Show Friday May 10 1974 Page 4 coed chosen to reign of rodeo USU by Bill Gentry for Student Life physical education and a member of the USU Rodeo was selected Rodeo Team Queen Rodeo Vicki i for the coming USU May 17 and 18 a nineteen year old native of Fielding has been showing horses for 4 to 5 years prior to attending USU chosen were Kathy First Attendent Eggleston and Claudia Kudrick Second Attendent The queen and her attendants will not only reign over the USU Rodeo but will conduct a queen’s clinic during the coming year The thirteen girls trying for queen are students at USU and members of the USU Rodeo Club The contestant’s homes Also u1i H v V v - California to Wyoming “Thirteen is the highest number of girls ever to try out for USU’s Queen contest in its history” stated Patricia Ann Crowther last year’s queen horsemanship the girls were to run a predetermine pattern and then change horses with another contestant and ride the other contestant’s horse in the same pattern The new queen will compete horsemanship abilities at the Cache County Fairgrounds During the segment required from apwhile students proximately only 15 plots were available support 100 These 20’ by 20’ plots were assigned to the first 15 people who applied for the spaces Ralph Walker former Executive Vice President has im tftSfli y' t I ' s ftvSh s ' 'fr ' ' ' placed Photo by Bront Horkor is returned as an extra MAGAZINE rip offs have caused library directors to take precaution Peterson says that this is precautionary measures a problem that occurs nation wide and that other taken to see if the costs from $35 to $50 to reuniversities across the magazines are still being copy the pages The greatest loss is the country are already using torn up It is still too early to tell how effective the $2000 to $4000 amount that this program is but it is a good is spent in replacing entire lhe Donor hund a program pubiic relations system for issues that are ruined that in the National College Rodeo Queen contest in Bozeman Mont and as well as reigning over the three performances Of the USU Rodeo'May 17 and 18 provides 6000 Approximately journals are taken or ijkrary money to make copies has students and faculty are beei? mrruffeCtufor lKree guilty of destroying the weeks Additional garden plots available at small cost drawn and will have to give their activity cards to the attendant in exchange for a magazine The magazine would be checked when it program The Garden plots program organized earlier this year has 'm library are still getting ripped off and there is a behind a counter like the reserve section Students Vicki Leavitt May 7 with a luncheon for all the contestants At the luncheon the contestants were judged on their appearance and personality then at 4:30 the contestants were on their The magazines in the students range throughout the intermountain area from Judging started at 12:30 on " possibility that there will be a new program next year to prevent this Max Peterson Associate Director of Library Services said the program will be less convenient for the students but it is a necessary measure to prevent the destruction of the magazines The current periodical section will be closed to the Vicki Leavitt a freshman in plannee check-ou- t New periodical arranged with a Logan citizen to make available 20 acres of his land not currently being now used at a small cost The cost of 2y2 cents per square foot of land will cover costs of the plowing and fertilizing which already been done and for irrigation through the summer destroyed magazines Between 700 stressed that tht real loss approximately 67 copies and 1000 pages were is to the students who lose made and 60 of them have rjpped out as year and it the use of the information better than the 50 percent reutm that was originally Mini-stud- y hoped for at “lielrio recent survey has been Mothers Day Sunday May 12th says progressive government more efficient by Bill Allen for Student Life said a community in Southern California Simi Valley has gone to a very progressive and efficient new form of local government “This new form is called ‘flat’ because of the flat distribution of power” Ms Bennion said “Each department in the city has the power to make decisions concerning itself thereby reducing red tape and cost to the tax- “The government of Logan city and Cache County is inefficient concerned mainly with the utility services and not sensitive to the needs of the people” Ms lone Bennion chairwoman of the League of Women Voters’ mini- study committee said Wed- nesday The mini-stud- y committee is concerned with the study of municipal and county governments throughout the country Ms Bennion former dean of women students at USU said Mori would love “The national emphasis and trends of local government are moving away from the utilities and ’of the resources and needs of this world toward-vtre-id- famous 70’s-hu- ea the people” While Logan retains the fragrance three-memb- N’5 Let her know how CHANEL much she is appreciated with a perfume she will readily recognize as the finest anywhere man old-fashion- ed com- er mission and major system she payer” “It is doubtful that Logan could or would convert to the Simi Valley - system -- 1974-7- 5 school year DALTON APARTMENTS ft ft ft ft No increase in rates Free rent scholorship every quarter Free shuttle bus to and from the campus Free shuttle bus on Saturdays Winter Quarter to Beaver Mountain ft Completely Furnished: ind dishwashers garbage disposal fire places completely carpeted ft Laundry facilities storage lockers sewing room with machines and cutting tables OPEN FOR INSPECTION E 9th North (V block from Spectrum) NEED MORE INFORMATION? CLOTHES mUi FOR fs rth Mirth lo am on-- ) fo 7 Scond pm but Free parking Eon-lo- gin Friday Night rtii 9 J'’reC Free mailWrapping wrapping com- munication could be improved considerably” Ms Bennion said As it stands now she said Logan citizens find it next to impossible to get people in the government to listen to them Ms Bennion said if an office for complaints were opened and more representatives were added to the city council things might be done more quickly and Now taking applications for the 745 Hiiilllh Peterson CALI 752-687- 4 IT |