Show local and other otier matter matters s wednesdays DAILY ll 11 L march this Is the first of march and anil as it cornes cornea in ilke like 1115 a lamb iamb if the old saying baying holds good vice versa it will go 90 out like ilke a lion news from south we learn that the brethren I 1 who composed elder ja J antes m 6 9 BB ro rowna ans e exploring party arty have completed their rock eouse house bouse at the moyn coppy and that the indians indiana are exceedingly friendly the nio Ilo chief and his wife have been baptized mortuary Morti tary iary sextons Sex tons report for february males 19 females 21 of these adults 16 children 24 causes of death as reported scarlet fever 9 inflammation of bowels 4 inflammation lungs 4 rupture 1 cerebra spinal meningitis 2 general debility 2 stillborn still born 2 cancer 1 heart disease 2 paralysis 1 old age 3 gua gun shot wound 1 congestion of brain 1 croup 2 typhoid fever 1 dropsy 1 diphtheria 2 dyspepsia 1 total interments Inter ments 40 JOSEPH E TAYLOR sexton from beaver this morning we were called upon by mr ja james mes fennimore photographer of beaver we learn from him im that the prospects ahead for a lively time in easiness Eu business siness there especially in mining matters were never better eagie eagle co owners of the lincoln mine mide have just imported a mammoth pump with which to free it from water and will soon have it in operation the cave mine mino close to it in the same district lis is exceedingly rich the big bonanza in san ban francisco district has lately been sold for lor from it excellent ore can betaken betoken be taken out almost from the surface of the ground near to it is another equally as good called the rattling walker lowe and tho thompson m apson have bonded a splendid mine to a company for whom mr white banker of this city is agent chappell martin are constantly shipping ore from their min mine to Shaun Bh auntie tle tie A mine in the leeds district owned by mr barbee overturns former theories with regard to silver ore the metal there being found in sandstone to the value of 1500 to the ton mr B is shipping ore at present to the railroad terminus it Is expected that for foar shelters smelters sm elters i will be in operation in the locality indicated by next june clity city cou Cot council meil the council met last evening mayor F little presiding petition of dr 8 B young and twenty four others asking that a bridge crossing emigration dreek greek near the asylum be repaired referred to committee en on improvements petition of the pioneer rifle club for the exclusive right te to use a strip of ground on arsenal hillford Hill for shooting practice I 1 refe referred ired to committee on public grounds the committee to whom was referred the pell peli petition tien tion of john duke and others asking that a certain gully or wash on second south ri street treet be filled up and made passable recommended that the supervisor be instructed to make the necessary improvement in the thi e order of his business and recommendation adopted addred alderman pres presented eMed hisae his report of police pollee court business bus aness duess for the month of february which showed that 75 cases had bad been tried collected in cash fines flues and in labor on public improvements etc bill of chief engineer donelson for expenses in connection with the nire fire department for february 75 allowed and appropriated bill of expenditures in city marshals chals department for february referred to committee ou on claims bill of dr 8 B young for professional fess fass ional fonal services at the city jail 18 allowed police bill for services in february allowed the following bills were also alao allowed and appropriated armstrong bagley for lumber supplied to the waterworks water works U 0 B R it freight on water pipes pi p es drafts draft of dennis longe co coy 0 and silsby manufacturing co respectively ively and 45 J B R winder the latter amount being the aggregate of amounts credited to parties on their taxes in return for labor performed by them on the waterworks water works bill of john sharp and deseret national bank for a certain number of loads of dirt delivered at al n 16 lain iliin points n ts of the city as per contract G 4 78 78 allowed sundry bills among which were one of 1000 to davis howe co and S interest due on note hel bel held heid d by mr waddell aggregating in all 1922 were allowed bill of olif hanmer for painting glazing and other work allowed bill of efah AH raleigh for thirteen months services as inspector of buildings referred to committee on claims bill for erecting chimneys on the market lot stands 73 allowed A resolution wa was adopted extending the time required by law for the removal of stovepipes stove pipes projecting through the sides and roofs of buildings until march fifteen hundred dollars was appropriated to a contingent cen fund to be drawn against by the mayor only in cases of emergency he to report monthly on all expenditures to meet which money shall be drawn from thi this fund one thousand dollars was appropriated to be drawn upon by order of the superintendent of the water works and a similar sum subject to the arher order of the supervisor the matter of taking an inventory of the bath house property previous to its passing into the hands bands ot