Show by belogi 4 a aph arh tp h y AMERICAN sor NoR northfield TuFiELD minn blinn 14 from to citizens are yet in pursuit of the bank rubbers robbers who are having baving a hard t time I 1 me among the tho swamps and heavy timber of this county Tb they eyare are now without blankets horses borses coats i and provision an and their capture is ls is 19 deemed certain BIS nis bismarck MARcic D J T 14 the complete enrollment of indians at Sta hta standing ruck shows only lodges anda and a total of not over indians rations have heretofore been leen issued on a basis of from which it would appear that nearly are absent or else a large of stealing has been done the indiana asre are known to have returned from the hostiles ho stiles but BO so stealthily that they could not be caught and the tho attempt to disarm the hostiles hos bos stiles lilos has therefore proved abortive gross chief of the was arrested on sunday for and supplying he the hos tiles the indians threatened ned to rescue him but the garrison was too well prepared to resist and so bo the attempt was not made after the shooting ended and the result had haa been announced deafening cheers for the american Amerle awana awAnd and nna irish teams who appeared to be the favorites rent tile tho air the best shots of both teams were cheered individually addresses congratulatory of the result of the shooting were made by BD major jor fulton of the americans M major aj or leac leach h of the irish capt mcdonald of the scotch capt morrs of the australian and ma lor loro U of theCa the canadian nadan team teams 9 mr ur a bluer of the irish col bodine of or the american and mr dell deil 1 dyn byn yag of the irish teams also deli doli ed reil i addresses the great crowd belm beim buted with cheers for all the teama teams tile tiia americans Ameri amerl caps won by 22 over the irish the tota Lecore for both days wa was americans irish 3 19 1 australian 3 ogg scotch canadians 2923 tile the official returns made at a late hoar hour tonight to night give the scotch team a total score of 3 which gives that tea ten te anthe nithe thaid third place instead of the australians whose acore is cili CHICAGO CAGO A 14 the tribunes Z ads washington ington special says 11 leon D roi rot the distl distinguished engineer neer secretary of the french geographical society arrived here yesterday berday on a mission to secure aid for a complete survey of the central american isthmus bath Lath mus with the view of building an inter oceanic ship canal he called today to day upon the officers at the navy and war and presented his view but was astonished to learn that the officers of the navy have at sat various times during tuff tufe last twenty nive five years thoroughly explored thau that whole region from te nuan huan huante tepee pec to the bay of cupica cepica und and oyei over nearly forty pro proposed posea routes he presented a pamphlet of the thel meeting of the Socie teDe tedo do i geographic last may ilay in which a are re reported the he remarks of 31 ferdinand lesseps who advises a complete survey of the isthmus to find a location for a canal which can be built without a lock the commissioner reported to the tho president last fall favoring the nicaragua route routes and one member at least advocates the adoption of the treaty looking to its construction based on the principles of the clayton bulwer treaty of 1854 A minister from nicaragua has been appointed to treat with this country on the subject and will probably arrive before the convention meets pa 14 the re cent suspension of the miners trust company bank with liabilities of is beginning to be lie keenly byfelt feit felt by those depositors who for years have been lieen in the habit of withdrawing certain sums on the approach of winter sufficient to keep them through the slack time to td day the president of the bank J jpseph joseph ioe loe ide h huntzinger Hunt was surrounded e d by by acro a crowd ivd of vf J who became so demonstrative tl that at it was necessary to call the police this evening the directors made an nu assignment sign ment and appointed H 0 russell and S H madden assignees sig nees NEW YORK 15 the tribunes washington special says A number of importers of cuba sugar who receive theli their cargoes at now orleans ormah bf that they are entitled to enter their sugar free rree jbv butyl ind imd bavol i ra 09 th customs due under protest bince since I 1 n do t the h p passage sa e 1 1 esol of the act t to 0 regu regulate ift lat e 1 imports under n der the reciprocity treaty with the sandwich islands the refining Be fining compary of st louis bouis has fileo filed thu the following letter with the tile custom authorities we hereby protest against the assessment and payment of duty on the cargo of sugar on the ground that by reason of a recent enactment of congress august isab admitting mittin sugar free of duty from the hawaiian islands int the ports of san francisco gaia gala the tho same tame product from the island of cuba Is under the existing treaty stipulation with spain entitled to enter the port of new orleans and also on the ground that under section eight of the first article of the constitution ution of the united states this z port Is entitled to all the advantages and benefits riven given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to