Show local and other flatten FROM MONDAYS DAILY dainy JULY 8 retrenching the days ge get shorter threatening Wind V duat clouda 0 and threaten ingi of or storm t this afternoon appointment warren foote h has as been appointee ampol anteo postmaster at glendale rane kane gunty gunts only two faults the weather has only two faults just now it i 13 too dry and too hot U S land 0 office fil a the U 8 land office has removed from it its old quarters in iti ibe clift house to rooms in the Bo block a short abort distance north tabernacle services elder eider orson natt preached yesterday afternoon I 1 he sho wedin his discourse that the earth in iri a purified md and stat states would be tie c eternal home of the righteous I 1 counselors appointed Appoint bd bishop chester call of east bountha ward has selected david j his hia first counselor Counse lorand and thurgood as his hia second counsels Coun seia sela those bi ethren brethren wen were set apart to ki i those offices today today at the nans rians office in this city oits second company it will beseel by the dispatches that thab the becoat company of emigrating emi gratia saints sv to number seven Vun hun hundred dred and abl teen souls soui arrived t new kew saturday as med mediately lately left by r rail rall for Ogden lt 9 is pro probable b a ule ble th they b y will arrive on ont about the t information wanted CL jules juies A clde cide wishes to know the whereabouts of Cai Qa caloine toline oine olne ke ner formerly 6 last heard beard from froDi she slie resided in mi B tl ti coun county ty address marfia martla helner heiner mul mug cly chy morgan county utah A rollicking time on of the twenty fourth fr aneer nay day there will be games game arii is sports orts of vari varl various hinds kinds engaged sy by young middle aged and anil 61 rug rul on the ward ischi 01 hoal iva hoa square the mot mod expert in anth t I 1 several beveral exercises exercised will be bd lents of prizes brother C ba age is leading out in p preparing light fe the af flair I 1 grouse tc 1 1 writes tred frea grouse creek creels july 2 13 3 j the on grouse acred is steadily on the in increase breaze nert nelt comers comens are frequently arrivi af quite a number r of acres have been broken this sprint spring ol 01 01 irr planted the small grain is D N ingwell ing well weil some karden garden truck kit ing raised we hope in a yesra ye so to be ablo able to raise all we cr DO here we have room for more morek t tiers all here arc are now bucy buy el ting out oat to build with ll 11 information A few d ays published U blushed bli bil shed a communication K nathan a than pierce which stated t a cattle eattle raid had been madei posed by hy indians on gradd grand tey iby ley ley and that george and CP green who were jn in charge tfx of t herd erd had disappeared and 0 supposed to have been captured captai kilmed by the raiders mr I 1 berlis berris informs us bs that he bedl the relatives of tha the men reside in ih van vau Buren bareno Bu renO iowa lowa near douds bonds station OB 03 0 DV E R E R he states 0 is 19 a large connection of the GO w there and that therow ya men camo vamo west 0 flew few yeam m timis on sands auth routh gouth cottonwood was va dirl dill into three separate Ill bishops shops and an ana d off meers leers were appointed to ti aide as ds follows mun CIot cottonwood fondo a J rawlins ns bishop diw wil I 1 b ee W first Coulis elbr thom as A codr er tar second coun counselor selon ia quence of the absence of 1310 dit sit j wheeler on a massion WWI william G 1 young was appointed to 1 act in the position ad interim amow irad ishmael phillips 2 bishop minion H brady first cou con counselor rip lip selar otis jj terry second counselor john W sharp gh rp was elected president of the sandy branch of union ward to labor under the direction of bishop phillips j granite ward IVard solomon J despaine bishop 13 counselors delors not yet selected 4 w yesterday july 8 some of the I 1 general church authorities and the presidency orthis of this stake also visited I 1 mill creek ward when bishop reuben miller and his hia counselors alexander hill sen and washington Lem lemmon mon moD were continued in and sustained by unanimous vote i 1 departed dr 0 P winslow of this elt eit city dud aled ded at his room over the weed sewing machine establishment lish ment at half pat past nineon nine niue on sat night f on the of june hi jha was sixty six years olds old oid and intended spending ahe abe of ils his birtha birthday with some frigi friends ids at af pleasant grover Grove but butyok on account of illness wai vai was detained from going u until n W a L week ago today to day he returned t u arned on thurid thursday ay night and on friday morning being very ill III he stated that he would dleon dieon dle die on saturday night repeating repenting this assertion on saturday meriting he made a special request that his heart should be cutout cut out which was done to tr today day conveyed to ssan nan mass and laid with the remains of his parents and that ms hody body should be e cremated Si deceased wai wak was vyman alman anan of edu eau education and the author of several works among which ia is lathe the earths borce of repulsion ife he requested that there should be no ceremony over his remains this his seems beema to lite accord ord with his views regarding m the future life as he entertained the opinion that after death the entire maw max ma physical and mental resolved into mother eie ele element menti never to return to the same organized identity among the property left by him is a work of three volumes printed in latin containing about maps of the cities bf of the world as they existed in igo it is said to tt be i the only copy of the work e extant x tant and ia is considered very valuable improvements in ogden the junction city shows signs of vitality in every part nev new houses new fences new barns ac c show that are bent beat on building up lip their ci y and one of the moa mod most useful improvements in town is the new sidewalk on fourth street property hours on that street built the sidewalk side walk by subscription the city eity authorities finding funds for the street crossing crossings I 1 from the theatre corner to which the sidewalk already extended from main etto the utah northern railroad at the foot of fourth street is laid down 1584 1581 feet of plank walk twelve feet wide of two inch red pine on 2 x 6 inch joists foists jois ts and from the utah northern in a southwesterly direction to the utah central ia Is feet more mo re butt but there the walk is only eig