Show by ty telegraph AME AMERICAN bican RICAN REY KEY WEST 19 A terrific wind has been blowing here since last night the thu steam tug godfrey keiber from philada philadelphia e iphia went ashore oil on a reef and i it t is feared all hands hand sare are lost NEW YORK 19 the excitement in a wal wall street occasioned by the rumor of war in europe subsided with the close of yesterdays business and today to day there is fr comparative quiet gold this morning was down to 1101 lioi iio but it afterwards advanced to 1111 illi iii philadelphia 19 this is combination day at the centennial the day is devoted to virginia maryland delaware and the district of columbia at 11 a m gov cochran of delaware and gov carroll of maryland entered the grounds each accompanied by ilis liis staff and were escorted to their respective state buildings where receptions were held hold fourteen contestants entered for the tournament this afternoon and much interest is shown in the ann clr in addition to the prizes previously offered a magnificent cup of solid ilver hilver fi engraved with the imperial chinese dragon is offered ered to the leading knight by the Cill clyl chinese nese neso mandarin who has hag been almost continuously at the exhibition since its commencement and is the fourth man in rank in the chinese the tournament is now in in pro gress gre sg shortly after one imi km abts fully armed and equipped into tile the grounds and took their poi pui for the contest great inte reit rett pre prevails vaile valis the tournament grounds were ere densely crowded tois loin afternoon fifteen 11 h knights nights joined iu a the tilting A B suit representing the union was the u tor taking eight rings in a pos slie nine chas white representing the centennial second il j bryan connecticut third J N balbue SC fourth the entert entertainment Ariment lasted until five NEW ORLEANS in ID Beri berl benjamin jamin hallforth Wall forth was shot d dad dmd md by weston logan last night james chimere Cri mere a well known italian fell dead in thos the treet street this afternoon charleston 19 A company of i the U 8 infantry In proceeded to cainhoy and encamped at the village relieving the guard from charleston Chai leston who remained there night and day since monday last COLUMBIA BC 19 six whites returning home from the democratic mass meeting at Edgefi Edgefield eld eid C CH H near dark last evening were iq fired nto into I 1 by colored men in ambush fim bush one was killed instantly and another severely wounded major kline and other united states officers at the request of the whites vent went to the tho spot and while viewing ino inc C the hody body a white man sent for a coroner was wag also shot from ambush his leg shattered and his horse wounded the meeting had aad been quiet and orderly SAN 19 captain poster foster of the british ship nydal rydal esau lost on tuesday night near spanish town states that the ship ships was 1803 1800 tons burthen with thirty three thred hands bands all told she belonged to the sun shipping company of liverpool was an A I 1 iron ship four months out from ca cardiff ediff with coal on monday they were seventy miles froma from Fall fali all ali arones eions on tuesday the weather was thick and we hove to all ali A 11 hands remained on deck during the night she struck about eight pm her bottom was crushed and she rapidly filled four seamen charles wilson george georger geo ged white and george johns attempted to launch the gig without orders the boat was swamped and all lost the bea sea making a clean breach over the ship in lowering away the lifeboat hugh williams second of fleer william NV Illiam wilson stewards boy keith selwyn ap prentice alexander barlow william baker and james gomes sea men meu were drowned they did kot kotc attempt to get out any more boats beats but stopped on board till the morning in when the crew wore taken off by bya a whale ship with great biffl difficulty owing to the heavy surf the tile captain remained on board until four pm the ship was then fast becoming a total wreck was full fall of water and the deck breaking u up gothing nothing was saved savel llo jio not teven even i ta the tho hips ships papers the captain attributes the disaster to the tha current whose strength was waa not prep properly effly i estimated the tho ship was valued at 26 COO cargo insured A zis dis dispatch atch from portland oregon gonsa says ysa a hurricane passed over the neighboring cun country tryon on tuesday afternoon afternoons blowing down trees houses and fences but causing no loss of life A washington dispatch says the presen presentation tat ion lon of the address from ireland to president Grant through oconnor powers parnell members of parliament has been deferred powers and parnell have been informed that according to etiquette tho the resolutions will havo have to come through the british minister here and the state department to the president an obstacle has been found to the success of the first step in the wording wordine of certain parts of the resolutions one ono pait part cites that having suffered through seven centuries of tyranny the irish people make their greetings to td the united states and its president ac this cannot it is contended be passed by without an act of disrespect on the part of pren Pred president