Show LOCAL AND OTHER MA MATTERS FROM froni DAILY DEC f wishes to hear mary keddington tonof conof of Salti Salt Lake city is desirous to hear from her brother broth john iamesi formerly of or leeds deeds edgland england and supposed now to be residing in iii vl manchester an if ithe he will make the desired co communication T muni catlon cation cewill he will wiil leab leam something that will be to his advantage millennial satir please copy the contributor rhe the contributor for december ahl which ch has been unavoidably delayed for for a few days is li at length from the press and as a will be seen seeri from the following table of contents content la ls an excel excellent ieni leni number of this alivis always interesting magazine mexico and bind the mexicans h iii mo moses thatcher coal quebec leaves from the tree of Lifer life third hirl hird leaf C IV W penrose traveis travels in italy iii the city of cf the sea de bus Apo apostates tates ill lil iii kon Kor ihor R francis bacon viva poets Poet sand and poetry 0 F P Wb whitney itney ane university of deseret lil lif iii it NV sloan correspondence the saurian Sau xian jian J TJ Mar barfoot foot interesting topics Tobi JR NV youn voun young i tru truth th 11 in the wo village beppo editorial getting a il testimony tea tek mony association ceass laus lats HW naisbitt N aisbitt association rn intelligence telli gence genee history of the general organization 3 suggestive analysis of the tiie scriptures scripture milton EC hardy hards publications received Bece rece ived fish matters the follow following ing communication co from the united fish commissioner baird with appended items has been handed in by professor joseph L barfoot barf barr oot curator cu ra tor for odthe of th e desere t mu seum it should be read by county fib commissioners and by all interested te in the sul sui subject eject of cui cul ture UNITED skates STATES AND FISHERIES ili ill J 1 washington D 0 november 1886 dear sir i th e eggs of jb h e sped es of salmon saimon lom low ss mentioned below are being matured by the united states fish commission and I 1 write to ask what P umber number you are arie desirous desir ous gus afre behalf of youn your state otie olle 0 olie lie tle hatched out and planted in public pobile waters they will be ready for distribution trib ution during the months month s of january february and maycle ko no elladge will be made for the eggs e themselves but the ex pense of transportation po por tation from fiarn the hatching houses hopes must be paid by ty the recipients due hotl notice v will te 4 e given 91 en by heleg telegraph laph raph or otherwise of or the thu time of shipment of any eggs that are assigned to you it wilt of course be understood 11 eliat tat the supply of eggs eggel i limited so that no larger nu number niber ulber should hould be asked for than can properly be hatched d and distributed will be supplied plied piled d to localities the temperature and th the p of oe which are known to tabe be favorable to tile the growth of the thu fish fesh aA odor edor lor bior should as it is pos sib lethe letha ietha aggregate teof of eggs ho imy 1 lesa less le s a than 1 aepli cation 11 islade pro tata reduction w n ny at SPENCER F BAD nad ca commissioner joseph yos epli epil 1 barrott Bar rodt shw saw nake cl utah brews 1 atmo atmo almo satar salar Sa larsea sea or at lantic lantice imon maine so 0 salar variety letago se tago land jotted salmon grand lakia lake dirlam stream mainie malrie salmo lri ld ra trout trou f idec ivec mccloud louhR river iver lver california north norih cej A atkus alkus 11 us white flito north Norih ville vilie michigan bigan higan 1 prunty county fish by within ten tep days of ithie tah p x by by e y I 1 11 fish commissioner in accordance with ith the terms of the above communication muni cation josepn JOSEPH ti P 0 0 box salt lake b city ty judge julge hunters charge we give ve below the substance of judge S charge to the grandeury gran grand jury djury yesterday morning our reporter applied for it yesterday but was told that it was not ready for publication clivine gli CLI living vInc as wo we all do in a community 1 ity its composed of persons arom from all quarters q barters of the globe glob there is much m uch crime among us and it particularly becomes our duty to see that crime in all its grades is punished hed bed T unfortunately tuna tely for us there has arisen here a disposition to disregard dic die regard a certain congressional eila ella enactment cane nt which prohibits bigamy almost eve every ry grand ju jury ry which has been summoned to act since the enactment of the law of july 1862 has had its attention called to that law and the tile subject has in a manner become so to speak threadbare and yet the crime continues but the law is the law of the land and the violation infringes if upon nothing else eise upon old oid and alid well established rules of society nothing hing bing per perhaps serves so soi well to protect the people at large as the social relations relation sand and no one of these relations is s so important as that of marriage 0 it sho should tild bei be guarded with the greatest care cafe and in you rests lestsa a grave responsibility incela in relation thereto the court very well understands the religious influence surrounding you yott and experience teaches ther there 6 is no influence which is so potent and controls more absolutely the will and acts of men in its ita proper sphere i such influences influence should be heeded and iio lio DO int intelligent ellig en t m mind iffie should seek to overthrow it while this be so and while one of the bul barks of oui obi our oun common liberty is the right tigh t to worship according to the d dictates e tat of our own cons consciences clen ces we are also taught by the great ruler that it is our duty to render unto uto C caesar X sar the t things that are aro cw sars the social marital relation is one of the things that be longto caesar to the tile government and our government i which provides somboun so bountifully for all our want wants abid and protects us so beni in the prosecution of every avocation of life recognizing that monogamy is better for man that polygamy has seen fit to prohibit the th e latter and you being citizens of tha eliat t government now as grand jurors to inquire in to of offenses can call not nt without a wilful dis disregard rellard t of the violations of that law and of Y your sour 0 ur own consciences if any such cases are presented to you or are known to you fall fail to indict I 1 speak to you as men forming a part of the body poli oily ic called the government an T no t to bouas you as individual lQ being members wa of a particular religious sect or believers beli bell evers evera in a particular doctrine all ali men in tin this s country unquestionably