Show popular christian sentiment is 19 well illustrated by the following paragraph from an eastek p paper cruye er uge hye uye af chastle cox was being baing decorated with expensive flower and he be was rec receiving elving no end of sympathy sampat hyan and d presen res ts a poor w 9 W th the attie attic of a a few squares may kig nig v iw ther thet a dead babe on an old trunk because she could not get money enough to bury it but then she had never killed billed anybody 0 fa AV 01 V 9 ua uncle C re mim Kim a m Condition lon ion P powder ou r prevents disease purifies the blood empro improves ves smooth smooth glossy coat mat and keeps heeps the ansmann aniball in i good condition sold by godde GODBE PITTS S CO 1 ai according to the coast papers irth rrth the e return g th coffiel of to thug F per visor of census cehle make 6 he ane population of san francisco smoot t 11 Y ul ui information W ziab I 1 ahillip T WOULD LIKE lire TO JL hear from cecilla cecilia daniels who left curn cum bac h aberdare aberdale Aber dare es waddress of fa S phllip e ra 1 ridge T co 0 box RP h masters 3 1 ift ft Z 2nd and ward salt sait lake clayy i wl w a 2 at V a 4 eza all ryo cw r 7 9 1 L I 1 0 ua ra ri absolute 4 cyp I 1 made ir from 0 an G grape ra pe cream 11 artar tartar no ot het her preparation depara t ion iou makes such light flaky hot breads reads or luxurious pastry try can be eaten oaten by y dp dyspeptic without fear sear r ear of the ills lils result idzi from heavy henvy sold 0 only in cang cans by all ali vt w ROYAT boyat fow BAMIN IT ro sawo I 1 ca skir RE PH U I 1 d T loyd KIDNEY lARDER tf TT 2 r i t f CV tic SIC lon ION g wan WAK VA LONG U felt by a certain class of suffer high rank among remedial agents it is a cure of all kidney bladder and derangement ran gement of the urinary organs irritation bf orth taibi li earo ofAlie e bladder a burning sensation retention gui MUl or the eUrin urine and brick dust deposit tendency to gravel always coupled with pain in the dack leack are suro sure indications of dropsy diabetes and brights disease of the kidneys A few doses will give immediate relief bind and if taken according to directions direction will wiil perfect a cure I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 i a r s 4 t 4 PRICE I 1 J pek PER P BO E sold by atz dl druggists 1 N S ing ENG au DANDELION PILLS A BE RE acknowledged BY UL all who have used them as a positive posit tiye lyl cure for all ail derangements derange ments of and a dyspepsia ia digestion ain tIn feve and ague also headache in all forms or constipation sti pation of long standing they are a sure asure hune bune corrective correo f t A multitude lof courle b cit citizens eizens avow the their M ahe the bestin lestin best lest in u se why they are strictly vegetable 1 lynice lenice erice PRICE FIFTY fyr fir TY CENTS sold by am all druggists Q zd ilip mir sir I 1 astley coopers P V T j A L s R ori ORA fc ti y I 1 E THE taffe GREAT ENGLISH irenr BEM idl x edy has made more cures of nervous debility seminal weakness MA cost manhood 3 lassitude in abilia mental labor despond ea and sueh such diseases as ore induced induced by youthful follies und end excess i es than all other medicine combined lt itis iuan luan invigorator an of the nerve and muscle and a vitall zer of the blood and supporter of brain erain brainpower power dower I 1 1 4 ioe ICE C f 84 06 PE BOTTLE or four times the quantity 10 1 hotd byall frugole drua Druy giSs 9 a i 3 11 1 1 5 1 bno Z 0 M I 1 brug DRUG r kha ane ALE AGENTS I 1 v lave LAKE CITY y 0 t 4 ivy ja a hj I 1 aan aln XE D YS FTER eter twelve years 1 OL practical experience we have succeed ed in producing a HIMI at a anjie n llyon W t i hil hiu year ear or any stage of the disease e com CON nl e to use at t ea of astren sandau ian San and din diU wili 0 ROT OT pk the vork r mph cj n L dipping it c cleanses lean ses th the e pelt and plo pio Pron printhe tho es th the e GROWTH OF WOOL WOOI it eradicates scab with two it intervals of three oc 0 erfour four days 1 as it aly i require 14 lag gag allu aliu ted with hot warto na V r to the tile desired consistency the cheapest nna and only reliable 1 1 r for ji A market HB clawson ia AWSON ej 4 1 ws T lor aw FIELD CLASSES pocket bar barometers on leters letera ana and compasses magnifying glasses a aad microscopes pocket e elers eters rs the best goods at the lowest trice price IL J BECK i manufacturing Optic opticians lans lang philadelphia aw R send stamps sor for illustrated price list and mention this paper AU these goods can beant safely by bv mau mou ana am c u I 1 z kv v kor u dodou r 01 d printing 0 93 3 press irea ires for ac 14 other sizes amete M etc typesetting type setting easy E by hinted lp