dent grant to her Maje Male representative the resolutions are a magnificent evidence of art and taste appearing like jike a plate of the purest alabaster inlaid with mosaic they are left in one of the rooms of the white house dr julius S pheband The band of east thirteenth bt st who was wounded by the explosion of a last ri night fight he was ramming a charge into the cartridge when the explosion occurred and a large piece of the cartridge was driven into his body and lodged between the heart and left lung dr the band was preparing to go on a shooting excursion when the fatal accident happened he was forty nine years of age and was well known as an author and lecturer W P C Tr lechel an old member of the stock exchange suspended today to day A special from london says the government has ordered english troops to be put in readiness for immediate dispatch if necessary ces sary to turkey furloughs furroughs of all naval officer shave been recalled GLENI pa 20 20 about half past eight this morning the wife of C J baker colored residing at this place was running along the road in a frantic mann erand when she reached the railroad station she informed a gentleman that she had just killed her four children and then resumed her wandering aThe gentleman drove to the house and not finding her ber husband hunted him up the to visited the aliouse and found three children aged respectively spec ively Y two couri four and six years in III au an almost lifeless condition their heads being beaten to a jelly with a heavy club the baby aged two months was cover ed edep up with a heavy feather bed jedy the intention of the mother being to smother it the three children cannot A number of people have gone in search of the unfortunate woman who is undoubtedly insane I 1 20 A advices advises ces have havo been received at the war department that general terry will immediately med lately leave fort abraham lincola in pursuit of f the hostile sav ages agea cw washington 20 the P ort ont of oeral nal nai rAl wallace united S states ates Mars marshal marshai lial for south smith carolina addressed to attorney general ta taft taff ft was yas am among ong other pa caperson person erson ther the condition 0 of o the south read at we the dabi cabinet hiet fiet meeting today to day chait CHAIL charleston LESTON oct jai 17 hon hen A taft taffe atty attly geni sir I 1 have delayed giving you a report of the recent unfortunate political riot near cainhoy Cain hoy in this county until I 1 could geta get geb a correct statement of facts it la Is ope opp of the legitimate re results stilts of the intimidation policy on plan i adopted 1 by the democratic abib party in opening their campaign for the purpose of breaking down the republican majority in uhla the tho first meeting in this county at which the democrats put their shotgun shot gun policy into practice place over a month ago on cooper moper river some ten tei or twelve miles from t ho the scene of tile the late riot tuot the republicans had called a meeting and the democrats in the city chart chartered emd a steamboat taking about well armed armett men to the meeting they formed their men in line near the stand st ind and and demanded that they cliot sot poi I 1 have half the time for their va a ers the republic republicans i ns I 1 bolish this kind of peaceful political discussion but the request was backed up by winchester repealing 1 aile alle 8 isi tho the hands bands of men who knew how to use them and they consented I 1 lo 10 0 a division of the time other meetings followed this witha with a similar display of arms and in order to avoid the collision which was waa imminent to each meeting the executive committees of each party arranged to have a series of joint discussions and agreed that their people should not come armed to the meetings the discussions in the county had bad been mainly going on with more or less bitterness and animosity mainly growing out of the fact that the democrats carried a large force of men from the city to every meeting who irritated the republicans by their violent denunciation nun nuncia clation tion of their leaders and their party the meeting at the brick church near cainhoy Cain Caffi hoy lloys was called by the republicans and was largely attended by men who were present at the first meeting at which the democrats had enforced their demand to speak but had not attended all of the joint discussions and many of them being suspicious of the democrats carried such guns as each man had at his home consisting of old muskets shot guns and fowlin fowling g pieces I 1 but not a militiaman went there with state arms and ammunition as the democrats claim and the best beat evidence of that fact is that all the dead were shot with buckshot and not rifle balls W when hen these colored republicans were at the place of meeting their leading men told i them that they were violating the agreement by coming armed and that they must deposit their arms at some place away from the grounds the colored men complied with the request and some 9 guns uns bay eay fiat fifteen ee n were placed laced in an old d dilapidated lapi dated building D some fifty yards from the stand and oth others erb ers were placed across the ravine in the woods about democrats accompanied their speakers from the city on