Show A H 1 C TO THE i OUR MOTTO 19 A L sixpence is netter than a slow siow shilling 4 THEREFORE we will win not sell seii on credit ns by so doing we yali wiil will avoid being disappointed by not recell inar ng our nr copey when due mia mid to ilvo live wa we must make it brout prout to cover nii nil bad debts and time as time timo is moner money in future by selling only for lor R f e WO WILL bell SELL OUR STOCK OF iaal i AJL lisson lieson auw aa N IE at less margin than ev even evec ei was known in the tia TIP eav tilo oat oas f TJ afoa liall AND anad SEE eor FOB yourselves YOU I 1 E il 1 I 1 N G S S 0 orliff S SADLER SA D E ry importers Job jobbers bersand and aud retail dealers in ENE n A AL L NIER CHANDiSE aln alo N ISE lse 1 I OLIVER CHILLED are the tightest lightest draft made sold to tb the farmers of utah in the last year u it they are just the thing to do vau plowing lowing if your store dont keep thein them eha send for one A adless HOWARD SEBREE bain wagon depot salt lake lakre city r II AVRIn my possession ono brown cow about star in forehead little white spot on both sides white spots in each flank a flatiron brand on right bides bide a figure bevon turned the wrong way at the top on oil small pt of back right side ot loins also on its side with a s straight mark down by the end ot of it thus ion lon uon left lest hips hip sut silt in each ear ears pont kontof of right horn broken off one b brindle rind le H heifer calf about aboul 9 0 months old olds branded with a flatiron brand on right side crop off aed ard under silt slit in left audap aud and up pe perble bil bit out of right ear which hleb it if not claimed will be sold at af the district pound at moroni saari Laari pete county october A JD 1876 1878 on monday at 2 ocl oci ac k p m J t jolley JOLLET district moroni city oct irth 1878 art 2 gorili f 11 0 1 a E 5 is 0 6 ox 4 34 1 0 L 0 0 2 coco 9 a P 13 W ca X ti 3 tm r i 1 C 2 0 n ca P 93 JL w 0 0 M lai lal ta 4 17 S T A ja lil lii D apil is 1 jas aco C 0 3 jf f r n ioki oa hulls 1 jis uis i ili ill 7 f standard AND RELIABLE 1 I 1 lui lul ll 11 L b BANia or i j f C E IT I 1 ova oka aa A 0 13 it j sk sl 11 CLOTHE S WASHING MADE eity rity aoa mod 1 it nn lip PATENT WASH T 1 KH itu la Is the tile it earvoa over bno kalf beit the labor ivery every lvery family should b ouid have bave one they chey last a ilfe life abid do not wear out the clothes agents millen alwyd sait salt lako lake F A ogden briham brigham city coop co op mra mrs 2 eilza ellza liza velca vei Vel velch cb amerlean american fork want wanted edill in crony crory settlement apply to P I 1 VY Y COOK swan creek creck luch lucu co cos ceab beah foe for utah 1 wa richardson CO of telegraph round and parlor ha A 17 0 40 MC IS i no 13 adur abt CHICAGO ILL bil irl m ta our matches rold bold by nearly every grocery house hougo in the te territory rr tory BU M 13 WELLS W ELLS CO 00 of and WHOLESALE DEALERS IN boots fe shoes Jf adison madison and market SI streets reefs reels CHICAGO M D P HJ U J maora MACrA BLAND B D R WM 11 WOOL WOOL WOOL 0 W A 3 T el T 2 M C C 0 a C M roia acal acas or OT or GOOD merchantable QUALITY for which will bo be paid one third in ill money and two in our factory fae Fac tolt 4 C on delivery of the wooi wool apply TO 70 3 oeda 33 34 HAALA ra 2 at t president brigham brlej ham youn Twi bas tas wa C i lyl io tob nj i apo otner olner s 1 1 0 lla ILA DO lut IMPORT woollen GOODS when you can cau csir try aly buy themla Ih emla GREAT and at pric fric prices that dery defy competition W petition PeLi tion at WOOLLEN boe bee atz Z CT T ar r andl andt at taylor cutler pait palt Lako bako city also at the factory ite WOOL WANTED stecial Si ocial ecial rates bates and nt attention to the i trade W tf 14 nunn DUNN 9 sn u t div |