Show M arvil ov al aa I 1 C 1 L S P WE MOVE INTO OUR NEW BUILDING OPPOSITE spring line of UTAHNA HOTEL ABOUT JULY loth UNTIL THAT TIME WE ARE GOING TO SELL GOODS AT SUCH A REDUCTION PI L L HI ft livi VS IN PRICES THAT IT WILL PAY ALL TO investigate berj JUST T ARRIVED WE WANT GOODS IN OUR FINE NEW QUARTERS TO COME IN THERE DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY see our fine line of WE NEED THE MONEY WE WANT TO MOVE AS f FEW PRICES GOODS IN OUR AS POSSIBLE ENTIRE LINE SO ARE OF MAKING DRUGS STARTLING SUNDRIES 4 5 1 17 tens finen S and boys Oxford x or sand s siimes s COMBS ALL TOILET ARTICLES CANDIES PAPER PERFUME 4 aff BOOKS TRUSSES RUBBER GOODS ETC ETC straw and felt bast I 1 V IN FACT ALMOST OUR ENTIRE STOCK the finest line of white goods laces embroideries etc to be seen money saving prices at 1 in the city THE CIT 1 L HB kf A xa at alie old stand mm 2 earm F 0 0 tri abher ALL YOU DO IS PUT IN THE CL CLOTHES OT HES THE WASHER DOES THE REST AND BY PRESSING A LITTLE LEVER IT SETS THE MACHINE GOING WILL WASH AND WRING ANYTHING FROM LACE CURTAINS TO CARPETS WITHOUT BREAKING A THREAD the washer EMBODIES ALL THE OTHER FEATURES OF THE FAMOUS 1900 BALL BEARING WASHER AND HAS THAT NEW YET OLD PRINCIPLE OF G GRAVITY R A V I 1 T Y 1 i 1 1 B j lui i riede peterson of 0 dear bear river city was in town yesterday dr E A rich and arthur truelson with their wives spent sunday at the hermitage in ogden canyon everybody celebrate and decorate old d glory is tle the greatest flag of 0 the r I 1 I 1 greatest on earth and without a stain f it WANTED someone to put up three crops of alfalfa on 80 acres of land close to station at tremont tre sont very liberal terrus terms apply at once to lee dunn it are aou ou a subscriber to THE BOX ELDER NEUS IS if not why not it has the he widest circulation of 0 any country weekly in this part of the intermountain inter mountain region and carries a 1 g reater amount of reading matter ev ery cry week than an any other paper of its kind in the state and it auches ouches for the reliability of its advertisers you wait until you come to town just send us word that aou ou want the paper and your check for or say that you will step in and settle the first chance you have and your name will be immediately added arid and furthermore we promise aou ou that you shall have no trouble stopping the paper when iou ou dont wan want t it any more just notify us or dour postmaster and your request will be promptly and respectfully complied with secondhand SECOND HAND GOODS js ig bought sold and exchanged waa BRING IN THE OLD THINGS AND GET NEW ONES FOR THEY THEM IT WORKS LIKE MAGIC TRY IT AT 7 WM cie J brej abaz PES IN FURNITURE STORE CURRENCY OF ALL denominations for the days business is always at the service of our customers if you need coin in large b quantities the most satisfactory way for or a all concerned is to list the various items we are always glad to please our patrons among rali you whom wed like to number state tank bank of brigham city are you a subscriber to THE BOX ELDER NEWS if not why bot no t it has the widest circulation 0 of any country weekly in this part ot of the intermountain inter mountain region and carries a greater amount of reading matter every week than any other paper of its kind ilind in the state and it vouches tor for the reliability of its advertisers you wait until you come to town lust just send us word nord that you want the paper and your check for or say that iou will step in and s settle ettle the first chance you have and your name will be immediately added and A nd furthermore we promise you that you shall have no trouble stopping the paper when you dont want it any more just notify us or your postmaster and your request will be promptly and respectfully complied with |