Show BY telegraph AME AMERICAN rican bican I 1 mii CHICAGO CAGO 3 yesterday morning criminal acts have been bech uncommonly frequent in this pity city washington S alfo alfe tuo tue board of arms army engineers have nav reported upon it u plan for so securing me the foundation of the washington monument as to permit its ita edthe to the nall nali intended height BAN francico 3 A press dispatch patch from portland aysaa ken gendeman gentleman who arri arrived veil vell hereto here today to dby day from yamina vagina 1 I brings information that the that my ary or af milba dil armed as some of the indians belonging to the reservation havn have grown quitt quite impudent since the tho news af kf defea t saying that the land larid the tho whites occupy is theirs and t they hey her are arc going ering to have M on the t taff vf sio o tro TiO indianer came down told tho the in anu antl anti simcho vailey bi 4 to gebou ge get tou gut grom drom roa rom among th e about warriors in that count courT try who descent pc ent on the r settle bettle ici iri aits nits nd ind they did not want to 0 klir kill any anh meaning the whites thia came from aa indian W ai I 1 la 1 living 1 1 jn there and las t h e whites this bip hip bio citizen citizens 4 into an dri ant ank short of of frenzy that th at ng hrncar ly col coi I 1 their fa families m mes an and dag bed d 41 kno ino 0 e n t tennial hall haij anbi anil bere here until the be next nett day dX 3 nil 0 on the 1 9 of county C comnas was i I 1 I 1 and ond a 1 klan wyt 00 and of arms was ii made md to 0 o dalles by LF iett thero the sama i ight bands of ar armed indians aap loft left the reservation to pa join band baud and boiu more falkof br going steps are aro being ta kento apor tion of Gi giryn i colonel wood i a fils flis patch td day from general ird ard dated camp Salmon alyer june soth vice lle JLe wiston aidich stated that colonels weeks aid jid A ud mason had just arrived there general sent si C eav IV alry airy officer with ta a detach ment to tola 1 certain if with stock and plunder r had crossed edor edon or were veto vele crossing b divor into Val lawa valey or that region ills ilia d kiver river which was wits deep deo dee arld difficult rhe the indians llad h ad agone gone gono from his front having drawn aw away al I 1 an in 11 11 ll aie afe ao a apparently aly aca encamped aped near di W 6 J tid n of snake rivers river a rid lid I trails gen howard had iliad al also aiso 50 sent a small detachment to olek pick up about abort k F near the for forks 1 I of clearwater fifty five troops company I 1 E first Caval cavalry tyl under command of capt jackson and inid liel niel nanis nants adams and herle herie will wiil arrive here this evening by tap roin fort ICIa klamath math they are tabb td be transferred immediately co morand merand sent to host fost and on thursday morning will i cd ed by special hoat boat lo 10 lewiston Lo wiston thence to the frant HELENA aront Ir ont 4 secretary mills who V 4 magoula Mi goula return bd d and reports tot the governor in it substance as as fol foi dows rows the alarm in is caused by the news of the outbreak at camas cama prairie reaching there about the same timo time a nez iyer iler perce co claiming to come from Lewiston said the nez Perces ere cre coniing t to 0 i ridd raid the valley malley tn s did not have haves apy advices advises ad vices wo vvo heard here that joseph josephs nez had gone iu in anpher a opher direction ia LA friendly trl tri flathead hat ead priva briva lely tely warned nisin chite friends of the ini impending V 9 danger the FlAthe AdTe aji to act to hodr reserved edlah their talk taik but I 1 evidencing a eagle of the light a deposed nez perces chief who ha hati been in the vailey his bis baud band had bad gone to Idah ldah bito buto light and in time would come como back to bitter root his ilia band in the vaclev consisting of about sixty ailley jodgis oaks and ilow ilow liow under e ayoung young chief 11 amed named soseph joseph sant for from idaho rhe thieu trieu to keb ket out 1 jy the tha nez perces trail trall at tho the head of the valley bleyl but failed probably tra pra bably en ii ter tor ink ing snow ith iahey ey lp 10 trails tralis started stared over that ji n i h lasto hasto asto on the 22 dof juno abbat K this timet time also aljo charro r filat bilat ia t heads began to disappear and abd on the there were budaus be seen in tho the valley this is one of the worst features of the case the tho reasonable results of these concurrent facts was to a general alarm dunson mcdon medon aid ald had seen been chiefs micheil michell and arlee on the they had bad said mid they would not fight light the white whites their men might kill them fir stand the inference lie he had from their statement was that their young men were disaffected and they did not think they could control them tho the st ignatius indians informed of the idaho troubles leg by two iwo pen dote DOie ellies illes on the their account of t the he night fight at white bird catlon cation was not received with full cr credit edit lI cDonald says preparations have long been progressing for an alliance a of all the indians to fight the whites incidental to this the in deans have advises advices that the crows are to make peace with the sioux and ally against the