dr munro the lessee was referred to the committee on improvements m p movements rove ments alderman raleigh bel being ng temporarily added to the committee until that matter was disposed of alderman erand and councilors councillors Counci lors winder and calder were appointed a special committee to collect the volumes belonging to what used to be known as the salt lake city library I 1 endorsement of judge emerson last evening a meeting of the mem members bers hers of the salt lake bar was held at the federal court room in in pursuance r ua nce to a published call J judge pid pud g tilford was elected chair man and af mr r ben sheeks secretary of the mee meeting the chairman explained the objects of the meeting to bo for those present to give to their views and feelings in relation to judge emerson and consider steps necessary to be taken with a view to keeping the courts open in this and the other ether districts of the territory the following were appointed a committee to draft resolutions mis expressive of the sense of the meeting relative to the objects under ean can consideration rosborough de do wolfe marshall williams and hod haydon hayden who after retiring and being absent for some time returned and reported as follows that an acquaintance Lc of three years with the if dpn on P H emerson judge of the first judicial district of utah has secured becu red for that gentleman the ad admiration mi ration respect cr and confidence of the barof the territory that we believe that judge emerson is now and has ever been a faithful and impartial magistrate who has earnestly sought to advance the best interests of the territory by dispatching with energy and promptitude all business that has come before the courts over which he has presided resolved I 1 that the thanks of the bar of salt lake city are due to judge emerson for his compliance with their wishes in holding h a cour court thereat here at the present term as upon other ether occasion a and for the uniform courtesy which they have ever received from him in his off leial official and personal capacity Se solved that we respectfully request judge emerson to remain with usand continue to hold bold the third district court as long as his ills duties as judge of the first district will permit and we heartily assure him that his comella compliance ce with this request will not only confer an obligation upon ourselves bub but will promote the interests of the whole community I 1 J B chairman 5 the committee had not time to consider the other subject mentioned by the chairman marshall bosh Rosh orough robertson maxwell bermester nur Bar strickland brearly and Bennet severally addressed the meeting their re remarks marIcs being highly eulogistic of associate just justice justlee ce emer Em emerson erson ergon g on and severely condemnatory of the animadversions on the obar ebar character Acter of that gentleman published by the ring organ to the scurrilous assertions of which sheet they gave the lie I 1 morgan gilchrist and strickland were appointed a committee to wait gait upon Gov governor einor elnor emory and request him to assign judge emerson to the third district from FRON THURSDAYS DAYS DAI dal DAILY dainy lyt Z 2 railroad track apiece A piece of rail road track Js a being const constructed ducted from jho tho south gate of f the temple tempie I 1 block to the Z C M L I 1 new em building d forthe ifor the purpose of ot running the cars loaded with goods for the institution ution to the east eng eno en of the premises sudden death at Kays kaysville ville about 6 belock on tuesday evening feb 29 t kaysville kass Kays ville robert Harris while standing by his wagon was atthe attacked ked with spasms his ills a passing stranger str kuger huger carried him into the house and he died in fifteen minutes from the time tim i e he was wi attacked 1 A splendid Light The four i jets with lamps and reflectors placed on the deseret telegraph pole opposite the eagle oate south bouth temple em st street reet 01 give e A very brilliant hialit extending a lo log long g distance in every direction were such I 1 lights placemat placed t the intersections of the various streets they would be much indro inore effective than the general mode of lighting wl with th ordinary lamp and single jet the rennee tors doing fine service in causi causing og the rays to extend in fact t the he ordinary lamp jets in the vicinity or the quadruple light fallu ded to pale into insignificance by comparison parl pari being stronger biger figer and brighter than four ordinary y lamps on n each of the four converging streets from the south we vve have hava I 1 dien bien been called mr air W ti T barbee Phi bep beV owner of the tecumseh mine mlle ijar district who showed us a specimen of ore taken it is orveil of very mery curious ces of vegetable matter smatter being plainly observable so iri it and land bibb would id probably ro assay in the uhei vicinity of 2000 2000 2600 to theroh the ton the average assay asay of or the ore from the mine 1 mr barbee informs us that tb the elty city of washington dut dul washington C co lo 10 is bu built ailt directly dver 0 ver nat C excellent mine 1 az 1 t dirr mr B ad te received the euln upa apt p 6 of notta and awl deputy ele cle elerk clerk fk bf the supreme court courton of tb the