Show A WORK OF NECESSITY ANOTHER enterprise of equal importance to the people of this city as tile the new ca canal nal nai is the utah eastern railroad we are as badly in need of fuel as of water today to day people are shivering for want of coal and cannot get a pound although 1 they have the money to pay for it and immense deposits lie within less than fifty mil mii miles ea right C in our own territory owned by our own people waiting to be dug out and brought drou brou q ht to ou our doors by the labor of now idle lands cannot the people of salt lake city furnish the means necessary to complete one little narrow guage road which will secure us the fuel we need and at living prices we hear of a very good plan in one of the wards of this city for I 1 anve investment ament in in the capital stock of the utah eastern the people will pay in small sums according to their ability and desire to such in the road and the whole amount will be pooled to aurelia purchase e shares share to be held in trust for the subscribers by some person or persona persons whom they may select we recommend this plan to others any neighborhood or the employed emp loyes in any institution could thus club together get h er and hold their shares share s in common they will get their money lack hack before winter is over in cheaper fuel and will have their investment still good we suggest r to the active men of the road that it will not do to wait in the office of or the com company pany for folks to rush in with their 10 or soo 50 to help the work but if the officers go to ther people they will gather a great many dollars which will not flow in to the treasury spontaneously A hint to the wise ought to be enough since entering upon this subject we have been approached with a petition bearing the names of numerous business men and firms and of leading elti citi citizen asking aking the city council to invest in the stock of the utah eastern objection may be made against the eity city taking stock in a private company the same objection might be offered ed against its owning gas stock fuel is asmuth as much a necessity as light the tile utah eastern I 1 is no speculation for eriv private ate ends it is a public necessity and projected to meet the pub lie demands its object is to make fuel in this city sure and cheap not to make money out of or the people for private ends it should recel receive ve public encouragement we believe that petition will be s sa strongly backed by public sentiment centime nt thatis that it will have great weight on the municipal mind the money asked for by bk the people is the peoples money they have dave a right to say how they tiley wish it to be used and if the public ask for this expenditure wools who is to find fault or who will attempt to bring the city council into censure for favorable action on the expressed wish of the maes masses A little help just now will secure the completion of the roady roads road and that means plen plenty ty of good coal all winter at greatly reduced rates forth fon for this reason we support any movement which will give aid to thoe who are struggling hard bard to accomplish this great work necessity push the road ahead the british and foreign bible society has just completed for the amoy and formosa Mis missions ions lons the printing af the book of proverbs in the amoy vernacular in the roman letter and ia sending out 2000 coples copies for use among the native christi ans |