Show US MARSHALS AND THEIR DEPUTIES AND MID ELECTIONS As considerable consider ablo abio interest ia is felt regarding the duties of US marshals and their deputies at the elections for U 8 office or place we here condense the principal points of attorney genera general I 1 tafts circular of instructions 1 in elections of members of the U S house of representatives and in elections of presidential president iii lil electors the U 8 marshals are the conservators conservatory conserva tors of the peace as regards registration of votes the act of voting and the personal freedom and security of the voter and must arrest bi eakers breakers of the peace 2 oa such registration and eier eler election ca days the U 8 marshalen Mar marshal shalAn in lif iii his Is district is held responsible for all breaches of the peace and for the arrest and securing of the peace breakers in matters pertaining to election and for that purpose he must be present in person or by deputy at all places of registration and election electron where there is reason to suspect the peace is threatened 3 the Blar marshals shala posse as a posse commit atus is to be embodied to enforce the law ne C essary 4 certain special deputies for these occasions can CAU only be appointed in cities of inhabitants or upward upwards and such special deputies have special duties of or attending registration and polling places as regards regarda the scrutinizing aud and verifying lists of f voters and the challen challenging inc of voters 1 in audition to the general duties of marshals and the their r general and special deputies chese particular special pecia deputies are chosen by the mar elal on the application in writing of at least two citizens 5 where local sherl ins irs can appoint an unlimited number of I 1 deputies U S marshals can also ilao 6 toe too 11 marshal arshal and each of his deputies can summon to wis bis assistance every person above fifteen years of age in his district whether such persons belong to td civil mili mill tary militia or marin marine elife ilfe life all are liable to serve in the posse pos 8 0 comitatus of the marshal or of an any y of his deputies 7 no state law or state official and consequently no territorial law or territorial official can 0 oppose p the marshal or any of his de dep P on these occasions any interference ter ference of local authority is to be disregarded ignored 8 any officer of the state or territory may be summoned for tor embodiment in the marshals or deputy mars marshals hIs bis pos pose e aby state or territorial posse summoned by the sher sheriff ift liT may become with the sheriff included part of the marsh rhalls ais als or deputy marsh aps apa posse and be obliged to so serve of the wielding of these supreme powers by united states marshals deputy marshals and special deputy marshals whom as experience has proved enjoy by no means the best reputation the question naturally arises what guarantee has the public especially those members of it who may not be fellow partisans of the mars marshals haig halg or deputy marshals against abuses of this extraordinary authority according to the revised statutes the public have guaran guarantees tees teel provided in several statutes some of which are to embodied in the following extract A sec sec see 2009 every off officer ecer ar other person having powers or duties of an official character to discharge under any of the provisions of this title who by threats or any nn un lawful means hinders delays prevents or obstructs or and confederates with others to inder hinder li delay prevent or obstruct any attly citizen from doing any act required to be done to qualify him to vote or from voting at any election in any state territory district county city parish township school district municipality or other territorial subdivision shall forfeit the buna suna of five adri dred llred dollars to th the person eppson aggrieved thereby to be recovered by an action on the case with cost costs sand hand nd such allowance for counsel fees as the court may deem dedin just j I 1 I 1 section agog provides a like fine and from one mont fito one years or r both for similar of fences section 5 provide provides ff unish hr ment in a fl fine e of to arid and imvris on anen Z w with ith or without hard labor for from M six months to io six years either or both for a conspiracy to prevent A a citizen from voting for candidates for federal place provides x punish funish merit of ii not 0 exceeding and imprisonment foi for jibb n bt more than ten years sears with ineligibility to future tu re office for conspiracy to oppress threaten hinder etc any ny citizen cluzen in the enjoyment of constitutional and legal rights so that with algir a tain fair ciary it would be a little dap dam dangerous gerotis for even U 23 marshals or their deputies to grossly exceed their duty on election day aay 7 |