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Show mp v-- on 23 DESERET NEWS, r i 968 Wednesday, April 17, linking tee expressed concern over present limitations of interconnected programming services available and asked for support of improved services to ETV stations in Las Vegas, Logan, Utah aqd Moscow, Idaho. Current studies before Con Hobby Is kay ETV Study takes BOISE The Federation of Mountain States TuesRocky continued study day approved eduof a proposed multi-stat- e cational television' network Rocky Mountain schools. Members of the federations public broadcasting commit- V" iwwht gress envisage future use of a western United States telsatellite ecom m u nications which could tie public broadcasting stations into a network stretching from the Canadian to Mexican borders. In the final sessions Tuesmeeting of day of the two-da- y the federations Board of Directors, agreement was reached on incorporation and funding of a Rocky Mountain Public Broadcasting Corporation to push for the expanded ETV network and telecommunications improvements. Also at the final session, directors appealed to the Interstate Commerce Commis- Alabama George Wal- ex-Go- governor questions by students. Also participating in the hookup were students from Colorado State University, Arizona State University and the University of Arizona. Trouble on the telephone line and delayed the only a few students were on hand at the U. of U. when Mr. Wallace's voice came over a sion to include an equitable in any freight rate formula increases permitted by the ICC, instead of the flat percentage hike sought by the B-- 100-ye- railroads. Federation transportation officials said the equitable formula approach would give to better rate protection Mountain States shippers. Also sought will be congressional support for a federation proposal for a study of transportation problems in the Mountain States. This study Materials tele-lectu- public address system. A student asked what Mr. Wallace would do if he were president (he is a candidate on t h e American Independent Party ticket) and the rights of a minority group were violated by a state government also, how this had been exemplified in tion bv a U. of U. student The event was one of a series of linking western schools with political figures for sessions by telephone. Moderators each school .asked the former Alabama. er questiorf-and-answ- from Relic 1 Delayed could said the be rectified by it in the federal courts. I am against the states violating the rights of minority groups. They shouldnt do that, he said. "As to how it is exemplified in Alabama, as Ive said before, my wife Lurleen got the Negro vote in Alabama, Gov. Wallace said he thought the approach was a good way to talk to you students, because in some colleges I've went to, I just did get out alive. pursuing tele-lectu- Takes Year To Repair Old Sewing Machine? SANTA PAULA, CALIF. The journey, of J. W. Bill Hackbarth and a old mail reconstructed plane hes flying to Washington through Salt Lake City has been delayed. to scheduled Originally land in Salt Lake City about noon today, the De Haviland single-engin- e craft was delayed in California by ignition problems. Mr. Hackbarth will fly the plane to the East Coast and present it to the Smithsonian Institution in connection with the 50th anniversary of the air mail service. j trimmed. Naturally, airplanes need wheels and brakes. Fred manuRosehan, Midvale, factures them, and sells them nationally. Home-bui- lt airplanes have some striking titles, such as the Cassut, Tailwind, Pitts Biplane, Knight Twister, Fly Baby, Baby Ace, Little Toct, the Spezio Sports Tuholer and the Starduster Too. excellent and are availproven designs able. Mr. Yardley said. We suggest that anyone wishing to build select a good design and get started. We can help him build a safe and attractive airplane. For the most part, airplanes must be constructed from raw materials, but builders are permitted to use standard engines, propellers, Instruments, etc. Utah turkey growers are keenly interested in developing a market for their birds in Japan, they told Gov. Calvin L. Rampton at a meeting Tuesday at the State Capitol. Gov. Rampton, in a visit to Japan for the U.S. Department 'of State, noted that the price of American turkeys in Japan is $1.30 a pound. ' About a million ' pounds of (American turkeys are in that country annually, but principally for weddings, Gov. Rampton said. Since turkeys sell wholesale in San Francisco for 35 cents a pound and it costs only six to seven cents a pound to send them to Japan, plus a tariff of 15 per cent, the markup is high, he reported. j heat-treatin- Flight Of Mail Wallace Ex-Go- issue Building Own Plane would - include