Show 0 B I 1 T U art aft A ft R Y i feo fen john bennion son eon Q qt john and elizabeth elbeth i roberts roberta bennion nenn Benn lon ion who diled difed deeds sept e pt 1517 1577 at north jordan salt lake county was barnin born in the of moor or of hawarden county of enni funi elint flint wales on the irth of JU ay 1820 1830 received the dospel under the teachings of elder eider john 1 and was bap slay and 2nd 1811 by robert reid field confirmed underpins landkof bands of jamn jamo 11 bio sic guffey and pe was ordained a ai priest by john arreen how and thomas dum Pum bille on the ibe of oi june yube foli lown lowd on the of fe february bru dry iry 1842 67 ho was to tbt est esther r wainwright bt by ty elder greenhow on the weft on board the ship john cummins oum Cum miny and iel iet eel sel sai fat au I 1 for N w arkans arri at ut that pott port on the of april ou oa saturday may rth tto he be landed larded inn in nauvoo then the gathering gather Jug place of the sainte saint be eta bought acety a city lo 10 loe lot of squire warrington and resided there two years lu april 1844 be purchased pur phased a piece of land of D H U wells B H q bix six six bix miles mires east of nauvoo built a house bouse and shared in the persecution of the sainta saints until their expulsion from illinois he ile was ordained a member of the uth quorum of seventies on sunday december the day the quorum N was d during the winter hp made himself a and in january 1846 1848 attended to the ordinances orun ances in the nauvoo tempie temple and sold told his farm con consisting of thirty one acres for the sum of forty five dollar dolla res rep leaving hs holee aud lot in the eliy city et of nau nauvoo V unsold on the irth of may mar be alt lert left nuo and traveled west as far lar a garden borove built two lr cabins and planted crops preparing far the winter lu in the fall he be was taken bick su lc with the eells an and dICTer fever about uhe the ysl of november a call was made farnen for men to so go and bring up the poor saints faints who hafi hafl been oat from nauvoo he bent two yoke of olento oxen to abst in that labor on thelston the thel mot april 1747 ho be wms was enrolled in capt Chat tetera company to travel toabe to the west on the loth was sent down to td des moines iowa after corn to tit hit ut the com to so go to council bluffs returned return Cd home bome on the zith gold sold b a to log cabins for 2 and on tha the th started for the bluffs in a company of ten arrived there hero pit on the ormay 31 th the counsel of elders eiders john taylor and ak P P pratt was for all who tt fit them selves jut to xa over oven the mounta mountains inse on the of may be started down to missouri aster alter provisions made the tha journey of miles melesin mi lesIn 9 in fourteen daos days cro ero sd abed the v missouri river on the ot of june and on the got his bis certificate left winter quarters on the lith uth and camped near elder taylora lora company next day he be traveled ten miles and camped near the elk horn was enrol enrolled ed in wiliiam william taylors tay Tas lors tn tim jo joeph joseph eph hornes homes company of and edward hunters company ol 01 abne one hundred ho ile left the commy el elk eik horn on C salar balur saturday alar star d anih the tha and camped on the bauks banks of the patte plane 1 until monday and then resumed the journey westward wot wet he ile met tle tte pioneer camp on their way to winter quarters sed sew ember lember ath athe oa the sweetwater sweet water arrived in wa valley ow the first dakof day of october ile he built a log lor cabau in the old fort tort for Ms bis samily family and farmed on canon creek in the summer cummer of 1818 in december he moved movel his bis house bouse ou on the wes bide side of Jor jordan dabi dati and moved bs hs family into it on the day of january 1849 in february 1850 he was in the indian war on the provo river liver on the ibe ath of septa september aber 18 lavt U be he started east in charge of a company from west berlan ward supplies to assist the emigration gration he was ordained erdal ned a high december lith lug und andr v the hands of john young and joseph harkert Hark eri Bri was waa appointed to preside branch ot of uhe the west jordan ward april ith 1859 which he held called toro togo on bu a mission tether southern part territory at the october conference in he burled lettle on his ml mission silon november nik lettie ion 1 on the muddy was called from froin there to iong ions valley and was waa adf pace december soth he Hewa waa fion tion on that at mission bhe the fai fal of 1872 Bestar he tedon a visit to england la in october of the same earna year and returned on february helas elected justice of the peace for north jordak precinct at tile alie th beneral exen we cral election for 1875 he was im an actinic teacher in the ward in which ha be resided he ile leaves 33 22 obil ebil children dreb drob and 21 grandchildren to moura mourn hij 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