Show A AN ACT DEFINING TIM TIIE finst FIRST AND THIRD JUDICIAL J DISTRICTS OF tiie THE TER nid fid ToRy toby OF be it enact enacted edby by the governor and legislative L assembly of the berrito that the counties of of bof utah ry millard illard Ban Sati pome pete sevier juab wasatch utah emery uintah weber box elder cache rich and mor 1 gan shall hereafter constitute mhd the first judicial district and the counties of salt lake tooele sum mit bit and davis shall constitute thet third judicial district of this terr tory 1 all actions at law jaw lav suits in equity and indictments for crime and other legal proceedings which may bo pending in tho the Third judicial district count Court between e n the in or by or against the inhabitants in of any or either of said counties of weber nox dox box elder cache cr lehe rich and morgan shall be continued transferred to ps and prosecuted to judgment and ex cuton euton in the said first judicial district court which shall have jurisdiction of the subject matter thereof and all papers and records relating to r the tho same shall bo be transferred to such court in the manner aided anfred vided vi ded aed SEC 2 the clerk of the third ju dacial district court courtne je igie ot ermy eroy required to make a transcript frio from irillis aisi A record of the proceedings of said court relating to all cases lp pending ending therein mentioned in section 1 of this act and transmit the same to the clerk of the first judicial district court aforesaid at oad ogden entity city awber county together with all pa pers filed in said cases on or before the first day of april AD 1880 SEO SEC 3 As soon as the governor shall appoint the place and time for holding li courts in that part of the first judicial district contained in the said counties of weber box elder cache rich and morgan iok koi a clerks wres office shall be established at the place so designated and the re cords of the tiie third judicial district purchased by the county court of weber county and now in the clerks office at ogden city shall become part of the records of the first finst judicial district and be kept tat at the clerks cienky s office first named inthis luthis in this see soc hico hi co 4 all cases both civil and criminal crimi oai oal in 19 which the gau jause dause vau c ot ac arnsen arisen either elthe of ohp coun pugh fugh juab Millar diSa sanpete San ean nuite pete rete wasatch watch emery emeny or QT shach be heard tried and determine deter I 1 abed ar ar unith first judicial district rt jat at the city of provo or at bauch bluch ieather place or places placed within limin of said last ashall as shall ba bd fixed by ioane the governor Gov emor ebor and all cases bou both elvil civil and criminal in which tb the cap sept action shall arise in either elther eith ce r joithe countiss of weber box elder cache rich or morgan shail shall be tri trl ihil determined in the said a erst first judicial district court at ogden provided that in all cases a cb ange auge of the place of trial way may b be e allowed as may be prescribed by aa 3 proved feb 0 asso 1 hut NUT pax I 1 seere Secre office 1 11 thomas secretary of P t the territory atory of utah do ao herg here b er citify IP ti fy that the above hae rac antl aci aei act defining the first and third of the of utaji V Uta jj I 1 is a true and corre correct ct copy as appears e by br tite thre records on file jn in my c attest my hand and seal at salt day of feb A adew adeo X apfl SEAL iseal ARTHUR tuomas L secy of utah territory it AN ACT FOR tiie THE establishment WE 01 AND for FOB F OR otner OTHER ulu poses r jag it enacted cna ena cical cicil by the governor and legislative assembly of ahe the terri af utah that the county 1 courts shall divide their respective counties in to school districts where no go so divided number the game same Vr prescribe limits cha change chango the boundaries thereof had and may consolidate two or more school districts into one should the public affo good od so require provided that where school districts have bu hullt built hit kit school houses by a tax lax oll oil on the tho whole district said district shall nol not divid ed until equitable provision chalken has been made for school houses in district to be organized settlers settled on oil pr or near county lines of ft tvr p or pr moro more o may bp formed former 1 nito uto school districts by the mutual agreement of the county courts of such counties every school district may in the name of its trustees purchase nold told sell seil and convey wilvey property for the use and benefit ot of such districts provided that no school property pro er shall be sold except by au authority thorit of a two thirds majority vote tote of the resident tax tam payers of the district present at a regular or special school meeting called for that purpose i sio sic 2 at a school meeting to be held in each school district on the finst first monday in june in the year yean eighteen hundred and gigli eighty there belp shai be elected by the registered voters f the district three school trustees for each school district one for the term of one ono year yeu olle one for the tho term of two years and one for the terin terni of three years and annually thereafter at the school meeting provided for in section three of this act