belleve have the right to believe on religious subjects as they may aay may see nit fit but n no 0 man in the ex erene ereno of that belief has the tiie right to violate any law jaw the thel violation of one k impunity render the violation of other laws easy it is but a step from the one to the other and no doubt the tile encouragement W which is given in in this community to the abuses abu ses of the law referred to has much to td do with the tile violation of lother other laws taking this wilful tas dis r of this law prohibiting bigamy into consideration t giere is perhaps r a s no spot on the face of the e earth rt t that thab at has as in it P fj many unpunished she eri criminals finals a in utah they lard larri the lean earthel earth th control tiie oil destinies beatini es ofa people vilo who if not pi yi free born li have havo ave avo the t wy lilb 1 Y that th at they have eoma coma into the united states to become of lier her citi zens yens to be free men utah today to day 1 iq 8 controlled by men who are devoid of the true principles principle of patriotism for no true patriot or lover over of his couii country try will ivill persistently and wil wll wilfully rully disregard gartla and nd violate one of As its peaceful ful fui laws lawe and that one which centuries of 0 f experience have taught tau lit is A tile tiie P greatest benefit befit to mankind gen tiemen as ci citizens of utah listen to the teach teachings js of experience cor reet rent that evil which is fast sapping I 1 from you and your children i the germs of your existence i tile the proof of the above was as read and corrected by ills his honor judge unter hunter 11 it Is theredore therefore strictly ro pap g 0 in ial m rei 9 his charge to the jury he stated today to day in explanation to our reporter that he did not have it prepared for publication until after the time of our going to press last evening FROM wednesdays V DAILY DEC proceedings dismissed A special from beaver last evening state states e that the proceedings against sheriff coombs of beaver county for contempt were dismissed by judge M emerson yesterday runaway eun Enn away A gentleman engaged hauling gravel from the arsenal hill yesterday had while coming co ming down the tho street he was thrown out upon the tongue and then thence ceto to the ground bruising and mutilating his face considerably twins and triplets the junction of yesterday says we congratulate a couple of ladies living at willard city mrs call upon the birth of twins and mrs macalmon Ma cammon upon the birth of triplets which happy events occurred but a few days since sincel we also felicitate the happy fathers but while doing so we cannot refrain from remarking that they can thank their lucky stars they are area not newspaper men for boise in good hands hons win wm budge rudge jas H hart and jos 0 rich members from bear lake lako county to the idaho legislature who came down to salt lake yesterday left by this mornings train for boise city to be present at tile the convening of the lawmakers of that city for fr thi this s winters session during the absence of rich au aud and aud d hart who are editing the bear taake lake democrat in al p paris r fsr the editorial department of that t paper will be managed by bf brother george osmond second counselor to president budge nudge and brother W N K B shepherd will have charge of the business depart men ment t th the e democrat is left in good hands we wish the brethren who h have ave gone to boise a pleasant and and aud profitable stay in that city and the successful accomplishment of the duties that have taken them there FROM THURSDAYS DAILY DEC 9 bound to be better it is to bo be hoped that borremans Bo remans successor who has been nominated by the president will prove a better christian and an da a wiser judge than the man he succeeds this will vili undoubtedly be the tile case for two reasons no asto man e could ouid do worse in either calling than boreman and it is an eternal principle that no two things are created alike the name of the new associate justice is S PT P twiss wiss andee hails bails from Misso missouri url uri the anif injured aued man mr francis brown 0 of Huntsville tb the e gentleman who was hurt on tuesday while haulin hauling gravel from arsenal hill called in today to dayto day to let lets the public know that he was not so bad badly y hurt as supposed when the accident occurred he be was sitting on the end gate when file ugie horses started and the weight of his load breaking the of an inch thickness preci reci reel pitak d him upon the tongue he fell fel from there hung to the traces and was dragged under the wagon some distance with the horses homes kicking in every direction while they ran down what is 1 known as hey woods hill he was picked up for dead his face was wag pretty badly cut udby up by the wheels wheel sand and the horses hoof but dr young dressed his injuries sewed up a bad wound in his nose and otherwise cared for him ho he is s doing well weli iv elland eiland and feels thankful the tile affair was no worse he ile esl esi especially cautions teamsters against inch end en dates gates ho he says they are altogether too weak for a heavy load oad of gravel dese descending ending such a ill hill A Fo foundling about a quarter to 9 on tuesday evening an infant girl about three weeks old was left by an unknown woman at the residence of mr bir Willi william amRose rose seventh ward he had retired butchi bu hla hia wife was sitting tip up waiting for her little boy to return from the panorama then exhibiting in tile meeting house when whon there came edme a knock at thedoor she opened it iland and a fai far female nato rato voice asked her to come m e put pl sha j lid tid ph tho rigo digo after her whereupon the visitor thrust a bundle into her arms and fled without speaking just then something 0 within the bundle be began 9 an to move and mrs rose eose immediately suspecting it to be a child called after theroman the woman but she refused to return the lady of the house went in and awoke the hu husband s and upon opening the bundle they found th the c child iid lid A nursing bottle full of milk was on the steps outside and the next morning a note was picked u up p n near nean ar the theste step P which they ba had d overlooked the night before the note contained 4 in money was in a mans handwriting and ran as follows SALT lare LAKE CITY dec 6 1880 isso f leave heave this infant at your door and pray that thai you may be a mother and father to it and befriend it it is is fatherless and motherless you eay may may name it to suit yourself you may adopt it lt as your own and I 1 will leave 1 per week at the postoffice Post office for fon you lyou three weeks old to today day mr and mrs rose intend keeping the child but have no idea as to its proper parentage |