whites they had word ivi qed that the crow chiefs would I 1 this B spring ring refuse to go alon along niong w with ith t the ht soldiers but would usen osen sibly go out alone to fight the sioux when near the sioux camp they would send ten men to treat with sitting bull for peace and an alliance in an offensive war two of the tho nez kez perce are now with him 1 the I he pen DOr DOre illes billes say the kez nez perces rising was premature one of their air chiefs hod been opposed to the hostilities recently at a council 11 he a announced that he was for war and told his young men they m must make ample preparation by s supplying theinE themselves elves with good guns and ammunition even if they had to trade their soon boon after two of them went to a trading post near badwal and one of them delfred to buy a gun the trader refused saying they were bad indians the indian pointing to the tho stin sun said before it is bout out he should have hav ene the tho trader came around his counter to eject ceet him when the indian drew a revo revolver iver and shot him through the head they then killed another man in the store aud and beat eat a wom woman anto auto to death with clubs out they killed four lour settlers an d rode yode to camp when their comrades turned out and arid massacred all the people on salmon river these are the stories current among the indians indians from all ia formation I 1 think it at probable that a general and con rising had been in conkein pla tion but the time had not arrived when the outbreak was precipitated in idaho they have not since had time to agree upon a plan of operations it is 13 probable that charlos has gone pone to idaho via the lodo trail it is miles from missoula to camas prairie charlos is the favorite chief of the disaffected Indians and abd it is estimated that herban control con warriors including d micheil michell and land arlees you young soung ag men one half the indians called flatheads Flat heads and pen DOre illes are nez perces or intermarried inter married until the name is the only distinction micheil michell a pen DO chief has haa about sixty lodges four to a lodge near st ignatius Ignat lua iua mission arlee has fifteen or twenty lodges of flatheads Flat heads near jocko agency Cli cil charlos arlos arios is a flathead and arid has from seventy nive five to ninety lodges he recently made bitter root valley his headquarters they have be been envery very surly since the soldiers came bame iniez kootenai bas has forty lodges at flathead lake two companies under captain ca tain rawn are stationed four miles from missoula on friday captain rawn sent up the tho bitter root for horses with which if the settlers could furnish them lie would post in the lolo 1010 and nez perces trails the settlers have been advised to construct block houses at some central point to several far farms ins where they could rally quickly and without an attack sixty stand ot arms wound reach missoula on saturday satu Batu iday and yorty forty stand would reach there on monday there should be at least 1150 uns una guns sent to missoula accompany A company of lh fantry infantry carries aboaf eighty guns gung and have forty or fily in reserve tills this would make about good rifles available vall vali ablo able for use A k company was organized at Mis missoula doula on friday and at iother another at Stevens stevensville ville there may not bo be any hostilities in western montana tati it does not seem proba probable that thero there will be immediately but the most experienced frontiersmen the coolest and most reliable do not like the pre pro st iW aspect of af sal tal barrs tarrs and regard the situation as grave 1 5 A correspondent in vic vie vienna ua telegraphs that the tho re beut of the czar to the bulgarians Bulga rians has led to some serious dissensions in the austrian cabinet cabinets while the indiscriminate firing on the cons consulates at rust bust chuk chub has excited a renewed distrust of the good faith of hussla russia the preliminary understanding professed with such emphasis at the beginning of the war it is clear has not been maintained and the austrian foreign minister count andrassy is preparing a protest against these acts to prince gort kofL koff tho the times london special says bays the tho news received from asia is net reassuring the turks are fighting obstinately and the russian plans of the campaign are reported to pe e defective they are determined however to take karb kara whatever sacrifice it may iny involve olve and reinforcements for cements have been ordered for waid with great urgency the sun 18 washington sp special ecial says tuesdays tuesday cabinet meeting was unpleasantly interrupted by a letter from J madison wells to hases hayes informing him of the it indictments found hims bims himself elf eif and an anderson dAnderson and find asking for help in his extremity no one ono appears to have had any pertinent suggestion tion to make at this singular appeal russia IS la using every means to satisfy austria aud and thus secure her neutrality and leave england in lh the isolated position she ghe would certainly occupy among the western powers if ebo eho engaged actively in the struggle under its present aspect it will be seen been that the gravity 1 ty of the crisis la Is