there shall behne school trustee elected by said baid registered voters in each school district whose term of office shall be for three years and aad until his successor is elected and qualified said trustees shall qualify by oy taking and subscribing su scribing an path of office and give bonds to the county in which they reside in such sums bums and with such puch sureties as the probate judge sf the county or a justice justlee of t the e peace for tho the precinct may approve conditioned for the ance ortho duties of said oatly lof office and bond bands shall shail be e fi filed ledwith with the clerk elerk of the county court SEC 3 the trustees shall provide suitable school houses and keep the same in in repair employ teacher sand furnish luel fuel maps charts and other suitable articles for school purposes and may at their option 0 ti on col coi co i lect elect tuition fees they hey snail all ail pr prescribe e the manner in in which schools shall shail be conducted and the branches to bo taught and rates of tuition and establish outhouses out houses eT playgrounds and other appurtenances the tru iru trustees shall shai keep a record of their leial official off omm actions and of proceeding proceedings sin in district school meetings signed by the chairman and secretary keep a correct account of all moneys received by them and how expended such sueh accounts to bo be reported each year to the voters moten of the district at an annual school meeting to bo held anth first moni day in june at which meeting the amount of compensation to be allowed to said trustees trustee sor or either of them maybe decided b by y a majority 11 vote Tru trustees steeg steel may unite tind and jointly control two pr or more contiguous districts in la the same county or in adjoining coun coup counties ties and establish union pinion schools to be supported out of the funds belonging to their respective districts they may make arrangements with the trustees of any adjoining dis dl brict for the attendance of such children in the schools of either district as may be best accommodated therein ther eill elti and to transfer tho the school moneys duo due by apportionment to such children to the dietr district lct act in which they may attend school SEC 4 whenever it shall be necessary to raise ralso funds to purchase build repair re I 1 r or furnish school houses or for other purposes an estimate of the tb e approximate cost thereof th ere shall be made by the trustee sand the rate percent per cent may be fixed at any sum not exceeding two per cent per annum as shall be decided by a two thirds majority vote of the property taxpayers resident in the district strict present at a meeting called for that purpose to be assessed and collected as a special tax lax upon the taxable property in the district pro aided vided the property of non residents shall not bo be liable to tax fon for the payment ay ment ot teachers in cas case c of a ic challenge odthe of the right of any person to vote on said tax the oath of such person as to qualification qua i ca ion lon his tax rece receipt i pt forthe faithe past year or a copy of the tax J list t showing it that said person owns taxable property in the district shall be received as evidence of such righetto right to vote SEC 5 for the calling of a meeting fon for voting on thera the rate per cent i of tax to be assessed and for the th election of trustees notice shall be given at least ten days bea before benore re the sg al 16 time appointed for foj taking sueh such yote by adv advertising at least tue three times in some sonic newspaper published in the county having general circulation therein or by posting up notices in three public places in the district said advertisement or notice shall state distinctly the time place and object of said meeting said notice shall shail be given pen len by at ret act least five permanent residents of odthe the district but if the district be organized theli then said notice shall be given by the trustees at all such meetings meeting the voting shall be by jy ballot i sno SEC 6 the trustees shall have power to appoint a clerk an assessor and collector and alid ft treasurer ami ani prescribe their qualifications icat ions lons hey shall also appoint an au auditor aitor each year whose duties shall be to examine the financial accounts orthe the current year sear arnd arid rip rig re port thereon at the annual sell school ool meeting SM EC 7 th a or ashall shall shail within such chicras he trustees may direct mal make mawe e an assess assessment cat ent ak alc a fair cash va ta gaff all th the lo 10 taxable property in in and report the same to the trustees the trustees shall shail sive give notice of the time and place ewhen when they will meet to hear eab eai and determine complaints if any iii in regard to the assessed valuation of any pio plo property perty and may equalize and correct the same and they shall have power to remit or abate the taxes of any indigent jerson person to an amount not excer exceeding ding by nite dollar 9 on any such assess assessment men th they ey shall fix the time within mch which the tax shall be paid which jn no me case shall shail hallbe be less than thirty days and approve the assessment roll and bandit and it to 0 the collector ta collect the tax 1 