tinted instructions do your own printing and advertising money made rait fast la in any place placa 3 jo jobbing bin or running paper 8 a type ards cards ac for fora 2 stamp keley welsey eul col comarr manry morg Nerl herlden den coli comi 1 r I 1 I 1 i W vol vor ef JE bel BEE BEST j IS T OF ALL iman imen OB f 1 I when a medicine has infallibly done dona RS ts work in mellons 0 of cas cases for tor more than ft it chii 0 u century v hen it has cached of tho iho world when fai fat families everywhere ie consider it the tho only 0 ily saw sat cliance ln in caso case of pain or accident I 1 is pretty safe safo to call such a ined medicine leine nei uri bim BEM jeffia beffia GY ITS MB KIND thia ii 1 R caso art with the mexican 1 us xit xii n inter t difili valuable horse borse bcd ved I 1 he ie hg agony 0 of an erful scala scald or burn subdued ti v the horrors of rheu kiken j anti n ani ansi of a thousand and ani f i bilier blessings bles bies ami ah mercies merci berf liefl by the oid aid reliable mexican esi esl B Us tahl tall g i all fo forms s of outward pi ward disease are d dy at the mustang ji I 1 pignet penetrates nates rates niu ulu muscle scle scie membrane mem mcm brane brana andi andl tissue to chevery th the every very bone banishing pain and cunag curag disease with power that hat liever lais lags la s it is a meale medicine lne ine needed by idy everybody y from the ran ranchero cAero who rides nis his MUSTANG ave inver anver arthe tile solitary plains pis ins to the merchant princ and the wool wooI woo l dutler dutter who splits unee lwis f foot with the axe it cures curea when all other applications locations tall tail this erml ermi LIMMET LINIMENT IN c u n r e a such buch ailments aumente 0 of the UMA FLESH as swelling ier J lleti contacted durna kurns nna mild beni neni dars darg tl cots cuts larul ned nei laii ditl miti ti sprains poisonous lous atit fisit Sti sli tings KT stiffness ord ora bores mores cletra Prost lol ysl spro nipples caked and indeed every form forin of external disease ease emse 1 aders ut is the greatest remedy fon for the disorders and a rc I 1 d c lit lyt a to which tho brumm z are 31 s inject that lias has eyer eter been boen known it cutes si vinny winny star joints joint flounder moun Voun derf derl XI avner arneR sores unfit ivis II 11 woot foot krot hot screw botni ascal fical jS cai cal horn Scratch ess esp ct winel niia nils nl la spavin carcy ning Ring bones bonev ola old I 1 sores e x poll evill evil walin falin upon th the 81 h t and every othe otnel aliment intent al t to 6 ivr syl ivl ilch lich ch the occupants of rie rue lie tile 15 stable ninlin table fahle and stock lara lard arc liable T A twenty y nive five cent bottle hottle of mexican liniment has orten often saved savea bo 0 0 er r ayears bf to T rey a I 1 lr cha t J a 48 ar it it goes to ithe ithe very root of the matte matter af pf penetrating de tra lra 1 ng even the rone jone WHO U asi it it t cne cuc eve ry y and ana n ts no one in steady wo for more than thin twenty nive five jeam jears and is positively 1 i 5 E STI sai JL OF OP ALL L I 1 N 1 M E in 0 EMIN gen ask m mae MAH OB BEAST W KIRK K I 1 R Ks ABSOLUTE oom PU PURITY ITY I 1 nem nam neal REAL M I 1 A and G anz recognized 1 1 andard aldard yi I 1 rrt I 1 N A AU I 1 markers MARKETS of thib this country aa almb tuc TUE STANDARD OF excellence W L L pickard pi pays cash for W wool wooi 0 0 ll 11 n CO ap n f i I 1 cr UW x y i y www ocy J fb i gau gaw mg i t E i 1 4 EW T tm 6 mu ak F I 1 t r fe GS i MA 0 rs 4 i n n f r ewi ewt i wi sa s1 i w ft A K L A ji tt i J joi r tit rit ti y iv 1 I v g pi tf R fhi 0 J p ia ca M E K r H C 0 r 3 0 g F 1 P H ca a a J 0 t iki ILI 4 4 cl f H 1 1 ra M p t r t t i s om r 0 t ii jn cl W T Q lt ul r 5 U 0 0 1 64 A i CD 1 0 U lif i L pa i i M f W t I 1 k J jt M il a n i sd Z i t 0 a ij 0 B Is 1 gli T a I 0 all l 1 sa pa R one lne conr rno tnt P 4 2 0 a OV E LI L W V I 1 i AK g 02 0 c H V ral 1 UJ 00 I 1 axy il f hai t t 1 raj 1 HC coif r W 0 r y 35 s epi ewi n A 0 1 CO 0 0 of abt hat T 0 s ax c I 1 P p iii CS ors 4 1 1 0 J L 1 ri f 1 i co s BBB 1 q L fco T S f r wl p 0 s rall rf ll EL H S H U libil lib il D CO VJ R U r A R 0 t M H 1 WJ u T hy jt i H f J 1 l N eul tji 73 73 ft Q 1 S w 5 rt al la 4 03 0 a U i fu s J m 0 rall is ra 1 W 0 y 1 4 4 j H feted J A 0 r 0 p ft 1 at 1 r 1 1 0 f 1 ag ta rt il H 4 f 0 V k j 4 AT gr L p t ma c iri iii fw L HJ D T i T i n J 0 t c BI i 1 ajo tao s jo ya T 1 1 JL r T tf 0 ti 1 H I s w r i ft f t il i 94 iii ill S ill iii d 09 1 ri 11 0 k 5 1 J Z L Z 4 J cuz W 0 A 1 I 1 A fl ca A P Z 0 I 1 N t cl 0 tw xem wed a C H 4 A OE sa tn 04 0 1 0 Q C 4 I 1 q R W q z a 0 W CA iw i 4 r r Z S J J 51 1 2 3 r U 4 omo tom lg zia J A get I 1 4 j ik |