elg eight 1 it feet wide the crossi crossl crossings ings tare are five fic feet wide made of 2 x 6 inch pl ank fifik se set bet t up on edge the 0 s brnt taftt ying being forty rods wide the w wark p r ak was doue done under th the e direction of ofa W WN N fife and was complo completed ted last saturday the fifth street people who have had a sidewalk for some time tinie from main street to the U 0 engine house running on the north side of the street have commenced an extension on the south side of fifth street from the corner of franklin street I 1 to the U P depot A considerable sid erable portion of it ia is finished but it is now in quo waiting for foi lumber we are pleased to note these signs signi of public spirit in our neighbor cl city tv we hope they will continue in well doing capture of tho the muddy murder e following g came per des i tyr jrr telegraph e graph line this after aft or no ak T PIOCHE nevada luly buly jely oth gih 1877 on the night of tb the 0 ath in stant slant me reg Te Ived a 41 from bt george geo that aparto arts arty had come como in from fiona jac jae jackson k on S springe PI g tw enty D mil 1 distant an t from S st t george who claimed aim alm that the other three murderers of B F hilland and wm N N cidio car ter at a i tho ibo ceapa ald nid apa indian reservation st on tho the muddy were at ula hla uia ranch sheriff mbree mckee M cree at once ordered the sheriff of washington county utah at st george to capture him which he succeeded in do doing M and arrived in st pot george with the three prisoners last night their names are william dean charles newman and jerry sloan isaac nears neara wounded and in custody of the deputy sheriff is en route to pioche from the tho muddy the mu darers claim that hollard shot at nears first when they fired on III him and carter with the above res ree result sul sui these four desperadoes had been watching the Cali call california road at t the e reservation fr for some days previous to the murder for the purpose of waylay waylaying way laying ing lug a party from california who they supposed had bad considerable coin with him lim he sent the coin by express and they missed him this man was a broth er in law knew of his business mckee starts from hero tonight to night to bring the murder erm era to pioche if possible therease Ther there eare are iome gome bome some technicalities to ba be gotten over before this can caa be accomplished council meeting after returning to 1142 42 the brethren assembled in tle the prayer room by of president smith who opened by pra pro p prayer yer and then after expressing his satisfaction at meeting so many of the brethren proceeded to give very earnest bil aimel counsel lei in regard to personal conduct habits babits and duties basing his remarks upon the instructions of the pres presidency dency in zion also spoke of the necessity for activity in the ministry for being prompt in seizing every opportunity of proclaim n ing t the erlo erio G gospel leaving in a measure the old routine of tra travel vel vei and clis custom boin and seeking to open new places place s and m make ak e newa new acquaintances C qu vintan among those who are as yet strangers stranger sto to the prin principles elphis of life and salv salvation atlo atio u this will demand the exercise of faith and trust in god and less in conference hous asand the homes komes of the saints and will strengthen all who so direct their theft ourse course god will honor his servants and though but few converts may be th the 0 result friends will be found on every hand to minister to their necessities by opening to them their homes the rh presidents of conferences brothers win wm win gal braith and aud W W taylor each in favor of the dis suggested desiring in all things and above all things to magnify t their leir priesthood aud set an example example which in fill all repee respects ts bhe she should uld old bo be good and worthy of imitation brother wm wih ashworth ash worth expressed his feelings as being in harmony with his brethren and mid although inexperienced found that by diligence he be had had bad made progress inthe duties of his calling residents presidents P jas Melor thos A wheeler i r anu and thos mall dball were present but hut owing to time being limited whre wore were unable to speak speake on tho the oe occasion caslon casion after prayer by elder H W naisbitt the brethren separated better for foi each so city society and the good jooa counsel they had bad received H W N millennial star stam jure june 18 conference at Manche mancie manchester tha siut anial star reports a conference con feren teren ce at 11 ter england 9 u gland in the temperance or t 1 ju june ij e 10 7 t A present on onn that thai stand joseph IF smith president of the european mission afon H W naisbitt Nai Nals bitt abitt and OH CH abley bibly from irom the millennial star office W IV galbraith president of an and B S L richards trav traveling ling elder in the Man manchester chest e r conference e wm win president of and A 0 smoot traveling elder in the london conference VV W taylor president of the leeds conference W A smoot traveling elder in the sheffield conference and W ashworth traveling elder in the liverpool conference meetings were held at 1030 ani am and and pm president galbraith read the statistical lis report for the past follows branches 12 elders eiders 53 priests 19 19 teachers 8 deacons 11 members total baptized 3 51 cut off 17 died dieda emigrated 10 the general authorities of tho the church aa as now organized in zion were then presente presented dand daud and aud unanimously sustained joseph fsmith was sustained bained president pre dent of tho the european W galbraith was waa sustained as president Pre and stephen L richards as travelling Tra velling elder in conference it wag was ailo alao resolved tuat that dho tho saints eus BUS t aln tain the local priesthood and one another by their faith prayers and good works the various branch presidents testified that the majority of the saints sainta through the conference were feeling well weil in their religion and endeavoring to live its requirements the feeling of emigration being very strong in some somo of the tho branches the conference was addressed by president galbraith seph P F sm ithane elders naisbitt Nals bitt nibley and on monday evening may way loth 1011 the saints had a social gathering in the temperance hall where an agreeable timet time was spent irr iun listening to the songs readings and recitations of the the brethren and sisters of manchester and surrounding branches JOHN |