Show Y 11 1 M I 1 A the tho doting yoting mens mutual improvement pro associations lake rjake stake are ate requested to recommence the of rending sending visitor toda tora weekly from one as to another which was pursued last winter im immediately m visitors from froin each association in the city will be ex pecked to attend the meeting of the aaril next in jn to their own durig thol commencing on the 14 th insi tha 14 litt lirt 9 f tho ye evenings n n zal zai and hours of meeting in the several wards will enable the visitors to know when to attend first ward wednesday pm second 1 tuesday third wednesday too fourth fifth CC tuesday cc c sixth CC CC t seventh cc cc f eighth cc cc t it ninth nin th it wednesday CC tenth tc 11 thursday ic eleventh tuesday zoo ic twelfth thursday 11 thirteenth Thir tenth tuesday fourteenth wednesday 7 00 ic fifteenth ic tc tuesday sixteenth CC ti seventeenth wednesday eighteenth wednesday t nineteenth monday twentieth thursday twenty first wednesday the county wards may possibly possie ay not be abd aud able auie to commence visiting next week weeke but they will please do so as soon as practicable we trust the associations will endeavor as far as possible to observe the published instructions of the general su erin tendency it has blen been been the practice in the th e past for the A associations in the city to have occasional public lectures on other evenings than those upon which their regular meetings are held this is very commendable and should be continued and to facilitate the securing of suitable lecturers it has been deemed advisable to appoint a lecture committee whose bu business siness giness it will be to provide suitable lecturers for all the associations that may require them elders H G park A W carison carlson and J VV will constitute this committee and associations requiring a lecturer will please appl apply y to one of these brethren the first two maybe may be found during business hours at brother at H B Claw sons place of business just west of the council house there are many persons among us who are capable of delivering interesting and instructive lectures upon various subjects who have not yet appeared as public lecturers the committee will doubtless enlist the services of such persons and the result sul sui t will wil I 1 be that a greater amount of talent in this direction will be developed ve loped and the associations correspondingly pon benefited these public lectures should not in a any ny case be allowed to interfere with t the he regular meetings of the associations jos H FELT GEO C LAMBERT JOHN W taylor stake suits Y M M 1 I A |