Show the season than the 4r IPUP Air National Guard Band oncer The California Air National Guard Band will present a con cert on campus Monday August 19 at 8 pm in the Amphitheater As Air National Guardsmen the Band members are all civil lans except during one weekend per month when they attend meet lngs to rehearse to pet form for military or civic events Once each year ui the summer they spent two weeks perfoi tiling in active duty status at vanous militaiy bases throughout the US This 36 piece coace-- t ana marching band is becoming tncic and more in demand foi appear ances everywhere The band lias made several peifoi mances at the California State Fair in the Los Angeles Fair in Pomona Dls County the Hollywood Bowl neyland Walt Disney Studios' UCLA USC the Seafair in Seattle and at the following air bases: McClellan McChord Travis March Mather Edwards Elmendorf and Eial Gets Gifts Grants USU Gifts grants and research con totaling nearly SI 5 mil lion were accepted by the Itah State University Board of Trus tees recently Dr Glen L Tag gart USU president announced tracts President Taggart called attention to the funds coming to the university from federal and private sources in noting the assistance the university re ceives from these sources for Buffet - Dance its lesearch programs For every dollar appropriated by the State Legislature for fi nancing of the educational program at Utah State University another dollar is generated in private and government grants he pointed out The bummer LDb t Association is plan-mna Buffet and Dame Saturday August I" at the Beaser Mountain b k i Lodge According to L1)S SA bummer Social ( hair man Darlene Taylor tickets are priced at 52 on ptr couple and may he obtained from either her or Jane Bradshaw btu-den- University research progiams provide educational experiences that cannot be achieved in any other way extend the boundaiies of knowledge and at the same tune bring distinct economic ad vantages Dr Taggart said camping dates set aug 89-1- STUDENT LIIE STA1F tditor-in-Chie- f Pat I wood Tony Arnonc Photographer Iarry Owens Circulation Tony Arnonc Advisor Mai Ian Nelson Correspondent Karen Bush bteve Baugh Tony Arnune Reporters Peggy Patrick ( hns I aeer J Platt Offices in room 315 Union Building Phone ‘5’ tint) Extensions 534 and 535 Published weekly during bummei Quarter Entered as second class matter Business Manager 16 Attend allow dietitians to update nutn tlon work Dr Wilcox said The course was a discussion Nutrition Meet work 1 E Set Aug Five Card Stud with Dean Martin Robert Mitchum The every Monday is Sand Box OF SUMMER FRIDAY AUG 16 THE MUSIC S SPECIAL MAN 50 Camping foi Handicapped Child a geneial physiral edma-tloteacher tiaiium prouam a dapted to the mentally ictaided student opened leienlly ai L tali State University Di Devoe C Hickei t assist ant professoi of spei ial educa tlon at U'SU is chatiman of the course and Ernest Davis physi cal education lnstiuuot for hand l sapped cluldien St Paul Mum is leadt r Lois Downs USU associate pi ofessor of health physical education and iecrea tlon is a ( onsuliant 7 lie three ciedit ioui se which 1C com hides AU is desired foi students prepaitn to tiach mentally letaided pel sons Dr Hickei t encourag'd scout and church tioup lead rs who are interested In the ionise to sign up by Aug a in the USU De partment of Spec lal Education Persons enrolled in the comse made pr elnn mai y camp plans and received teacher training !n TO BE GIVEN AWAY len classes 39 Aug Aug 9 STUDENT CLASSIFIED ADS )ne wo limes - 25i hoc 3(c per line per issue — All Add I I imes - 20i per line per issue i line) per issue (5 user age yoi Sign MU artliv lor presi Notice: Inst imatii cnnera dent clnblrcr petition lues Weil lost pictures of or I huoii in r sc lay in cannot replicc basement I I a m anil send I dm R 315 pm Anyone desiring to Bldg KIWK1 emulate petition please yall 752 0 32 i I 85 1 I Nosy cpiarter 9 the it for apts N b Wanted fall boys N I 2 roommates I all male - share big house SD ? others 752 1) 752-27- 3 adults and 13 participating child rc-set up camp m Green Can seven miles northeast of yon Loan and will remain through Aug 1 'ir Inn NION Bl II DINti ROOM - 315 P O Bos 1262 Deadline: Wednesday before publication All ads must be paid bclore publication 16 Tickets Now Available lor All Performances And at Opera House at Showtime Ever Tues Wed Every Frl & Sat at 8 I 10 p m Thins at 8 p m ednesday KCPX CONCERTS Shows ot 7:00 4 9:30 PM 2 DANCE -- Ogden Standard $400 Per Person Ml SAT Tomorrow N Wed TVy dime days Presents JEFFERSON AIRPLANE "HOI OFHJITOir perfect summer evenings entertainment' Us a Show to see -- Deseret News'" AUG HERMAN'S HERMITS III PIOPLE IN CONCERT AT 7:00 & 'I $350tx Rrvd & 9:30 $400 Per Pers0"n tt on ml ot Th T iinw rxVv I 24 KNAK Presents KSL Graduate family night SHOW LAST always the best in enlci limmcnt 2:00 pm till Closing Bring the Kidd ips: Ferris Wheel Train RcJe MOVIE NIGHT CteiDQaaLl ON MOST ALL RIDES Coming Soon UB in gift certificates OnStage at the OPE! PLAYING SPECIAL 9-- 16 Well worth seeing NOW nstatement can be achieved ©SBBGllD estual with library pioyed by the American Diete tics Association where rei- ui A 303 N Main wotkshop “This was the first time the workshop lias been held at USU and the Interest has beengreat’’ Dr Wilcox said She pointed wit that the USU workshop is one of the few in the country ap a Mums iwithonos CACHE Drive-I- n lecture Sixteen women from Montana Colorado New Mexico Idaho and Utah participated in a twoweek Nutrition Workshop at Utah State Unlver sity recently The three credit course opened July 29 and concluded last week Dr ithelwyn B Wilcox head the E'ood and Nutrition Depart son as well as seyeral ANG of mem at USU was chairman of bases In the Western US the workshop Dr Marjorie M Christiansen adjunct professor In 1967 the 662 Band expei l at the enced a successful field tiain University uf Albuquer ills encampment In the state of que was the workshop leader W llcox said Dr Alaska where they played foi a college teach TV show paiades conceits ami eis personnel front Utah school dances In the Anchorage and lunch program office practicing Fanbanks area They also had the dietitians and persons who are opportunity of playing a concert w oi king foi reinstatement in the Amencan Dietetics Association for 320 Lskimos In uambell pat tu ipated (located on the St Law Pm pose of the workshop was l em e Island) the Westernmost to piovide an over all graduate town in the I tilled States com se in advanced nutrition to Their 17 piece dance band has also made many jazz conceit w III k i llli and dance appeal antes ami lias At I ION is been bi ought back to be the fea hired urbanization at the Annual Lon Beaili St ite Colieee Jazz Camping Dates LDSSA Plan I about things as this) that the Vice people from the housing lists who n SQWK -- Sweet Shop - Gaslight Restaurant General Store - S Sin & — with |