e terri territory tory ami on hag return to the soil th will be prepared to isue i sue first papers pai pal jerto to aliens section who are desirous df declaring their intentions of beckma becoming fix fiu citizens vh which ieh ich will iii be a great wa caw vengence veni ence to such obviating thene cassity for lor them to travel to th the city elty and back forthal purpose the onla it epi hi ld lv I 1 t referring to t recent meet ef vrle irig of in ge trie bar in thi cat y as pun pub published liAne d a the NA news Ws th that at U g lii iti marshal ah h a v b W the ay mau mah rf iricea ip gilb widla powwow jow mho who IM had tho the moral courage ato to lift oft his defence dr dithe therita the rinju 9 organ only one advocate anig ania among so many friends and he on the retired list tob too well wel 1 max always wis was a 6 bally bully I 1 bo boy but put how bow Kra gratingly tingly ungrateful are republicans 9 is as weil weli hs s the poet truly p says s blow blow mow thoa thou winter lindil ii j thou art potap j lu As mani mans mand ingratitude thy tooth Is not Been cheen because thou art tuot toot seeb I 1 I 1 I 1 be bd rt M D 1 i i i 1 and again 1 UL L ir against tho the y ranny runny of i it ase age e to ertunc n u n C 1 but the sad wasai ot bf u Z 0 will cruh crash ma info eart earth 1 i oxen horses m albort A issott time since an experienced marmer farmer from the north alluded in an tho fact that oxen foe fee general farm ing purposes seh seg are ara vie vic vi pable ceable anji and mm horses he stated in support lor lot this thi L bat that a piece of land that her finety of fifteen if acres of which had bad Yield edas ekas high as bushen bushel o small gra rain in when plowed lately y yielded fielded but sixty aika aita being plowed reason that oxen and horses honses do not fi asserted that with equally good oxen nv would 0 bild get over about tho the sanie same amount of gron grou ground nd inaho in tho the sune same time ti 11 e ia in plowing pow 1 1 ng ac 3 as a s horses bould would by using oxen instead of horses borkes farmers would save grain rain and when cattle were done do with they could be fatte daud made good for beef the fact of bf hittler is that farmers liWe got luto into tile botio lah n that they must dispense with itai niti hiti hd services of the tho somewhat sluggish but butt faithful ox and take to the more sprightly but less enduring horse that they may be able torun around quickly from place tv to place but as already stated experience proves that the ox is the most roost profitable of the two to the farmer A splendid specimen mr W M V morris painter of this city has just completed compi et edthe the finest specimen of or the tho decor decorative atlie art ever produced in n this territory and probably one of the best of the kind ever executed in america it is intended to represent how people of affluence could hive have the tilo surface of their rooms bom composed posed of glass with all the them decoration decor atlon graining and marbling deeon done on the backof it the specimen under consid consideration emdon being in that manner and annd representing in part a perspective interior the marbling graining embossed lettering and ornamental work are so well weil ell done that it is difficult to imagine how they could be excelled tue toe centre panel of the ope specimen elmen is five feet eight inches by faur feet feefe two inches and the tho th whole thing measures eight feet arety by ten feet the T PIP pim frame which A necessarily large and massive and C constructed sa so as to be taken p 4 rt nt will was made by mr air triplet 0 of ja a ment mr morris intended III his hia 8 specimen for exhibition at the tho centennial faibus Fai fal but in the absence of legislative i tiye appropriation to aid ilian him in lu defraying defray ip ipg of transportation etches ete etc he Ss compelled co ampel I 1 ed to tolo rotain retain tal cal a t for or home purposes only although it itte would have dono done excellent credit tp Itah at philadelphia phI art ait it isnow is now the at mr Mor rises paint eshop the walker house hoil hoti se where w herg herp it hns laas tody to dy by a large number ar vip vir victors tors jt it I 1 is well weli ell worth seeing I 1 inas inal indian ian lan mounds there abere is JA a deep interest inte reit rest manifested which is increasing among those outside of I 1 this thid community to know all that can be learned by the examination of the burial places of the ancient indians for foe this purpose men AW trained red ged with habits of scientific re ato ar employed under the auspices IF of our national rational museum mus mue eum pum and aad oiher other similar institution sj bat hav hat ev everything evey thing discovered in the may be bp recorded arranged compared ed find and inz forma norma Uon of the public S since gince ned nee it has be become known that relics reiles from the thin mounds are in I 1 de demand m and at good prices too enany ipaty places of ancient sepulture have peen ven ruthlessly broken rp en into for ohp mere sake ofa of a rew few e w palt pait paltry r y cen cents cenis is or dollars doi dol lars in this waz way gay vay many really yalu balu ancient atiqi ent pottery war weapons utensils ac have been destroyed and these aids in determining we k pining |