Show NOTICE T T HAVE IN MY SIT possession ono one honored red and aud whito white two year yead old oid branded two bars about ten inches long on left r ribs s crop off right ear car I 1 halt half upper crop in 1 lert left ft if sald animal ignot Is not claimed on or before fhe the day of Dp oember december 1880 1980 it alil bo be sold at public publio sale salo at the pound tooele thoele city dec 20 1 a 2 p pin m M district TOM ddn bowle 1 D r r ia J f T i t WANTED fw rm leahn LEARN THE whereabouts OF JL L GEORGE COOPER who left his home in this ciar six weeks ago he has since sinco bee been n beai heard d of in bountiful and caterin da liter ilter terin in ogar n he H e has haa light hair blue eyes and had on a lack black coat bagi befi rate fate fully tully received by his mother by lik addres addressing sig sip 91 gj 91 mrs bius B R COOPER ds aw salt lake city esway NOTICE T HAVE possession I 1 one ono 3 2 year car ear ola old ta dark lark red one ono months old red 8 reer feer one 2 ear sear car old red HEIFER white in fareh foi soi eh ad and left flank nank one 2 ear 0 d red HEIFER one IS 18 months month sold old oid red bald baid face STEER STREAM sone none of the thel above hoove described animals have any ank marks or brands visible and if thoy they are not claimed within ten telf days dais they will be sold bold in the y la in cedar city at 10 am batu december RICHARD PALMER pou ekr cedar city dece december 8 IM 1880 ya N ST baran barac ra PIE AS ill all AHTI BILIOUS uele HEME an ara incomparable they stimulate the the JJ ERV oos OUS 8 SYSTEM ka T ehk eif give tone to the DIGESTIVE TIVE eive ORGANS create perfect eife e taige taice digestion suon ston and ana regular movement of the tho bov bowels els eis AB AS AN AH they have no equal acting as a preventive eve ive and ana nd cure cume cure for binous Il Rt intermittent eltie mit tent n t typhoid feib fevers s and ifcher and abd arue ague upon tho tilo healthy healt liy ily action of the tho FE nna d lavor liver depends elmost wholly tho tha dealta of tho caco raco dyspepsia it is for foe the tho his distaso and di I 1 ts s at tenda teada nta ata t bick idd ind con COU riles FILES ac that these spills have h WV e gamed gm tied ried such sucha a wide reputation no remedy was ever discovered that acts bo so speedily and gently on the digestive or ffman living them tone and ana vigor to as muy euy simulate ulato tood lood whis thia accomplished the S are BRACED the BRAIN ned HED and the BODY ROBUST try wry this remedy emody 13 emedy fairly and you will M ram cam a vigorous Vigo rous roua body pure blood strong X nerves nerver erve anda and a dmd anit price 2 5 ac ae 35 st N Y halit HAIR DZE DYE dye gray CRAY HAIR HAIB OS OR WHISKERS chanced to r glossy black by b single eingle application app icat loa ioa of uns ibis arr it etim im marts arta a natural it color and nd acts kold told sold sola by dru beut bent by express on rece ulof S I 1 Off icOy 35 murray st new nev yon york deoda aw W WM DR HALLS mall lag lai I 1 Q FOR THE BALSAM cures consumption colds pneumonia n cumo influenza bronchial difficulties bronchitis hoarseness hoarsen ess asthma croup whooping cough and all diseases of the breathing organs it sooths booths and heals tile Mem membrane brand of the lungs lung in flamed and poisoned by the tile diece die dle ae and prevent prevents the night sweats and tightness i ss across the chest cheat which a accompany c c 0 m pany it consumption isi is not i 0 t an incurable mal malady it is only necessary to have tho right rei remedy nedy neds and HALLS BALSAM is that remedy DONT nesi DESI aik ain Alk of RELIEF F for this berd benign berdn 0 n specific will cure you even though 0 professional aid fails HENRYS CARBOLIC SALVE henrys carbolic saim aim alm heals Lr burns urns henrys carbolic salve cures sores jhenry carmic saive salve allays paim saire salve cures salm salve hcan hean pimples carb lie salve heals bruises amm ask ash for nna and mae use noot isee lier 0 nevare OF AD 0 1 bakers pain panacea P FOR lor MAN neat HEAT dor for