rail, ground and air transportation. At the Tuesday meeting, directors of the federation also approved a resolution Continued from Page l which gives support but not struction four, five or more to a $75 billion, sponsorship home-buil- t years. Among program to import enthusiasts, ideas are shared. water from Canada to augFor instance, A1 Burgener disment dwindling supplies in 17 covered that irrigation conWestern states. duit made excellent fuel At the Boise meeting, the tanks. federation was expanded to Doug Mitchell lopped off the an eight-stat- e organization with the inclusion of Nevada. top of an old water heater, installed a cooking thermomeOther members are Utah, ter and came up with a tank Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, g for metal parts. New Mexico and Colorado, Arizona. orders are shared, so that costs can be Race Harmony In South, Wallace Tells Students lace told students of three Utah Universities Tuesday that lack of extensive rioting in the South Is evidence of a history of racial harmony there. Speaking from his office in Montgomery, Ala., in a telephone hookup with the University of Utah, Brigham Young University, Utah State University and three other Mountain West schools,' Mr. Wallace made the statement in answer to a ques- Turkeymen Looking To Japan Voting Machines On Campus Laraine Isom, University of Utah elections committee chairman, casts ballot for student body officers on one of 12 voting machines set up on campus for elections. The machines, valued at $12,000 and donated by Automatic Voting Machine Co., will be used again in final elections April 24, 25. Several Hall Food Concession The Salt Lake County Commission today awarded a bid for a food concession stand in the Metropolitan Hall of Justice to the Western Food Service Co. The City Commission approved the bid Tuesday. Only other bidder was A. R. Davis Co. The winning bid was for Ray Garrett, treasurer, Nor-beTurkey Growers Association, said it is difficult to market turkeys in Japan and one has to know the right people to do it. There appears to be several cartels through which the turkeys must move and each takes a good profit, he st indicated. said Japan Gov, Rampton now has a trade balance of minimum $100 payment a about $1 billion a year with the month or 15.6 per cent of the U.S. and President Johnson is gross reciepts, whichever is anxious to develop Japanese markets for American products. higher. Gov. lUimpton said he is askOriginally the bid had been awarded to the Davis firm, but ing for a U.S. Department of after complaints by Western, Agriculture report on the potenthe action was withdrawn and tial market for American in Japan. the bid ; tur-Ike- mewsppeir flair si low mlimt price 000 i Contained from on the SOth of Z. 8., tion? Glad you Page B- -l this month. Is there any way to block this acBountiful asked cause weve gotten many and are expecting more inquiries. Answer is no, because it would take action by the Utah legislature and it does not meet again until January 1969. One remote possibility is if a special session was called. However, it would be unlikely that DST would be on the agenda. Besides, nothing in the wind at present for a special session. Incidentally, DST begins at 2 a m. on the last Sunday in April, thats the 28th. IBUner-- e Natal We're tarry ttw avmier w calli an the veteme af malt oiaka S kapaaalMa ta anewer a vary awattaa. Plaau, aa medical ar laaat avaattaaa. Da! tana etampe ar taU atarataaa aavalayaa aa aaiwara caa only ba five la Nila catoaia. Only auaatlaaa al aaaaral Irtereat will ka a iuwarns aas teleehene calls caa ka senates aaly aa tie De-l- t Man pliene al tha hears arnscrtkaS. Olae year name, sSSrets aaS Wlephene asmker set tar pukllca-Na- n hut la hale Ea-Mas hela yea.) "PICK - A - PAIR" i Heavy Duty Automatic WASHER Enlusive Activator Agitator lig Family Site Capacity and HIGH SPEED DRYER BOTH FOR ONLY $249 - NEW 14 TV POItTA-COLO- R In. Picture i102Sq. yat weight aaly 37 lbs. tad teund eliaest immadiata Wocdgraia Finish Slide-Ru- le Dial fAogit Memary Cantrell NOW $32995 ONLY 16 I350WD ...an Extra Year or 'Em of Wear PAY LATER BVY SOW CG.WENIEYT TERMS PAYMENT NECESSARY FOR 90 DAYS Bennetts Colorizer Paints last from 1 to 2 years longer than most bargain-price- d paints - inside or outside. People who use Bennetts Paints say its worth it. For Latex House Paint. Fpr inside, get Bennetts outside, ask for Bennetts VI-K- O Rubber Latex Wall Paint. Made for people who dont like to paint, so often. Just a trlfla watt al tha Open at Stata St. Atani teyi end fridoyt ' til Cuttonwr A Midvale Junction SGt.sfuctioH ftf 7729 South 9 p.m. Bennett's 65 West First South, Salt Lake City . , It your privitcae with ut. h a. ; k ; |