san francisco or any or any other port of the united states government that spanish products are entitled to the same privilege as those of the sandwich islands doe does i not sam bam seem to hold good as far as bugar sugar Is concerned for the treaty says brown and all other unrefined sugar meaning hereby the grades of sugar heretofore commonly imported from the hawaiian islands and aud now known in the market ofsan of san ban francisco and portland oregon as sandwich island sugar shall be introduced into the ports of the united states free of duty from and after the data date of the presidents president proclamation the language seems to bar the claim made for fot cuba sugar but the action netlon 0 of o the treasury department is settled by the reading of section ay favo five z of the circular 0 to o cellec collector tors of bf customs regard ing log ing the admission of goods duty free which says collector are also instructed that the privileges of the convention with hawaii and cuba apply only to goods chres wares and merchandise the growth or product ef of manufacture of the hawaiian islands sl ands section nine of the first article of the constitution says no preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce of the revenue of the ports of one state over those of any other the treaty regulations do not in any manner discriminate in favor of any special ports and further neither the treaties with spain of 1795 and 1819 provide revlie for or lefor refer to the coar commerce aaeree between spain spin and the united states and fall fail to contain even eyen the usual hackneyed se hat that all privileges shall be extended which ate permitted to the most favored nations john walter waiter the principal owner of the london times and inventor of the walter improved press aias alas jias lias arrived from england september alst is fixed upon as the day on which hellgate Hell Gate is to be blown to pieces forhy forry nive five girls and young men together with the bev rev albert miel uiel pastor of the polish catholic church were arrested and taken to the station wt last night for holding a dance in the ball of the chuc church h the place las has become so notorious as a nulia nuisance ilee tice to the neighborhood that an abatement had bad been ordered this morning all the prisoners exceed except the minister were released ot other catholic clergymen in the neighborhood have frequently denounced the hall and prohibited young people from attending CHICAGO 15 the times special correspondent with terry telegraphs under date of fort buford mouth of yellowstone via bismarck instant I 1 that the final b breaking up of terrys command occurred yesterday mot morning ning and all the droops are now en route home with tile the exception of two regiments of infantry which will winter at the mouth of tongue riv niver river r the mounted troops numbering infantry and horse and including the ath infantry and second Cay cavalry alry airy under general gibbon left for bort port ellis with a wagon train and supplies for eight days they will follow the old stanley trail frail the route is teeming with hostile ho stiles abd mile miles 4 iong long jong they may encounter a large war party in m the nig horn country they have been in the field since larch and are poorly clad for the cold weather and fierce showers which sweep over the prairies rairie sat at this season the infantry have been left at the mouth of glendive creek and aud commenced the construction 4 f u stockade thoy they will th i oember 0 alst t or later the ath have left WorlO lor r veo yeo fl 0 autom I 1 an niong along the north ban bank of the yel low stane after arriving here they will go to fort lincoln to winter the infantry will remain here gen rorry terry torry and staff arrived here this morning and will remain a few days and arid then go to st paul via bismarck by the tho all the troops will have been withdrawn from the northern country except the ath and 22 ad cavalry contain ing men A dispatch just received from gen sheridan counter countermands minds the order to winter a regiment of cavalry on the tho yellowstone which renders winter campaigning impossible and indefinitely postpones the sioux bioux terry leaves I 1 he the field having accomplished no purpose of the expedition and w with I 1 one quarter of his troops killed uy tul tui lets or exposure BOSTON 15 the two mile scull race between sanders banders of salem and johnson color colored eds edv of boston for was won easily by sanders time fourteen minutes and two seconds BOSTON 15 athe the sale eale of the 0 old oid fd south church for was perfected today to day tho the building is to be ae used strictly as a 9 au all historical historical I 1 mu museum senin 1 philadelphia 15 at the centennial grounds yesterday at one im there were over seventy three thousand paying visitors registered according to all previous experience at least fifteen thousand should have epter entered d after that hour but the rek registry astry shows only a third of that number it was however the best paying day the exhibition hibi tion has hh had id the cash receipts being oyer for the main grounds and the stock yard shows that the attendance has very largely increased with this month and it is anticipated that the next week will