cifu M JENNINGS J i E N N I 1 N ai G p S 1 0 SONS v EAGLE BAGLE LE EMPORIUM EM fl A S I 1 J 1 1 l i b I 1 j a 1111 iilo t gf A TT m 1 l T acar K tnt mgt am gibb elwe gi T TB B B H agy ery wy as j orf r i p J 3 1 1 r r hi bl 4 irl f r t I 1 TO GOOD gooda 0 o a 30 n x AS THE CHEAPEST i r n r 9 il ta T ta i ulo uio ulu uto e 41 i f 1 h u vuu yuo Yuu eili elli 24 merchandise 1 |