1 1 stu sec 8 the collector shall shail forthwith notify the tal tac taxpayer paYer of the die dle district of df the amount of their tax tak and when v hon hen the file same panic is payable and shall proceed to collect the eama same within the time specified by the trustees and pay the inong money y collected to the distri district Q t treasurer if there te be one ohe otherwise to the tila trustees and all taxes remaining unpaid for 90 days day after they become due shall become delinquent arnd arid a list thereof shall be handed to the county collector of the county in which such district is located Joca ted which collector shall proceed and collect the said tax tam in the manner as us provided for the collecting of territorial county countr and school taxes 9 in an act to provide rev revenue for the territory of utah and the several counties thereof approved february 22 1878 the delinquent taxes thus collected shall be paid into the county treasury and placed to the credit of such school district and be drawn upon theonder the order of the trustees of such district SEC athe 9 the school year shall commence anthe on the first of july and bd divided into four terms the trustees shall visit officially each sc school hoolin in their respective district districts at least once during each term terigi and on or before the second monday in june in each year sear take a ce census naus 0 of the childr children en between the a azes ages wes of six and eighteen years residing in their thein district districts sand and within ten days thereafter shall shail make a report rt to the county hereinafter provided for stating th the tho c condition of the school or schools under their supervision ision and particularly the eirv mirv ite items I 1 in the follo following ying form together with such other statistics or information as the territorial superintendent may require school schod Trustees sa s1 annual Annual reboil of school schoot district jwo Ao in the county of U 71 ending Y tib it trustees izo ivo ot or district nel nek 40 bt bf schools grade of schools t branches taught I 1 no of male Ted wed teachers chers cherb I 1 no ot female teachers no of abalo children in district ti between th jhb ages of six and eighteen years Wars no pt femali female children in district beleen 1 the ages ot of six and eighteen years I 1 no of male scholars ars unrolled In rolled nc c of r enalo anale enrolled Enrol ledl ledi I 1 av A average v crage dalli pail attendance I 1 7 amount paid 12 to teachers 1 to males maies I 1 to re females males maies 1 I no ot of days day school ha have ie been tau taught durins curing the year no nto ot of school libraries 1 r no ot of volume bokil ineich present condition of acko school ol 01 buildings etc eto f amount ot of building fonds funds raised I 1 amount bf of terron terroni territorial 1 T I 1 school taxes 1 local cal eal taxes in district tor school purposes D value of school 10 property art trustees failing to so report shall be liable to pros prosecution bention on their bonds for neglect of duty auty said suit to be prosecuted by the county superintendent and any amount so recovered shall revert reverb to tb the benefit of the district schools in said district SF SEC Z 10 all schools organized under the direction of the trustees in the respective school districts of this tilis territory shall be known ir in cawby law by the name and title titie of district schools and shall be entitled to tp a just and oquita equitable loid lold ap apportionment ot of any public school fund arising from the general government or by legis autive 40 v a enactment of tho the territory tern tory apo U 11 tilo tiie county couri court of A each county s shall ho appoint in in their clr cir respective Count counties ies jes where not already done a board of ema exa examination minati oli oll to consist of the County Superintend two other persons wh who 6 shall judg judge e of tho the qua qualifications lial hof bof of school teachers applying for schools and all applicants of a good moral character eilar cliar acter aeter considered pompe competent tent shall receive a suitable certificate te signed by the board without walthou which no person shall bo be eligible C io to employment as teach ers by ly tim the trusi tees and alad such districts empl employing oving other than eli ell eligible ible teachers biall forfeit their the ir apportionment of or ans any public school fund A nor normal faal certificate of graduation from the alic uni hersity versia of deseret shall ishall entitle the holder to eligibility as a teacher in any of the di district school schoola of er 3 T provided Provide 4 J that such certificate shall lall be elidor endorsed ded sed by the tho board as to the moral eilar ellar character acter aeter of the holder SEC 12 teachers of schools furnish their respective trustees with a rep nep their schools at the eose dose of each tarm term in the fol foi loing following form 16 together gether with such other information as the territorial superintendent intend in eilt elit may may dequire je xe quine quire school teacher Teacie at term rn report keport of school no R district no county of 0 U T ending 18 4 teacher num number r or 0 pupils rupp ares ages inn ran r to ka ico pt 7 T r average alphabet spelling writing |