show even a larger return than thail this week new york day ia Is appointed for the every effort is bein being 9 made to make this one ond of the most memorable days anys orthis exhibition railways have reduced the rate of passage ton toj very low figure to accommodate lomm all who wish to take part gov tilden and staff and a number of distinguished citizens will be present and during the afternoon they will hold a reception at their state building the sensational reports concerning the bad water here and that an unusual amount of or sickness is prevailing vai rai I 1 ling log are wholly unfounded as t 1 p seas beas ihus far has been more than usually healthy wool wooi is in de demand denlid alid and gilces prices firmer and higher cala gine fine and medium IS 18 0 26 coarse IS 18 20 RED BED CLOUD AGENCY web neb 13 via sidney neb 15 today to day a committee consisting cou coD of bishop whipple and dr daniels were appointed by the indian cammi commission to go to spotted tail tall ifo ito mor row and submit the propositions to the indians of that agency on friday maj or howard and ma Hin liin i man oan ging being requested to accompany them the party is to come back und and rejoin the remainder of the commission here on saturday spotted tail tall two strike and ana ana nna the brule brute trl tri tribe e came up from the spotted tail agency yest yost yesterday erday end und are now here herb this even evening ing they counsel counrel with the red bed cloud indians regarding the pro positions and return to their agency 1 tomorrow to morrow it is reported here that spotted tall tail himself favors the proposition to go to the indian territory indications now are that a talk willbe will be had here on monday the eighteenth at which some something think definite will be arrived at as the indians of both agencies will viii by that time have fully discussed matters though the visit of the committee to spotted tall at this time timo will not do away with ith the visit of the commil commission sion slon to that agency in a body after the conclusion of the treaty here t there has ben no talk with with the indians by the commission since the first one held on the seventh day after the commissioners arrived providence B R I 1 I 1 1 IV the bleaching and dye work adams I 1 butterworth adie were burned ahls this mpr ning bosq about ance Su NEW YORK 15 there never mever was witnessed in new york a more enthusiastic gathering than assembled angll at gil mows garden tonight to night on the occasion of the presentation odthe of the riflemen to the tho victorious amerlean american team nearly people wele in attendance and heartily cheered the various teams as they entered the building gilmore arranged the musical pro gramme each piece having rome some reference lo 10 the subject of the match opening with thenan theLan the tue thelander deb march of victory arbuckle played within a mile 0 edinboro town for the scotch levy gave the lakes of killarney lon lor the 11 irish r 18 mons blons helm belm sang the stan 8 star t ar spangled banner for the americans while the apollo club rendered the canadian song of bow now row brothers lBrothers row how for the canadians tile the sons entitled am I 1 still jit the poetry and music of which was composed by capt A Blannon Blan bian non nOB of the australian rifle team was sung bye bym by 33 A stoddard iu in compliment to the composer an and d the member of his team god save he queen was performed in honor of the rifle teams from lier her lon tons at the conclusion of or the musical exercises the trophy was wat moved to the front of the platform i and general joseph D hawley in an eloquent speech which was waa frequently in interrupted by enthusiastic cheers presented it to the victors the noticeable feature of the evening was wag the enthusiasm with which even the mention of the thu irish team and its success us next to the americans was received A crowd cheered the irish and still more heartily for the american victory gen hawley also presented to twenty of the leading marksmen a medal of the united states centennial and to each of the members of the american team badges malor maor henry fulton received the trophy in the name of the american team and after complimentary allusions to the various teams by judges gildersleeve der sleeve the proceedings termine abed sioux CITY iowa 15 A party of foreign capitalists with the officers of the covington columbus busand and black hills railroad p passed am over the first thirty miles of the completed track to ponca nebraska today to day the road is three three and a half balf fool foot guage and was projected built and equipped to the present terminus since the first of march this year and is the first link of the projected road via the black hills and wid national ional park to portland oregon arrangements have been made to complete miles this year and reach the black hills in 1877 1 SwANN alim aliw AirM the yellow fever interments Inter ments were twenty E even seven over one half the colored population are depending upon the char ity fly of the whites and destitution is increasing CHICAGO 15 the infer oceans washington special says general belknap having sold his residence to gogov gov walker of virginia is now packing up his effects preparatory to leaving for bib bis old home |