external antt and internal use the greatest pain liever of theace ule hie aoe age Cair carbolic bolle troches A sune SUKE preventive OF C 0 eanes eases colde hoarse nex nc nox dielt t iselin anu and chool iving von con consla glik PLEASANT TO 70 THE tate TASTE greens oxygenated ted bitters dyspepsia and biliousness aff wor for sale ly by nil 4 JOHN F HENRY CO SOLE golb ml iti ili at 9 collero vlra new now 31 Q Q 0 2 aw am A MERRY L CHRISTMAS ulm VIM jermo ims las U NS S lne INE NEW W CLEANED S CURRANTS AND RAISINS CHRISTMAS FRUITS y NUTS CANDIES I 1 AND ALL KINDS OF atoa avoy IF I avo F ATO 0 2 ca MR 0 0 MR X ma S I 1 BEST GOODS IN khe THE net NUT III AT THE LOWEST FIGURES illi 1911 ils HES bille EAGLE EMPORIUM novelties in dry goods notions wola COS eos 0 33 TY W 45 4 5 ml M dires FITES l X IV M SS aee C 30 eng 0 Ii ARGEST largest AND ANID BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF ia 1 ake aed aes K sew gew OEM W sea BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS IN THE CITY 0 STOVES S rt 0 V 0 S ard aro AND A 11 ID abt AL ALT T 3 BS MI S U so Is lin INN S A HAPPY lew NEW teki YEAR 1881 R B eph edh R as elpe M lil k r FG ij an bu sot sol TX malls mails an 1 repository wai wal asb ash ave cia cla chicago ea eno o manufacturers OF F freight farm and spring warron wagons cam OAK lane MAxE VINOUS dried ibi BAT etl ETC any size or style of which wo will build to special order ovder WITH OUR PATENT STEEL OR fast PAST SKEINS 0 S tw j E aa aam swa w sa 35 2 iiii street S 31 city 17 T astray NOTICE T ria HAVE r IN jn MY rosar possession enox one red and white COW 4 or 5 years old left norn broke oss off bas bus a brand resembling desern T J within a square with arth half circle above on left hip bip swallow fork in left ear one red lineback steen STEER 3 2 years sears old no brands branit visible swallow fork in each ear un der bitin left ear upp erbit orbit in right wattle on lert left fore leg one red nelver HEIFER 3 2 tears years old bome some white in flank branded on left ribs 33 1 in left car which if not claimed by dec 14 1880 they will be sold at the nephi pound at 10 ea a an m 1 A BA BAILEY MY district district neplir jn juab knab ab co dec DM 4 1 WL NOTICE r TN JN IY one ong red and white STAG 3 years old face mostly white double dewlap lower one cut VP upwards wards the upper one i cut downwards under halt half crop in left cac ear sloping upwards branded brand ei on asp ssp and on left ribs TS ii one coir stac STAG 3 tear near years old white spots inclan in flanks jo same marks and brand brands a as above one red STAG 3 year yeats sold oid old white spots in flank flanks i bush of tail white same marks ard and brands excepting dewlap one brindle brind ie and white STEER 3 years old brockler broc kled race face white tail tall chopoff cro ero crop poff off left ear car brand on left hip m embling HV av combined one red and white yearling white spot in head push of tall white crop oss off linder tinder side of left ear no brands branda vi visible ihle ible it f not claimed within ten days from date dato will be sold at the pound fast poe Por porter pontel tei tel ville morgan coun county ty utah DO deo dec 18 iset pt at 0 s C IF eee igo ito a TF R IP I 1 CHRISM CHRISTMAS conof W TO TON CANDY FRUITS CANDY everything AT G A R D I 1 N E k S 58 main maln st S 1 city AT WHOLESALE sw 92 vr NOTICE T nave HAVE IN bir air IT one red COW about three years old oid branded haf antho on the left born horn rov reversed eased which if not claimed within ten days will wm I 1 be sold by public auction to the hl highest g bidder M on friday ay m r i 1880 80 a at 10 1 k am at t the district tray pound in this ci city JOSEPH HORNE district round keeper salt lake luke city december ft th 1880 luo one dozen photographs plis gratis uratis AU persons who get their PIC bic PICTURES Tunics taken by C AT 10 20 B SL ST galt salt t lake nake city between n this and the new yea tear win be presented with ONE dozes DOZEN ot of t their own F fot tor loaetta lookeba Lo aketa oketa issia bills n vit etu Sit wN |