Show 1 Friday Sept 27 Utah State Page 19 t University Lutheran Student President Elected LAKE FOREST 111 (UPI) — Gregory J Shaffer of Nutley NJ a senior at Amherst College has been elected president the Lutheran Student Association of America Shaffer 21 had been administrative director of the association during the past year as well as its editorial associate on Lutheran Forum magazine of Back from a successful sum-me- r at Sun Valley USU’s Young timers 20 bright and lively boys and girls are ready to start a new season THE YOUNGTIMERS were or ganized three years ago as part of USU’s Entertainment Bureau They perform at various USU functions and entertain at high schools in Utah Idaho and Ne vada This past summer the group became professional performing at the Valley Music Hall in Salt Lake and all summer at Sun Valley Idaho The Youngtimers consist of 16 singers and a four piece combo Ages of the performers range from 19 to 25 Saturday the Youngtimers will perform at freshman orientation They will travel to Ricks Col lege in Idaho in November and will perform Dec 13 and 14 at the Valley Music Hall FALL Beautiful Falls House SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)— A shapely solution to the problems of a city lot may be found in the construction of a house It can provide an attractive atrium or turned around a pleasant court looking out to the garden U-sha- SALE $1995 and tip Ringlets and Bangs made to order — All phases of wiggery done by experts Bring in those nnnsed wigs and hairpieces Let us cut color or add hair — Fit and tyle them for you Closeout sale on discontinued lines wiglets cascades wigs — Supply limited Special Early Bird Frosts Permanent Wave Specials Mon-Tues-W- Tiny Gland Target for Research Team HELEN'S DOORWAY TO BEAUTY Hair Fashion & Yig Salon 565 No Main Logan Utah 84321 Dial SK 52 A Utah State University re search team is studying thefunc to believe radiation removes the action of melatonin tion of a tiny gland found in the braking understand how “Once we head of man and other mam radiation causes its damage then mals in relation to radiation dam therapeutic measures can be de age and cancer to reverse the damage Dr LeGrande C Ellis as signed and perhaps save the human race sociate professor of zoology at in the event of atomic t USU leads the research pro warfare" Dr Ellis suggested gram The university has re cently received a grant of $23 ooo from the US Atomic En He explained that men might to aid the re receive excessive exposure to Commission ergy search This is the third year radiation from atomic warfare that the AEC has supported Dr exposure to cosmic radiation durEllis’ work on the effects of rad ing space flights accidental ex iatlon on male reproduction posure in Industry where nuclear In addition the Cache Valley devices are used or from medi United Fund has supported the cal applications research The current year’s grant from United Fund was used to pay for a special surgical Dr Ellis recently returned instrument used in the research from Nashville Tenn where he program which was fabricated presented a paper on his work for Dr Ellis by USU’s Technical at the first annual meeting and Services division symposium on male reproduction The research team is study for the Society for the Study of ing the pineal gland which in Reproduction During the past rats is about the size of the year he has written chapters for two books of International scope point of a pencil The instru ment a tiny circular saw pow to explain his work to the medi ered by a modified dental drill cal profession students and re Is used in removing a part of searchers a rat's skull cap to facilitate study of the tiny gland It is estimated that the pi Currently assisting him in the neal gland in a rat produces each study are Dr Mario T Baptis fel MD a day about 11000th of its weight ta now Venezuela study low from of a substance called melatonin Melatonin Is a protective agent ing for a PhD degree at USU Mrs Ardell Fox research tech against radiation is an anti cancer agent and is important in nician Delon Barfuss graduate student G Robert Tait research determining when sexual develop ment occurs in humans and ani assistant Carl Perrin graduate mals research assistant and Robert Melatonin is one of the most Ripplinger technical assistant potent inhibitors of production of special hormones called and rogens These androgens can en hance of tumors formation and they can also silence pro gressively growing dependent tu mors or activate latent cancer This Is all-ou- post-doctor- cells Changes in androgen levels are known to have a close relation ship to the high incidence ol prostatic cancer In men over 50 The pineal gland’s produc tion of melatonin can then af fact the hormone balance and susceptibility to cancer It may also act directly to Inhibit growths of cancer cells Dr Ellis arid his are studying various aspects of this problem Androgen increases occur one day after experimental animals are exposed to radiation Their study causes the researchers al For You WELCOME BACK AGGIES ORGANIZATIONS having desks in the Activity Center are asked to contact LeRoy Dennis Union 326A for clubs and or to be officially ganizations a list of all officers advisors and members must be submitted to LeRoy Dennis Union IN ORDER 326-- By Oct 15 LDSSA will hold its opening social In the old Stake Center Saturday at 8:30 pm NAVAL AVIATION Information team will be on campus Oct 710 in the Union basement They will explain Naval Aviation of fleer programs HOCKEY PLAYERS are invited to participate in an amateur hock ey program in Salt Lake City Write Richard Lucy 2201 East Gregson Ave Salt Lake City for Information ALL BEAR RIVER High School Alumni are Invited to Home coming Oct 3 HELLO AGAIN Bronze brown —mellow and masculine — is the foot- Sophs Jrs Sr s WELCOME Frosh All Skiers Are Invited To: Pat Preston’s ALPIN VALLEY Shop 4th N — Parking in rear SKIING & SAILING SPECIALISTS 1 1 wear color to go with the season’s new brown and tan clothes The classic wingtip style here made with typical Jarman skill and care is a handsome example And we have other Jarman styles made of Bronze Brown leather Come in and augment your wardrobe with a pair EVEN’S E 69 No Main |