increased by py every advantage gained the heralds cable telegram has the following additional degal derails Is regarding the bome home scandal the suit of the coun Conn countess tess rif lambertini which commenced in the civil tribunal yesterday is causing a great deal of comment especially a among leng long the italian aristocracy the aoun countess has lias been recognized for years as the natural daughter of the late cardinal antonelli As such she has been reared zeared in society and as such she bhe was wag always treated by the cardinal finding no pro provision wag was made for her in the cardinals will she bas has established this sult suit in the civil tribunal which bids fair to be the came cause other demanding a full share of the enormous estate the cardinal bequeathed tooth to others ers drs antonellis heirs oppose her claim because they aile alle allege 10 the countess is a sacrilegious daughter that the act of her mother was sacrilege her father at the ime time of cohabitation being in holy orders but the italian code makes no distinction of this kind and as the plaintiff sets forth in her statement statements presented by some SOMO of the ablest counsel in the holy city ibe the the ibo defence hasl has the small shadow of justice because the cardinal always recognized her as his daughter among her immediate relatives in his bis will the tho cardinal instituted his brothers fileppo Gre gregorie gorle gorie luigi arid and angela and his nephews augostino Augost inu and poalo sons of gregerio and luigi his universal leb leq legatees lega atee tees and left bequests que ats to his hia sister and several beveral nelces of the antonelli family but he totally ignored the existence of the countess BOSTON 5 A row boat on horn poud pond near woburn mass containing twelve persons was capsized lat lii n night ight and mrs airs nos Bos of woburn coburn and one child and mr and mrs oleary of winchester and one child alid and mr kinney woburn coburn were drowned SAN sax FRANCISCO 5 A press dispatch from rort port portland land bays the following news ims has just been beu received from Lewiston lie lre wiston via walla walla under date july 2 11 A courier just in from from kamla says col whipple whippie and his hig command had bad an engagement with looking glass band on clearwater today to day four indians were killed and left on the field dead and many others othera wounded the and child rea took to the river nver and several were drowned the fighting was i still going on when the courier I 1 left e ft looking glass band is estimated by scouts to number about at three a m a arrived having left general howards Howard 13 camp on the night of the rhe troops had made a crossing that day i and scouts who had been out on the hills found the stock but no ind indian an the iatter latter are believed ts to have gone toia id 4 mouth of saimon salmon Bi verto be making engfor for grays graya crossing on the saimon S l thence to the crossing sil snake he river at the mouth grand ronde Dispatch dispatches ts were forwarded wall walla walla to fp be telegraphed us Is to P in bonde ronde and to wallowa gallowa valleys that they may be ou on the lookout A private letter states I 1 that the body of had found and several other bodies near by were a great number of empty cartridges which gave proof that they sold lives dearly deafly late on saturday some borne nez perces Palou ees Sp and some other northern indians held a council about ten miles north of the coeur dalene dAle daie CAMPY on hang mana creek at which the murderers of ritchie were present the i majority of the council approved of the killing and the minority had bad separated from the others and wanted togo to go mackto baek back to the reservation but bul were afraid to go lest they should be attacked by the whites the coeur calenes dA lenes offer to send out ten men of their number to accompany a few white settlers to bring in the murderer of ritchie the whites have no arms to spare for going with the coeur d abenes and a messenger is in town for arms CHICAGO 5 the receiver of the republic life In insurance surane e company after alter careful ex examination aminat lon lou of the books says from information in theland the mand from other sources that there is a balance of nearly OW against the company general sherman passed the day here at the military headquarters and as the tho guest aest of general sheridan he left for S bt t paul with two tann staff off meers leers tonight to night I 1 for a visit of some weeks on the yellowstone astone the tribunes washington special says secretary schurz schutz ha has hns 8 had good luck luok with the indian supply contracts as an indian commissioner reports that the goods delivered are quite equal to and sometimes better than the samples washington 5 A general order from tho the yvan ivan war department directs the transfer of the second regiment of infantry from the department of the south to the division of the pacific for the purpose of reinforcing general howard in his operations against the indians POTTS spottsville VILLE 5 A violent rain storm passed over the upper portion of berks county this evening A accompanied COmp compa nied by fearful wind and hall at hamburg the large emanuel church was vase unroofed reports have havo been received that |