a steamboat and soon appeared at the meeting the filst first speaker alker riker was a demo democrat crata a candidate for prosecuting attorney of the circuit he was heard through very patiently he was followed by NV J mckenly colored delegate to the cincinnati convention from state soon boon after mckenly commenced speaking a commotion was waa observed in the crowd on the side next to the dilapidated building and mckenly jumped off the stand and saud said 11 rhose rhose white men in that I 1 house have guns and alid are going to shoot colored men raised the ahouzi have seized our guns and made a rush for the other guns the white men who had secretly slipped into the house and seized the guns t hen then fired and the first shot killed I 1 ledan an old colored man about seventy y years ears of age who was standing leaning loaning on a stick and this is the only colored man who is known to have havo been killed the colored men returned with their guns very soon and attacked the party at the old houses housep house and commenced bommen ceda a general nire fire on tile the democrats who 0 were generally armed with pistols but they had to retire rapidly raldy toward the boat under a heavy fire the colored men became furious wh elthey saw that some of their arms had been seized and one ol 01 rowen their old men killed sheriff bowlan bowen whom they reco recognized as their personal and political friend rushed among theland tried to stop the firing but they did dici not cease until all tb the white men men e were driven away from the church six white men were killed or have died wed and tiie dile one colored man several white men are wounded but none seriously it is not yet known how many negroes are hurt As soon as the fight ceased the steamboat returned to the city for reinforcements and over men went back on her on two hours notice with arms for themselves and for the hundred men already were next morning about more aimed men went up on the rame same boit which had had bad re returned these armed men were the military companies or a portion of ti the 10 compan companies les ies which governor JC ordered to disband two weeks ago on the night of the i ilot lot Itolo I 1 telegraphed graphed to tb sommerville to the officer in command ol 01 the troops for tor a company to go to cainhoy Cain hoy boy he replied next mbeni ing that he had only one artillery company which had no small arms I 1 wen then telegraphed to gov to know where I 1 could and ho he referred it to tb general ruger at atlanta who has ordered a company from co J which will arrive tomor to mor row morning and I 1 will proceed i with them at once oce dlo to xau xan faun hoy boy I 1 will require the armed men there to disperse and will see that no further rioting takes place RICHMOND va 20 A detachment tach ment of united nitea states troops from governor governors island numbering composed of a battalion of the third artille artillery and a part of the lith and in infantry aa commanded by col jj li Ij ivingston arrived hero today to day en route for columbia S C they were compelled to lay over on account of delay at wilmington del soon boon after their arrival a number of the richmond military called on livingston and asked permission to entertain the men which he deemed expedient to decline but expressed great pleasure at the compliment several off officers leers however were entertained at the exchange hotel they leave tomorrow to morrow morning eight other companies will pass ps through at the same bame time ST PAUL 20 A Bib marck special cial clai says general sturges with elg eig eight t companies of cavalry three of infantry nf antry and a section of artillery moved south today to day on the east side of the missouri gen terry with four col coi companies 11 paules amov moved ed south on the wei weal side their destination la Is not generally gem rally raily known wool wo col ol orado washed 22 0 28 unwashed 18 22 extra and merino pulled 33 0 86 36 no 1 and super pulled 34 6 36 california fine and medium 25 io 30 coarse 20 28 louisville 20 one hundred soldiers from columbus 0 under col corwin passed through here this ria morning their destination being south carolina BAN sax FRANCISCO 21 the whaling bark florence arrived this afternoon from the arctic ocean with men on board being part of the crews of the arctic whaling fleet twelve of which she reports lost in the ice lee with a portion of the crews the rema remaining iniD survivors have gone to honolulu on the bark elvree brothers the following is a synopsis syn of a written report of the masters of the fleet on our arrival in s sea we found plenty of ice lee and extremely cold weather but few whales were taken ilithe in the tho first patt of the season commenced taking walrus on june the ships engaged soon got aji ajl they had casks for between the of july and the of august the ships worked over to the east past shore and BO so north towards point barrow as fast as the lee ice opened the bark arctic was crushed b by y the ice on july ath off sea ibi IET horse orse islands eighteen miles from land the crew escaped to the shore and were finally taken on board hoard by the bark onward and sub pub subsequently dil distributed buted among the fleet captain writney going on board the bark about the of august the fleet fourte |