Show OFFICIAL CALL fifteenth NATIONAL irrigation CONGRESS an advance copy of the official call of the fifteenth national irrigation congress has been received by the box bo elder news it is issued from the headquarters of the congress at sacramento Coll fornia and announces that this important convention will be held in that city september 27 2 7 inclusive next the document lekites the purposes of the congress invites the appointment of delegates by organized bodies of all kinds hinds and announces special railway rates 0 oer er all railway lines to california an interstate irrigation and forestry exposition tile the california state fair and specia harvest excursions over california are among the entertainment features promised those who attend the purposes of the congress are declared to be save the forests store the floods rec reclaim lalin the deserts male make homes on the land and all who are interested in these subjects or in any of them are invited to participate in the deliberations and thereby contribute to a wise direction of national policies and development of practical methods ot of conserving and developing the great natural resources of the country the personnel of the congress as stated in the call includes the president and vice president of the united states members Ment bers of the cabinet senators and Represent representatives at yes governors of state slate and territories members of state and territorial legislatures and state irrigation forestry and other is delegates may be appointed by governors of states and territories mayors of cities county governing boards official and unofficial public bodies and organizations of every kind including agricultural horticultural and commercial as well as boards of trade chambers of commerce and development associations W the interstate exposition of irrigated land products and forest products will be held simultaneously with the irrigation congress the largest and finest list of trophies and prizes ever offered will stimulate the congress with joint opening and closing ceremonies attended by a great irrigation celebration the day closing with a magnificent alle allegorical gorial irrigation parade and electrical illuminations especial emphasis is laid upon the opportunity afforded by by the congress for the study of irrigation irrigation practices and results irrigated crops of every lund hind and irrigation opportunities tuni ties sacramento Is situated near the center ot of the great valley of california which extends lengthwise through the state a distance ot of nearly he flie bundled miles and comprises I 1 approximately neat neaily ly ten million acres of fertile land colossal plans tor for the construction of storage dams dains and distributing canals for the irrigation ot of this great plain are now being made by engineers of the reclamation service and money has been tinned from the reclamation lecla mation fund for the construction ot of an initial unit of the great system contemplated special excursions will enable delegates eg to see california these will cover the sacramento and san joa quill valleys the mountains the copper belt the vintage districts the redwoods seacoast and mountain re boits orange and lemon districts and irrigated districts special railway rates to california will prevail over all transcontinental trans continental lines |