Show rile ryle r rhe OF AGES men differ on nearly every issue there have always been opposite parties in politics and religion though the measures fought over prie day may be universally adopted at another and those sacrificed regarded as heroes and martyrs medicine has also been subject to revolutionary disturbances when drs harvey and jenner announced their discoveries they were held in contempt and ridicule by an incredulous and ignorant public yet today to day they are received and honored by all as benefactors when dr pierce announced his dae Dhe discovery overy many seemed to doubt and were skeptical concerning all medicines and do doktors doa tors but proof of merit has haa dispelled all doubt and today to day the golden medical discovery is the standard remedy in curing the most obstinate diseases of the liver and blood having almost entirely superseded the old time sama sana paril las by reason of its superior merits norwich chenango Che co NY november 3rd ard 1876 K B V pierce MD STD ltd I 1 was afflicted with a scrofulous affection on one of my legs it was very troublesome for over two years so much so that I 1 could not wear a boot and I 1 had bad to keep my lay leg bandaged it resulted in a raw sore it got so bad that it became a general talk that I 1 would have to undergo amputation of the limb one physician told me he never saw such a sore cured I 1 commenced taking your golden medical discovery together with your pellets as directed on the bottles and when I 1 bad consumed six bottles of discovery my leg was entirely wells well weil and has remained so ever since a period of over two years ye arsand and I 1 would not it for fifty wooden legs I 1 yours truly W JOHN |